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Posts posted by StillIRise

  1. Sorry for the double post with @sharluvsenergy

    As I had already done my translation I will still post my translation here. The naver article that I am translating from is here:



    Title- Ri Jung Hyuk’s “determined” character is the reason why Hyun Bin is attracted to the character.


    Hyun Bin revealed the reason for playing Ri Jung Hyuk in "Crash Landing on You".


    The tvN new weekend drama "Crash Landing on You", which will premiere at 9:00pm on December 14th is a love story between chaebol heiress Yoon SeRi who was blown by a “whirlwind” to North Korea one day due to a paragliding accident, and Ri Jung Hyuk who conceals her.


    In the drama, Hyun Bin plays North Korean Special Officer Ri Jung Hyuk who not only is outstanding in terms of abilities, he also has an exceptional appearance. Through Crash Landing on You, Hyun Bin will portray this “perfect” elite officer through the back story of the “hiding” and his emotions in the relationship.  As an “almost perfect” person with outstanding abilities who is thorough when it comes to executing his official business, he will show the process of change after encountering the female chaebol. 


     Hyun Bin said, “It is a fact that Ri Jung Hyuk’s outstanding credentials makes him close to perfection. But rather than him being a “perfect” character, I’d describe him as a “determined/resolute” character. Then he added, "Although Ri Jung Hyuk appears cold and hard/tough on the exterior as a result of his “determined” character, in the presence of his subjects/followers and people who believe in him like SeRi, he is warm and tender-hearted. I think you should be able to feel this contrast of charming qualities in this respect." Through this description, Hyun Bin shows his love for his character who will display an unexpected contrasting charms.


    Ri Jung Hyuk’s character is a principled man with a cold leadership style.  In the released still cuts, Hyun Bin exudes a unique aura with a signature expression, and at the same time, also shows a warm smile that is full of human touch, thus showing that he has integrated the various aspects and transformed into the character Ri Jung Hyuk.


    The similarity between Hyun Bin and the Korean military officer Ri Jung Hyuk is extremely high, signaling the birth of another person in Hyun Bin’s acting life which you can see for yourself from 14 December.

    As the released pics are not of high quality I have taken the pics posted by hyunbinluv on Instagram. Pics solely fr and cr hyunnbinluv on IG.








    Hyun Bin Shares What Draws Him To His Character In “Crash Landing On You”


    Hyun Bin Shares What Draws Him To His Character In “Crash Landing On You”


    Hyun Bin opened up about what drew him to his character in tvN’s new weekend drama “Crash Landing on You.”

    “Crash Landing on You” will tell the story of Yoon Se Ri (Son Ye Jin), a wealthy South Korean heiress who is forced to make an emergency landing in North Korea during a paragliding trip due to unexpected high winds. There, she meets North Korean officer Ri Jung Hyuk (Hyun Bin), who falls in love with her while hiding her and trying to protect her.

    Hyun Bin will play the role of Ri Jung Hyuk, an officer who is not only very skilled at his job, but handsome as well. He will take on the character who is close to a perfectionist, but is also hiding a softer side to him. Ri Jung Hyuk will undergo changes when he meets the heiress from South Korea, and Hyun Bin is ready to steal hearts through the story.



    When asked why he liked his character, Hyun Bin said, “Ri Jung Hyuk is close to perfect with all of his credentials. But a more fitting word for him than ‘perfect’ is ‘firm.'” He went on to say, “Though he can be very firm and resolute, he does get softer around the edges around the people who trust him like Yoon Se Ri or the people working under him. I think people will be able to enjoy contrasting charms in those moments.”

    Ri Jung Hyuk is a cold and charismatic individual who likes to stick to the rules. The photos show how Hyun Bin is able to portray both a cynical expression and a warmer aura.

    “Crash Landing on You” is set to premiere on December 14 at 9 p.m. KST.

    Source (1)

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  2. Dramamilk did a review of Hyun Bin’s romantic dramas. The link is here and I have reproduced the content as well. Enjoy! My favorite romance drama of his is also My Name is Kim Sam Soon, followed by Secret Garden though I first got to know him through Secret Garden.  And I like Worlds Within. It is a very realistic drama and his character Ji-oh sunbae is a very relatable character. In my opinion, Hyde, Jekyll and Me is still watchable as he is  the most handsome as his character Robin in it (to me).


    5 Romantic Korean Dramas to Watch With Hyun Bin (and 3 to Avoid)

    VNovember 14, 2019

    Hyun Bin’s newest romance, Crash Landing on You is right around the corner so we looked up Hyun Bin’s Korean drama repertoire and realized that he is quite the romantic genre magnet. Almost every Korean drama he has been in has been a romance (I will section off Memories of the Alhambra because I consider that more as a fantasy with a romance added to it).

    On this list we have a woman trying to find her family and finding love (Ireland), a noona baker and a cheeky billionaire falling in love (My Lovely Sam Soon), a mathematician boxer and his lover (Snow Queen), two drama crew members falling in love (Worlds Within), an ambitious gangster movie remake (Friend, Our Legend), body swap hijinks (Secret garden), same body hijinks (Hyde, Jekyll, Me), and an augmented reality game from hell (Memories of the Alhambra).



    Hyun Bin in his first big role as a second lead! Consequently, his last second lead role as he went straight to lead man status after this with My Lovely Sam Soon(also known as My Name is Kim Sam Soon). 

    Ireland is about a Korean-Irish woman who was adopted to Ireland as a baby. She goes back to Korea to find her family. So lots of old school heart tugging in this show with second-hand embarrassing clothing and hair thrown in. 

    In all actuality, this show is so old that it might be a pain to sit through. I watched it way back in 2009 or 2010, so it wasn’t too old back then, but even so, it still feltold. It felt so old that it may as well have been classified as a historical. So imagine what it would feel like now! 

    I am also not sure if I finished this drama. For that reason I will have to say this one is a pass unless you are an avid Hyun Bin fan. Then definitely watch to see him get his second lead heart broken; it’s the only time you can see it!

    Verdict: Pass unless you love Hyun Bin

    My Lovely Sam Soon

    The biggest hit show of the decade quit possibly. I think this drama was so popular that everyone on the cast got invited to the Blue House to meet the president, seriously. 

    My Lovely Sam Soon is a noona romance that was touted as Korea’s version of Bridget Jones Diary when it came out and was so popular that it was insane. I am not joking, it got 51.5% ratings for the finale which means that literally half of Korea was watching this show! 

    And I can understand why because I was absolutely taken with it when I started watching it back in 2009 or 2010. I was obsessed and thought this drama was the best thing ever. I think I rewatched it 3 or 4 times all the way through? Maybe more than that, I loved it that much.

    I think this TV show suffers from the same issues that Ireland does, in that it will feel like a historical drama of 2005, but the story was so great and the music and show itself are so fun that I say it is a definite watch. 

    I don’t even think this show had the second half pain that a lot of Kdramas have nowadays. It had a twist to keep you interested, but it was a very reasonable twist. Oh, this show also has the first appearance of Daniel Henney into Dramaland, so thank you, show.

    Verdict: Definite watch

    The Snow Queen

    5 Romantic Korean Dramas to Watch With Hyun BinPin this image on Pinterest

    If you want to see Hyun Bin mope around for 16 hours, then Snow Queen is the show for you. It is such a wet blanket fest that it is almost like he was so tired of all the happy go luckiness positive Sam Soon energy that he just wanted to try something new and went all the way to depressing tin-man-without-a-heart land. 

    If I remember right, it is about a math genius who has a deep pain that turns him to boxing? Though I think he heals himself through the love of a good woman who also has a painful past? It is something like that. All I remember about it is a mannequin looking Hyun Bin standing and staring at things.

    Verdict: Pass

    Worlds Within

    There are two camps with the drama The Worlds Within, the camp that loved the behind the scenes look at meta jokes of a film crew creating a drama within a drama, and the camp that was so bored they passed out. I am in the later camp, which was such a pity! 

    I love both these actors and expected to love this drama. But it just did not catch my attention. But I think it is still a drama that should be watched just to see if it is your style. 

    Plus it sparked a two year romance between the two leads that was one of the biggest breakups of its time. Though, honestly, all of Song Hye-kyo’s breakups are huge news.

    Verdict: Worth checking out

    Friend, Our Legend

    If you have never seen the explosively good cultural phenomenon movie Chingu(aka Friend) that sparked a slew of movie quotes and iconic scenes, then I think you will like this drama. But if you saw Chingu, especially at the culturally appropriate moment, then you might not like this drama remake of it. I mean it is the movie that shot Jang Don-gun to iconic super stardom.

    I saw the movie Chingu and saw most of this drama adaptation and, I got to say, I definitely liked the movie a lot better than the drama. But I think the drama was good as well. 

    It was well shot and well acted and had good reviews for everyone who watched the show all the way through. The only thing it suffered from is that the movie was so iconic that they were basically shooting themselves in the foot by making this drama. 

    This drama is one of the rare, non-romance dramas that Hyun Bin has done, so it is worth checking out for that.

    Verdict: Worth the watch

    Secret Garden

    A fantasy-romance that is obsession worth and the biggest drama hit of the year, the year it came out and possibly the next year as well. It solidified itself as Hyun Bin’s second mega success at 35% ratings Nationwide and shot him to the super star status that he still enjoys now, which is good after three ratings flops in a row with his previous three dramas. 

    I was so obsessed with this show back in the day that I made three fan made music videos for them (here, here, and here!). It was something else, I just fell so hard for it. 

    But the love started to fade around the 10 episode mark and I don’t even think I watched the finale? it was one of those things were I kind of fast forwarded through it just to see what happened. I think it was the repetitiveness of the plot after episode 8 that just had me looking at my watch while watching. 

    But, the beginning is still a love and it maintained a love for a lot of people, so worth checking out.

    Verdict: Worth checking it out, you might love it.

    Hyde, Jekyll, Me


    Hyde, Jekyll, and Me is Hyun Bin’s comeback drama after military service, so it was about as high profile as you can get (especially because Hyun Bin’s military service somehow stayed Nationwide news for the entire 2 years he was there). 

    I started watching this show because it was Hyun Bin’s comeback and for some reason stopped watching it. Korea felt the same way because the ratings started at a respectable 10% but dropped to 4% by the finale. Though that is definitely not a reason for you to skip it. 

    If you like zany shows that are more on the zany side, then check it out, you may enjoy it.

    Verdict: You might like it

    Memories of the Alhambra

    Memories of the Alhambra made our list of Rage Worthy Dramas to not watch, so there’s that. But I do want to say that everyone should at least check this show out for the special effects alone. 

    The first 4 episodes were riveting and the show continued to surprise with the augmented reality game throughout its airing. Though in the third act, it did start to make no sense at all and the final episode was a big ol, say what? But the ratings did stay in the respectable range on tvN at around 10%.

    Verdict: Watch at your own risk


    Crash Landing on You

    This is in the bonus category because it has not aired yet and actually, the airing date in the end of November got pushed to December. So who knows when it will air. 

    But with all that said, I am pretty excited for Crash landed on You, not only because it has Hyun Bin and Son Yejin in it, but also because it is by the writer of My Love From Another Star, so you know it will be quirky. 

    Their character descriptions are also pretty fun because they both are at the top of their game in their lives. He is a major player in the North Korea military with a very good life ahead of him and she is basically living a life close to royalty in South Korea. When they meet, I expect their lives will be flipped upside down. Hopefully we will all feel flipped right with them! 

    Verdict: Watch it, of course!

    So which shows do you think you will watch on this list? Of these I would say that my heart still goes to My Lovely Sam Soon. Though I need to rewatch it to see if it is still holding up to the time. I think the last time I watched it was 4 years or so ago. Though I do think I have listened to the soundtrack within the last year. Ah, it is just such a fun happy drama. Hopefully Crash Landing on You go more that route!


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  3. Looks like tvN has started to give our leads some prominence in an effort to promote the drama in their variety shows. At yesterday’s Amazing Saturday (a variety show about guessing the lyrics of songs), they played Hyun Bin’s version of “I Can’t Have You” - 가질 수 없는 너 - for those who are interested, it’s available on iTunes. Haha..watching this did cause me to listen to Hyun Bin’s emotional singing of Friend Our Legend) on my phone again and feel pangs of pity for uri Dong Soo  :bawling: (of all of Hyun Bin’s drama & movie characters, I love Dong Soo the most).

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  4. sHMM2bv.jpg




    There’s news that his next project- movie “Bargaining” has started auditions for casting. Main leads are Hwang Jeong Min and Hyun Bin. The director is Yim Soon Rye, the Director of the movie Little Forest. It will be produced by Watermelon Pictures Co Ltd which also produced Little Forest. 

    Looks like Hyun Bin will go into shooting for Bargaining right after Crash Landing. When I read the news many months back (April?), shooting location is likely to be in Jordan.

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  5. “Crash Landing On You” Gives A Glimpse Of Lead Characters Ahead Of Premiere

    “Crash Landing On You” Gives A Glimpse Of Lead Characters Ahead Of Premiere

    “Crash Landing on You” has revealed stills of its four leading characters!

    The drama is about a wealthy South Korean heiress named Yoon Se Ri (Son Ye Jin) who, while paragliding, is forced to make a crash landing in North Korea due to high winds. North Korean officer Ri Jung Hyuk (Hyun Bin) hides and protects her, and in doing so, starts to fall in love. Seo Ji Hye plays Seo Dan, a North Korean in the top 1 percent who is also Ri Jung Hyuk’s fiancée, and Kim Jung Hyun takes the role of Ku Seung Jun, a young businessman and conman.

    Ri Jung Hyuk is the son of a well-known family who serves as a high-ranking military official and a top-ranking officer in North Korea. He is a firm and blunt man who only deals with principles, but he faces an unpredictable life with the sudden emergence of Yoon Se Ri.

    Although Yoon Se Ri belongs to a wealthy chaebol family, she became the CEO of a global fashion company with her own ability. She is a woman of confidence who always puts business first. So it will be interesting to find out what kind of changes she will face in the future after meeting Ri Jung Hyuk.

    In the new still, Ri Jung Hyuk looks a bit cold in his soldier uniform while Yoon Se Ri poses confidently in a fashionable outfit. Despite their different backgrounds and personalities, they will showcase an exciting chemistry that viewers can anticipate.


    On the other hand, Kim Jung Hyun will portray Ku Seung Jun, a young businessman who appears like a comet in the chaebol social scene with his eloquent speaking skills. He stands on the line between a businessman and swindler and gets mixed up with Yoon Se Ri over past scandals.

    The unveiled photos shows Ku Seung Jun in different suits. His eyes are cold despite his relaxed expression, making viewers wonder about the mysterious character.


    If Yoon Se Ri is the top heiress in South Korea, then Seo Dan is at the top in North Korea.

    Seo Dan is a chic and cold character with bold charisma. The revealed still features Seo Dan exuding an exotic aura with her “ice queen” look and urban style. She is pure in a way because she is unable to hide her feelings for Ri Jung Hyuk, which raises questions about the direction of her romance with him.

    Seo Ji Hye will perfectly portray Seo Dan’s girl crush charms and personality that is like a thorny rose.


    “Crash Landing on You” will premiere on December 14 at 9 p.m. KST.

    Meanwhile, check out the latest teaser here!

    Sources (1) (2) (3)

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  6. @cybertron Thank you for deleting that awful awful post (am assuming you are the one who got it deleted). Unfortunately I did get to read that post in my notification immediately upon posting as my name was mentioned many times in that post and I was tagged . :crazy::tears: That bombardment of accusations against me was really uncalled for. It did cause me to be so upset that I made an impulsive decision there and then to stop posting on all Soompi threads and revert back to being a passive reader again. I was a passive reader (without an account) of Soompi threads for many years.

    Thankfully after seeing the latest character stills and reading the report about the characters of our Two Ri couple, my nerves were soothed and I realize that I do enjoy sharing my knowledge and thoughts. 


    Anyway since it was raised in that post, let me share that quite a number of Hyun Bin’s C fans were upset about him being called Ahjussi by YSR haha:lol: Have some sense of humor, come on! Anyway she’s technically older and so, can’t call him Oppa right? And Hyun Bin-ssi sounds so officious haha..And isn’t “old man” an endearing term by ordinary speak? I have been calling my husband “my old man” since we were still in our late teens lols. As I have shared before, majority of actors’ fans (esp C and K fans) are fiercely possessive and anti-shipping. So yes, coz I have held myself out to be his fan, I was the main target. And perhaps, many silent readers who are his fans are also upset with me for posting over here and would not consider me as part of their fandom haha....


    To silent readers..just to let you know, all of the sharing and posts I do here is done purely coz it gives me pleasure and joy to share with likeminded people. There’s no need to read too much into my posts. And no one is saying anything definitively about anything. So there’s no need to take things so seriously. I recognize the official positions taken by them and I would like to think that I am responsible enough to ensure that what I do will not harm his image or show disrespect for his privacy. At the end of the day, as fellow fans of two wonderful actors, we are only sharing our love for them with one another. Whatever follows after this will not change my love and support for Hyun Bin. This fact won’t change (unless ofc something happens that makes me unable to  fangirl him anymore - this has happened to me with one past bias btw haha). I am sure the same goes for SYJ’s fans here.


    So cheers!!! :kiss_wink::kiss_wink:

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  7. New character stills and info about our Two Ri/ Ri Ri couple has been revealed!



    My brief summary of the released info - (won’t do a full translation as there’s a lot of repeated content).


    Ri Jung Hyuk is the son of a prestigious, well-known family in North Korea who once served as a high-ranking army officer. He himself is also a Special Officer. He is a rules-abiding, principled man. Although he deals with everything in a blunt tone, he has an upright attitude. The sudden appearance of Yoon SeRi will cause him to face an unpredictable life.


    Yoon SeRi is an heiress of a chaebol family belonging to above Top 1% in South Korea. Despite that, she does not rely on her inherited wealth; through her own capabilities, she created and is the CEO of a global fashion enterprise.  She is a brazen woman who knows no shame. Rather than enjoyment of momentary pleasures, her focus in life is her business which is her top priority.  After meeting Ri Jung Hyuk, she will experience changes.


    Haha..can’t wait to see this blunt-brazen Two Ri couple!


    Btw I will not have access to the Internet on 14 Dec. So I am not going to be able to catch the press conference and the first episode on the day itself :cry:



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  8. 2 hours ago, bichngoc93 said:

    I have to clarify the Yoo Jae Suk's picture. This picture was taken from a variety show called Infinity Challenge of MBC. This showed was cancelled in Mach, 2018. Therefore, noway he was talking about Bin Jin but in fact, was talking about different figures in this context. Chinese fans are using this picture because of his quote "There are many people want them to get married" to show fans' feelings and desires for Bin Jin to get married. 


    Ah. I see. Thank you for the clarification! My sincere apologies for this misinformation :sweatingbullets:


    Aigoo..the caption that says “I can remain single but my cp must get married” - that’s so sad haha... 

    Anyhow, I do have good news! The official Crash Landing on You drama account on weibo already has over 1 million followers! Just want to share that Hyun Bin’s popularity among Chinese fans is unparalleled :blush: 

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  9. My translation of the posters released by tvN



    1st Poster

    14 December Saturday Night 9pm First Broadcast 


    2nd Poster

    Point 1

    Silly Yoon SeRi 

    #CasualLanguage #ExplosiveCharm


    Yoon SeRi who replies in Honorific Language 

    To Casual Language-equipped Ri Jung Hyuk




    Poster 3

    Point 2 

    Couple Nickname

    #TwoRi #RiRi


    Ri Jung Hyuk and Yoon SeRi’s couple nickname

    Keywords-making that is full of cuteness 


    Poster 4

    Point 3

    Five Words to Describe the Drama 

    #RecentPerson_RiJungHyuk #proudlysaid


    Sat Sun That’ll Rip Apart & Regret If You Don’t Watch 

    The idea in Ri Jung Hyuk’s answer that makes so much sense deserves full marks



    Poster 5

    Point 4

    The reason why you must watch

    #heartflutteringpoint #You


    Needless To Say

    The appearance of Ri Jung Hyuk & Yoon SeRi


    Poster 6

    Point 5

    Three Poetic Lines Sparkling and Shimmering Down

    #LikeARevolution #AwesomeBrightness


    Yoon - Sparkles Shimmering Down

    Se - The Brightest Light In The World

    Ri - Ri Jung Hyuk


    Yoon SeRi’s surprise attack on Comrade Ri Jung Hyuk with a liking of a revolutionary level


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  10. Aigoo..I just noticed one nonsensical grammar in my previous post. Pls pardon my incoherence haha..was typing that post late in the night just before my bedtime. Made the mistake of coming in to read the thread before going to bed and got a lil “excited” after reading haha..



    I don’t know where this is from but a number of Chinese fans have referred to this (see pic below) to say that Yoo Jae Suk has said this. I gather that from their perspective the fact that he has said this lends a lot of credibility to the “rumor”. Based on the Hangeul text in the screencap - this is what he said, “There are really a lot of people who wish they would really get married.” Think this came from a variety show (I don’t watch variety shows so I don’t know which variety show this is) soon after the rumor with the grocery shopping pics. 




    Since there have been some questions about how Hyun Bin has been towards his previous co-leads, let me share with you my own observations. Allow me to now put on my Binjin shipper hat for a short moment. 


    For “skinship”, what I have noticed is that usually the sweet interactions are initiated by the female lead - for example, they would pat his back, shoulders, dust his coat or give him a back hug (HJM has done all of these and PSH has leaned on his back in the BTS of the dressing room kissing scene etc..). I don’t see him initiating the “skinship”. And I also don’t get any vibes from his response when his female leads give him these kinds of sweet treatments. For example I don’t see him moving towards the female lead or smile or laugh like how he is seen smiling and laughing with SYJ. I also don’t see him subconsciously leaning towards or moving so close to his co-leads as what I have seen when he is with SYJ. Also, as these are publicized BTS, you must also understand that these “sweet”/skinship BTS are intended for publicity and promotional purposes.


    As for his gaze, he really has a way of gazing with love that makes you fall in love with him haha..but these gazes are mostly confined to acting in his dramas (this also is the reason why he has so many shipper fandoms haha). Outside of drama acting, he does look at his co-leads lovingly and kindly when the occasion calls for it - such as at drama press conferences, interviews etc..But, again, wearing my Binjin shipper hat, the gazes that he has shown to his other female co-leads are quite different from the gazes he has for syj in terms of the vibes that I get from them. As what @firstaid has said, different people looking at the same thing may get different vibes. So I will qualify that these are the vibes I get.


    I do believe that body language speaks volumes. So I will just share these pics with you and let you see for yourself. I will say I have not seen this type of body language from him with his other co-leads (minus the co-lead from World Within Us - :tears: sorry that I have to keep mentioning this; I just don’t want to be misleading). And you should also note that some of these pics are not pics that are taken for movie promo purposes; so the body language isn’t for the sake of publicity.



    If you were to compare the body language between this and him playing Jenga with his co-lead for MoA promo, the difference in body language on his part is obvious.


    For this one, I would compare SYJ’s body language in this with the clip of her and her other drama’s Co-lead that she has also uploaded in her IG. Though I don’t know SYJ well, my eyes tell me there is a difference. Both are taken by the male, so it would be a fair comparison to make.


    The next pic is in the spoiler as I have exceeded the quota for this post. It’s also that infamous pic..sssshh...This is taken unawares so the body language is very telling. The leaning is obvious. Same goes for the same kind of leaning tendency displayed by him at the Vlive Negotiation electricity blackout interview. 
    (By the way I tested this pic on my husband hahaha..his answer? Of course, they are! That’s from a man’s perspective haha..)





    I pride myself on being a very rational person. I will now give you my rational basis as a morale booster to the Binjin shippers here. 


    Binjin has got pics outside of a project to show for it (the grocery pics, the Hyun Bin birthday pics and IG updates). So Binjin shipping isn’t just based on drama scenes, drama BTS, drama press conferences and drama-related interviews. In fact, there’s no drama scenes or drama BTS for Binjin yet. For this reason, I will actually discount CLoY clips, pics and BTS as these are very likely for drama promotion; so you can’t really tell which part is real and which part is for the sake of drumming up publicity for the drama haha.



    Binjin’s closeness is showcased by our protagonists themselves haha..the selfie/selca pics & other clips are actually uploaded by SYJ on her IG herself. They are not filmed or taken by cameraman specifically for the drama/movie. In fact, until they showed us their “couple” pics, none of us even thought of linking them together. 



    Hyun Bin has acknowledged that they are close.



    Binjin is talked about by the people in the entertainment circle - Yoo Jae Suk, Channel A’s “I Heard From The Grapevines” reporters. I was told that there is an unwritten code that the entertainment industry people will protect their own people; so if there is no basis, dating “scandals” aren’t publicized by their own people even in cases where the couple has already been exposed by Dispatch. The people in the industry are also careful lest action is taken against them etc. So to have MCs hinting with “bridegroom” slip-up, Yoo Jae Suk talking about it from just grocery sightings etc - all these are telltale signs.


    Haha..so I hope I have given you enough material as morale boosters. I’d like to say that these are the very reasons why I, a non-shipping inclined fan, am here. Unlike most shippers who are driven more by their enjoyment of the idea of shipping a specific couple, for me, it is my rational self that compelled me to become a Binjin shipper/supporter coz try as I might, I couldn’t find a good explanation or arrive at a different conclusion haha..If anyone can point out any rational points that I am not seeing, I will be very grateful if you could enlighten me. 


    By the way, my rationalizing that their LA sighting was partly for the purpose of meeting the writer to discuss the drama and various other rationalizations I have articulated here were my very attempts at being logical about the whole thing. Mianhe for having caused some of you discomfort and unhappiness. Those rationalizations clearly didn’t make much sense as some of you have kindly pointed out to me.


    So yes, applying my rationale and not “my shipping heart”, I still arrive at a Binjin-shipping conclusion. 



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  11. As a Binnie fan, let me just weigh in on that Secret Garden clip that has just been shared. Hyun Bin was in a public relationship with another at that point in time. Thereafter he went on to have another public relationship with another actress in 2016. He announced it himself and they were seen having meals together etc before they broke up a year or slightly less later. I won’t mention their names out of respect for Hyun Bin and the women involved as he’s no longer in a relationship with them.

    So, as far as I am concerned, it is a fact that the SEGA couple never happened. So if the intention of that post and sharing the clips here is to show that he’s into that actress, then I do think that that’s taking shipping to a delusional level. As a matter of fact, they are still friends as he did mention contacting her when the ex-President Park Geun Hye masquerading as GilRaIm incident happened in 2017 (?)(can’t remember the year; it’s either 2016 or 2017). So yes, if the intention is that, then let me point out the facts to you. If the intention isn’t that, then let me point out that the clips shared are inappropriate in this thread as this thread is a Binjin thread meant for Binjin shippers. It’s like invading a Binshin shipper thread with Binjin shipping materials just to cause unhappiness. As a Hyun Bin fan first and foremost, I don’t think that is an action out of love for Hyun Bin.

    Also Crash Landing on You is his upcoming drama..and Two Ri shipping is the right thing to promote. Why bring his previous drama here? Shouldn’t his fans promote Two Ri shipping? Even Hyun Bin himself is promoting Two Ri shipping for his drama!


    We may all disagree as to how far we want to believe that they are together- whether close friends or more etc - the fact is that he has said they are close. And the fact is that he has said so many times since Negotiation days that he wants to work with SYJ again in a romance project. If one is a true fan, shouldn’t one respect his wish? Shouldn’t one be happy to support fans who love both of them? 


    I am not interested to argue with anyone as to whether “close” means anything more than platonic etc. For me, having read that he has said that they are close friends is good enough. It’s just like his friendship with Jang Dong Geon. Accepting that they are good friends who travel together is good enough. There’s no need for splitting of hairs and arguing if it’s just “close friends” etc...And whether the grocery shopping and the other rumored or reported sightings amount to anything more than just “friends” etc isn’t something that true fans should argue about because at the end of the day, we will not know. If you are not comfortable with jumping to any kind of conclusions then just stay away from reading this thread. As for

    me, I am not jumping to any kind of conclusions but I enjoy seeing them together and that’s why I post here whenever I need an outlet to share about my joys in seeing them together. Thus far, of all his co-leads, this is the pairing that I love seeing the most. I didn’t bother with his previous public relationships but stayed as a fan. This time round, being happy to see them together isn’t going to change anything either. At the end of the day, whatever the real situation is, I remain a fan of Hyun Bin and that won’t change whether he is or is not together with so and so. If like me, you are not supportive of Binjin as I was not supportive of him with his Worlds Within counterpart, then just remain silent and continue to support him in his projects. Supporting him as an actor and respecting his choices and privacy require that true fans do that.


    Let me end by saying that Binjin shipping isn’t that “abnormal” or “unexpected”. Even Korea’s most loved celebrity figure, Yoo Jae Sook has said that so many people wish that they are together. 

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  12. @alou68 A gentle reminder not to quote with pics and IG or Twitter links. To avoid the hassle of deleting pics and links when you “quote”, use @ like how I have done here.

    To all others participating in this thread, a gentle reminder not to quote posts with pics and IG/twitter links. There are good reasons why you should not do that. Too many of such quotes can cause this thread to hang. You also won’t want Soompi admin to issue you with a warning note. :)

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  13. fS6cVlq.jpg

    The character poster and description of Seo Dan is out.


    My translated summary:


    Seo Ji Hye plays Seo Dan, a "spicy woman" ( '맵짠녀' - literally means “spicy and salty female”) in the upper class of Pyongyang.  The term “Spicy woman" in the North Korean parlance  means "Queen”. Seo Dan is a cellist who has just returned from studying abroad. She will portray “Girl Crush” charms of a straightforward girl.


    In the released stills, Seo Dan exudes an exotic, distinctive charm.  She is adorned in a cool, urban style, and her expression appears cold. The appearance of indifference combined with her beautiful appearance is reminiscent of a thorny rose. However, against the “cold exterior”, she will be a “Girl Crush” character with a lot of inner charms. 



    In particular, Seo Dan is the fiancee of North Korean elite officer Ri Jeong Hyeok. Although outwardly she treats him with a sense of humor, she has a kind heart inside. It is curious to know what kind of romance she will develop with him.

    Source: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/109/0004123160


    Reading about Seo Dan makes me realize that we are going to see RJH having a hard time being conflicted as he is a principled man. He’s going to struggle with choosing love above his principles - (i) love vs faithfulness towards his prior engagement with Seo Dan; (ii) love vs honour and commitment towards his country. Can’t wait to see Hyun Bin deliver these emotions through his great acting!!!


    On a separate note, I am happy to see that so many people are happy to see Kim Jung Hyun’s comeback in this drama and will be watching to show their support. He is a really good actor. Am excited about seeing him again too. Yay!!!



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  14. Aigoooo..I was so far off haha:D Mianhe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Here’s the translation!



    Watch: “Crash Landing On You” Starring Hyun Bin And Son Ye Jin Teases Exciting Characters And Relationships

    Watch: “Crash Landing On You” Starring Hyun Bin And Son Ye Jin Teases Exciting Characters And Relationships

    tvN’s “Crash Landing on You,” starring Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin, has released a new teaser!

    “Crash Landing on You” is a romance drama about a wealthy South Korean heiress named Yoon Se Ri (played by Son Ye Jin), who is forced to make an emergency landing in North Korea during a paragliding trip due to unexpected high winds. North Korean officer Ri Jung Hyuk (played by Hyun Bin) attempts to hide her and falls in love in the process.

    The teaser begins with Ri Jung Hyuk in the middle of what looks like an operation or training exercise, as he talks about a promise he made with a South Korean captain. “I want to keep that promise,” says Ri Jung Hyuk.

    The scene cuts to Yoon Se Ri and Ri Jung Hyuk having a meal together, and as Ri Jung Hyuk looks on, unamused, Yoon Se Ri goes on about how famous she is. She says, “If you don’t know who I am in South Korea, you’re a spy. I’m not telling you my name right now because I’m afraid you’ll fall over in surprise.”

    Seo Dan, played by Seo Ji Hye, is a North Korean in the top 1 percent and also Ri Jung Hyuk’s fiancee. She says to Jung Hyuk, “Your father asked me to do something. To become close with you.”

    Ku Seung Jun, a rich conman played by Kim Jung Hyun, also appears in the teaser. He says, “If I get hurt even the slightest bit? Your money is going to disappear, just like that.”

    “Crash Landing on You” premieres December 14.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Loveumore said:

    Knock knock hi dear @KimSooHanMoosis there's a new 3rd teaser just came out at tvnyoutubechannel. We are so so thankful to you again for ur kind translation. :kiss_wink:

    Oh haha I really really can’t translate at all  from just listening. My previous translations have got the texts that aid in my understanding.


    This is what I can pick out but am really really not sure at all so please don’t take it as right..even my Chinese Hyun Bin fans counterparts who are a lot more learned in the Korean language than I am are struggling and no one has released any translation yet. We non Korean natives have great difficulties when it comes to translating from just spoken Korean coz of the conjugation of sounds etc..and also the speed of spoken Korean.

    Here’s just strictly to satisfy your curiosity for now and it’s based on my very very limited listening skills:


    RJH: I am xxx from North Korea and I come from xxx......... I will definitely protect you (I find Hyunbin’s and Seo Dan’s parts extremely difficult to figure out coz of the North Korean accent haha)

    YSR: In Republic of Korea, if you don’t know who I am you must be a spy. Though I am unable to tell you because I am too shocked...(haha..YSR sounds a bit nonsensical to me)


    Seo Dan: I am bored..(came out for dinner.??) Aren’t the two of them clearly close?


    Kim Jung-hyun’s character (Goo Seung Joon) - That’s a deserter of the country, you know. You need to give me money for evidence of murder.

    RJH: 14 Dec first broadcast.


    Anyway please please don’t take this translation as anywhere near correct haha cos I really am not sure at all. I will oblige only this once. Won’t oblige again haha..coz it’s not right to give a wrong translation :D

    (The ? is from me to indicate that I am not sure.)

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  16. Aigooo..chasing this drama is going to be tiresome as it’s going to be hard to understand the language. Even tvN is using North Korean in their caption. I had a hard time trying to understand. Same for Hyun Bin’s three poetic lines using Yoon Se Ri as the starting word in the tvN Interview - I had to make a clever guess coz of the additional words like 네, 네다. Now I have found words like 소 inserted as ending words haha..thankfully I have watched enough Sageuks to make clever guesses. Okay enough of my grousings. The purpose of this post is to share about tvN’s very funny caption.


    ”Comrade Jung Hyuk, do you remember this? When Comrade and I went to the Louvre Museum to rob, only Comrade was not caught because you managed to disguise yourself as a statue.”



    Okay, tvN is forgiven!


    By the way, Crash Landing on You as a search trended on naver (in Top 14) for a short while this morning coz of the release of Jung Hyuk’s still cuts. And Chinese kdrama fans are on fire! All Kdrama accounts that post about this drama related stuffs have been getting thousands of comments and lots of likes. One major drama account garnered more than 720k likes on just today’s post alone. 

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  17. Hyun Bin Makes A Dashing Soldier In tvN Romance Drama “Crash Landing On You”

    Hyun Bin Makes A Dashing Soldier In tvN Romance Drama “Crash Landing On You”

    tvN’s upcoming drama “Crash Landing on You” has revealed an exciting new glimpse of Hyun Bin in his leading role!

    “Crash Landing on You” is a new romance drama starring Son Ye Jin as Yoon Se Ri, a wealthy South Korean heiress who is forced to make an emergency landing in North Korea during a paragliding trip due to unexpected high winds. Hyun Bin will star in the drama as Ri Jung Hyuk, a North Korean officer who attempts to hide her and falls in love in the process.

    On November 18, the upcoming drama released a sneak peek of Hyun Bin in character as the highly competent Ri Jung Hyuk, who exudes an air of strength and cynical confidence. The frosty officer believes in doing everything by the book—until, perhaps, an unexpected arrival changes his mind.


    “Crash Landing on You” will premiere on December 14 at 9 p.m. KST. In the meantime, check out the latest teaser for the drama here!

    Source (1)

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