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Posts posted by turtle0217

  1. 1 hour ago, tintin92 said:

    me tooooo! but it's a Cdrama formula! they will be separated soon ! :( it's like they fall in love something nasty happens between them and BAM they separate ! then we have to waitttttt for them to get back together :( poor us :D


    Couldn't agree more with you on the separation. There's always misunderstanding in cdrama and they separate for soo long until they fix it and come back together.

    44 minutes ago, cenching said:

    So it's seems like 20 episodes YWY-XE, another 20 episodes YX-XE and remaining episodes YWY-XE again....haizzzz!!! My achy breaky heart...

    Did anyone notice that every time YWY and XE having a convo, YWY's voice became huskier and lower?:heart: Good details...hehehe

    I watch episodes 9 & 10 but didn't see any new Princess......how the way I missed it? Please let me know....


    I have the same feeling of 20 episodes of introduction of Yuwen Yue and Xing Er, then switching over to Yan Xun and Xing Er. 

    And yes, Yuwen Yue does change his voice/tone when he speaks to Xing Er. I am looking forward to when he gives her the rabbit light thingy. I want to know what he says to her. Also when there was a lot of people, he offer his hand for her to hold, but she grabs onto his sleeves instead. Soo cute!! :love:

    • Like 5
  2. OMG! Thank you everyone for sharing great pictures, BTS, gifs, videos, and more! It was soo nice to finish up class and see everything on here before watching the episodes for today. I am prepared and ready for this week!!

    It's soo heartbreaking that Yuwen Yue is starting to fall for her soo deeply and she's going to leave him, soon. :bawling: Just as we gonna get some happy/romantic scene, I am feeling sad already. 

    1 hour ago, tintin92 said:

    i don't know if anyone shared this before or not :) but it's worth sharing :)



    After watching this scene, I was soo shock that she can't cut him and he did it himself. I hope by the time we see this scene, she's already falling for him already. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, moon-flower said:

    I usually never want Monday to come because that means work, but damn this drama. Monday seems VERY far away at the moment. lol. 

    @fluffychim1013 Have you watched eternal love? It has Yang Mi as the lead actress. Some questionable and awkward acting from her end, but overall the male lead (Mark Zhao) makes up for it with his awesome acting. Legend of Dragon Pearl is not bad - something to watch while waiting for this one. It has 90 episodes tho. 


    I know Monday can be annoying cause it's the start of everything, but I always put it this way that I get to go home to great dramas waiting for me. Lol! :lol: 

    I've seen eternal love. Honestly, I would have to agree with you on Yang Mi, if it wasn't for Mark Zhao the drama was frustrating, but Mark Zhao gives all the romantic scene extra vibe into. :D

    • Like 2
  4. 9 hours ago, monchoo said:

    Perhaps this will quench the thirst of those who haven't watched this before while waiting for Monday. 

    Story started with YY going tis small pub and tell the bar tender abt his dream abt a girl (CQ). So this bar tender mixed him a drink and he drink and when awakes find himself facing CQ pointing her sword at him.

    CQ: u scoundrel! Why did u leave me after u have won't hands in marriage at the match? If you didn't manage to give me a good reason, I've kill you!

    YY: Lady, I think we have a misunderstanding here

    CQ: u left me being a laughing stock! If u don't explain yourself, I'll have ur life right now!

    YY: u r so pretty, why would I do such a thing as running away. I was heading home to tell my parents abt the news.

    CQ: really?

    YY: I swear.

    Switched to the both drinking.

    YY: why are u not smiling? Smile. U look pretty with smiles (same scene as process agent) ^~*

    then the assassins came. CQ was killed when she wanted to save YY.

    YY: why?

    CQ: bcos u my fated love!

    hope u gals like it bcos I totally in love with mini movie. They are so so cute! U gals can search for the making if this mini movie. They are so hilarious!


    This was soo cute!! Thank you for the translation. :D

    Is there a second part? Because CQ shows up at the end.


    @mrsyooknit thank you for sharing the news that there will be a song for our OTP. I am soo excited! Please do share when the song comes out. :)

    I'm pretty sure it's Monday for some of you already and you all are probably waiting for the drama, but I still have another 12-14 hours of waiting for it. :bawling: Oh! These hours need to pass by quicker! I am dying to see what happens and hoping to get more scene of our OTP.

    • Like 1
  5. @frostflower14 Thank you for sharing the great news to us that Xing Er and Yuwen Yue will have a wedding. Can't wait! Our ship is going to sail soon!

    @mrsyooknit there will be some suffering in the drama before we get our ship sailing with great kisses and love scene. It's only going to be episode 9 on Monday, we still got a long way to go before we get Xing Er and Yuwen Yue to have some romantic scene.

    I am soo happy to hear that Lin GengXin gets shy after a kiss. That just confirms it to us that there is a kiss scene or more! :blush:

    1 hour ago, moon-flower said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    I don't know if this is considered a spoiler. http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?p=6698 linked to audio. Few weeks back, I listened to the ending scene. XQ told YY that she was pregnant. I wanted an assurance it was a happy ending before I invest time...LOL 

    I read somewhere that they have 3 sons? But the book is so long I don't think I can bare to read. Maybe someone who read can explain to us...lol 



    Thank you for confirming it! They will have a child together!! I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY RIGHT NOW!! :D:D:D

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  6. I'm going to agree with @Bella-Chimura that the producer might have changed the time traveling, because it's just going to be complicate. I read some reviews on the novel and she does time travel, but it doesn't seem like that in the drama. I'm guessing they are keeping her identity a secret and plus she has amnesia and she's slowly going to recover her memories back, then we'll get the truth of who she really was. Just a guess. 

    • Like 5
  7. 5 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

    It is clear that YY and QC will be together at the end. Notice that we barely saw YX in the last two episodes, so YY is the main lead. Little by little, YY discovers how different QC is. Moreover, his lesson about the three students (Zhong, Heng and Jiang) was his way to tell her not judge people's actions based on the appearances. She understood him perfectly. Now, she does view him in a different light. She has even realised that he was the one who saved her during the hunt. However, YY is still to distant and cold to make her see that he is falling in love with her. Right now, he is still under the illusion that he needs her therefore he saved her life. But the way he looks at her and even treats her shows that he cares a lot about her. YY doesn't want to give QC to YX which is really telling. 

    I have the impression that his cousin Y Hai will succeed in his attempt to destroy YX's father. The Emperor will believe YH therefore YX's family will be wiped out. I have the impression that YX will try to use the Eye of God for his revenge.


    The whole story on Zhong, Heng, and Jian is soo true. It did get CQ to see YY differently. Good point there :D


    2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    Everyone saw the last episodes? My ship has sailed. There are so many moments, in which is obvious he likes her. Like I think even he knows he is interested in her, but he can't allow himself to be. 


    I know! I couldn't agree more with you! He held onto her handkerchief, he did what he can to save her and just realizing it all that he's falling for her. The ship is slowly sailing! :blush: Thank you for the amazing gifs, too! I am dying for Monday to come already. 

    • Like 3
  8. 5 hours ago, lovehuche said:

    If the director followed the book, yes it will be a happy ending, Otp together in the end.  I guest it depends on which of the two guys you like her to end up with.  And, director could choose a different ending then the book.

    Here is a link to a blogger's review of the book.  Reading her review already made my heart ached for YY on how much he loves her later on.  



    Thank you soo much for that confirmation! I am now just hoping the director goes that direction, because I would love for her to end up with Yuwen Yue instead of Yan Xun. 

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    they are super cute. Weiyoung started getting draggy after like the fourth time that someone did something to frame her only to end the same way. 

    I haven't seen today's episodes so I don't know. But from the description of the drama, I think we are in the light part of the drama lol 

    Right now it gives me more Weiyoung/General and I vibes than what I expected which were Nirvana in Fire vibes. However, I feel the drama will get a bit darker from the trailer and synopsis. Probably about ~15 or so 

    I also think the lighting and colors makes it seem like Princess Weiyoung/General and I



    General and I was great. Nirvana in Fire gave me a gloomy vibe, I watched it for Hu Ge. 

    From the trailer, I did feel like it was going to be a dark drama, but it's starting off lightly and slowly easing into the dark. 

    @thunderman1 I would have to agree on you with the female protagonist. Lately a lot of dramas, whether chinese, korean, or thai, they started focusing on female power. That's why I was looking forward to this drama. So far, love the strong character that Zanilia plays

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  10. 3 hours ago, pawla said:

    Watching tonight episodes feels like watching one of Princess wei young episodes.  The story is kind of a drag tonight , imo.


    I know the episodes were a little draggy today.. I hope it's not going to keep being like that. I couldn't stand Princess Wei Young, it was soo draggy. :sleeping:

    @mrsyooknit Love those gif of them. They are too adorable in the BTS.


    From my understanding, this drama only airs Mon-Thurs, right?

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  11. @mrsyooknit Thank you for the explanation on her name. :)

    Today's episodes were soo good. Totally love the scene when they woke up and having to pretend that they slept together, and how he cut her finger on purpose to make everyone misunderstand. :D And the PUNISHMENT he gives her.. He cuts her no slack, but she benefits soo much from it. It's soo heartbreaking that he'll fall for her first and she'll see it later. I mean he's doing soo much and he's already starting to fall for her. He's always saving her. He's like her secret guardian and she doesn't even know that, beside that he's the one who killed her brother. :(

    I can't wait to see what happens in 7 and 8. 

    • Like 7
  12. 4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    I know he saved her a lot of times but she doesn't know. I have a thing for misinterpreted leads so <3 

    Stills for today



    aww I am liking this ship


    I can't wait until she realize that he has been saving her a lot. Like hopefully tomorrow's episode she realize the arrow scene that it was him who saved her from the start. 

    Thank you @mrsyooknit for sharing some of the photos for today's episode. 


    I'm a little confused, so she's going by the name Xiao Liu and she can't remember that she's Chu Qiao, right?

    • Like 2
  13. Hi everyone!

    I've been waiting on this drama for such a long time. I think it's been over a year since I've heard about it. I saw the first 4 episodes with english subs and I am looking forward to more. I love Zanilia and watch most of her drama. Love Lin Geng Xin in Scarlet Heart and soo happy he got the main lead in God of War, Zhao Yun. Can't wait for more episodes and enjoying the rest of the journey with you all. 

    • Like 2
  14. 17 hours ago, hairuchii said:

    I picked up my OST Pack 2 and the photo essay book from my local post office today! YAY



    NICE!! My photo essay is almost here. I am still waiting on it, but every day I am listening to the music non-stop and writing in my goblin book all the time. Still can't get over this drama.

    My fiance and I started watching it, again as movie nights for Friday. :smile:

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  15. 23 hours ago, myeongnim said:

    Yes! I was so excited the mailman thought there was something wrong with me lol! The flipbook is my fave! I love how it's double sided too, way too cute! I don't blame him, Beautiful always tears me up though. (What has this drama done to me lol!) :blush: 


    Same here with me on the mailman! Lol! Except mine is a mailwoman. lol! She always drops off our packages before she delivers all the mail paper, so my sister and I always get our packages first. We're always crazy and happy about it. :lol:

    Yes, Beautiful is a great song and I do get teary like you, too. *sigh* I miss Goblin soo much. Still can't let go.

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  16. 1 hour ago, myeongnim said:

    I'm sure people have posted photos already but I got my copy of the OST yesterday and took some photos!
    I posted them on my google drive here!


    Yay! You got yours, too! It's such a beautiful OST album. I totally love the flipbook and constantly flipping it. Lol! :lol: My fiance loves the soundtrack "Beautiful by Crush." Crush is like one of his favorite singer/rapper, besides Kang Gary. Lol! So it's like on replay in his car every time I get in. :lol:

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  17. 7 hours ago, janeeta said:


    OOOOOH CONGRATS! I'm still on the fence if I want it or not. I already have all of the songs on Spotify but THAT PACKAGING! So the flip book is the photobooth kiss on one side and the runway on the other? What's in the other booklet?


    I know, I have it on spotify, too, but still I just had to get it and keep it as a souvenir. Yes, I got the flip book that is the photobook kiss and the walk/runway on the other side. The booklet with the Goblin and Grim Reaper on is like a small photobook and the black one is the lyric book.


    6 hours ago, starryknights said:

    Haha, niiiiiiiiiice. Livin' the life, aren't cha? :wink: 

    It's purdy~ where'd you get it? I found a couple places, but don't know which would be the best. Did you also get the posters? I don't NEED the posters because I honestly wished they chose better pictures (I like the ShinTak one, but the one with Grims and Shin is so damn gloomy). Also, can you tell me if the two packs have the same songs and the same amount of songs? Like, is the only difference between the OST packs, the pictures? If so, damn, my precious bank account~ T___T


    I purchase mine from kpopmart and I did get two copies of the album, my sister has the other one which has the Goblin and Grim Reaper on the cover. The CDs has the same music soundtrack and booklet only the flip book is different. The one with the Goblin and Grim Reaper on the cover has a flip book of the rainy scene, where Shin and Eun Tak first meet and walked by each other in Episode 1 and the other scene where Eun Tak takes picture with Shin and Grim Reaper. 

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  18. On 1/31/2017 at 7:27 PM, janeeta said:


    Just grocery stores and manga shops in Korea town. I've tried asking around through some Korean students in my uni but everyone says to just order it online. I totally have the OST on Spotify but the lenticular box set is SOOOOO tempting and the photoessay looks like it'll be pretty good (for a non-Korean speaker). I wish the novel was translated, would have loved to explore it.


    My sister order both the OST box and she's giving me one and the other for her. It's been over a week and it hasn't arrived. I order the book set and it still haven't arrived. I'm tempting on the photo essay, but I spent too much on already ordering tons of books for drama. :lol: But my sister does all the time and she tells me it's worth it. (for her and she has the money) But like you said it'll be good to have an english version for non-korean speaker, but like I tell the other ladies, I buy them as a way to practice my korean. It is pricey, but control yourself. 

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