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Posts posted by turtle0217

  1. 1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    Awwww... love YWY's conversation with CQ while breaking bread together. Such a rare thing to see them both talking to each rather than her pointing something sharp at his throat. :wink:

    She gently mocks the Young Master for eating bread and asks him how he's finding it. He says it's alright and she notes that when a person is hungry, anything will do. She then recounts her childhood eating whatever she can find. Then he says:

    "In Chang'an, young girls of your age group, their heads are full of cosmetics and their ideal man. In Qing Shan Yuan, even the maids dream of attaining the silver bell. You, on the other hand, are not like them."

    "You've only just realised that I'm not like them?"

    "If I were to say, that I would like to share in your dream, would you believe me?"

    "I don't know why you're saying these things to me. Share in my dream? You don't even know what my dream is."

    "I haven't been the man I was 3 years ago. In the past, the reputation of the Yuwen clan was my whole life. Out at the border for 3 years, I saw bloodshed and killing, life seemed worthless. I then understood your hatred of all that was unjust. Before leaving Chang'an, I persuaded my grandfather to release all the Yuwen household slaves. Do you know why I gave you the name, Xing'er? Because the first time I saw you, your eyes were brighter than the stars and constellations." (Melts into a puddle just about here)

    And he smiles... sigh... yes... he did like her from the beginning.

    "Didn't I tell you before, I'm not called Xing'er? My name is Chu Qiao."

    He continues smiling.

    "In my heart you're Xing'er."

    "My name is Chu Qiao."

    "Let's each use whatever name we want. I will call you Xing'er."

    "I'm Chu Qiao."

    Cute. Some light hearted bickering.

    When they ask the little girl what her name is she says she's Xing Xing... (Star)

    The Young Master gets stroppy... "Who says you're allowed to use this name?"

    Very cute. The Young Master is such a boy and romantic at heart. Very territorial.

    "This uncle is annoying. Don't worry about him. Look, at his black face, doesn't he look like the black-faced door god?"

    "A little better looking than the black-faced door god." Ha. Cute. :D The girls are ganging up on the Young Master. 

    (The door god's pictures were often plastered on the front door of houses as a talisman in ancient China)

    Wow... if we thought that the spa flirting and the "I can't bear it if I can't protect you" confession was good... this level of honesty takes their relationship to a whole new level.


    Omo! Thank you soo much for translating this scene. I am soo happy to see them together like this. :):wub:

    • Like 3
  2. I am soo happy to watch today episodes. It was soo nice to finally see something between our OTP. It's been too long to see them together, again. :)

    5 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    Also anyone else saw the preview for when he tells her why he named her Xing'er " Your eyes are full of stars" :wub:

    MY HEART :bawling:



    I understood that part from the preview. It's soo heartbreaking. :heartbreak: He loved her from the moment he saw her and he's been loving her since and he can't stop his heart. 

    2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    So this episode was all about XingYue, sadly she will leave him tomorrow. 

    They had honest conversations for the first time and was her true self. She even laughed and joked at times. 

    She will leave tomorrow and from the preview Yue Qi tells him that he should give up on her. Meanwhile XE runs into trouble and gets rescued by XC. YWY follows her there, but XC tells him that she is barely holding on. I think we will get this hug tomorrow or Wednesday since he is wearing the same outfit on the previews.


    which means we have like no otp moments left from previews :bawling:


    We finally get to see this scene, but it all just means that our OTP will separate, again. 

    Yes, Yue Qi your master has to let her go, but he loves her too much he can't. :bawling::heartbreak:


    I don't think I can handle her leaving him and he's going to keep following her. 

    • Like 7
  3. 48 minutes ago, cenching said:


    The bells miraculously attached itself back in YWY's sword in the latest episode during slave-buying scene......:blink:


    Ohh.. :blink:

    I went back and rewatch it and realize it was there, too. Huh.. weird.. :blink:

    27 minutes ago, gentlelily12 said:

    ZLY has 4 collaborations with LGX so far.  First is PA, 2nd is Swordsman Mobile Game, 3rd is Cosmobride and finally is a short movie or video more for the characters of the drama PA.  That's an almost 3 or 4 collaborations. Has she done so many with her other co-stars?  Just curious. With PA almost coming to an end i wonder if these two will team up for another project soon.




    There was a swordsman mobile game? Is it the same with the short movie where she was wearing pink and he time travel back or something?

  4. 33 minutes ago, mimimi26 said:


    I like how she holds on to her sword so close to her.  I think the director is already trying to show us that CQ sub consciously gave her heart to YWY.  She had three years to choose to another weapon to use, learn different style martial arts. Instead, she held on to the sword and use the Yuwen style martial art... hummmm.  Never really got to see a real battle between YX and YWY, do you think YX martial arts is up to par with YWY?   


    Love the photo. Thank you for sharing.

    Honestly, I would agree with you that she does have feelings for YWY without realizing it, yet. She was away for 3 years and she picked up the sword from the grave when he thought she was dead. She had the sword for three years and didn't change anything and still uses the same tactic/kungfu he taught her. She doesn't realize her feelings, yet.


    Also anyone figured out why or how YWY's bell disappear from his sword? Will he ever give her the hairpin that he fix?

    • Like 7
  5. Omo! Just saw the preview and now I am dying for Monday to come. Only 20 hours to go before Monday and it's PA time. :(

    4 hours ago, cenching said:

    @mrsyooknit, the bathroom scene is a turning point in their relationship.....XE realized and understand his feeling now (she is not his slave anymore, so the situation is completely different) and she also knew of her own feeling (I won't say she is as deep as him) BUT XE also realizes even though they love each other it is not the right time to be together bcoz she has a commitment toward YX and they are in opposite sites.


    In my opinion, I believe it's the start of their relationship like you standing, but I don't think XE/CQ realize her feelings yet. She'll slowly realize it as she hangs out more with YWY and realize that she does actually have feelings for him. I mean she tried multiple time trying to kill him and not once had she succeed. Just my guess 


    4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    is this when she realizes he is a big marshmallow when it comes to her? 


    he loves her so much, he just wants her to live. Nothing else matters. As long as she is alive, he is happy. That is true love, when the happiness of the person you love brings you happiness. :bawling: YWY better get a happy ending. He is too good. 


    It's soo heartbreaking. He loves her soo much and he's willing to do all it takes to keep her alive, even if she's going back to YX. :bawling: Yes, @mrsyooknit he needs a happy ending. 

    2 hours ago, hermionne said:

    I love this translation:

    "You may leave if you wish. But if you are caught or killed by someone, or if you die somewhere - it doesn't matter - do not let me find out, especially if it's in a place where I cannot reach out or help you. Otherwise, I will not be able to handle it."




    26 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    What a beautiful thing to wake up to...


    The Young Master confesses... :wub:  :cry: in his own indomitable style. 

    The pangs... the pangs... I was going to  say, "my poor heart" but really, "YWY... your poor heart."

    Underneath all the prickles, the barbs and the cool exterior beats a heart that feels so deeply. It confirms everything we've ever thought about him. He will never force her to stay. As long as she's safe and alive, that's what matters most.

    If you'd like to leave, you can.

    If you are caught, if you're killed, dead somewhere, it doesn't matter.

    But don't let me know if it's somewhere I can't see you, reach you or help you,  

    Otherwise I won't be able to bear it



    Thank you for the translation. It's soo heartbreaking. Our YWY finally said his real feelings an XE/CQ might still go back to YX. :bawling: I am going to cry a river when I watch this on Monday or throughout the week. :heartbreak:

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, gentlelily12 said:

    [Showtimes] Princess Agents on Huan TV:

     From July 17 - July 20: Monday to Thursday night 22:00 (GMT+08:00). Each day will release two episodes

     From July 23 - July 27: Sunday to Thursday night 22:00 (GMT+08:00). Each day will release two episodes

    From July 30 - August 1: Each day will release one episode on 23:00 (GMT+08:00)

    So drama Princess Agents will end on August 1 with total episodes is 69 episodes (TV Version).


    credit to 4uDrama.com


    Thank you for updating us on the new schedule. Yes, soon we'll watch PA on Sunday, too. :lol:

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, tsubamee said:


    ZLY interview translation.

    Don't know if I should say it. It's about this kiss scene. But....but...it's that type of scene, without....without a return feeling (ie the female wasn't to return the kiss). Because they don't have a lot of lovey dovey, or close skinship scenes. Because their feelings at the time isn't clear, they cannot be part of the same team (sorry my translation a bit off but i think it's what she means). So there's a kiss scene. After we shot the scene, I went to look at the replay and I thought it wasn't executed well. I wanted to reshoot the scene. I said "no, we have to reshoot this Little Shin", "where's Little Shin?" The staff besides me said "he ran away! He went back to his car. He was hiding his face in his hands and ran. He face was bright red". I said "ahh?"

    after a while we took him back and showed him the replay. He reckoned that it wasn't that good as well and agreed to a reshoot. This is the first time I experienced a guy who ran away, ran after a kiss scene! He was especially shy, made me feel silly at the time as well.


    Thank you soo much for translating ZLY interview. I'm hoping like everyone else that this isn't the last kiss scene and the only one we'll get. At least give us one more, but I mean it's true that it's rare to get kiss scene of ancient/historical cdramas like this. :(


    2 hours ago, Melda Hung said:


    2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    I saw this the moment I woke up! It just made my day. They are so cute. :lol::wub:

    • Like 5
  8. 3 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:



    Better not be the only kiss :bawling: LGX couldnt have gotten embarrassed over a peck :bawling: 


    It better not be. I'm like what you're saying, too @mrsyooknit if it's just a peck, why is LGX getting embarrassed and shy about. It's just a peck, come on! give us another great kiss with more hot steam scenes. I am hoping this is not the only kiss scene, cause i will not be happy. :bawling:

    LGX gotta do better than this. YQ other drama that he's starring in now, he has tons of kiss scenes and they aren't peck on the lips. So LGX better pick up the pace, his servant/bodyguard is doing a better job than him. 

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, cenching said:

    From after the kiss preview, it's seem like she soften and much meeker toward YWY or it's just my imagination? hahahaha


    You are not imagining things. I'm sure all of us are, too. :lol: 

    1 hour ago, dashmount20 said:

    The expression of yq is so funny..  It is look like he see something that he should not see.. Lol.. 

    Yes..  We need to wait 3 days..  We can repeat and repeat this preview...  Hahaha


    That preview is on repeat for me and I am counting hours now until Monday comes along.

    I love YQ expression. His soul is gone. LOL! 

    @jolin_chan thank you for the translation. Sure let them take their young master girl back, he would love everyone's help to get her back. And I love what YWY said to XE "Let's do it, again." HAHAHA! I sound like a pervert now. :lol:

    • Like 6
  10. 3 minutes ago, gentlelily12 said:


    So as hard as XE tried to ward him off or hide her feelings for him, action speaks louder than words for these two hah.  She's finally proven to herself that she loves YWY more than herself when she stood in front of him and took those needles to protect him yet again. 


    I hope she figures it out that she partially cares and falling for him without realizing it. 

    • Like 4
  11. 1 hour ago, mrsyooknit said:

    kiss could be today or monday, wouldnt be the first time they trick us :bawling: but hoping for today 

    I am cackling at this 


    Ohhh LGX, you are so funny



    I guess we have to wait until next week to get the kiss.  I don't care if it was an accident. I'm happy man! After 50 episodes finally a kiss, who cares if it was an accident, THEY KISSED! :lol::love:

    @mrsyooknit Thank you for sharing the GIFs of LGX and HG. I love HG and his humor. He is the best. LGX needs to learn to dance and move like HG. Lol! :lol:

    I can't wait to see the BTS for the kiss scene. It was hilarious to watch the BTS for when LGX had to carried ZLY. He had such a hard time. I would love to see how embarrassed and shy he was for the kiss scene. :D

    5 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    YWY loves her so much, he is so distressed. I think YWY is the biggest sap I have seen in ancient cdramas so far. 

    EDIT: they were so close, but now they got separated again


    I'm going to agree with you. I haven't seen such a character like YWY in ancient cdramas before and it's the first I've seen it. It hurts soo much to see him love her and in distress with her being like that towards him. :unsure:

    • Like 6
  12. 3 hours ago, dashmount20 said:


    Blue versus red.. 

    Love Versus hate... 


    Love these new posters. Soo nice! 

    1 hour ago, mrsyooknit said:

    Our favorite duo is off to travel <333 I could watch these two on an adventure drama just fine :lol:


    also funny video of LGX and HuGe dancing lol HuGe is just too much for LGX :lol: he is so embarrassed 



    Yes, YWY and YQ together again. I love watching them together. They are a perfect pair. Lol! :lol:

    And my god.. LGX is not made for dancing. Lol! :lol: I love Hu Ge. He is hilarious. 

    • Like 2
  13. 29 minutes ago, tintin92 said:

    after tomorrow, there will be only 20 episodes left till the end ( two more weeks :( ). the story's pace is getting somewhere but the romance! No! this drama is only about girl power with a great story but romance lovers are disappointed already :D

    i guess they had to put it this way and they had no intentions of focusing on romance unlike other latest popular romantic dramas. from the looks of it, the romance part will be short and at the end of the series.


    I'm trying very hard not to count how many episodes are left. I enjoy the girl power. There's been a lot of girl power dramas/movies lately, which I don't mind at all, but the romance is slow. I'm still hoping to at least get a little love between the OTP, then I am happy. :)

    • Like 5
  14. 1 hour ago, jolin_chan said:


    Just saw this clip, I'm going to translate / write the part that I can grasp :

    Cripple Grandpa not happy because YWY letting The Slave (CQ) escape Chang An. YWY told him, that CQ escape with her own ability, and that CQ is not a slave anymore. Grandpa mock YWY that Grandpa forgotten that CQ is now YX's woman. And further mocking how does it feel, the little bird that you nurture now is flying with other and he must not wasting his life on a woman. YWY change the conversations to that Xiang Prince has already come back. And that the convo is about YWY's father. (So, YWY's father is actually still alive, that's why Xiang Prince told YWY back then that YWY's father won't approve if he get into a relationship with CQ). YWY also said that he don't want to become a hero like his father, that abandon his son and wife, all this 20 years he don't have fatherly love and protections, so he also don't need it now. There is also about YWY's father didn't change YWY's name into the family registry (from 2nd branch to 1st branch I think), YWY want to know about this, but Grandpa just said that his father have his own reason without explain furher about this. And now YWY 'rebell' from Grandpa, he told him that he is grateful of all grandpa's care for him and now he is a grown up, there are matters that he will decide on his own, and that with YWH dead, all the slave in Qing Shan Yue are handpicked by him, so Grandpa can move around within Qing Shan Yue, no need for him to stay only at the batcave anymore, there is all that he can do to Grandpa and he just leave.

      Reveal hidden contents

    cr : on tagged




    Thank you for translating. There wasn't much YWY today, I guess he's coming back tomorrow. I just feel soo sad for Chun'er  that it's soo hard to watch her suffer. 

    I have no comment for today's episodes.. I'm just watching and hoping it turns out good or the drama is going to get better at least by next week. Hang on tight, chingus! We are going through a downfall of the drama, then we'll go back up, again. :D


    4 minutes ago, maixa02 said:

    Have you watched Eternal Love? It's got good reviews. Me too. I just want to take a break from this drama. It's getting depressing with all the angsty emotions. I didn't sign up for this! :bawling:


    My sister watched Eternal Love that is played by YWY's guy/bodyguard Yue Qi. She loves it and she said it's a good drama, but the sad thing is there's no english subtitles, so we are very lost of what's going on in the drama. Our guess is the girl time travel into another body? Don't know, it's confusing, but it's funny and so far so good. :thumbsup:

    • Like 3
  15. 35 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:


    jolin explained earlier that YX knows that YWY did try to save him so he is already aware that this was a misunderstanding but 1. he didnt tell CQ, instead he told her that YWY was cunning and shouldnt be trusted 2. decided to leave the city his own way


    38 minutes ago, Kim Da said:

    But sad to say this drama is a pre produce one so everything is fixed it is not like kdrama that the writer will take advantage on the viewers perspective to be able to chabge the whole flow of his story


    Thank you @mrsyooknit. I know that YWY tried to explain himself and fix the misunderstanding, but this is all just a mess. I am still having hopes that it'll still end well, even though it pre-film. Let's just hope for the best. 

    • Like 2
  16. 47 minutes ago, Kim Da said:

    If she doesnt go with the flow why would she stil follow YX when she already what happen to add the fact that CE was raped and YS was badly injured? She is not a slavw anymore right?  She has been freed


    I understand that she's free and not a slave anymore. It's her choices and decisions. And it's all the misunderstanding from the start of the ice arrow that wasn't YWY that caused YX and CQ/XE to think this way. Let's just hope that the PD/writer makes good changes soon and we get a good going story. :)

  17. 36 minutes ago, cenching said:

    Ladies it's 1.30 am in my side and I can't sleep bcoz of this.....love you all!!! Muach muach....:D

    See you tomorrow :wub:


    You're going to bed already? I just got on and it's only morning here for me. Lol! Enjoy your sleep and we'll continue on for tomorrow's episodes.


    Today's episodes were soo intense. I can't believe it YX's dark side is WOW. He played it good. I don't feel back for XE/CQ at all, it's like she's finally realizing that YWY were right and she is getting used by YX and YX is evil afterall. 

    I can't even believe it that what's going to happen to Chun'Er tomorrow. She's all corrupted and bad things happened to her. 

    • Like 3
  18. 2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    trending now on weibo top 9 top 5 is Yuwen Yue Chu Qiao bed :lol:

    I don't think CQ is stupid so I don't buy that she doesn't know everything YWY is doing to help her. She knows it. She chooses to ignore it and treats him bad on purpose. Either because they are standing on opposite sites or because of her commitment to YX's goals. But it is not CQ treating YWY badly that bothers me or the fact that she is knowingly about to hurt a lot of innocent people. I think I just find her personality annoying so it makes her seem unlikable. 

    Like I said she is very flawed, which is fine as long as she gets proper character growth. I don't want a perfect character, but I dislike self-righteous one. So I just hope they let her face her mistakes. So far she is pretty much in the same place where she started. 


    I agree. I'm sure XE/CQ obviously know what YWY is going to do to her or his next move is. She just does it on purpose to get him angry at her. 


    32 minutes ago, misxlol89 said:


    Thank you for sharing. I am laughing soo hard watching this video. They are soo cute! I loved in the other video where LGX helps move ZLY hair out of her face. :love:

    BTW, Chun'er wedding gown, the blue one, it is beautiful. 

    • Like 2
  19. 48 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    kind of funny, fans are commenting that LGX needs to learn from Yue Qi who already kissed his lady plus other things in his drama while YWY nothing :lol::lol:


    Lol! :lol: I'm going to have agree with that. Yue Qi first drama as the main guy and he can already kiss his lady well and not just one kiss, multiple, along with many lovey dovey scenes. Come on, LGX, you can do better. Lol! :lol::lol:

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