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Posts posted by turtle0217

  1. 1 hour ago, mundane9 said:

    OKie Dokie,

    Here's the first quadrant of Chapter 180. Had no Idea it was that long and have not even reached the juicy parts yet...... Well - soon after what ends here anyway....This author is just so long-winded and insert all kinds of superfluous language everywhere. If you see an * (asterisk) - that is the one place I placed a confirming comment as I was flabbergasted reading that sentence of the novel. I keep forgetting she's a time-traveler.....

    Hope you enjoy this. More later....

      Reveal hidden contents

    Chapter 180: Wedding Night

    YWY has always been a strategist/planner. Once he decides on something, he would meticulously plot out all actions and then practically implement every action step by step. No matter what happens, nothing can change his decision.

    Some time had passed. He took a bath, changed his clothes and looked in the mirror – gaze upon the man in the reflection with sharp brows, bright eyes, uncommon handsomeness, and quite satisfied with his appearance. Then he began feeling anxious, sat down, and picked up a cup of tea.

    The tea was already cold, His long fingertips grasped the white and blue porcelain teacup that gleamed so brightly that it might pierce the tea cup like fresh winter ice.

    He leaned against the back of the chair, meticulously contemplating what he was about to say, each word and sentence very detailed, anticipating different possible scenarios and how to answer them. How he should respond agreeably, how to rebut-deflect to create a warm atmosphere – to naturally control every action, and naturally not leave any trace of his intention.

    OK – all done – no problem(s).

    He put down the teacup and got up. Who knew just as he touched the door knob, someone pushed the door in.

    CQ stood at the doorway wearing the familiar white outfit. The warm dim lighting in the corridor lit up her small delicate face imparting her features with warmth.

    She was carrying a bowl with steamy contents. She tilted her head, her discerning gaze assessed him, raised a quizzical brow and asked “It’s so late in the nite, what are you doing all dressed up like this?”

    What is this (situation) he wondered in surprise. It seemed this was not part of what he planned or anticipated occurring. 
    But his ability to spontaneously adapt is pretty good, so he immediately provided a plausible response: “Slept too much during the day, and decided to go out and take a walk”.

    CQ replied: “The closer to the north we get, the weather gets cooler. The night winds are strong. You are inadequately dressed. It would be better if you were not carelessly out and about”.
    CQ walked directly into the room, placed the steaming bowl on the table and said “Seeing that you didn’t eat much earlier, come over and have this bowl of porridge”.

    YWY walked over and observed it was a bowl of plain white rice porridge. He glanced over at her retorted: “You bring this type of thing over to insult (make fun of) me.”

    CQ: “To have something to eat is considered lucky, so demanding-picky”.

    Upon which, she walked right up to him, and like someone petting a little dog, she patted his head and said: “Eat your dinner and sleep early, do not go out and randomly wander.’

    Subsequently, she then turned around and immediately left the room.
    YWY was temporarily stunned-stupefied: “What’s going on?” His plan has been foiled. The prey walked right up to his door and he let it blatantly get away?”

    Who’s in the mood to eat porridge? He stood up and left the room.

    To conceal their whereabouts, therefore the boat they were on isn’t very large, the corridors are very tight-narrow. It only allows 1 person to walk.The light shone on his slender frame – a regal attire of moonlight white and warm cloud patterns, under these lights resembles an ethereal dust storm.

    He walked very slowly. The boat was swaying in the immense expanse of sea, like the spring rain of long ago where he was standing atop a river dike glancing at a disintegrating boat. Heaven and earth was dark and icy cold except for that flame that has never stopped, ever accompanying him and embodying his vision from childhood, through adulthood till this day.

    The sound of singing suddenly floated in the air, his steps followed the sound till he stood outside her door. The door was not closed and there was warm light shining from within. He stood at the door and only heard a girl’s gentle singing voice and the gurgling sounds of an infant.

    Under the glow of orange lights,the bottom of CQ’s dress was draped over the floor, her sleeves rolled up high, and she was squatting in front of a wood basin-tub – giving LiJing’s son a bath.

    CQ:”, RongEr is plump. RE is still very small (young). Brow and eyes are just like his dad. Eyes are curved heartily up just like a fox’s peach flower eyes. When u laugh the eye whites aren’t visible.”

    At this instant, RE is sitting by the side of the tub, clutching a cluster of bells. The bells make a light refreshing sound. The child is continuously beating the water, and wetting CQ’s entire attire. Whenever she tries to dodge, he would happily clap and laugh heartily.

    CQ:“RE is good-obedient, RE is not noisy-raucous.”

    CQ is trying to communicate with RE, but RE is having none of that. His 2 plump legs kicked and kicked out half of the bath water.

    CQ: “Don’t be so naughty-playful. Your father wasn’t that difficult”.

    The upper half of CQ’s body was entirely soaked. The wet clothes dripping about. RE tilted his head and started gurgling like he was trying to speak and respond.  

    CQ;’Look at you, (behaving) nothing like a king”

    RE: (makes baby noises).

    CQ” “Say one thing about you and you have an opinion-retort?”

    RE: (more baby sounds)

    CQ: “Shall I sing a song for you?” 
    RE blinked his eyes, t – grabs her dress and desperately tries to climb out of the tub. He makes it very clear that he hates taking baths and is clearly not interested in her singing.

    However, CQ behaved as if she has not noticed any of this, pats the boy’s head and says” “I’m about to sing. Listen carefully”

    RE: (makes baby sounds)    
    CQ sings an English song* (*folks that’s what it says in the novel – English song)

    RE: (makes baby sounds).

    Gentle singing vocals are hypnotic and soothing, quietly drifting through the air. The light glows warmly, casting-shedding a round glow. White skirted female squatting on the ground, a head of black hair hanging on shoulders, a dark grey tub holding a white/fair plump baby.

    The girl was thoroughly engaged in singing but the child inside was not interested. They were trying to grab each other’s limbs. The person inside the tub was wildly trying to get out while the person on the outside was ruthlessly keeping it in, yet the voice singing the song was infinitely gentle. No one understands what she is singing so she kind of might as well sound like the baby – a type of curious thing. But the gentleness of the song was such that one might actually feel the words, like a kind mother, and more like an enamoured lover.  

    “Bang!”The tub overturns, RE sneakily crawls out, and laughs out victoriously. A pair of eyes curve – just like his father.

    The room is in disarray, CQ is wet from head to toe. She is somewhat disheartened-lost. Looking at this child is like looking at LiJing. She glared angrily and said: “The person left already and left this type of brat behind to bully-torture me”.

    RE was delighted, strutted his pale plump butt and crawled towards the door. CQ was about to grab him when she caught sight of the man standing at the doorway.

    It seemed like he had been standing there a (long) while. The light in the corridor shone inside the room.His handsome face glowed, His gaze very deeply interested in Her, His skin was pale but not like the palour of a weak scholar but the paleness of royalty-aristocratic like the highest quality pale jade. He was leaning against the doorway, intent gaze clearly on her with smouldering laziness and a touch of devilishness, The corners of his mouth are not smiling yet his eyes are clearly laughing.

    Instantly, she is at a loss for words.

    She thinks she must have been touched-influenced by the song.
    RE crawled to the door, saw the unfamiliar guest, tilted his head 90 degrees. Originally he wanted to engage in a one-on-one dog fight with this intruder, but then he suddenly realized his size was incomparable to the other, and fell silent. He sat there and thought for a bit, looked back at CQ, and tilted his head to look at YWY, and turned his body to look at the rocking basket on the left. An intense internal struggle ensued. Finally he let out what sounded like a sigh, tugged YWY’s clothes, YWY lowered his head to look at RE, and could only see RE pointing at the carved jade sword ornament hanging from his waist and making baby sounds.  




    Heehee! Thank you soo much! :lol:

  2. 10 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    It is from Too Late to Say I love You, but both dramas have similar vibe and time period. I read Color of the Night will air this Summer. 


    Thank you for helping with the song and thank you for letting me know when Color of the Night will be airing.

    9 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    LGX is trending #1, idk why (the pains of limited understanding :cry:) but for sure he has become more popular since the drama started airing, the power of YWY

    Drama weibo posted this bts compilation, so funny. I like when you can tell the cast and crew got along really well while filming. It creates a really nice atmosphere and it translates over to the drama imo.




    Yes, it's power of YWY that he's trending number one, I am fine with that. 

    9 hours ago, monchoo said:
      Reveal hidden contents
    Chapter 99 (part 2)
    Nothing can be worse than what he's feeling right now. His body was filthy with blood, sweat and now the sticky soup liquid. Gloominess clouded him as he slowly undressed himself besides the pool. He thought to himself if he can be more careful and don't let the wounds come into contact with the water, it'll be alright. Otherwise, it'll get infected, if it gets infected, it'll cause inflammation, if the wound is inflamed, it'll leave a scar. If it leaves a scar, It'll will be ugly.
    "Hey, I get someone to send you some new clean clothes." The bathroom door was suddenly kicked opened! Alarmed, without thinking much, he quickly dived into the pool, followed with a shouts of great fury, "GET THE HELL OUT NOW!"
    Yuwen Yue seemed to forget that the bathroom was too steamy for Chu Qiao to see anything at all. Furthermore she was standing at a distance. All she could see is a blurry silhouette jumping into the pool with a splash! Without seeing, she gets a picture of what he's trying to hide. Delighted in his sudden dim-witted moments, she laughed aloud, kindly reminded, "You'd better be more careful. Please make sure you'll not drown in the pool!" Then she turned around and walked out of the bathroom.
    His whole body was rinsed wet with water. His wound was not spared as well. Fuming, he tore away the bandage from his shoulder. Clenching his fists tight, he gave a punch on the water's surface, venting out his anger!
    Chu Qiao was starving after a day without meals. Without any hesitation, she took  out the dishes from the food container. The chatelain was indeed trying his best to please Yuwen Yue. The dishes were uniquely made and taste delicious. The food container was divided into 3 compartments. The lowest was of burning coals, the middle was of water while the top part was filled with dishes. This helped to heat up the dishes even when one wished to have their meals after late hours. Chu Qiao let out a sigh of relief. Sitting down by the table, she began to eat.
    When Yuwen Yue came out from the bathroom, he saw her enjoying her meals. He raised an eyebrow, suppressing his furor. He headed towards her, his face darkened as he make place for himself. "Nothing seems to dampen your spirits, isn't it?" he sneered.
    She turned at him smiling sweet as a candy, "For sure, I'm nothing compare to you."
    He glared, studying her,"Death is knocking at your door right now! Ignorance sure is a bliss."
    Her sweet smiles remained, "Don't you know? A prisoner who's about to be hanged deserves a full meal!"
    He leaned forward, his expression foreboding as he spoke. His words slow and clear, "Why are you so sure I'll let you have your ways?"
    "I'm not sure," she smiled. "But since you are pretending to be dubious, why do I need to be worried?"
    "I'm impressed," he leaned back with a cold smirked. "It seems you've learned a lot from Yan Xun these few years."
    "Thanks to you. I have nothing but great patience."
    Candlelights flickered. The night was hazy. Both of them were looking at each other haughtily. Neither one willing to back off.
    As time flies, her smiles disappeared, her calm composure waned. Her eyes looked intensely at his devilishly good looks. "Yuwen, what exactly do you want?! Just name it!"
    He choked a laugh, winking, "Guess."
    In a split second, a loud crash was heard. Both who were still sitting peacefully a while ago, jumped to their feet ready to finish what have been left out! In lightning speed, they advanced together. Their bodies colliding with force, their arms locking each other at close combat. The weapon hiding in her wrist was now clutched in her hands, darted out at him, reaching out for his throat! 
    With incredible speed, two figures span about the room, colliding in force. Just when one managed to take control of the other by the wrist, the quickly retaliate with the other hand. Within seconds, the weapon was darting out at the other party's throat at the same time!
    Time froze. One minute. Two minutes. Few more minutes...
    Their weapon remained on the other party's throat without the intention to slit the flesh opened. In a sudden move, both parties span and changed their standing position, glaring at one another.
    It's undeniable that they were too cautious of one another. They have never been able to put down their enmity, which was why, he found the small decorating knife in the bathroom, while she got the knife in the bedroom. Both of them hid their weapons for unexpected circumstances as such.
    "Yuwen Yue, let me go. Otherwise..." her eyes narrowed as she spoke in a low tone, "kill me then."
    The corner of his mouth lifted, "Xing er, in this world it's not only black and white. There are some place which is in grey color. Options doesn't have to be only two in numbers."
    "Between you and me, we only have 2 choices."
    Chu Qiao looked into his eyes, her tone serious, "I'm grateful that you saved me and didn't kill me for numerous times, but that doesn't mean we can stay in peace in one another's presence. Yuwen Yue, you are the noble from the royal family of great  power and immense authority. Why are you so naive as to believe that I would not harm you?"
    He laughed aloud, " Xing er, do you really think I'm so softhearted and not willing to rid you off?"
    His expression became wickedly sinister. He leveled his icy gaze at her and said,"I know you well. Just because Yan Xun was good to you, you felt indebted to him and be with him through life or death for the past eight years. And now, how could you kill someone whom has let you slip through the door of death numerous times? Xing er, I'm not a reckless person. It's just that I understand you too well!"
    Cold wind spinning eerily in the air. There were sparks in the tension of their gaze.
    "You are not afraid if this is a mistake?"
    "We are evenly match, Xing er. I believe in you but I trust my own instinct."
    "What do you want then?" Chu Qiao asked, wetting her dry lips.
    "Captured and leave with you," he said with firm assurance.
    "You will not able to control me."
    "Xing er, haven't I told you before that I loves challenges?" he laughed. "If I can't control you, I'll tame you. If I can't tame you, I'll lock you up. If that too doesn't work, I'll be leaving only with one choice. And right now, it's still too early to opt for that final choice."
    Chi Qiao lifted up her head and look at him in the eye. Her voice somber, "Yuwen, til now you still do not understand what's your mistake."
    His smiled cynically."Mistakes? They are only slaves. what wrong is that to kill a few?"
    "I'm not referring to this," she frowned, sighing heavily as she looked at him. "Allright, I admit that I do not want to kill you and do not want to be your enemy as well. I hated you at first, but the hate has gradually fading off as time passes by. We are in the era where our principles are different. What you are doing is something I can't comment. Moreover, I'm indebted to you. When Yuwen xi was killed, you have not informed the authorities eventhough you know my whereabouts. For this, I'm grateful.
    But you must understand, now you are aristocrat from Da Liang Yuwen's family while I'm the leader of the rebels from Yan bei. We are at war now. We have different principles to uphold. We are opponents and we'll confront at war someday. That's why we can't have too much strings attached. Now I'm captured by you, if you want to kill me, I've no complaints. But you should understand, before this door opens and your troops barge in, I've the chance to perish together with you! I'll not surrender. I'll have to make everything clear to you as I despise any strings attached. Yan bei and Da Liang are at adversary as we know. There isn't any advantage in this matter. I hope that you can analyze from the point of family's name and the interest of both parties. Whether you want to kill me or free me, just make your decisions quick!"

    Chapter 99- part 2. :)


    Thank you soo much for part 2! Soo excited to read it! :lol:

  3. 21 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

    @turtle0217..... Chingu I found the artist Eileen Hu  Title: Shi Wo Zai Zuo Duo Zhong  I am also waiting for that drama to come out. It seems to be taking a long time. 




    Nice! You actually found the actual singer and everything. 

    I don't know, but I've been searching on this drama, too and since I couldn't find it, Princess Agents came out and I forgot all about it. Lol!:lol:

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

    @mrsyooknit.... http://www.bilibili.com/video/av11601992/?from=search&seid=12206985424190887211

    Do you know the title of the song and the singer... Can't find it anywhere?


    I don't know what the title is, but it's from this drama. I've been waiting on this drama called "Color of the Night," but so far, haven't heard any news if it has aired yet or not. 


    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    Thank you for sharing! Our ship is slowly sailing and patiently waiting :D 

    I am enjoying these FMV and @monchoo translation all weekend long, while working on essays. 

    • Like 5
  6. 7 hours ago, monchoo said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Chapter 97 - Indebted part 2

    He choked out a laugh. "How about giving me a punch right now?" his drawled in his carefree manner. At his suggestion, her head turning sideways. She was fuming and refused to look at him. She was in an unfavorable situation right now. She can't win the fight and she can't escaped. In close combat, they are consider equals. Even if she had better experience, she wasn't so sure if they prolonged the fight. She's not as so naive as to think that a woman's strength is on par with a man's. Moreover she was surrounded by troops of soldiers outside. "Just kill me then!" her slatted out angrily, her eyes turning red.
    "Xing er, you aren't going to cry just because you can't win over me, are you? This couldn't be you," he was amused.
    Tension eased momentarily at his words. But they are still clinging to each other in a suggestive poised. Meanwhile, the slave girl on the floor muttered a sound. Apparently she is regaining consciousness.
    Chu Qiao froze. At once Yuwen Yue let go of her hands, reached out for the blanket and covered over the slave girl, blocking her vision. The moment he let go of Chu Qiao, she quickly wade her way out of the bed. 
    He smiled sinisterly at her inescapable plan. Reaching for the thin blanket, he gave a whipped at her feet, winding the piece of cloth around her ankle, pulled back, dragging her back to him. At once, she fall back into his arms. Both bodies rolled back with such a force that in the next second, a loud cracking noise was heard! The bed cracked loudly. Draperies and the beaded curtains falling down, burying over them.
    The loud commotion was heard clearly. Outside left only with half of the troop whereby the other half left for the lake trying to retrieve the jade. A young guard looked at the guard named Chang with anxiety. He carefully asked, "Bro Chang, what's with that noise?"
    Guard Chang lifted his ears to listen attentively. He nodded to himself and lowered down his voice as he spoke, "I think, positively sure that the bed has cracked down."
    "Bed cracking down?" the young guard utter in disbelief. "Omg, that extreme?!"
    Yuwen Yue was amidst the draperies as he struggled out. When he lifted his head, he saw Chu Qiao standing in front of him. Her eyes cold and sharp. In her hands held a piece of wood from the cracking bed. The point of the sharp wood was now leveling at his throat.
    "Don't move!" she ordered.
    Yuwen Yue lifted a smile. He averted her gaze to her chest, then spoke in laze, "Next time, do put on your clothes before action. Otherwise your threat is meaningless."
    "Stop speaking nonsense! Let me go this instance!"
    "Xing er, you must have been mistaken. I'm the one under your captive now. How can I not let you go?" he laughed.
    "Yuwen Yue, do you think that I do not have other options other than asking you? Even if I kill you now, I'll be able to get out amidst the troops. But I do not wish to opt for that. There's enmity between us but I do not wish to end your life this way."
    "It's a pity then," he shrugged with a 'couldn't be bothered' attitude. "I'll never let you go as long as I live."
    Chu Qiao's eyes squinted dangerously. "Don't try to challenge me!"
    "It's the same here."
    At this moment, troops approaching close outside the door. Both of them stunned momentarily. Their steps unorganized unmistakably doesn't belong to Yuwen Yue's troops of soldiers.
    Just when Chu Qiao attention was averted, he moved sideways trying to escape from her weapon. But Chu Qiao wasn't without caution. Reflexively she lifted her weapon. Her actions swift and smooth, her skills well trained. Without second thoughts, she stabbed on him. blood splattered out immediately. Her heart sunk as her eyes looked bewildered. "My lord, are you awake?" the chatelain' s asked with humble respect.
    Yuwen Yue and Chu Qiao was sitting opposite each other at the other end of the bed. His shoulder was dangling with the piece of wood piercing into his flesh. The wood was the size of a thumb but with her skills, it managed to pierce thru his shoulder. Red blood splattered out, staining the bed. 
    All things were happening too fast. The moment the wood pierce thru him, Chu Qiao had expected him to shout with pain. But then, the chatelain was just waiting right outside. The chatelain was a government servant who knows martial arts. He had been assisting his father in wars before. If they had not encountered with the Yan's lion, Yan xun's father, the city of Bien Liang will be under Da Liang's occupation by now. During the war, the chatelain's father was killed. These led to rank demotion and the whole family was casted out to Bien Liang. It's without a doubt, the chatelain hated Yan Bei to his core.
    If Yuwen Yue utter an unusual sound right now, the chatelain would undoubtedly  badged in. If she was captured, the consequences will be unthinkable.
    Chu Qiao reflexively reached out to her calves. Usually, no matter where she was, she has a small dagger with her. And her skills could end a wounded person's live in such a distance. With the small dagger slits through his throat, she was sure, he wouldn't have the chance to utter a sound.
    However she forgot that she lost her dagger during the fight at the aisle a moment ago.
    Yuwen Yue noticed her actions. His eyes narrowed into a thin line as he realized she would kill him!
    "My lord, are you asleep?" the chatelain asked again.
    Suddenly, she heard him slowing down his breathing pace. He spoke monotonously, "Is it Lord Tian? It's late now, is there anything important?"
    Chu Qiao's heart was pumping hard. She lifted her head and looked at him. He was all shedding with blood and it stunned her to see him in this way.
    "My lord, I've heard that you lost something important in the lake. The guards haven't manage to find it til late. I'm wondering if I could offer any assistance by draining out the water from the lake for better results."
    Yuwen Yue took a deep breath. His hand covering the wound as he said, "My utmost gratitude."
    "It's my honor to be at your service my lord," the chatelain replied.
    "If there's nothing else, please rest early."
    "Then, allow me to excuse myself." the chatelain bid his goodnight and retreated. The night once again overwhelmed with peaceful silence.
    Yuwen Yue let our a deep breath. His energy was draining out from him as he leaned backwards against the bed. Then clenching his teeth, his fingers reached out for the wood and pulled them out ruthlessly. "Hmmph," his brows knitted together, his face distorted as he let out a soft gasp of pain.
    Blood was gushing out immediately.
    Chu Qiao quickly moved forward, her hands covering the ugly wound.
    Unbearable pain almost knocked him off from consciousness. Chu Qiao quickly held him at his shoulders. Her voice worried as she spoke, "How are you felling?"
    Feebly, he took a look at her. His face pale like a ghost. After a short moment, he said weakly, "No worries, I'm still alive.
    "Don't move. I'll help you to bandage the wound."
    Chu Qiao stood up and quickly went into the attached bathroom. Shortly after, she returned with a wooden pail. Lithely jumping up to the bed, she hastily started to tend to his wound.
    "There're thorns in the wood. You need to prick them out." his voice coarse with pain.
    Chu Qiao looked at his pale face, asking,"Can you stand the pain?"
    "One wouldn't know if you didn't try," he clouded as if he couldn't care more.
    She managed to find a knife within the vicinity. She disinfected the knife with the wine and candle flames, then handed him a white towel. "Gag yourself with this so that in pain you won't bite the tongue."
    He accepted the towel and held them in the other hand.
    Chi Qiao kept quiet as she attending to his wound. The piece of wood damaged was more serious than a knifes' cut. She has to cut his flesh opened with the knife, then picked out all the thorns. As the flesh was uneven and constantly bleeding, she had to carefully cleared and cleaned them in order to make sure his wounds wouldn't be infected. Facing such wounds, it's inevitable that her hands starts to tremble. "I think it's better if we get a doctor," she said, fully understood that once the doctor arrived, she will be exposed. What's waiting ahead is only death. But, she could also tried to make an escape during the operation. Although chances to escape is micro.
    Yuwen Yue leaned forward and snatched the knife, " if you can't do it, then I'll do it myself." he lifted the knife, ready to cut the flesh,
    "Let me do it! Let me do it!" she panicked, snatching the knife away. Them she stared intensely at him. His eyes were half shut. His posture carefree. If his face wasn't as pale, she would have thought he was well. Then she inhaled deeply and began to tend to his wound.
    3 hours later as the sun rise, she was wet with sweat. She found her own clothes and the medication for wounds. The process finally done with a clean stripe of cloth bandaged over his shoulders. During the whole procedure, Yuwen Yue remained quiet and she didn't have the courage to look at him. When she looked up now, she realized he had fall deep into slumber. His forehead was wet with sweat and his brows were knitted together. The towel clutched in his hands was drenched with sweat.
    She cleared off everything, then helped him to lie down on the bed. She wet a towel with clean water and wiped off the blood stain and sweat, then dried his long hair with another clean towel.
    The richard simmons crowed from afar at the dawn of the morning. Servants stopped by and knocked at the door. Chu Qiao answered that the young master wasn't awake yet. Her answer brought abrupt shouts of laughter from the young soldiers. They nodded to themselves, coming to a conclusion that their young master would need to rest for the rest of the day after a night of excessive exercise. As they need to stay around the city for 2days, the guards ordered the servant not to disturbed their young master. Yes, their master would need a good rest. The servant only need to send in the meals.
    Returning to the bedside, she looked at the man who was deep in slumberland. Her tired eyes started to study his features. The arched eyebrows, the devil's eyes, his red lips which always sputtered out mean words. She frowned deeply. "We are enemies," she muttered, not sure if the words were for him for her own self.
    "I'm the slaves as well as the traitor. You are the noble from the royal family. You are also the one who killed brother Lin shi, sister Zhe Xuang, Xiao Qi, Xiao ba and many other family members of the Jing family. You are the reason that Yan Xun and me suffering and living lowly as a dog for the past eight years. But I have also killed you grandpa (meaning Yuwen xi. In fiction, only one Yuwen family and no uncles), your servants and escaped from the Yuwen's household. We are forever in doubts. If you want to kill me, it's understandable. If I want to kill you, it's reasonable too. We do not have any strings attached. There's no need for you to be soft hearted towards me. If you live, I'll be dead and vice versa. This is the rule. It always will be for you and me. It's supposed be this way, it's supposed to be this way...."
    As per what she'd said, all these are beyond reasonable doubts. It's the law of of living. It's a way without any compromise. Before all these, her beliefs had never faltered. Yet, without any reason, her voice getting softer as she spoke. Barely audible until her sound faded off. She frowned as she looked at him. Her hands reaching out, gently touching the wound. "No matter what, I'm owe my life to you." she muttered and continued,"Yuwen Yue, I'm so sorry."
    Outside the room, the sun was shining bright. Its bright lights shined through the window screens, casting gentle shadows in the room.
    Chu Qiao sat of the floor beside the bed. Her head resting at the bedside beside him. Tiredness engulfed her as she fell deep into slumber.
    End of chapter 97.

    I think it's better to put the excerpts as spoilers as some might not want to know the story in advance. Chapter 97 (end) Enjoy :)



    3 hours ago, monchoo said:
      Reveal hidden contents
    Chapter 99 - in the bedroom (part1)
    Another day soon passed. It was midnight again. Yuwen Yue was still sleeping when Chu Qiao attending to the wound dressing. The wound was well cleansed and uninfected. She was trained to attend to such accidents.
    It was dark outside when Yuwen Yue awoke in a daze. He was hungry and his body ached tremendously. He was wearing a clean long black robe meant for indoor. The material was comfortable and on the surface, patterns of a few stalks of orchid was sewn with gold thread.
    Chu Qiao took a glance at him. He was sitting there looking daze and perplexed. He didn't look her way but merely frowned. "Tea." he called out impatiently. She quickly handed him the cup.
    Perhaps he was really thirsty that he took the cup and drank it all. After that, he wet his lips and all of a sudden, he threw the cup on the floor. "Ginseng tea!" he turned to her, fuming with impatience. As soon as he finished throwing tantrums, only did he realized he was in an unfavorable circumstance. Silence befell.
    "You are still in daze from the sleep," she said casually bending over to pick up the cup. "There's something to eat over there. Help yourself." she pointed at the food container on the table.
    Yuwen Yue realized his misdemeanor, pretending like nothing had happened. He took a deep breath. His wound was painful as he puzzled, "Why didn't you try to escape?"
    "I wish I could," she muttered, turning to him,"Your people is surrounding everywhere day and night. Do you think I have a chance?"
    "You are blunt enough." he stated with displeasure.
    She shrugged, "With you, there's no necessity to beat about the bush." she then jumped onto the bed, sitting opposite him. She looked at him, calmly asked, "Tell me, what do you intend to do?"
    Yuwen Yue take a look at her and got out of the bed. He kept quiet as he sat before the table. His hurting shoulders had prevented him from actions as minor as taking out the dishes from the container. Turning to her, he commanded,"Come over and serve me the meals."
    She frowned refusing to move an inch.
    He sat by the table, threatening, "When I'm hungry, I might not be in good mood to communicate with others. If you want to ask a question, you'll have to wait til I finished my meal."
    Chu Qiao darted over at his threat. She opened the lid and took our a bowl of soup. Unwillingly, she put the bowl onto the table forcefully, not expecting the bowl to crack into half. The liquid spilled out, splashed onto his robe. He jumped up alarmed. His face turned gloomy when he saw the veggy in the soup sticking onto his robe. Some still hot with sizzles. He glared at her the turned away, heading to the bathroom. "Come along! Help to cleanup."
    Bathroom? Bathroom again!!
    He was naked atop as he reached to the center of the room. Gradually he turned to her who was still in a perplex state. "Why are you standing there? Come over!"
    She was heaving as she took a deep breath. She tried to calm herself down by clenching and unclenching her fists. Repeating the actions for a few times, she went over. As she making ways to the pool, she picked up a large wooden pail on her way and filled them with the hot spring water. Then with her heads up, she walked into the bathroom. Her steps were quick, her eyes gleamed with fury while her expression icy cold. He was taken aback shuddering with slight fear. He stepped back with full preparation to retaliate. "What do want to do?" he asked carefully.
    She lifted up the wooden pail full of water, explaining,"You want me to help you clean up isn't it? If I don't rinse you with water, how am I suppose to clean you up?"
    "But I'm wounded!" he retorted, pointing at his wounded chest, stressing the fact of him being hurt.
    "Right!" she nodded agreeing with him."I know. I'm the cause of the wound?"
    "Then you intend to splashed me wet with water?"
    "If you wet, how am I supposed to do the clean up?"
    Thus the repetition of, "But I'm wounded!" 

    "I know. I cause the wound,"

    "Fine then, you may leave," he granted as his face darkened.
    Chu Qiao lifted up the pail, shrugged at him, "You really do not want my help?"
    His anger flared up immediately, "I asked you to leave!"
    Granted, she turned around leaving the bathroom, whistling in a good mood making her way out.

    Chapter 99, To be continued...

    Poor fella :tongue:


    Thank you soo much! You are keeping my weekend excited! 

    4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    incoming bathroom scene


    will we get a kiss? :wub:

    some mini spoilers in this video: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av11555362/

    could this be after they get together? 


      Reveal hidden contents



    apparently people think it is after they get married bc of her hair and outfit here







    Thank you for sharing some BTS photos. So excited. They look nice in their new clothing and hopefuly it's the new wedding/married couple look. :wub:

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, monchoo said:

    Chapter 97 - Indebted part 1

    The room was in dead silence. The only sound heard was from the tiny sparks of the flickering lantern lights at the corners of the room. Outside was dark with occasional feeble chirping of cicadsas in summertime. The moon was bright, its lights pouring. The night of Wu Peng city was peaceful and breezy with nice weather.
    In a quiet night as such, for those who practiced wushu usually have exceptionally good hearing senses. Soon after, low voices from outside were heard. These guards were gathering around carefully, their gossip topic were nonetheless their young master.
    "I've never expected a serious man like our young master would actually prefer such kind~"
    "Truly unexpected! The loud noises. Clothes scattering everywhere. What a scene!!"
    "That slave girl is lucky! Her attempt has been successful!"
    "But I really have to agreed she's not bad. Her legs long and slender with fair skin ~"
    "Have you gone cuckoo? She belongs to our young master. Better watch out if you still want to keep your eyes!"
    "Ah! Brother Chang is right. We must forget what was witnessed a while ago. Otherwise I'm afraid we won't be able to see another dawn in the following morning!"
    "I've been around for years, our young master is consider good temper nowadays. Back then, he was a bad tempered person everyone's afraid of. Listen to me everyone! I'm the truth! But I've to agree this slave girl is really not bad! The figure, the looks, but...how come she looks a bit familiar?"
    "All beauties in the world look familiar to you."
    Their sleazy laughs disappeared as they walked away in the quiet night.
    Inside the room, both of them remained at the same pose. Their fingers clutching as each other's throat, their legs entwined tightly. Glaring at each other, their minds intoxicated with complicated thoughts.
    Suddenly strong wind blown in thru the window resulting the red drapes around the bed dancing lithely in the wind. The drapes swaying in the wind before their eyes. Their features obscured by transparent chiffon cloths.
    Time slowly passing by. From afar, the night watch man's voice echoing in the quiet night.
    Both their expressions gradually turning cold, 
    From astonishment to embarrassment, from anger to hostility, it has now subsiding gradually to peace and calmness. Just like a giant stone thrown into the the lake, no matter how great the splash was, it will sunk leaving only soft ripples on the water surface as the lake returned to its peace as it was before.
    Both of them removed their fingers from each other's throat, retreating slowly.
    Chu Qiao hastily clutched the linen covers tightly before her chest, preventing any sightings of her smooth skin. Her eyes without a blink, stared at the man opposite her. She suppressed all kind of emotions, leaving only caution with care.


    Undoubtedly, he was Yuwen Yue, the young master whom reached the Wu Peng city. With such a noble identity, it's no surprise that Bien Liang's chatelain wanted to be acquainted with.
    His fury slowly cooling down. His eyes darkened as he raised an eyebrow. He was looking at her coldly but without hostility. He regained to his usual self, getting out of the bed unabashedly, making ways to the center of the room. He picked up his robe and put them on. The robe was casually tied with a knot around his waist, revealing his healthy colored chest.
    And then, he was kind enough to help picked up her wet clothes and handed them over to her. "Return it back to me," he said in his monotonous tone.
    "Return?" Chu Qiao frowned. "What sort?"
    He glared at her. His brows knitted with displeasure and disbelief.
    "After escaping back with those beggars from the Da Tong's group, Yan Xun's financial status has declined to such a state? Out of direness you have to become a thief?!"
    "What are you trying to imply? Watch your mouth! " she scowled angrily.
    Yuwen Yue threw her a look of disdain, "How dare a captive like you to speak with such arrogance,"
    Chu Qiao start on the bed. Her face cold. She daren't to retort. Her rescue plan had totally failed, she thought with unspeakable regrets. She can't believe how bad luck she was. However she had to admit she was so relief when she first saw him. Perhaps it's better to be held captive by him rather than anyone else. At least, her head will still be attaching to her neck. She knew the king wanted her head.
    "Hand it over."
    "Whats that to Hand over?!"
    "Stop acting with me!" he grunted, eyes cold like ice, "Just now at the aisle, it was you right? You steal something from me and now you are asking me what's that to return?"
    Chu Qiao finally understood, but she remained tight-lipped. "Who wants your thing? It's just I accidentally took it. I already threw it away. If you really wants it so bad, you can get someone to the lake to retrieve it."
    He frowned. Chu Qiao was not intimidated. Her eyes sparkled with stubbornness  and calmness with confidence. Throwing the wet clothes at her face, he turned and headed to the door. As soon as the door opened, a young guard stepped forward. His voice barely audible as he requested the guards  to go to the lake to retrieve back the piece of jade. The guards' face paled when they heard of the task. Although the lake wasn't too big and a boat's ride which only takes an hour for lone whole round around it, yet it was a difficult task for the guards to dive in and retrieved one single piece of jade in the 4 meters deep water.
    A guard stepped forward, said in an uneasy tone, "My lord,~" he was about to finish his sentence as he looked up when the young master's hand landed hard on his head with whack! In haste and disregard of the pain, the guard quickly averted his gaze to the floor. 
    "How dare of you to raise your head!"
    The poor guard nodded his head, daren't to look up an inch.
    Chu Qiao who was on the bed was taken aback. The large bed was facing the door and she was naked right this moment.
    Soon, the guard retreated and within moments, lights were lighted up. Shouts were heard. Almost all the servants were awaken and headed to the lake for the task assigned by the young master.
    When Yuwen Yue turned around, Chu Qiao had already put on her clothes. Despite of that, the wet thin cloths clung tightly to her body enhancing her curves like a second skin, exuding an aura of irresistible temptation.
    He frowned as he looked at her. At once, Chu Qiao blushed with embarrassment.
    He walked to the nearby wardrobe and before Chu Qiao could warned him, he had opened the wardrobe and a body bundled in the blanket, fell out in a loud thump! Before anyone of them could react, the poor slave girl was mistook as an assassin and got kicked away by Yuwen Yue. Fortunately the slave girl's mouth was gagged, otherwise Chu Qiao couldn't imagine how loud she'll wailed in pain! And fortunately Yuwen Yue wasn't too harsh on the poor girl. The slave's disheveled self has put him into deep thoughts.
    By this time, the poor slave was curling up with fear. First she was knocked fainted unexpectedly, then awoke in the cupboard, and when she was finally saved, before she managed to shout for help, she got kicked away! Right at this moment, the man before here was looking at her with a killer's intention. Overwhelmed with great fear, her eyes rolled and she fainted once again.
    "Hey, don't harm her." 
    Yuwen Yue turned to her. Chu Qiao was blushing with embarrassment. He now realized she was pretending, taking place of the slave girl. After making clear of the situation, he ignored the slave girl, turned to the closet and took a dress for her. A smirked curled his lips as he said, "Xing er, you are still the same. Ruthless as ever."
    "Don't call me with that name!" she said in a cold manner as she put the dry clothes over the wet ones.
    Just when she finished uttering the sentence, he plunged forward, leaping onto her. His strong muscular body pressing her tightly beneath him. His legs straddling her as his hands locking on her jaw, jerking her face up. His expression clouded with storms as he ruthlessly spoke, "Then how shall I call you? Jing xiao liu? Or what they call? Chu Qiao?"
    Great storms gathering in his eyes. His face overcast with dangerous threat. His hands tightening on her jaw. "Well, after taking refuge in Yan Xun, have you forgot even your own ancestor's given surname? Then why don't you just follow his surname as well?!"
    Chu Qiao looking up at him. "Let go of me!" she commanded fearlessly.
    "Let go of you?" he repeated after her as he let out a laugh of dismal. "Where do you wanna go? You come to Bien Liang to visit your about to get married ex-flame (note: he meant Xiao Ce, the prince) or to make ways back to Yan bei? How come I've never take notice of how our little Xing er can overthrown a kingdom with just a smile?"
    "Yuwen Yue, I'm warning you now. Let go of me!"
    "Warning?" again his lips curled into a smirking smile. His eyes narrowed dangerously. "Xing er, is this the first day you know me? Since when I, Yuwen Yue need to take heed of anyone's warning?"
    Chu Qiao's clutched her hands and without much time to think, reaching out at his neck.
    But Yuwen Yue wasn't unprepared. He leaned backwards as her fingers slipped from his neck to the robe collar. The robe had been tied loosely awhile ago, now parted, revealing his bare and strong healthy chest! The grip on her jaw was released only to have the fingers traveling down from her smooth necklines to her collarbones. He smiled devillishly as he whispered, "Well, can't even wait, can we? You plan well to get close to me just to represent Yan bei to seduce me?"
    Chu Qiao remained calm. Her eyes narrowing with fury. Her knees bend as she tried to knock him over his groins. Her action swift and merciless!
    But Yuwen Yue wasn't someone ordinary. When coming to such close combat, he can never be underestimated. His hands pressed on the bed and immediately his body lifted up. When he landed down ontop of her again, her earlier tactics was useless.. The difference of their earlier pose was he was pressing her down hard on the bed. Their faces were only inches away. 
    "Hmmph!" her hands clutched into a fist, punching him at his shoulders angrily.
    Yuwen Yue numbed with pain. His body rolled sideways, dragging her along. His arms were around her waist as they rolled inwards the bed, wrapping themselves in the thin blanket. Soon after, their bodies were tightly bundled up. Like a large dumpling, Yuwen Yue had her hands locked while his legs entwined around hers.
    Chu Qiao struggled with all her might. But due to the wrapped over, the more she struggled the tighter they were pressed together. Moreover, he's much stronger than her. After a short while struggling, she lose her energy and was gasping for breath. However she did not give up. If she can't fight with her hands and legs, she can still attacked with her mouth! She jerked her head up and was ready to bite.
    The fight has had her clothes partially parted, revealing her shoulders. Her face blushed with fury red. Her big eyes sparked with fire as her breast heaving.
    "Still refuse to surrender?"
    Yuwen Yue was above her. He heard her gasping for breath, her heart beating fast and the faint pleasant smells filled his senses. His expression softened. He gave her a smile of victory, whispering, "Are we done yet?"
    Chu Qiao bite her lips tight. All these years she seldom lost in such an unfavorable situation. Besides refusing to admit her lost, she was panic stricken. Without any qualms, her gut feeling was telling her to leave as soon as possible and to never meet him again!
    "Let go of me!"
    "Xing er, aren't you tired with the same words?"
    Her clothes were parted slightly and his legs were entwining with hers. The skin intact  and immediately the situation became strangely embarrassing.
    Her eyes darted at him in a glare. Clenching her teeth, she said, "Wish I have a knife to stab you right now!"
    (to be continue soon.)


    Finished reading! Thank you soo much @monchoo

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    I want the cast to go on Happy Camp, but so far no news. :(

    Yuwen Yue looking amazing in blue. I hope this outfit makes a comeback in a happier scene :wub:





    I want them on Happy Camp, too. I watched some drama cast go to Happy Camp in the past and there wasn't english subtitles, but I still watched it. It's nice to see them interact after the drama have finished airing/filming. Really hope they get to go. Update us on the news if they do get to go.

    And yes, Yuwen Yue looks soo HOT in blue, doesn't mean the white doesn't match him, the color blue just brings more character out of him. :wub:

    @Cheryl Lancelot Yes, ZLY has something to do with bells in her drama. It always bring sadness when the bells are thrown and they get broken. It's probably her signature in these type of dramas. :D


    • Like 2
  9. 58 minutes ago, hot_hot1975 said:

    I hope someone kill Yuwen Huai with a painful dead. 


    26 minutes ago, Miky88 said:

    I also hope he won't die fast,hope he will die slow and painful and by the hands of Xun possibly...


    I'm sure all of us want him to die in the most painful possible and that is a slow death that he would suffer. Ninja mode to kill him! :ph34r:

    25 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:


    I saw that and some people were also saying LGX can't portray his character and I was like :blink: I was not a fan of LGX before this drama and I came in with zero expectations. But YWY is probably one of my favorite portrayals of the typical cold emotionless guy because you can tell he is feeling so much. 

    In the end, everyone is different and we all have different taste/opinions. So far for me one of the best things about this drama is that I feel that everyone is acting well.


    I agree with you on the zero expectations. Whenever I watch any drama/movie, I don't have high expectations, as long as I know who's playing what roles and what the story line is I just watch it and I'll review about it later. So far, playing a role of cold emotionless guy, I've seen it a lot and so far, I would say Lin Geng Xin plays Yuwen Yue well. Same goes with Lee Joon Gi playing well for Wang So in Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Wallace Huo playing Bai Zhi Hu in Journey of Flower. 

    Everyone has this own taste and different perspective and every actors and actresses will have anti-fans. I don't really care, I just watch dramas and movies, because it's a hobby and I'm addicted to it. I mean who isn't. 

    • Like 6
  10. 52 minutes ago, monchoo said:

    I'm not sure if you guys have seen this before. Just for those who haven't. Here's our beloved OTP doing wedding shoot! So so cute! Love the ways they hold hands!! And definitely love all the bts when LGX complied to Zly's every wishes. 

    I loved the bts where they were at the night market and Zly asked him to give her a cute look, the time where they play pretend the ship was an airplane, the way she signaled him over for a photo shoot with her by the bridge! I could go on and on~~


     Ps: Shaun dou was recommended by ZLy as YX.


    They are too cute in all the BTS. I totally love the part where they pretend to the ship was an airplane. She kept playing with his hair. And especially she was sitting on the bridge and just called out "Xiao Xin, come here." They took pictures together. Love how comfortable they get around each other. :lol::wub:

    That's the thing about Chinese actors and actresses, they get along quickly and keep in contact with each other. 


    48 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    @monchoo LOL I can't imagine after this week. People were fuming. Wang Yan Lin (who plays Yuwen Huai) is going to have to hide :lol::lol:

    The guy who plays Zhao Xi Feng was a baddie in Princess Weiyoung too. Lol he just looks evil now to me. 

    edit: ohh wow I didn't know ZLY recommended Shawn as YX. Good recommendation, all book fans seem to really like the casting. 


    ZLY recommended Shawn? Wow! They did a good job casting these actors and actresses for this drama. Everyone fit their character roles soo well.


    28 minutes ago, mundane9 said:

    the latest youtube previews has hinted that zly commented the series ends about halfway thru the novel and won't completely feature the entire novel. crap - wonder what that means..... no wedding-baby scenes?


    The novel is in Chinese and I only read what was translated on this website and what monchoo translated. I looked up the book and it is long and seems draggy. I just hope that they changed it into something good and still keep parts and parts from the novel. Let's hope so. Crossing fingers!

    • Like 2
  11. @monchoo Thank you in advance for translating this weekend. You are the best! Can't wait to read more of your translation! :grin:

    5 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    I don't know if he is sure she is LuoHe's daughter. I think he thinks there is a chance. I thought he didn't trust her bc he killed her brother. 

    "Won't your heart ache if I die?". He flings back, "Can you really kill me?" I loved that part :lol: and how she reacts when he takes out the handkerchief

    I don't think she realizes her feelings tbh bc she is so busy trying to survive and take revenge for her sister/brother. But it is obvious she cares about him. She can't kill him with her own hands and she started crying when she heard that he was only using for a suicide mission. Then in her room she cried over almost trusting him.  


    I love this scene of them. Especially when he pulled out the handkerchief, she was puzzled. Love it. Such a great scene of their character's relationship.

    4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    LGX gave an interview and he said Yuwen Yue was cold but not ruthless lol just like we said before :lol:

    He called ZLY "Teacher Zhao" the first day of shooting lmao poor Liying that makes her seem so old. She did debut before him, but she got popular after him. He said she was very dedicated and hardworking. Sometimes called her Xing'er. Only called her "teacher Zhao" to tease her.

    They asked ZLY if Xingyue would become true and she said they were just dedicated (to their roles). 



    she had decided to give him the benefit of the doubt but she was still conflicted since she told her sister she would take revenge on him for their brother's death. Even if it fits her I think YWY likes to have more certainty, he probably has suspicions. 


    4 hours ago, cenching said:

    @mrsyooknit, their chemistry on and off screen is off the charts. She looks really close to LGX than to Shawn. I don't really ship them for real but off screen she looks very comfortable with him rather than with Wallace Huo before. With WH, their relationship off screen look like Shifu-HQG minus the love.....haha

    Add. They look good together too 


    I would have to agree with @cenching that their chemistry is very different on and off screen, but that's probably why they did such a good job in playing their characters. Their characters are right now contemplating on their feelings for one another, but off screen, they are playful and comfortable with each other. 

    Can't wait for the bathroom scene. There's pictures already. Soo excited for it! :blush:

    • Like 2
  12. 6 minutes ago, ultimateauj said:

    On the other hand, I can't wait for more scenes of YWY and CQ. I love the confrontation scene with these two!! You can totally tell YWY deeply cares for CQ and how hurt he is because Xing'er no longer wants to hear any of his explanations. I really want to see how YWY makes it up to CQ. Off topic, but their relationship sort of reminds me of Hua Qian Gu and Bai Zhi Hua.. which I don't mind of course 


    2 minutes ago, visiopeia said:

    i agree!!! it reminds me of the tragic Hua Qian Gu who loves Zhi Hua so much ... i hope this is not another tragic story


    I can't have Yuwen Yue and Chu Qiao turn into Hua Qian Gu and Bai Zhi Hua. :( It was soo heartbreaking towards the end of Journey of the Flowers, he loved her but he couldn't tell her and she was soo heartbroken. We can't have the same thing with Yuwen Yue and Chu Qiao. At least let them be together at the end, even if they are riding horses together to fight for freedom. LET THEM BE TOGETHER!!

    1 minute ago, heoesdanish90 said:

    Who are hua qian gu and zhi hua? Sorry i'm not really familiar with chinese drama.


    Go search up The Journey of Flower by Zanilia Zhao Li Ying and Wallace Huo.

    • Like 3
  13. 58 minutes ago, cenching said:



    My iPhone and Mac can't access it anymore even after I clear the cache. Good thing iPad can....I will try Google Chrome, thank you, ladies  :heart:


    Fastdrama sometimes experience technical difficulties, too. I never had it happened to me where I can't access it, but my sister did, even after she clear the cache and everything. Hopefully it start working for you, soon. 

    • Like 3
  14. 2 hours ago, Bella-Chimura said:

    Wowww... it's seem they have a lunch/dinner date for first time. Hope it will not end with lovers fighting scene.:tongue:


    2 hours ago, Bella-Chimura said:

    Really hope so...

    But if I'm not mistaken, there's a scene that show CQ fight with YWY in that outfit and hairstyle. Both using couple sword. But I don't remember YWY outfit.


    Hope it's when they are getting back together and having a meal together.


    2 hours ago, cenching said:

    During that scene YWY was wearing purple but who knows he changes before meals :grin:

    Btw, I got the same bowls but mine is with blue flower....hehe


    My mom has similar bowls, too, but they're also blue flowers and she has matching plates as well. Lol! :D

    • Like 3
  15. 2 hours ago, songareum95 said:

    Hi everyone !!! :) I am new in this forum. But I have followed and read the opinions in this forum from beginning to last. Thank you.. Dou Xie!!!

    The movie made me want to watch it all the way, but unfortunately it only aired until Thursday. I can't speak Chinesse but i've already watch last new ep. in Hunan TV.

    :dissapointed_relieved:Poor Yan Xun. Pitty him. I know how his feel. Full of anger, hatred and revenge. All Yan's Clan beheaded. YWH, he is really evil (the actor plays the character well so that I hate YWH). I know how CQ feel towards YX,, same with us the viewers. 

    This drama make me crazy... hahaha i can't wait the English Subtitle so I watch it without Eng Sub. Although I do not understand what they are talking about, I'm just guessing, and there are also some common words that I understand (very little words). :D

    I love Princess Agent :heart:

    The plot story is really good, interesting to watch. Great Actors & Actresses. There are some technical & graphical errors in film, but that's okay, I still enjoy the drama storyline.

    I became a new fan of ZLY and LGX and Shawn now. :heart: I like their acting here. I don't like LGX as Zhao Yun in God of War, i don't know why i don't like him in that drama. But, in here LGX is more suitable as Yuwen Yue. And more adorable paired with ZLY. 

    I can't wait for the Eng Sub and can't wait for Monday -_-




    2 hours ago, mundane9 said:

    Hi Y'all

    Have been follIowing this for a while but never got around to signing up until now. I find this forum's interactions more interesting and entertaining than some of the scenes in the actual tv series..... hahahaa.

    1)I notice a lot of the so called previews on Youtube aren't really previews at all. More like clips that were already included at the end of the actual show. Any reliable real previews out there? thx

    2) N also - was under the impression ep 24 would actually show YX's mom's sacrifice already but somehow got dragged out till next week which was not the 'hint' some of the previews provided.

    3) If the author rewrote the content for the tv series - it'll be interesting to see what she rewrote. Obviously the YWY-XE relationship to begin with.... is there any place out there we can see the actual tv script summary rather than the book. 

    4) Has it been determined if this is a 50+ ep or 60+ ep series?


    nice meeting y'all publicly finally

    ps - i hope they don't do a doozy mistake of releasing a movie after the series ends like Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms.


    Welcome! Come join us through this journey! It's soo exciting to see what's going to happen next week. :)

    • Like 2
  16. 29 minutes ago, cenching said:

    To ease our mind from the anger and sadness:



    Yes, at the end, they had a great time filming it. It puts our mind at ease. :)

    30 minutes ago, Bella-Chimura said:


    Heartbreak preview...

    Did YX mother want to change her live with her son? I don't understand... YWY must be panic when look at her beloved girl. Pity him too:bawling:


    YX did a good job today. It's going to be a heartbreaking week next week when the episodes airs. 

    About YWY, he couldn't stand to watch XE get hurt and he can't do anything about it, not with soo many people around. Also he's still kind-hearted to YX that he saw the arrow shooter and got in the way. I feel the pain for both YX and YWY. :bawling:

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, farhah_1986 said:

    Lets hope YWH die a horrible death, at least same like perverted grandpa...even the emperor should die the same.how could someone like that be an emperor..no wonder YX leaves the princess on the altar and seek out to get revenge...i can't blame him for this ,how could he marry her when his father kill all his family member. The country will fall onto chaos and i wonder who become the emperor in the end. A karma will comeback after the emperor, he suspect everyone who not following his will.


    Couldn't agree with you more on that. YWH deserves a death like his creepy perverted grandpa, who wants nothing but power and killing innocent people. The emperor is soo annoying to me, it serves him right for YX to leave the princess at the altar. I mean come on, they blamed and killed your family, don't go marrying traitors daughters, not even if they're princesses. YX did the right thing on leaving her. 

    2 minutes ago, heoesdanish90 said:

    In the novel, YX will become the emperor at the end. But sadly, he is a lonely emperor. Just like YWY in the past before he met with CQ.

    He met CQ after a few years ( when CQ was already got married with 3 children) But he just look at her. I think thats the price he had to pay for the revenge. He lost CQ somehow.

    He did get married to Liang princess ( she likes him in the novel but he never love her, he stills longing for CQ). At the end the Liang princess also died, but i'm not sure how she die. This is what i read from others readers review.

    I'm craving to read the novel by myself. But what to do, i dont understand chinese.huhu.


    We all wish the novel was in English, too, so we can all read it as well. 

    • Like 1
  18. 9 minutes ago, cenching said:

    @Bella-Chimura, I prefer XingEr #TeamYWY :lol:

    Yan Xunnnnnnnnn, I feel for you!!!! Let's go together to the dark side and go for killing sprees!!! Start with Emperor Eyeliner, YWH, your Dad traitor close friend, DaLiang Spy Network etc etc!!!:angry:


    Me, too! TeamYWY! XingYue just sounds soo much better, the Star and the Moon. :D

    5 minutes ago, cenching said:

    Maybe that is the only way the Princess can save his life


    Man! Sucks for YX, in order to save his life and get his revenge, he has to sacrifice and do all these things, just so he can get back at those who killed his family. 

    • Like 2
  19. 2 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    not the best but what I got 


      Reveal hidden contents


    they are both in adjacent cells and there is a hole in the wall. He is just making promises about he will protect her and how everything will be good in Yanbei, etc. :bawling: He is like my mom is very gentle and she will love you </3 poor YX

    And she asks him if he will take her to eat delicious food, she wants to eat pork (remember her brother gave her pork). Then she tells him her real name. 

    The princess is trying to come up with plan to save YX's life. 




    Thank you.

    Aww.. it's soo sad. Especially him making all those promises to her and he can't keep them later. :bawling:

    • Like 1
  20. 23 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

    @turtle0217 and @mrsyooknit.... So glad the drama is doing wellll and he does look gorgeous in that pic....  He looks so sadddddddddddddddddd, :bawling::bawling:



    :heart:            Group HUg everyone :heart:  


    17 minutes ago, Bella-Chimura said:


    He look hotttt :tongue:


    5 minutes ago, cenching said:

    Dear Wardrobe department, please always dress YWY in dark or bold colors instead of white. He looks sexy in colors


    Yes, love him dressed up in dark bold colors. Very gorgeous, hot, and sexy! :lol::love::tounge_wink:

    2 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    this episode is so sad YX </3 :bawling::bawling: YWY </3  :bawling:

    The scenes in jail </3 poor YX, I totally understand why he turns to the dark side.


    You're watching it already? Update us. I am still waiting for it to upload on Youtube. 

    • Like 1
  21. 6 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

    @turtle0217.... I think that explains YWY's feeling and fear of losing XE. Even when she jumped down from the balcony his expression was so intense. I think this event shows how much she means to him. She is the first person to penetrate the wall he built around him. 

    @cenching... I was getting that vibe is spades. Both of their reactions were their way of expressing how they feel. The way they expressed their feelings are psychotic and they understand each other. I think their feeling bonded from her very first punishment. Every time he punished she was happy and she loved making him proud by using what he taught her. That is why their bond kept getting stronger. Remember as they got to know each other Grandfather sent him a warning but YWY didn't care because XE was a challenge and he want d to see how far he can get. 

    I agree soo much with you on the YWY's feelings and fear of losing XE and the challenge he took of having XE around. In my opinion, he's a lonely person and he always does what he's told, and she brings the best and worst out of him. He cared soo much about her. Especially when he thought she got killed and he ran to check the body on the ground, but it wasn't XE and she ended up holding a dagger to his neck. 


    5 hours ago, monchoo said:

    Hi hi found a fanmade mv from utube. Looks such cute pairing even when the clips were from different dramas.




    This is soo cool. It felt so real of our OTP together. Lol! 

    5 hours ago, minoku2209 said:




    They are soo adorable BTS together. Loved it when she check his neck to make sure it was okay. :blush:

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