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Awkward/Embarrassing Moments

Guest CKcrossover

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Guest starstung

When I was ten, I was on vacation in Florida with my brother and dad when everyone was working or at school. We went to the movie theatre and my dad told my brother and I to wait inside for a bit since it was a lot cooler. My brother and I start playing tag until all of a sudden, my skirt just fell to my ankles.

I don't think my brother saw but one of the employees might have. :blush:

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Guest yabasta

So like, we have this neighbour and he's like over 60 years old. It's summer now, and it's pretty hot in NZ. Anyway, the dear old man walks down his drive way, and I can see it's him because I can recognise the top of his head bobbing behind the fence. So I lean over the deck and holla at my old school boy you know? What do I see? Him. In. His. G-String.

I said not, and ducked back. Purging my eyes with salt water.


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Guest Jerrica

Yesterday, I met with my friends' friends. We were introducing each other & my friend told her friends that I was her & she was me & one of them actually believed it even though we already introduced ourselves to him an hour ago =__= Then she asked him about his IQ & he was like. "Don't talk about IQ!"

After that she tried to open a door but it was locked & he started laughing & said, "Now I'm testing your IQ!"

xD before that it was so funny & awkward whenever he laughed because once he did we both started laughing at his laugh.

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Guest imhitomi

In my music history class, we were listening to Handel's "Messiah" and the part where the chorus sings "we like sheep have gone astray." The way it's sung it goes, "we like sheep ........have gone astray." My friend Brian and I were joking like they sounded like they were simply saying, "we like sheep," and the chorus had some weird sheep fetish/were creep rednecks, etc.

Well, it became an ongoing joke between us and it really annoyed our teacher whenever we'd randomly sing "WE LIKE SHEEP." Well, we were getting ready to take our final and Brian and I just sang loudly, "WE LIKE SHEEP!" This time, without missing a beat, our teacher just said, "Please kep your strange habits to yourselves." The two of us were floored and just sat in silence like idiots for the rest of the class. The was the best comeback ever though from our teacher. XD

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A long time ago, when I was still completely innocent, I was in a library with my dad. I was reading books about jokes but there is one word that really made me so curious so I asked my dad:

me: Daddy, what does horny mean?

dad: *no response*

me: Hey Daddy! What does horny mean?

dad: *looked at his other side*

me: huh?

dad: That's perverted!

me: O_O *puts the book back*

the ride home was awkward...

When we got home, i googled it and BAM!!! I felt like ripping my hair! What a stupid question.. -_-

That was hella embarrassing!!

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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9

^ LMAO Oh i can relate to that

its just that i asked my brother that and he just laughed and didn't give me an answer :( haha

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Guest c'erine

i got drunk one time clubbing

and i started blabbing about everything

to the poor guy serving me drinks >.<

i thought i'd never see him again.

apparently, he was my boyfriend's

brother. yea, slightly akward moment

when we were introduced

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Guest mushroom_poki

Me and my friends were wrestling and I was wearing a tank top, my friend slid off me along with my shirt... and bra... and one of my boobs popped out.... It was horrible.. and I'm pretty sure someone saw... and now I'm afraid of going back to school T-T

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i pissed my pants during chinese school once. the ride back home with family friends was awkard because i had no change of pants. i also sharded twice in my life. bad experiences

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Guest Steph1430262970

It isn't really embarrassing, but more like funny.

I was carrying my textbooks today when I was visiting my friend's residence. My head was itchy and since my arms were filled with books, I didn't know what to do. Since I don't like people touching my hair, I nudged my head towards the door. I closed it with it and scratched my head with the door.


i'm sorry but that made me LOOOLLLLLL!

ummm, so in school caf, i was walking innnn

and i saw the back of someone i thought i knew.

but i wasn't COMPLETELY sure it was them so like, i went next to them and started peering down like, beside her head to see her face.

and it was someone totally different ......

the girl didn't notice, but her friend sitting in front of her was had a like "wtheck" expression LOL ):

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A long time ago, when I was still completely innocent, I was in a library with my dad. I was reading books about jokes but there is one word that really made me so curious so I asked my dad:

me: Daddy, what does horny mean?

dad: *no response*

me: Hey Daddy! What does horny mean?

dad: *looked at his other side*

me: huh?

dad: That's perverted!

me: O_O *puts the book back*

the ride home was awkward...

When we got home, i googled it and BAM!!! I felt like ripping my hair! What a stupid question.. -_-

That was hella embarrassing!!

LOLOLOLOLMAO hahahahahahahaa omg this is hella funny!

And same to that scratching head against the door thing. Haha

As for me, I haven't had any weird or embarassing stuff happen as of late.

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When I first met my bf at a party, it was a really cold day and he said "You look really cold, do you want to wear my jacket?" and replied "okie" but I didn't want to tell him that I already had a jacket hanging on my chair because it was so cute! We were one of the last ones to leave and when leaving I stood up and the jacket fell off the chair and he said "Who's jacket is that?" thinking someone forgot to take their jacket when they left and I said "....um..mine....." and there was a really embarrassing silence so I said "WANT TO WEAR IT?!"

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Guest catheezy

well this was a while ago but, my mom goes to church every saturday. and little ol' me wanted to come along with her everywhere lol. and i like really had to go pee so i just peed in my pants LOL. and then we stood up to sing the song and there was a wet spot and she got upset HAHA, and next saturday i was like MOOOM LET ME GO I WON'T PEE IN MY PANTS THIS TIME. and then i ended up peeing in my pants and leaving a wet spot again. so yepp from then on she wouldn't let me go to church with her, how embarrassing am i? ^^

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Guest cxXChRriszZ10Xxs

Stupid kids decides to "bump" a pile of brightly colored thongs at some display.

He left and when everyone heard the noise, they turned around and saw me.......

so ..i picked up the whole pile and started folding em.......dernit. shoulda pretended to be a worker there.

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Guest byterz.

i was talking with one of my guy friend and he had said something that made me go "pffftttt"

and i accidently spit on him lol ( don't you hate when that happen ? i do it sometime when im talking normally too lol so embarassing) Anyways , i was hoping he didnt notice until

him: " you just spit on me"

me" sorry" *looks down*

him: *burst out laughing *


another time when this friend of mine was eating a cupcake, me being silly, i pretended knocking the cupcake over when he was eating it. Unfortunately, i actually did it before i could stop myself , the cupcake fell backward . It whipcream got all over the back of his shirt , his bookbag , and on the floor. I felt so bad that i even offered him my own cupcake lol, he didnt want it.

This all happen in recent week. Yeah, i want to say these kind of things doesnt happen to me often... but it does.


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Guest Hongki.love

I went to a Boba store with my friends...and I was sharing with this guy...and I was joking my frustration of sharing with him when I got the boba and then I kind of "slammed" it on the table. Then a huuge crack appeared and the whole thing burst open when I hit it on the table. All the contents spilled out and all my friends were laughing non-stop at me :|

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I was once on the sky train with a friend when it randomly stopped in the middle of its tracks.

It was SOO packed and getting hot. My friend and I were talking and I dont know how the convo

got to where it did, but I, stupidly, said " Well, I'm glad I'm not fat." My friend kinda did these

eye movements and I turn around...there was an obese woman right behind me u____u;;;

Evernyone was pretty silent too. We were the only ones talking.

Moments like this just keep happening to me. SO awkward. I just..dont say things anymore...

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1) I was in one of those GT programs where middle school is actually taught in high school. It was my 7th grade year. It was the first day of middle school. Me, a sevie barely out of elementary walking down the hallway when I saw a senior who's ready to leave the high school coming my way.

He was big, he was bulky, and he looked mean and rushed. I chickened out and desperately wanted to find a place to avoid walking up to him. As I was looking around, I saw a bathroom. I could've sworn it had a woman with a dress on the door. I walked in and was so happy with my luck of finding a bathroom at the right time and walking in at such a casual way. The next thing I knew, the urinals looked funny and a bunch of guys were staring at me >.>

On an additional thought, I think the reason that guy was walking in such a rushed manner was because he wanted to go pee in the bathroom...until I walked in before he did.

2) I was in a science class, we were watching a movie that day. We had a sub, the class was boring, so I fell asleep, though I almost never fall asleep in class. I asked about 3 people at my table to wake me up when the warning bell rings and turns out that none of them remembered, so the class was almost empty before I was waken by the sub telling me that school is over. That day also happened to be one of the first days of school as well (god I hate those days) so I had a backpack full of textbooks to take to home. I stood up, lifted my backpack and ran out in the hallway and realized my legs are completely asleep, and they're at the stage where they're super tingly. I fell down in the most embarrassing way possible in the middle of the busy hallway and all of my textbook spilled out. Everyone shot me looks like "She's such a nerd" T.T And if that's not bad enough, on my way downstairs when I checked in the mirror, I also had this huge red splotch on my cheek from sleeping on my left arm.

3) This one wasn't...okay it was xD Also a 7th grade thing. I was walking downstairs with my best friend on a busy stairway. (Our school's stairways are always busy due to the 3000 people in it) I happen to have really weak ankles, meaning I can trip on almost anything, or even when nothing's tripping me, they can suddenly go weak and I trip myself >.> And that happened. I fell forward, my friend tried to grab me (I saw her arm hanging out after I fell xD) but missed, and I pushed about two people downstairs with me all the way to the next floor.

Btw, I brought Asian home lunch that day. They spilled. The hallway and those two poor guys were filled with that Chinese cabbage smell for at least the rest of that day.

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When I was in grade 8, I sat with this guy for a real long time and he just annoyed me so much during that time. Because he annoyed me so much, people in my class knew how we were like when together so my friend would tease us, saying how we were bf/gf and all that stuff. Of course we weren't and I told her that but my friend was drama desperate and told our teacher and she believed it. Anyways, we were lining up for something I forgot and the guy was standing right in front of me, minding his own business, until someone pushes him and his face was only like a centimeter from mine. Of course, my teacher had perfect timing, saw what happened and misinterpreted it for something different. So she screamed really loudly, "KAREN, 32093480 (i forgot his name)! GET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER! IT'S SCHOOL!" Yeah, so it was pretty embarrassing for my 13 year old self, but now that I think back to it, I find it amusing. haha

And this other awkward time, I was supposed to be doing this group project at a someone's house, but we were all lazy procrastinators. Two guys were playing video games, I was sitting on this round chair behind them, a girl was sitting on the couch beside my chair and there was this guy who I somewhat thought liked me, standing between me and the other guys playing the game. That standing guy was hovering above me and we were just talking. Suddenly he leans down, puts his hands on the frame of the chair and his face was extremely close to mine. We just talked normally but I felt so uncomfortable because I felt his face come closer so I awkwardly stuck a hand between our faces in the middle of our conversation. I guess I sorta made him feel weird too, so we were just in that position for like 10 seconds before he stood back up straight. And with an awkward silence, we just stared at each other for a few seconds before he turned around to watch the other guys. I felt sooooo awkward right after that, especially since the conversation ended just like that and also because I found out the girl on the couch was watching us the whole time. Ahahaha, we're still friends though. (:

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