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Posts posted by SilverDawn

  1. What is the added value of performing naked? Why can't performers just keep their clothes on? It's like anything goes in Eurovision. Never watched before but I believe I've seen every kind of weird now. 


    Can't really follow what Lasagna boy is singing about but the song is quite catchy. And he's dressed! That's a plus! :D



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  2. 13 minutes ago, partyon said:


    Noooo.... You need to watch Croatia before you go! They're coming up soon! It's now Switzerland, then Slovenia, and then Croatia!




    Does he keep his pants on?




    • LOL 2
  3. 13 minutes ago, partyon said:


    I have to get up really early tomorrow, so am planning on only watching the performances tonight and skipping the rest. The part where we wait for the votes to come in and for them to give out the votes takes about 2-3 hours. It's seriously so annoying. Wish they would stop countries individually revealing who got their votes. Just show them electronically and let's get on with it. Also skip the juries.




    Thank goodness it's Finland's turn after this. :coolshades:

    We need to party!





    It takes that long?! Nope I can't... I am going to tune into Legend of Shen Li. :lol:

    Good luck tomorrow morning! I find it harder every passing year to get up early after a late night. I'm getting oooold.


    Finland is a NOOOO for me. Is someone missing his pants? what the...?:huh:




    • LOL 3
  4. 14 minutes ago, partyon said:


    Omo! You didn't listen to Croatia and Finland? :scream:


    You're in for a treat.



    Nope...heard alot about those two entries. I'll try to watch till the end today. :D 



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  5. 14 minutes ago, partyon said:




    You'll see a lot of snooze songs tonight too.




    I know...I've seen some entries a couple of days ago... :lol:


    I liked the songs of the Netherlands, France, Israel and Norway. 

    Heard Switzerland is very popular...is that the man wearing a skirt on a circling platform? 



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  6. On 3/30/2023 at 11:48 PM, MayanEcho said:



    Here's one of the possible Lian Song

    What do you think, does he look like a playboy prince and water God?


    Hmmm, i'm not seeing it... maybe when he's in character and in costume i'll change my mind. I haven't seen anything he's in either. 



    On 3/30/2023 at 11:48 PM, MayanEcho said:


    LOL, aren't these two quite alike too in many ways? 


    True lol... but weird doesn't work for him in the way it works for DH... he knows he's weird but doesn't care. He can offord not to care but even if he didn't, he still wouldn't care that's just Dong Hua. :P 

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