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i find you cute no matter what kind of emotion you are feeling....

whether you're sad, mad....i find you so cute ><

bleh......gawh i'm so.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ><

you're just so cute ><!!

i **** you!!! >.<

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Guest __peedee

I miss you so much...

i can't explain why... sometimes I just need you here *sad face.

only a couple more days until I get to see you. I can't wait *big smile.

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i can remember last years christmas so vividly.. i was in a complete state of bliss. this year? not so much. im so thankful for everything..but still i regret so much. but lifes about taking chances right? im taking a chance right now cause im waiting and not moving on... call me crazy for having this outlook. no one can comprehend our relationship other than us. what we had.. was so real. call me crazy cause im still in love with you. the word love is thrown around so easily these days, and i'm not saying that i love you cause of how long ive been with you..im not saying that i love you cause i want you back or cause i miss you, its cause i know that deep down in my heart, i love you. i love you, for you, not who you were and not who you've become. i've never felt this kind of emotion for anyone before and it's one of those instincts where you just know that you're in love. youve given me so much, beyond the materialistic gifts, youve given me so much encouragement, faith, trust, and love in return for my lack of faith and confidence. you've been so good to me, its not fair that i complain about us breaking up. i guess it just makes me upset knowing that i let probably one of the best things thats ever happened to me slip away, cause of my own selfishness. i know i'm not the only one struggling right now, and i know you're struggling with everything being thrown in your direction too, so im praying for you. as much as i may curse you, or cry since you left me...i sincerely want the best for you. i want you to be happy. i hate seeing you lost. you were always telling me to look at the positive aspects in life.. i wish you listened to your own advice. thanks for always being there for me .. things may be different since we've broken up but other than the affection and intimacy...thanks for still being their for me as a best friend. thanks for not making things awkward..and just coming into my life. you are one of the few genuine people i can trust and confide in and i dont wanna lose you. i hope you find yourself..and i wish you the best in life. i can wait as friends. call me crazy, i still love you.

merry christmas.

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

damn, i thought you were my friend.

and i find out information like this?!

not from someone else

it hurts knowing that you don't trust me enough to tell me these things.

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Guest miss lisa

am i just wasting my time and effort here? is this even real? this is never gonna happen. i dont even understand what it is im trying to do anymore. or what i even want. tonight sucked. christmas sucked. the days over but now wut? we're two completely different people wanting two completley different things and headed in two completely different directions. i said i wouldnt play games ne more so what am i doing then? and why am i sitting here bothering to ask these questions when you clearly wouldnt have the answers. im off tmrw. enjoy the rest of your break. no reason for us to see each other ne more so maybe right before we leave for college? i guess im done here.

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Guest fio209js2

I love you so mucch.. Lately it's like my love for you has grown so much.. I guess it's the christmasy atmosphere going on and stuff.. but I'm just so thankful to have you.. you mean the world to me... I love you with all my heart.<3

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Guest ~jayjay

Merry Christmas la

I miss you. I hate you.

Why are you still gone?

Have you ever made the effort to wish me a Merry Christmas?

No. So I hope you don't regret it when the new year starts

and I no longer remember you.

In fact if you walk up to me my first words will be do i know you?...

forgive me.. the same person i love no longer is here..

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Guest Raiin Jung

I use to look high and low for love.

Not caring where I got it from as long as it was there.

But along came a wise person with promising words.

"You must first learn how to love yourself fully, before you can ask someone else to love you half-heartedly."

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Guest --infatuated.

annnoyed, fosheez ya'dig?

hahahahha. daaazumnns. not knowing when to stop.

LONG hours. semi-worth it


GOTTEMS! finally. without kool-aidguys HELP.

but now i need it more than ever. 1011 foreeeals. GETTING THERE

gonna get it.

want it NEED IT.

loovves fatgirl. most awesome person EVVVVS! :D

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