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Posts posted by anjelikaeyes13

  1. Haha! Good morning from my country — I cannot forget the emotions that YYS portrayed during the kissing scene! But hate some downplayed reasons of staying: 


    1.  He considered the thoughts of his patients that he indeed is needed to save more lives. 

    2. His discipline, perseverance and passion will be set aside; 


    3. He considered his mom’s request to stay


    Bonus — someone sees him as a man who can stay besides her and not because he is budda character etc.  With this he can fulfill his mom’s desire to get married because she has sent off 4 children to serve already. 

    Season 2 will surely show us more problems, more issues of life! This show gave a rollercoaster ride but worth to take that ride - too much laughter, too much crying, but also allowed us to process our priorities and reflection! 

    my side note: YYS never fails to deliver an a good emotional kiss! Omaya! He totally cannot be a priest with that skills to kiss hahahahahaaa

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  2. Okay episode 9 is a special episode — the conversations and situation so happy. Also, luckily, I’m not really into the ship as I am really careful to be “Chilbonged” again by Shin PD. 

    Also, they are all getting better in instruments and my baby bias maknae hahha — drums is becoming his bestfriend :) .


    I’ll read your thoughts — I don’t want to think tonight :) 

    • Like 2
  3. My observation :) 

    1. Dr Ik Jun is technical but he both know how to explain things in layman’s term and medical term depending on the audience.  Dr Garden thinks technical and speaks like a priest. Hahahaha 
    2. At Min ha at first will be okay working like a horse because I think she wanted that Dr Yang noticed her and Eun Won slacking off will soon be an issue. Nurse Seung Joo noticed already. Bear vs Foxy who will win? 
    3. Dr Bong’s salon is getting bigger and bigger! I kennat Army and BTS army! Hahaha Xennial Dr Hak omy! Ik Jun x Song Hwa they both hold their friendship. My omy childhood friends AJW and YSH God and TV! Okay lah! 
    4. Fab3 Seok Min and Chi Yong with Sun Bin their friendship is my kind also! Chi Yong is so inexperience in a lot of things because of something. It will be discussed later on the episode EVD operation was real first for him and he said he mess up and Dr SHwa there to the rescue and friends help him cope too
    5. Dr JWan and Dr Hak inseparable and I am thanking Juwan for giving his slow learner  resident.  I died he took away the momentum of Jwan to the parents and he scolded Juwan afterwards. I love that Jwan just stay quiet, taking the points. Dr Garden joining the trolling!  Okay with regards to the anti bribery — subtly discussed and Jwan has an a good alibi because he paid in cash for membership but it will be later discuss. Hahaha I just noticed Dr Garden is really part owner of the hospital as he knows what’s going on in the admin side. Dr Hak is really concerned too. I love their bestie partnership! 
    6. Jung Wan most likely date many times Ik Sun he rapping like her already. (YYS acting is spot on!) Hahaha and the Buljajangmyeon date scene is so cute. 
    7. Human Calendar — if Dr Jang will be Dr Garden’s girlfriend he can continue be daddy long legs because she has minimal dress code! Hahahaahah
    8. After laughing so hard then came the crying about the tumor cop! Waaaaah the conversation made me cry of his helplessness. 
    9. Another crying moment is the lady with liver problem! Ik Jun wanted her to survive because he had the hard time but in reality he knows what’s going on inside her because her husband having an affair.
    10. Okay this writer is getting me crazy from crying to laughing Dr Bae Vs Dr Jang referee Nurse Hui Su! Hahahaa okay Round 1 Dr Bae  won. 
    11. Psychic Dr Garden haha guessing Jwon’s secret dating life. R88 fans omaya with the new car.  The family meeting - request by Seok Hyeong this time. May I have such squad please? Last week its about SHwa test and now the divorce thingy but the boys end up complaining. First, the car ride —- the squad is really something to dream and they really know each other how to troll. I cannot accept that Dr Garden to be a priest. He’s such a savage — he knows how to get you like the Hawaii thingy. How will Ik Jun response upon knowing he Jwan hitting his sister.  Anyway, the family gathering —- ends up the boys complaining. Why did you call us if you only will accept SHwa’s advise which is the same us ours. hahaha my oh my —my dream squad. My brain by the way shut down in this scene as Dr Garden has change his work. So distracted of him being a mom with the reservations, and helping out the owner and dang they got free food! And what’s with the apron. But he looks more handsome to me. Plus a part of my heart Dr Garden vs Dr Roses (SHwa) he really changes tone when he speaks to song hwa. New learning - Song Hwa has three brothers that’s why she eats fast! Hahahaahahah
    12. Dr Yang — he came early to tell Song Hwa about telling his mom and Young Hye took it very well. Then we learned that his father got admitted at the VIP to hide from public. 
    13. R88 fans you are having fun meeting again the pheonix family! Hhahaha — another slight dodging bribery! Hahaha
    14. The Call with Dr Yang — will know something about this later
    15. I love the Young Hye and sly husband and mistress encounter. Omy I love her choice to look for a water for the mistress. Let’s get back later to it.
    16. lady with liver problem and transplant with liver from cheating husband. She does not want to live. I am crying again! 
    17. YH going around the toilet looking for bucket with dirty water. Her dedication I love it.  The scene satisfying and if I were YH I will also not give him the divorce. Hahahahahaaha so he can suffer all the way! by the way I commend the body guard for not treating the mistress accordingly. 
    18. Okay from satisfying scene we go to another crying time with Hyeon Su Police with tumor. Here we learn that Chi Yong’s reason of honorable discharge from military because of having OPLL. Sun Bin was shocked and so were the team. SHwa poker face. I know she knew after seeing him mess up in EVD surgery! 
    19. Okay Liver problem transplant from husband patient name is Shin Min Jin. Omy I totally cried to Ik Jun’s story how can PDnim do this thing. It was hard and was satisfying leading to healing. I have to settle my response to this scene before I was able to move on. 
    20. SHwa and Chi Yong is another heart breaking scene. I thought that being professors are just their positions but the Fab5 character has live up to their designations. You could see their professionalism when it comes to handling things except maybe a little different from JWan. Hhaahaha. Okay SHwa knew about the issue and she understands.  
    21. Fab3 omy I love their friendship too — the mini fab5. There support each other is satisfying too!
    22. Dr Garden Vs Dr Jang —- haha RDTK meme and I want Thursday to come fast. hahahaha. To know the output! Dr Garden is a very observant person but he also knew his path. Will that change?
    23. Band practice — Squad goals please let me have them! 
    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, RenRen said:

    - I don't remember her name but I believe she is a resident or something(the one that looked over captain Ahn's operation and said she was nervous and also switched shifts with him)

    Ah that’s Sun Bin - they are the Fab3 of Dr SHwa’s team — Seok Min, Sun Bin and Chi Yong.

    @nurlayla yes Dr. Bae -  from the very beginning has like Dr Buddha/Garden. The classic confident woman. 

    Most were shocked of contrasting response of Dr. Garden with Dr Bae and Dr Jang.  I think he was trying to date in groups and alone with opposite sex but he is rather cautious to those whose likely are too serious because he would leave anytime for the seminary. 

  5. Okay — I am ready to write something but my brain suddenly stopped because I want Thursday to come already asap as IJ and SH will sail? Plus battle of Dr Ahn and Dr Jang. I think JWon has considered dating but his mind is still with his first love. But the last scene reminds me of Dr Kang and Dr Yun of Romantic Dr Kim — I have a lover thingy. Haha PDNim are you going to play me. 

    • LOL 1
  6. Note first: Many Korean idols watching HP.  As you know Idols now a days also venture in acting. They were amazed how these actors performing while acting. They learned that the band practices were not fake. 


    Note: Important thing

    - Brewed Coffee

    - Scrunchies — do you have one starting late 1980 early 1990s? It was practically a craze where I actually earned a lot when I was younger selling it together with 1/4 and 1/4 paper pads to my lazy classmates who buys almost everyday because they lost their scrunchies. Yay easy money with left over clothes. 

    Episode 6 

    1. I like how writernim didn’t dive deep immediately with Song Hwa’s breast cancer result. She allowed to set SHwa’s perspective while still doing her passion and she still end up being everyone’s parking person. These men I cannot believe they are abusing her kindness and likings to park.  Haha Seok-Min and Sun Bin is the next friendship squad I like other than OT5. I like their OT3 partnership! Hahaha! I like also the idea that women talks are still needed if you are within the “‘men system” since there are many men in specialization field. HP got me here that SHwa really wanted to shy away when things gets tough. 

    2. Dr Garden is really a psychic when it comes to his friends. He might not be well informed but he can easily noticed. He can also noticed everyone. However, he noticed JWan all the time as housemate. Haha Jeong Won is really sweet to his mom but his mom wanted to be independent and he has chairman Jung Su anyway! I’ll talk about their friendship later. omaya! 

    3.  First HP Issue to be discussed largely will be bribery! I knew it will be a big issue because it was focused totally with Ik Jun about coffee — two sides of bribery good and bad.  

    4. I like how attentive Ik Jun and Su Bin nurse relationship they really talk a lot about family and haha and Go Ara cameo is so cute and Ik Jun intern I kennat his fan boiying the reason he join the rounds!


    5. In between baby liver issues — Jeong Won’s character here is really weak when it comes to children, mom and husband and wife worrying for his child’s welfare. You could see his sincerity and I must say I myself encounter such characters when I used to work as Admin in a hospital. They were using their own money so the parents will not check out their children because they don’t have money. 

    6. Lunch in Cafeteria With Go Ara and Ik Jun to avoid improper solicitation & graft act. I am for sure this will be a big issue to tackle.  But I find it so cute about the people fangirling and fanboiying hehehe. Go Ara is really beautiful here and I really like her here. I lost my breath laughing with two best friend chaebols Jung Su and Rosa. Ik Jun almost lost it with them. Hahahaha. Plus the car and everything Omaya! 


    7.  SeokH and Jeong Won - I love their sincerity to their love ones and passion so I am really wondering how can JWon goes to seminary. I think Young He was already approach by that crazy other woman. I don’t know what will happen and how he will approach his mom. 

    8. SHwa room is really the meeting room of everyone. Sly Jeong Won cramping all these specialist in a room. Hahaha. But SHwa’s room is already hers she  is really first there with Director Ju Jeon.  Ah my Jung Kyung Ho’s satoori accent is so cute like he’s speaking Japanese haha — remember JWon commented that since his from Seoul JWan and IJun are both from regional places — I forgot where but they shared it already.


    9.  Bong Salon is really funny because it totally represents the salon where gossip really starts. Haha I am laughing about but I hate the idea. But it is reality. Jeong Won’s likings are high end and I want to see the HD of half-naked Surfer he was hahahaa. Dr Bong yes IK Jun is good in everything except in love life. Hahaha


    10.  IK and IU — I am so giggling of this short farther and son scenes and when his son jokes around like his dad. How old is he to deliver such lines and emotions properly! I want father and son movie of them soon. 

    11. Rosa and Jung Su — the IJ and SHwa. So this gives idea that they both like each other but they choose to be friends forever.  Crossing the line is no option to them.  To Rosa and Jung Su both does not want power as usual but they are passionate to give medical support. I think Rosa is really down to earth chaebol and so was his husband; maybe they were arranged but they both respected each other so that’s why she was still devastated of his death and so is Jung Su whose so loving towards their family! I’d like to meet his family as to why he is that not power hungry but so kind and simple that even his son wants him to be there. Based on last week Episode. 

    12. JWon and JHaek relationship —I totally like their partnership that despite hearing harshwords from Jwon and Jwon being frustrated of his resident he still allows him to be trained through the ASD and I kennat believe he praised him in front of everyone! Thanks Jwon he badly needed that assurance. 

    13. The twins bowing to everyone while in the conference room of doctors. Hahaahaa I don’t know the importance but probably next time I’ll understand why did PDNim made them to be there. 

    14.  Issue No. 2 Real estate scammed by workers —-  Jhaek will be scammed for sure by that realtors — its a big issue now in Korea. I’m crying now. 

    15. Gyeol come on you are a doctor to be careful with your medicine and thank IJ to be attentive. I’ve seen that kind of allergic reaction and she almost died. Hard to be a woman! 

    16. Seok Hyeong session with husband and wife who had past missed carriages. First I’d like to slap the husband for being clueless — but I guess the director wants him to act that way. When SH started speaking like he does not care I actually cried already coz I feel he’s so heartless and then cried more because of his statement — why is miscarriage a disease? Why do you think as a woman you are at fault? I totally cried more than the actress of this conversation and you know SH was really a change man after what happened to his mom and his ex-wife. I wonder if PDnim Could you bring that ex-wife in the scene or they be back together as I really don’t want Min Ha for him. 

    17. JWan’s also attentive to his team. Omy he has to let go of his chocolate cake. I hate already the character Dr Cheon. I also agree with Jhaek that he is dirty and next we will see how dirty he is. Didn’t they know JWon is the owner of VIP ward? Hehehehe Do Dr Bong know about this?


    18. Lunch at Cafeteria hahahaha — okay Minha must be happy but I am LOLing with  SHyeong here because he nonchalant drop about his father’s affair luckily min-ha has no idea. Hahaha or does she had idea? Dr Bong already drop that information? 

    19. IJ trying to persuade JWan to be noticing Dr Jang. But I still believe he will learn about this soon but he really has no interest. He’s just being uplifting. Hahhaa “Wag Assumera” — this is my language. If anyone understands. Just LOL with me. 

    20. Can there be a solo scene with SHwa please? Hahaha I like the family gathering. I thought it will not be discussed — her potential cancer.  By the way, JWan never lift his voice to SHwa. It’s always a different tone than everyone like its his precious person-mom. Rosa and Jeong Wan might be in high voices but JWan always in sweet tone. 

    21. Ik J — leaving family eating time for surgery overnight and then getting invitation from Go Ara — I already had a feeling that he will not go there because it was really a give away that he was sitting in an empty hall. I know he will join SHwa. I was crying again during her lipstick time. Huhuhu but I am happy everything is alright. Plus my all these men just drop by her door to inquire. And it shows each personality — JWon and SHyeong like fathers. Hahahaa and Jwan and IJ like boyfriends. Hahaha Captain An Chi Yong don’t give up with SHwa (please other shippers don’t get mad at me). 


    22. Band practice — I really like their squad goals. Since starting band practice SHwa becoming “good” in singing and totally the proof the vocalist is IJ. Did anyone noticed the Scrunchies given 20years ago? Hehehee and sorry I am falling hard for YYS drumming here! 


    23.  Coffee with Dr An and both of them inadvertently confess they have feelings for SHwa hahahahahaahhaahahah. I think he finally gets Dr An like SHwa.  I want to know what happened to Ik Sun that IJ does not know. 

    24. Ik Sun and JWan are now officially couple but I want to know about what happened in the past. It will be important to Jwan soon


    25. Jwon’s heart of service is really something. I hope everything alright with Baby Jia. 

    — another week to wait and I’ll enjoy another song by Zoo! Yahoo! 

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  7. Deabak —  but I totally hurt my head bumping a hard cabinet beside me because I kept on laughing and then crying one moment in this episode.  Overall my thoughts came up with this —  “Get busy living or get busy dying.” and “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”


    1. Continuation of abusive father — JWon is correct about the father and his not afraid to confront but I worry for the revenge. 


    2.  Notes 1: In here there’s two people admiring Dr Garden — Dr Bae (unknowingly) and Dr Jang and the latter she’s loosing her face so much while Dr. Bae remains classy. Why did she run catching the bad father without asking help to the people in front of them? I think Dr Garden knew she will do this and he’s not liking it.  He likes Dr Bae’s style and she receives the best appreciation. 


    2. Eating over food and then band practice (they are really getting better in every song - they are really living up to the playlist thingy) discussion despite being busy; have a life either with family or friends. Work is not be all and end all.  


    3. While rich people does not care about liver transplant from their children here we are we saw how a father felt bad that he is taking away his daughters’s liver to survived.  


    4. I hate those Seok Hyung colleagues taking away SH away from friends and family. I love the idea but bad timing and bad way. Grr. I will never like that Girl with green colored thingy. Haha overnight of SHwa in SHy room and Jwan and Jwon supporting mom’s request. Haha. Ik Jun so supportive and caring to his patients and team mates. I love that his team mates does not take it wrongly if he butts in. For them its learning time. Two thumbs up. It’s nice to eat pride chicken. I love Jae Hak’s relationship to JWan. He’s still supportive of his slow learner resident. Hahahah. Song Hwa’s group conference oh my Dr An, I like his smooth style but the silence killed his heart. I love his sincerity. Mi Do really did one hell job of actress being that strong and reliable person but she needs someone right now and it broke my heart. Our Dr. Garden seems too observant to miss anything wrong with her.   Trio-JaeHak-Sunbin-Seokmin friendship and they cannot believe they let go of lunch time by Song Hwa with Chi Yong. hahahaa


    5. Weekend family time with Rosa and Jeong Won With Jung Su and Ju Seon with new member Young Hye (SHyung mom) — my new squad goals when I get older.  They really destroyed the stereo type wealthy people story.  I cannot believe Mafia game was even played in HP that had gone wrong as they took it too seriously! Just inserting my idol faves — EXO played this well in their Vlive and ROFL watching them because they totally enjoyed but deabak these elders played well too and my heart was so really touch! Hahaha


    - Studying to be priest in Italy

    - Study to be a groom.

    - Your brothers and sisters can but not you; I’ll be lonely

    - I am dress casually 

    - okay ice it is

    - Why are we doing this? so that woman from head to toe looking like Audrey Hepburn is Yang Tae Yang’s wife? —haha I’m dying of laughing how this hospital executives being this gossip people and can be this cute. They even got jealous of tickets. 

    - I like someone : Man above


    6. Back to the hospital - pay check to pay check patient JungWon and JaeHak tandem. I love these two when it comes to discussing things. JWon really drawn to him.  Ah Ik Jun and Bin’s family moment so touching and dang Jo Jung Suk made me really crying on this moment. How can he easily teared like that. 


    many more to laugh, cringe and cry. I’m totally 3x whipped of this drama. 

    ..... sleepy already. I can’t get over tonights ‘s episode again for a week. Haha. It’s good this is just one week. 

    • Like 11
  8. I love everyone’s thoughts and just to make SH and JunWan shippers hurt more - like I earlier said in my initial thoughts JW already told IS I want a jajangmyeon which same as I want to eat  ramen with you — meaning let us try this and intimacy. It was done quietly in Secretary Kim. 

    SHwa has a crush on Ik Jun as he is really good in guitars. So within the squad someone dared. But let us all remember this drama will have multiple series. So love life let us just enjoy.


    Also, I am gonna kill the gossip salon leader. He’s tittle-tattling all over the village is a low thing you know. Like resident Chu who never understood Dr Yang SH intention during the baby.  

    By the way did Jeong Wan walk away with the brainless baby or it was a different case?


    I have been watching the Canon Rock band session for four times already and I can’t get over it. I want to see the preparation. 

    • Like 3
  9. My initial thoughts:


    1. My gosh the writer took risks writing the stories of cases

    - mommy not to hear her child’s cry

    - VIP case

    - parent telling lies when he’s abusing the children if that parent is telling the truth the children is twins. But I doubt it. 

    2. Love stories

    - Dr Jang — since Dr Ahn notices everyone she thought he’s attentiveness is about her but the truth which I think he has a habit to take care of everyone. She’s eating a lot and Dr Ahn Jeong Won has a habit. Hahahah. Not sure if I am correct. She’s getting bolder with Dr Ik Jun’s support. 


    - Dr An — haha he learns that SH is the vocalist

    and she’s tone deaf. Hahaha. He’s getting bolder


    - Dr Jun Wan — my I want to eat jajangmyeon is same — let’s have a ramen! Everyone is adult here okay! 


    3. Mama’s boy Seok Hyung 

    - his sister died

    - he saw his dad’s affair

    - he has to get through his mom’s wishes to not divorce his dad

    - he might be anti-social to everyone but to his friends and totally considerate; 

    - he gained lots of female fans hahahaha


    4. Dr Anh Jeong Won

    - wah totally rich

    - almost got caught daddy long legs

    - haha his brother is holding his application for priest hood

    - too much confidence to his mom and now her mom became a war Lord... hahaha


    5. Ik Jun
    - I think the divorce happened already

    - his son has seen something to have that not missing her mom

    - VIP — omy he’s damn good noticing that there’s a stand-in which I was so expectant as they reserved 4 VIP rooms. It’s prohibited by law to donate organs if not relative. 


    6. Others
    - story of the congressman and Seok Hwang? I want to know the details

    - band practice - totally awesome — how? 
    -haha the twin bro thought of serious conferences of doctors and there you sea Seok Hyung and Jeong Won being to chummy to each other. Hahahaha 


    I’ll watch again specially the band performance. And the importance of the new cast. 

    This drama is getting better on weekly basis.

     Edited: I forgot to tell - Canon Rock is one of the hardest for band performance I heard by recreated from Canon D. Waaaah

    • Like 8
  10. Okay — I am too emotional on this episode — one minute your laughing out loud and next minute your eyes were in pain from crying. Some things I learn:


    - Dr Jang likes Dr Anh Jeong and asking help from Dr Ik Jun that’s why she chose him. Hahaha. 

    - Dr Anh Jeong Won has applied for priest and will be resigning within the year. He thought Ik Jun was having an affair hahaha but he somewhat got  what Ik said. (Dr Romantic Kim).  It was said Jeong Won doesn’t get angry to his patients but he almost lost it to the mom. so by nature — Dr Anh easily loose his cool but he protects it all the time because he is Catholic but not with his friends.
    - Dr Anh Jeong Won set up Dr Lee Ik Joon to his wife and new patient is his sister Lee Ik Sun (who Dr  Jun Wan recognized through the cutting of surgery). he was trying to tell Dr An Chi Yong
    - Dr An Chi Yong really likes Dr Chae Song Hwa

    - It will be Dr Yang Seok Hwang’s story next week

    - Jun Wan is rude but somehow he quitely followed the advise of “his idiot resident” Je Hak to be a little bit humane in the end.  He was totally rude but carrying and very focus on his job/specialization. Jun Wan thought Jeong Won was the one who likes Song Hwa in the past but he see’s that he was really taking care of everyone from Ketchup to food prep and cleaning up. I died laughing that he left his bosses in the golf course and silver suit. Hahahaaha

    - My i hate what’s happening with Ik Jun — first divorce, second death of his patient, third and soon his sister’s accident. 


    - my gosh their voices are so good! 

    - can they guest in Knowing Brothers please. This squad I love them and damn our Writer Lee nim is so good with cliff hanger! 

    • Like 7
  11. @im0202 — I laugh so hard with S#arp and Zam being brought up upon my second watch because its totally during the developmental stage of korean idol and plus they were a combi and not all boys or all girls group — I kennat my brain — she wanted someone talented as bts or bp and she’s not fond of AKMU type of singers! NF translation sucks. Really!  

    @kokodus found no translation. Each characters — you could see whose story they will fall through. Dr Jang is really under IK. 

    • Like 5
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    • Thanks 1
  12. By the way — the next week preview of IJ sad face — I hope its not something about the prostate that YSH was telling his mom. Okay rewatching and listening because PDNim is all about details. Usually, everything has a purpose of inclusion of the scene for him — eg. 225 shoes (same as the description of one of the twins) and translation sucks. 

    I find that  AJW is so familiar with CSH needs - pain reliever, he prepares what she likes, how he speaks to her is so sweet while rude to everyone, the tissue, the spoon,  etc. Those are too much but as you could see he was preparing for everyone before he prays and eat (have anyone watch him in Youth Over Flowers — his best friends call him eomma....hahahahahah) 

    • Like 5
  13. Okay too much characters suddenly included but they seems to be all so important and their friendship will be tested with — Jeong Won using so much of his chaebol side, and many more. But I like how its being presented by the writer. The story is so slow and dragging but then again you go back — something with these inserted characters will mold their friendship to lasting more.


    I’ll watch again and listen as the translations have some little differences. 

    The title of this drama shouldn’t Hospital Playlist — this should be Reply 1999 :) hehehe. 

    Just a note — Jeong Won has something for SH as he knows what to do in the table but he is not interested to pursue — his falling for Dr Jung but Dr Ik Jun has a thing for Dr Jung.... hehehe.  I am so touch with Jeong Won also — we will do our best.. as the only certainty we can tell to the guardians / patients. 


    While Jung Wan only realize he has a thing for  Song Hwa? 


    • Like 4
  14. 11 hours ago, miracle23 said:

    Oh no, I am not going into conspiracy theory for now...huhuhuhu... Go Ara will be on cameo, right? I wonder what role she will be playing? Jeong Won's past love? hehehehe

    Mee too — my heart for Chilbongie has never recovered. Omy Go Ara will cameo daebak! 

    @nrllee I saw that too but I don’t want to invest on it!  Haha 


    For tomorrow hoping for 10% — I claim as there’s big fans for JJS, YYS and JKH. Btw, I just learned that KDM actually graduated in theatrical background and JMD is very veteran theater actress more than JJS and YYS! I wonder what’s the reason of all having theatrical background? 

    For Mr Trot — everyone now a days wanted happy thoughts and reminiscing trot songs is just one of them and my they are good too! 

    Translations - I totally hate Netflix that’s why I listen well instead of watching subs. I like Viu but Viki is the best as hardcore kdrama fans are the ones translating the shows. They knew culture and background.

    • Like 5
  15. @superspace YYS totally loves children — watch him as music mentor in “We Kid”. Until now his “kids” spends time with him and he visits them often since most of his “kids” in the show are now good young musical actors. Also, he usually volunteers in events relating to children and writes-photography to support children. Sorry that I am too YYS but totally into JJS and JKH too — totally watched all their works. 

    Agree with with everyone — not to choose.  Let us just enjoy watching the drama. I totally trust the PDNim and WriterNim’s capacity. 

    • Like 1
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  16. Andrea - is male name means strong heart / brave.  I think he’s being nick named as that one because he has a weak heart or emotional. But he is also a good decision maker and strategist. 

    Haha Seok Hyung okay that’s truly a twist. My guess — Song Hwa has a thing with Ik Jun but never got it there! For Joon Wan and Jeong/Jung Won - my heart will break for each of them. Can they just focus on the family - friendship? 

    I can’t get over the band performance and drinking session of Jung Won with hyung! Hahaha


    Btw — Yoo Yeon Seok real name is Ahn Yeon Seok. Hehe. 

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  17. 11 hours ago, 7psyche7 said:


    Saw that they may make a season 2. Anyone with more information about this? 

    PDNim plans this drama as series type. However, it be purely based on audience impact. 

    For loves story — for the sake of my heart I will just enjoy my fangirling to all my faves YYS, JJS and JKH — which is a heavenly gift to be in one drama. Been following them for a long time. — I wouldn’t dare to guess who will Song Hwa end up amongst these beautiful men. I had the hardest recovering from Chilbongie (1994) and Jung Hwan (R1988) — so I won’t dare again. 

    and I thank everyone here and soompi forum for having such forums where I could pick up a lot of things to learn —- focusing on the drama — not just simple fangirling of he’s so handsome etc. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, taeunfighting said:


    Ik Jun He is going to be so much fun! He is so adorable with his son. Does it seem like he a single father? I thought it was a little odd that he took his son to work. Anyhow, I loved how the friends helped look after his son while he was on duty.

    He didn’t go to work but he was seeking help that his head has light saber helmet; because his son put a super glue and he want it remove in that hospital. However, he’s a specialize doctor who happened to be at the same time there’s a need for surgery. He had a special permission by Song Hwa to do surgery because by law he was not supposedly doing a surgery in a hospital does he does not work except if he was invited.  But after Chairman’s death Joon Won offered him a position. 

    Today, its the third time I watched the episode and practically dying of laughing. Also, I cannot believe Dr Joon Won actually said to his omma “TMI” hhahahahaha — too much information because the mom’s telling — I married for convenience; it was a loveless marriage but I am happy on my own way. Hhahahahahhaha

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  19. I should have known these all along after watching Reply Series and Prison Playlist — my emotions should be intact watching first episode but I now on the crazies state of my mind — one minute I am giggling, another minute I am crying, another minute I am so tense because I thought of hospital politics again only to find out Mr Jung is totally a loving husband, another minute I felt sorry for baby Min Yeong, another minute I am dying of laughter when the other doctors curious about the four children of why they can’t inherit it and many more in just 75minutes of the full drama.

    The casts are ensembles of the best of the best leads and supports so totally satisfied how they act so beautifully to make that scene so beautifully done. I don’t know how the casting director did and let agreed to put these actors all together.

    But I guess right that Jung Won is loaded because Dr Kang of Kim Sabu is not loaded (hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha;  my only basis because he is friends with PDNim) and he is “Andrea” and I am dying to know more how will he use his “power”   I’m totally hook! 

    Next episode will be Song Hwa’s story. 

    @Helena — the report you just posted is not a report but a review of the whole episode. The reporter is hooked to it also! Hahahaha

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