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Posts posted by LoverboyBin

  1. Hi guys! CLOY freaking broke me haha. So my sister and I were looking at the instagram of some famous korean actresses. So naturally, the CLOY/BinJin trash that I am said that we look at SYJ instagram posts. Yo I was freaking laughing and crying at the same time (mostly crying hahah) when I showed her the Christmas post of BinJin because I was explaining why I believe that they are together. And then when we checked out the 6 BinJin TN posts, I said to her that her other posts of her costars were only one or two etc. Then the next incident just happened today because my family was talking about CLOY, I almost cried (tears of joy). I really don’t know what is happening to me HAHAHAH. It has been 2 months since CLOY ended and it still has an effect on all of us. 

    Anyway, I am glad that SYJ is resting these days even with only few updates. I believe she will share to all of us (marriage ehem) via an IG post when she is ready. We don’t know when will that be but we should be ready. I’m pretty sure any project that HB and SYJ will do next separately will receive so much support. :wub:


    Btw, IMHO i know all of us are excited about updates, but we should be responsible shippers and not comment on yejin’s comment on her friends’ ig post. Yeah probably they don’t care of it, but it probably bothers the actual poster. Some comments are even about Hyun Bin


    She liked LJH’s post here


    She commented at the last 2 posts



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  2. 1 hour ago, nightskye said:

    The golfing rumour has always been somewhat sketchy to me since it’s highly, highly unlikely that they would go somewhere public in Korea - and meet with parents nonetheless - while they had denied dating already. Plus, the pics are so vague? There is no clear indication of physical features or clothing or any concrete evidence that those figures were actually them. I honestly just think someone hopped onto the fact that HB is an avid golfer and created a situation with obscure photos to validate the dating rumours. They clearly didn’t do enough research though, LOL, since nothing in the scenario fits either of their personalities or their situation back then.

    Hmm I’m also actually skeptical of the golfing rumor as well, but the fact that they both play golf made me think otherwise. I noticed as well the tan of both of them where they looked good btw. Do note that golf courses are usually very private because you would need a membership to play (not all though) and it’s an expensive sport. I’m assuming as well that if ever they played together, they would go to a private place far flung from Seoul probably a course where usually celebrities/chaebols are? Anyway, it’s up to us whether to believe it or not. :) 

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  3. I tried TRX before and girl it was so difficult. The fact that SYJ has been not only doing it for 10 years, but she’s also a certified instructor just shows how amazing she is. Also, knowing HB who probably regularly goes to the gym, I really want to see him lifting some weights. HAHAH. I am now at the point of my fangirling for these two wherein I would really like to send them a food cart (Despite it being expensive) if ever they have a new project. I wonder what SYJ is doing right now. She said that after a drama she often travels, but since COVID happened she is unable to do so. I hope they are spending extra quality time together before HB’s filming starts. :sweatingbullets:

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  4. 1 hour ago, PrettyNoona said:



    Thanks for sharing.


    Food for thought: what is your video/photo/interview that make you guys ship BinJin? 


    With me it was the BTS’s hospital scene where SYJ holding HB’s head and playing with his hair, also her refusing to let HB kiss gesture and HB’s reaction afterward. That was the moment I thought OMO, they are more than close friends. :)

    I have shipped them ever since I heard about the grocery incident last Jan 2019 and I saw the pictures. I was so curious, I had to check youtube to watch their TN promos and wow i thought they really look good together. I was really shocked about this because I didn’t expect for them to be together (i did not know of TN, only SITR and MOTA/SG). I hadn’t thought of them after until CLOY. Now, CLOY has ruined me, specifically BINJIN has ruined me. :wub::D

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  5. 2 hours ago, Helena said:

     Q: Did you meet occasionally after shooting?

    SYJ: Did not. Filming was only around a month and a half, relatively short. We shot on the set, there wasn’t any weather change related issue (causing delay) so a short period of shooting was possible. After this (1.5 month) short filming duration, met during audio post recording, also met once when I shot TV drama (‘Pretty Noona’). Before these promotions, we haven’t met for a while.



    I’m pretty sure before filming, they were attracted (not in a romantic way) to each other. I know HB was in a relationship with someone, but probably he thought, wow she’s even more beautiful in person like everyone else whenever they see SYJ. As for SYJ, with all those TN promo hints like he has good hair etc, she may have found a happy crush in HB. And they were both impressed with each other’s acting. They became friends during the drinking sesh with the PDnim. Then the first days of promos happened, boom flirting, teasing, getting to know, etc. :wub: then next thing we know, “meet you in LA”. Then golf then #Ingrocerywetrust. Lastly, hello CLOY where we can finally work together in a romcom! 

    I was watching a certain kdrama about a lawyer and celeb wherein they were watching the first episode of her drama. I wonder if SYJ and HB watched it together? And they can give feedbacks about what to improve, comment how they really look good together, probably throw in some bickering and teasing in bet scenes, and be impressed with their acting. OR they were not able to watch, since they were busy filming still? OR they watched together with the cast and crew? Going delulu shoppers hahaha. 

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  6. I noticed at the presscon before the intro of SYJ that when she was trying to turn on the mic, she was like asking help from HB but at the same time not looking at him (not to make it too obvious). HB as well was like being his usual attentive self to his girl. They were probably like this a few days before presscon, “Okay Binssi, we have talked about this before, but we should not make things obvious. Don’t look at me with your loving eyes. They will ask about our dating rumors so let’s not be swayed by it. Let’s pretend that we’re not that close, babe. We are actors, we can do this!” Then KakaoTalk interview happened after and they’re back to their usual self (not too obvious, but still obvious) :lol::lol:


    I think SYJ said “WHAT!?” In Korean when she was about to hit HB during the presscon. In public they are really cautious about it. She realized her mistake and did not continue hitting him. :lol: But in the BTS/TN promos, she hits HB playfully all the time. 

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  7. 63-C4-EA3-A-2-D69-4889-B985-A6-ABA6-AB34I’m pretty sure the cast and crew were all thinking of the same thing. ^^^ :lol: But of course, they respect them as actors. They wouldn’t expose them and probably those kind of things like dating, scandal, etc are not new to them. It’s their responsibility as colleagues to respect their decision and keep things private. 

    @TotoroSY I checked mediheal’s ig and it’s not new. There’s another post with hb with the same pose. I think they just promoted the sale because hb is the endorser (which is effective btw haha)

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  8. 1 hour ago, PrettyNoona said:

    Number ONE on the list of all shippers is this TN director  - we are just the following numbers. He is the Cupid.  :blush:

    I feel like the LJK (TN Director) was like the OG shipper, and then followed by their friends, all the interviewers of TN. After TN, basically almost everyone was now on board. I also feel like the CLOY director was like a low-key shipper, esp since he worked closely with them and saw their close relationship. I am pretty sure everyone will be ecstatic when they announce their marriage. :blush:


    @sussieh Finally, V@st is giving us updates which I'm thankful for. He looks thinner though, but still healthy of course. I was expecting SYJ will just appear anytime in the video hehehe but it's a photoshoot. :joy:


    @Wol-sook We can't really say that one's role is a piece of cake for them though. I feel like every role of actors has some degree of difficulty. Like of SYJ, her role of YSR required almost every emotion which also may need to transition in a split second to another emotion which also applied for LJH. Anyway, they still both did a great job for their roles. Their chemistry really contributed greatly to the success of their show. :heart:

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  9. I just noticed that SYJ's IG post was posted exactly one month after the finale of CLOY. I was probably too excited of her post without noticing it. Maybe, she told herself to post it a month after and the orange lemon plant just happened to be the perfect thing to post because it also coincided with White Day. 


    They are so near each other compared to their prev TN promos. ;_; And I also noticed that they only like spend a short time per stage greeting, so probably they spend most of the time in the bus or doing interviews. HB was probably courting SYJ already by this time or were probably together for like a few months already. 



    Here's a cute Binnie. I can just imagine the 1st birthday party of their 1st child and him trying to grab the balloons. And SYJ would entertain the guest and take care of the whole party. HB also being cordial to everybody as well while taking care of their child. My delulu mind is at works HAHA :wub:

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  10. 1 hour ago, Dinajasmin said:

    Sorry for my ignorance. Their pic 'hands under the table' was it a fake or editted photo? 

    I saw an IG post on the zoomed image which does appear that his right hand was holding her hand...or was it a fake? 

    Of course it didnt make sense for both of them to be doing that while shooting a scene. 

    It's not edited, however the media blown up the rumor that they were holding hands. V@st already denied the holding hands thing because they would seem unprofessional which is a big NO-NO for K-industry, so if you ever see it on IG pls report it cause we don't want another denial from them. :(

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  11. @eLizza I legit cannot finish any CLOY OST song right now because I really get emotional like I remember which scene was this when it was played. I am too invested in CLOY. Anyway, I still like all of them just because it reminds me of BinJin/CLOY. 

    I must say the drought is very real. Just hearing new news about them like the CF/IG post makes me really excited. I wonder when and what project will SYJ have this year. Plus with all the things happening this year that some people wish that 2020 would just restart, I’m really glad CLOY/BinJin came to my life. I only know SYJ since SITR, while HB from MOTA/SG, but now I’m happy that I get to discover more Korean movies through them because I usually just watch Kdramas. But I still cannot finish SITR because I am remembering HB now. :wub:

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  12. I really wouldn’t think too much of the fortune tellings or horoscopes. It told me before that I would already have a bf, but i’m still single. HAHAHHA Anyway, here’s some happy repost that all of you would not mind seeing again :lol: seeing their clips really makes me happy even though i see it every day. My sister even said to me while reading the forum, “You’re like that every night” in an exasperated tone. I’m going delulu over them constantly praying that they would just get married (but without any pressure of course). And I cannot seem to listen to the OST because I really get emotional over them. I become like Jinnie “staring blankly ahead” whenever i hear it and remember the scenes. 

    I wish only for happy vibes in this forum. Love you all! :D

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  13. I agree with you @TotoroSY!


    I noticed, however, that not all the drama/actor/actress that were popular that year won. So I wouldn’t count only on popularity, but since their acting was superb in this drama, they have a good chance of winning either of the categories. This also considering the fact that they are both A listers. 

    About IC, I was really impressed with PSJ. He has definitely improved as an actor. Anyway, I still believe that HB has a chance of winning. CLOY and IC might battle out for the best drama though (although i haven’t watched possible nominated dramas), since it was excellent for their respective categories (romance for cloy, revenge etc for ic). SYJ is amazing in whatever acting she does, so she still has a fighting chance. That long list of Baeksang Awards proves it much. 

    I wish to see them in the red carpet soon. I’m not sure about HB since he might have a filming schedule that time? Let’s pray that this award show will push thru and the covid pandemic will end. 


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  14. 2 hours ago, groceryshopper said:

    So, I've been rewatching @bpwinces! FMV, and at 09:30-09:35, can somebody pls confirm what am seeing. Did YJ turn her head towards HB and he in turn faced her so that they were basically cheek to cheek? I saw an old clip of this and the way the poster described it was that YJ was hiding her face behind HB because she was shy of the cast and crew's reaction to the kissing scene. However, while rewatching it (for so many times), I really think that when she turned towards him, he also face him (and I swear even if it was so dark, I can see HB's gentle smile there!) and leaned towards her. OMG! I am soo giddy again! :love:  


    I noticed this too! Was this the same video because I feel like I am now seeing it in a new light. 

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  15. @liltash85 Girl, I agree with you. And the fact that besides tagging yejin on their IG posts, they are also commenting on the picture whether or not its HB. The Korean media might see those posts which would cause another rumor then lead to them denying it all over again. I know the drought is REAL, but I feel like fans should be responsible shippers. 

    PS I don’t really see any silhouette in the picture, it’s too grainy. So please V4ST no denial pls. Hehe

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  16. 15 minutes ago, Yanny62 said:


    Their hands keep meeting..wonder if those were intentional or accidents or are we all having delulu minds lol :lol::lol::lol: I see HB's hand on SYJ and then SYJ tried to move her hand downward at 0:56-0:59. And then SYJ hand was on HB at 1:22 and then she moved it away lol. And then at 2:37 he wanted to put his hand on SYJ's shoulder instead of the student. I guess he is shy to have skinship with these girls and ladies and rather place his hands on SYJ's back /shoulder /hand lololol

    Maybe intentional but she didn't want to make it too obvious? That level of comfort and skinship though. I am so happy for them. I really hope they make it through the end and not be pressured with media and all. :wub:


    I feel like HB and SYJ are really nice people to everyone including their fans. I am glad that I entered this ship and I became a fan of them both. I keep crying on SYJ's movies. :sweatingbullets:

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