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Posts posted by skxz

  1. 21 minutes ago, ruzikie said:

    I am not really fond with her reaction like that. Seriously. Despite she has premonition about Wang So as the King, she suddenly acts like Wang So also would kill her if he became a king


    Well the thing is she doesn't know if he will kill her but she knows that the next Gwangjong is a killer that murders his brothers and his subjects. I don't think she fears only for herself but for the safety of everyone else in the palace. We have to remember So has had a very harsh upbringing and he has ruthlessly killed to survive. He has also threatened to kill her multiple times so her fearing him is nothing out of the ordinary. 

    But I also think this is where she tries to "fix" history and everything can go wrong.

    • Like 14
  2. 27 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

    I found it really interesting when @skxz posted pictures of Wang So and Wang Wook realising their feelings for Hae Soo. Striking was that Wang Wook was so upset that he couldn't control his emotions (sure, it is also related to the incident which was not a happy one, like with Wang So and the birthday party). Both wanted to be alone, but Wang So remained calm the entire time, he thought about the past events and realised it. Wang So who has problems to control his emotions and temper, behaved the opposite what we would have expected. On the other hand, wang Wook was so destabilised that he couldn't stand and cried. I guess, his vulnerability must have shocked him... it was more than he thought, she could have died because the incident was closed.

    I love your writing it is absolutely amazing and you basically covered everything that I thought. 

    Although their circumstances were different when they realised it is also very interesting to see that one was during the day and the other was at night. Wook was distressed and unable to control his emotions and being set at night gives a feeling that he was trying hard to suppress it as he was hitting himself in the chest. The irony of it all was that he looked like he was in so much pain.

    Whilst with So he was sitting next to a beautiful pond in the light of day and when he realised he was only slightly flustered. In So's case with all the greenery and essence of spring it gave off vibes that it was the emergence of a completely new emotion to him. He's so adorable.

    Your analysis of Soo/So and Soo/Wook relationships are so on point and I love reading them please keep them coming :)

    • Like 24
  3. So a couple weeks back I had mentioned that I thought the song "Fate" by Lee Sun Hee really depicts Hae Soo and Wang So's relationship. So far I haven't been able to find any FMV with this song so I took it upon myself to make one. I have never edited a video before in my life so I tried my best. I hope you guys like it!!!



    • Like 22
  4. OKAY OKAY OKAY I JUST REWATCHED EP 7 AND REALISED SOMETHING. I don't think this has been mentioned so here it goes.

    Okay so after the whole de-masking debacle So storms out and Hae Soo runs after him. Then Wook also gets up to go after Soo. (I cannot believe that I completely disregarded that. Was too focused on So and Soo) When So grabs Soo's arm it's the arm which her scar is on which also means that the bracelet which Wook gave her is also there.





    When you put 2 and 2 together that means at the beginning of next Ep there is a very high probability that there will be confrontation between Wook and So. I wonder what will be said. I'm so excited and scared OMG!!!! 

    • Like 20
  5. 23 minutes ago, ilovekorearocks said:

    Since I can't quote your image lemme post is below.. 

    Is it me or the scar is very lightly visible? Or my mind is playing tricks on me.


    Well I'm sure that his scar hasn't just magically disappeared because cosmetic surgery didn't exist back then haha. I agree that it is very lightly visible and I think it is thanks to Hae Soo. I believe she is the one that will allow him to see that he can live without hiding behind his mask. And since we all know Hae Soo/Go Ha Jin is a make-up expert, I think she will help use make up to cover his scar not because she thinks it needs covering but because it will help him be more comfortable to show his face. We have to remember that society back then didn't not accept a lot of things and if you looked different you were feared and looked down upon. And from watching the series scars are just big no nos.

    Also, his scar is not just seen as a physical flaw by him but holds negative mental and emotional trauma. So I feel like these are baby steps to help him grow and realise his full potential which is what his scar hindered him from growing. 

    In the long preview, the part where we see him and Soo ride the horse to the ocean, his scar is still visible and I feel like that is later on in the series. By then he may have full accepted his scar as a part of himelf and it could potentially hold a whole new meaning. I'm hoping it will be something along the lines of a reminder of how he is a fighter and survivor.

    Sorry I babbled on for so long. I hope this makes sense :)


    • Like 21
  6. 1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

    In my opinion, his sacrifice will be to marry Yeon Hwa in order to protect Hae Soo because he needs to be King. Becoming the King will be his goal in order to protect Hae Soo.

    I wanted to reply to your posts about Yeon Hwa. Yes, from my point of view, Yeon Hwa has some feelings for Wang So but she is resolute enough to accept an arranged marriage, if her marriage improves her social status. She can live without love. When I said "manipulate So", I wasn't saying that So will become her puppet, but by turning him into a human, she has a certain definition how Wang So should be. She would like him to have the same goal (becoming Queen and King) and the same intention (reinforcing their position and protecting their family) and to me get her revenge to the Queen Yoo. She wants him to show interest for her, but so far, Wang So has ignored her. The reasons why Wang So is the best option (despite her feelings) are:

    - His ranking, he is the 4th prince 

    - His bad reputation: he can be ruthless  and he is determined

    - She knows that Wang So is not accepted by his mother so that she thought, they have a common enemy 

    - He is not married so that she will be his first wife


    Just saw your analysis and I love the theories you have. I just have a few questions and comments to make (hope you don't mind). 

    I absolutely agree that she has had her eyes set on him due to the fact he does:

    - Share a common enemy (Queen Yoo)

    - He isn't married and once he joins the fight for the throne she will benefit from him in every way as he hasn't married.

    However I am still unsure how marrying her it will benefit or help him. How will their marriage help protect Hae Soo? We all know that Yeon Hwa hates Hae Soo's guts. That girl cannot stand the idea of Soo being around so getting rid of her would probably be the highest on her priority list.

    In order to answer that question another will have to be answered first and that is, can someone be King even tho they aren't married? Is it not possible cause if this were the case then there's a chance you won't have children and thus result in no heir to the throne? Thus Yeon Hwa is the only eligible candidate. Hmmmm...

    I have to say So and Yeon Hwa share a very complicated and eerie relationship. I wouldn't say he has ignored her because we have seen several instances where he has clearly shown interest even if it has been very slight. Early on in the drama after she healed his wound he said


    AND he has saved her from Yo. I don't think he would if he had absolutely no interest in her. Real question is why has he done this for her?

    Bottom line from me is I hate the idea of them together. Don't like it one bit. It's not even the fact that they're related. She is just no good for him because she will just cause him trouble and more harm but history has already written itself and it's inevitable for it not to happen. We already know she is taking all these steps to save her own skin and this relationship of theirs makes me very worried for So.

    Just wanted to give my 2 cents to this interesting topic and also had some queries which I hope fellow Eclipses can help with.


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