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Posts posted by skxz

  1. 6 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

    What if Yo intentionally slapped him hard to make sure the mask flies off to embarrass So, and lo and behold, the scar is gone (HS' doing)? When he was riding the "palaquin" he wasn't wearing a mask, right? Maybe it was the great reveal!


    That could be the case too! Didn't think of that but I hope that's not the case cause I ain't gonna be very happy. Yo is just too much to handle in the evil department. 

    I think the main reason Yo slapped So was out of pure anger because this is the scene where So challenges him for the "seat" which is most probably referring to the throne. He's probably thinking how dare someone so lowly challenge me. Also Yo has worked with Queen Yoo for so long to get there and So's interference  I don't think was ever in their calculations so with So jumping in like this it could potentially ruin their whole plan. 

    • Like 11
  2. All this talk about rain in the preview:




     A thought that I had is the gif where we see So pulling Soo into a hug is also in the rain this could potentially mean that this scene will occur very soon. "You'll become king if it rains." I think Baek Ah says this line I'm not 100% sure. I think this might be the catalyst of So joining in on the battle for the throne and the reason why So is seen stopping Yo and saying "I came for my seat."


    Maybe rain is symbolic of big changes which are about to take place. In the preview there is some ritual going on and everyone is wearing white so maybe someone died. Yo also looks awfully happy if someone did die. I really think that the battle for the throne is going to go into full swing in the next episodes and everything is going to get more intense. Just some wondering thoughts I had so wanted to share :) 

    • Like 18
  3. 6 hours ago, IAmSoulReader said:


    Firstly I loved your post, so sorry to cut it! Allow me to add my 2 cents on the highlighted scene above.

    What really sets Hae Soo apart from all the others in the room, and I am guessing that this is what the writers perhaps wanted to tell us, is not just that she dares to look at his bare face straight on without being bothered by the scar. I think, more importantly, she can actually look directly into his eyes without even paying attention to the scar. 
    Hae Soo has seen his scar before. She is not shocked by it at all. The only thing bothering her is what it means to Wang So's feelings to be left without his mask.
    When I watched the scene you mentioned, I didn't think she looked compassionate and upset because she saw the scar again... In fact it was Eun's mistake and the hurtful gaze in Wang So's eyes that caused her to look that way. Hence I'm pretty sure her eyes weren't stuck on his scar. Wang So's and Hae Soo's gaze met directly and that was what actually pulled all these diggers with him. 
    It's Hae Soo's nature to never show any common reaction which keeps on catching Wang So off guard. He does not know what to make of her. However, he realizes that she has already left a great impact on him and it must scare him to a certain extend. He has never depended on anybody. But his walls towards her are melting. He hates that she leaves him confused. He knows caring will place him in danger. Yet it seems as though he cannot stop his heart from going towards her.

    I cannot wait for next weeks' episodes. I'm just waiting for a bomb to explode in this palace...


    THIS POST IS TRULY AMAZING! Yes I absolutely agree with you and for sure your analysis is better than mine I love it :) 

    It's so true whatever Soo does catches So off guard. And I guess in a sense he feels vulnerable and frustrated. He's just like OMG what is this girl doing to me. And like you've said being treated with kindness and affection is something he has never known and it's so foreign to him he doesn't know how to accept it.

    HAHAHA your final comment just wraps it up for me. Amazing post! Thanks so much for putting in your thoughts :D 

    • Like 10
  4. @xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    Hehehe I'm glad you're hyped again :) Yea that figure does resemble Wook more than anyone else but I'm in so much denial RN I just can't accept it. With this dramas constant twists and turns and legit throwing the unexpected at you at the most unexpected time anything could happen.

    Yes that emoji scene was just so cute I can't OMG!!! It was his reply to her emoji like how people text in the modern day I just cannot deal with the adorableness of this couple ughhhhhh.

    No worries 친구! Thanks for your response \^ㅁ^/

    • Like 11
  5. Last nights episode was full of twists and turns. Literally NOONE was expecting it... AT ALL.

    I love how everyone goes to So when there’s an issue that needs resolving. I feel like his brothers do look up to him but on the other hand are slightly scared of him because they haven’t had the chance to bond over the years (thanks to Queen Iaintgotnochill). I really did love the scene where they all (except Yo obviously) helped Soo try to run from her marriage.

    When that guy was like and if Hae Soo and the King were to have a child, So's reaction is legit like WTF. But man that relationship if wrong on so many levels. That King must have been hella busy with his 27 wives(?) and like 32 children(?). Like bro calm down.


    “Marrying a 60 year old with many many children.” Jung pretty sure that sounds like someone you know. And then when he realises. 


    Then you have So and Wook lying about how they feel towards Soo. Like guys seriously quit playing we all know.





    And then Baek Ah who's just straight to the point.



    So and Baek Ah's growing relationship and alliance is what I am living for. I believe they complement each other as So embodies a lot of gloom and darkness whilst Baek Ah embodies hope and light. They are like Yin and Yang I absolutely love it. #yinyangbros

    The scene that intrigued me the most was the scene of Soo's subconcious which were showing us the possible events that were to unfold. We saw the King's death 3 times. First was by suffocating while he was asleep. Second was drowning in I believe what seemed like the bath house. Third by stabbing. So are these the 3 possible scenarios which the King Taejo could meet his demise? 

    The image that drew me in the most was that of the blurred figure with the splash of red across it. Who could it be? 


    I honestly thought it was Yo cause like who is even capable of doing this besides him. But when Soo was standing there thinking to herself and the camera stopped on Wook I got chills down my spine. And now whenever I see that blood splattered image I can just imagine it being Wook but I refuse to accept that. Another thing I picked up was Soo completely disregarded Yo as a possibility. I wonder why that is. 

    And I love Wook's remake of the emoji. Haha. Emoji revamped in the ancient times. \^ㅁ^/


    I didn't really go into detail with my thoughts on the other major scenes because some contributors have already done so and they're thoughts are very similar to mine :) Everyones input is valuable and I love a lot of the discussions that go on! Keep up the amazing work fellow contributors!!

    I just want to conclude by saying that this episode was amazing like all the others. It tied up loose ends and introduced even more concerning matters which I am certain that the audience is anticipating. I know some have been saying that So has not has as much screen time or interaction with Soo in the past couple of episodes. I think we should enjoy Soo and Wook while it lasts. Soo and So will have plenty of airtime as the series progresses. Keen beans for tonight! Who is excited?!?!?!?!  \^ㅁ^/

    • Like 24
  6. @KdramaSwimmer @redfrommars

    Thanks for supporting my ship name I think it's very fitting for them :grin: Those who fight battles together stay together and their scars are symbolic of the battles they've been through and essentially won. I just love how the director incorporated that whether it be deliberate or not. Thanks for the love guys :heart:

    #SCARCOUPLE Fighting!! :blush:

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