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Raise hand if you regret cutting your hair.

Guest Littlofoott

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Guest Littlofoott

me me me
lets start off by saying...WAHHH! :tears:

Now we all know at some point or the other you have the urge to switch up your look. Get bangs, layers, or chop off a few inches..or A LOT.

I recently chopped off about 20" of my hair. Too drastic ,too soon. At the time I was soo tired and bored of having long-layered hair. Had long hair since forever. So, I decided to go for something new and fresh, a bob. It was great...great for only for a few days. Then I wanted my long hair back. Darn its going to take long. Wonder if these speedy hair shampoos and pills work. Mane n' Tail sounds convincing. Any trying to grow out their hair? Whether its their bangs or overall length? Please share

ohh yes. Im looking into hair wax. Other than Gatsby any recommendations? Thank you :)

We all love pictures soo...

Idea of what my hair use to look like:


Now looks like Nicole's bob:


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Guest MunYurika

Ughhh I regret it so bad also. I used to have long layered hair too but I decided to chop it off for a change. I now realized that, short hair limits the things you can do with it. Long hair you have have all sorts of styles and by this summer my hair would be the length I'd like it to be. :D Took me two years (should have been one year but I constantly kept cutting it -_- lmao!) Good luck with your hair! ;P

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Aw, don't regret it. Hair grows back. It's an experience. :) And it isn't a bad haircut, it's just different and you're not used to it. Play around with it, have fun, make the most of it. While there is plenty you can do with long hair that isn't possible with short, there are also plenty of things you can do with short hair that isn't possible with long hair.

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Guest kaboom

You can always buy & use hair extensions until your hair grows out to the length you like. I have long hair too and there are times where I want to cut it short but i'm afraid like you, I would miss my long hair too much.

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Guest MsChaofan


I chopped it from waist length, to less than shoulder length. In layers. Several layers. The shortest one didn't even reach my eyebrows...tears.gif

But after two years it has finally reached my boob area. I had a really slow reaction to it as well. After half a year did it finally occurred to me that I cut off half my hair length. 

People say short hair is less hassle, well, I have never spent that long just to style my hair. Back then I just woke up and I was good. dry.gif

Lesson learned I guess lol. You shouldn't worry too much, it WILL grow. 

Hair wax: maybe you could try New Wave? I don't know what kind of style you're going for. I usually use the green ones (clay). 

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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

Yeah, I hate going to the hairdressers, so many hairdressers are scissor-happy. My hair is waist length and one time the hairdresser cut it 3-4 inches shorter even though I asked for 1/2 an inch. I was pretty much livid but tried to keep a cool persona; but I did complain afterwards. Thankfully, hair grows back slowly but surely.

Seeing as most girl's hair only reaches a little bit over shoulder length, having long hair makes me feel more unique than them, more eyecatching.

Long hair is a symbol of femininty and personally I feel it is in bad taste to have long hair over the age of 40. So, you've got loads of time to have short hair in the future, might as well have long hair while you're young!

In my opinion, long hair is actually easier to manage than short hair. Long hair is heavy so is smoothed and straightened by its own weight, meaning you don't have to spend ages blow drying your hair so it sits right, like a lot of people with straight hair seem to have to do. To be fair, I do have naturally straight silky-ish hair, but I notice a difference between when I had short hair and now.

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Guest jellobeans

Me too! My hair went all the way down my back, and it was just so heavy and cumbersome and boring I decided to cut it. There were times when I missed it, but at the same time, I love my short hair. You just gotta find inspiration from different short hairstyles out there, and experiment! I've found that I can actually do a lot with my shorter hair, and have fun while I wait for it to grow. One thing I didn't like about long hair was that most styles didn't work for me because I had too much/too heavy hair. I think I like my hair at most lengths now, as long as I have a large range of styles~

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Guest wonahee

Yeah my hair got damaged after I got a perm so I had to chop it off to a bob.... it's been about 2 years and I'm still growing it out :( 

I have decided to never cut my hair again until I am in my 30s!!!!  I do try to trim the ends every 2 weeks so I can keep the hairs strong but I think it also makes it grow faster so you might want to try that :) Good luck!

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Guest jawjuhh

I recently got a haircut and literally cried when I saw how it turned out.  I'm okay now, I kind of like it and it's certainly different.  hopefully you'll learn to embrace it ^^

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Guest Milk--

I regretted it for a week but I got over it. I love my short hair now, it makes me look mature. It can be a hassle to take care but it's fine. I'm not too worried about it because my hair grows back fast, so I'm sure when summer comes it'll be down to my chest.

Don't worry! Hair is hair, it'll grow back :)

Also at least you cut it to try it out right? All of my friends have long hair and I'm the only one with short hair, I pretty much stick out and I like it.

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Guest mellowmellow

i don't really regret cutting my hair (since i really needed to) but i regret not telling the hairdresser that i didn't like the haircut :(

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Guest SaltedToffee

When I cut my hair into a bob, I really liked it! It was definitely a nice change but it wasn't the same feeling as having long hair. But I know what you mean about regretting it and I didn't realize it till after a year when I was tired of short hair. I don't think many people know this but short hair is very time consuming! I have wavy hair so I had to straighten my hair everyday. Also, when short hair grows out EEK it looks horrible (well for me i hate when bobs grow out it doesn't look the same so I would always have to cut my hair every month)

But looking at the picture you posted, your hair length doesn't seem that bad. I think in about 2 months it'll reach shoulder length. It took about a year for my hair to go from chin length to just pass my shoulders.

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I understand your pain. Before I cut my hair it use to be super long where it's up to my waist. I got tired of my long hair and it became too damage at the bottom. Plus, I always tied it into a bun and I hardly comb my hair anymore. I didn't know what to do w/ it anymore so I cut my hair a little pass my shoulder. Which was a drastic change for me in a long time. I liked it at first but then I started missing my long hair after 2 1/2 months and everytime I come across old pictures of me w/ long hair it leaves me w/ this depress mood. Right now my hair just reached a little over my armpit so hopefully by this summer it'll reach at least almost to my elbows.

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Guest nana544

I think that looks nice:). I only regret my hair when the haircutter does not cut it the way I ask it to be cut...so yeah.

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Guest laurenmychelle


Before is about 2 inches longer than this:


After is about 3/4ths of an inch longer than it was when

first cut, because the hairstylist TOTALLY messed up:


I TOTALLY regret cutting mine!! >___< I'm trying to grow out everything. It's been like 2 months and since I haven't been getting enough sleep, my hair's been growing extremely slowly.. One consolation is that it looks considerably longer when in a ponytail and it takes me about 10 minutes to shower. Don't even need to blow dry anymore! x)

Wow, 20" is a lot! I only cut off like 14 or so..

I was in the exact same situation as yours ): So bored of long hair, all I did was braid it or curl it, and then snip.

I've used Mane n' Tail before and it worked for me =]

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Guest tangel

I regret not knowing before hand that it'll take this long for my hair to grow back again! But I don't regret cutting my hair because it was for a good cause(donated for ppl w/ Cancer) :)

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Guest wharrgabbrll

My mother used to always keep my hair long because it was a thing in our family for the girls to have long hair, but when I grew up and started being independent I wanted to chop it all off for an edgier look. Bad decision. And then I kept cutting it for 3 years because when it grew out it looked ugly. D:

Now I'm finally growing it all out again. It'll probably be another year before it's the length it used to be when I was a child.  I want my hair back. T___T

Anyone have tips on how to make hair grow faster? Like shampoos or something...

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Guest Littlofoott

I know its just hair. -sighs

Ive been using Mane n' Tail + taking vitamins.

I know it isnt a miracle drug in bottle that will sprout hair out my head overnight.

But its nice to know itll aid the texture and fullness.

Its early to tell if its working but Ill be sure to update.

Are you/did you use anything that worked well? Please share. =)

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i kinda regret getting my last magic straight, since i had breakage...

here's my story...

when i entered 1st grade, my hair was nearly to my butt.

by the time i left elementary school, i think i could sit on it.

i only had one type of hairstyle; one braid down the middle, or parted with two braids.

i kept the long hair and the braids until my sophomore year of university.

all the while, i longed for short hair. unfortunately, my mom wouldn't let me cut it.

and of course, having it long for so long meant that i was quite attached to it.

so, the summer before i started my junior year, i went to korea for magic straight. they cut a couple of inches and i was terrified. but it felt nice!

after a year it grew back and i did another magic straight, and another after that.

i'm working in japan now, and before coming my hair was still quite long. i knew i wouldn't be able to straighten it before coming, and i thought it might be a while before i could straighten it in japan.

i did want shorter hair...so what i did was i cut it at shoulder length and donated the cut part to locks of love.

it was hard getting used to it being shorter, but, it did dry faster!

what i'm trying to say is that, the hair will grow back. it will take time, but it will come back.

just think of it as one part of your life.

you might want to keep it longer than it is now, but shorter than it was before. or you might decide to stay with short. either way, it's only temporary! :)

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Guest dorkafied!

I regret it, my hair was already thin to start off with and cutting my hair just made it thinner (or it feels like it) :(

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