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I still like you, even more than before.

I know it's impossible, I know it really is.

There's just too much that happened, and I know

you'll never feel the same way, cause it's you.

As much as I wanted it to happen, it won't.

I really miss you, I want things to be like how they first were,

when I first meet you, when you first started trying to talk to me,

when you wanted to know me better. But it's all changed now.

I really miss you. Sometimes I want to cry my eyes out, cause your the first boy that's

ever made me feel this way. And plus, you have her now. Your with her now.

You'll never know the way I truly feel.

I never liked him, it was always you.

I've tried getting over you, but it's just so hard...I can't do it.

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I like you..no, I think I love you!!

I really do...I don't know whether you're trying to tell me the same thing or not..

But I also have a feeling your keeping something from me...I want this to work out though.

You're the most amazing guy and I think we can really be something.

Let's give it a try, hm?

I can't wait to see your face again..<3


I'm sorry.

I don't feel that way about you. Don't take it the wrong way, I just wanted to be friends.

I feel like an idiot now..writing that note to him, knowing that you could later find out.

Everything turned out wrong..I didn't want it to turn out this way but I knew I had to tell you sooner or later. Everyone's been saying that you liked me. It was stupid of me for not knowing..I'm sorry if I came out blunt. I just wanted this problem to be solved. I really thought we could be good friends. :) You're a good guy..you deserve someone better than me. I know you'll find her someday..So I'm really sorry. I mean it, come back to school?


I tried once, and you shut me down.

Now you're trying and I have to do the same.

It's a little too late.

But. If I hadn't fallen in love, I think you would have been the one.

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Guest prelude

I think of you too much. I don't know why. Maybe I like you. Then again, I know it would never happen. You're older than me. You're more mature. You're like my oppa and we just like to make fun of each other. But you're always there for me, and you're so sweet. I think I like you. I feel so happy when I'm with you. You make me smile. Maybe it's because you're more mature than guys my age, and so I like you. I'm in love with your maturity and how you care for me. You make me feel special. And I'm not liking you for your looks either...it's your personality that reflects your looks. And it's good.

I think you have a girlfriend. I don't mind. If you have a girlfriend, maybe I'll stop feeling crazy. I might be jealous, and I might cry, but at least I'll let go. Maybe your girlfriend is sweet, just like you. And you guys would be a compatible pair.

You make me feel like this... lost in the clouds.

Can't you just get out? Get out.

Because I don't want to. I don't want to like you.

Just be my oppa. I wish I would just think of you as my oppa.

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Guest dysgrlhea

I don't want to be the one holding you back from what you really want.

I don't want to be the one that ends up getting hurt because I'm too selfish to not look beyond what my eyes see..

but even so...

i dont want to lose you..

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Guest luven-you

I like you so much, poured my heart out to you.. yet, I don't think you care. But despite that, I still like you so much.

It hurts, knowing nothing'll be the same again... but please, talk to me. Tell me everything'll be alright, everything'll be the same.. that you'll still talk to me like before.

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Guest 3verlasting

why do you always come back to haunt me?

just when i'm beginning to forget what we had, you come back and shake me up again.

i hate to admit it, but i really miss you.

i miss what you did for me... even if it was all an act.

i hate seeing you with her.

and i hate her.

you were mine, but she took you away.

and i still want you... and i hate that i can't have you.

i hate that i have to look at you and act like everything's okay.

because it's not okay.

and i hate pretending.

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Guest accoustic-x

Thanks for yesterday, i really enjoyed myself

crashing at your house till 8pm & resting on your shoulders.

You dont have to get me the most expensive necklace

or the entire MNG, Zara, or Topshop wardrobe.

Cos' all i need is you and your love.

Thanks, ShimJaeYeol.♥

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crap. i was going to say something, but now i forgot.

oh yeah.

whoops, did you really want to come over? AHAHA SORRY XD

i would have let you come over but.. see, i'm not in the right condition to allow people to see me right now. :x

but then again, i tried hinting that i wanted to get out of here to a nearby park...

argh. even if you live a close distance to me, i wish you lived closer! poooo.

i really really want to see you (even though we saw each other yesterday~). arghhhhh!

no wait, that wasn't what i was going to say.

aww that christmas present thread.

damnnnn. why does christmas have to be so soon!?

that means i gotta get you a christmas present later? argh! wth am i gonna give you.. blehhh!

but then again, i can just say i don't really celebrate christmas.. =]

god i'm so lazy to get a job.

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i'm sorry i didn't call you! i told you i will after my break, but i didn't get a break because i had to work only a couple of hours.

sweet of you to say you'll call me later, but i wanna call ^^

i'm sorry. i'll call you soon ks? you have fun and take care! love you! good night!!!

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

one moment im crying, the next im smiling

brother, i think i really am insane


everyday is meaningless until i come home and talk to you

only i can judge myself

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Guest Jamieâ„¢

You looked really nice today

the bowtie was so cute

hope you don't think that I'm avoiding you =T

I just felt awkward at the moment

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Guest pencilcasee.

what's going on?

i'm so lost right now & you have no idea. is there anything going on between us or am i just assuming too much? i don't get it. everything seemed to be going so well. now you're like that and i'm like this. why can't we just talk and get it over with. i sit here wondering if i should make the first move. should i even make one? i don't know what's up with you. i really don't and i'm so discouraged. i want to blame you for making it so hard, but i know i shouldn't. if i'm not totally mistaken, you're probably hurting right now too. i don't want to hurt you. i can't beacause i like you. i like you a lot. now why can't you just give me a sign. don't leave me hanging and i won't do the same to you. show me that you care again or at least make it clear that you don't anymore. it's torture sitting here not seeing you for a week and having all these thoughts go through my mind.

i only hope that you feel the same way. i don't want to lead myself on to think that you do despite all these signs reinforcing my hope. if you think i'm not interested, you're so wrong. i'm just as scared as you are and as shy. i really don't know what to do. i'm trying like you wanted, but what about you? can't you try for me too? i really want things to work out between us. work with me here. i don't want us to lose our chance.

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Guest waterangel

i think i'm falling in love with you, when i know we're not even supposed to be happening. it scares me and thrills me at the same time, i can only hope you feel the same way.

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