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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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^yes, her anti are cheering now but they better be careful, because their idols actually got more projects, cfs, magazine covers than LDH nowdays despite we know how their acting talents are-so they better use their brain now or they have to eact their words.

Anyway not to worry enough cos most of netizens don't buy this and LDH, SYJ and CR are established A-listed actress and they are well known for their talents rather than 'behind the scene activities'.

I realized now that they specially attack these 3 actresses bcos they are so popular in China right now, they're not really highlighted other celebrities who are also mentioned in the articles such as Eugene, Hyori, Gianna Jun, etc bcos they are not as popular as the 3. Do you think any conspiracy there and why Chinese news so active reporting this compared in Korea. I just remembered reading the same news in ALLKPOP last month (I think) that Korean Govenment is interfering with this BTS issues, and the reporters specifically mentioned those involved are 'not talented one/newbie or unpopular but always appeared on kentertainment news, so bottom point is LDH, SYJ and CR are totally not in the list.

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Guest imogene_af

UGH. This is just sick, vile... sick.

Good thing soompi has a ban on cursing because I am especially livid right now. Now they're showing their faces? What proof do you have to defame someone like that? Established actresses who are for one, very talented --not only that but have been in the business FOR YEARS.

And what business do they have snooping and destroying the reputations of KOREAN ACTRESSES?! What is the MOTIVE, I ask? Of whoever this source is. Sure, the source was Korean media, but anyone familiar with the Korean blind item --- they did not mention any names, they were very VAGUE and they just talked about how it has ALLEGEDLY led to suicide to some other Korean celebs.

And now here comes a tabloid from another country, giving such obvious clues... such blatant remarks, NAMING NAMES, putting out their faces... but in order to save their @sses they go, "could it be true?"

such responsible journalism right there, miscreants.

I may have worked in the media world for a short time, but I know each piece that people give out has a motive. I really question why the TPTB of Chinese tabloid news is giving this out... and why the Korean actresses? When I'm pretty sure any kind of showbiz realm has its fair share of shady business. And why these specific three Korean actresses who have shot up with such popularity internationally ... getting so much money from their foreign CFs , especially Chae Rim who has such an established fanbase there (more so than some of their local superstars). Is there a motive? Is there bitterness? That these foreign actresses are taking leverage in another country?

I am sorry this is blatant DEFAMING. Those are BIG accusations and I cannot wait for these "journalists" to go to jail. Or sweat out so much $$$ for their MALICIOUS intent.

I mean ... really... so if we believe that Son Ye Jin's probably worst work to date... Chae Rim's abysmal filler drama... or Lee Da Hae's biggest stab in her career, her biggest nightmare project ... and all those were apparently because of the casting couch?!! they must really be bad in bed or something [insert sarcasm here], because 2008 was a lackluster year for them.

They can continue to defame Lee Da Hae but they cannot take away the fact that the girl has tremendous talent and strength. IT IS SO UNFAIR. She has just went through a big tribulation last year and has just picked up the pieces a few months ago... then they hit her with this? well know what **** you all. I hope the legal actions get to you soon. THE NERVE. Hiding behind blind items, maybes, and questions... **** you, cowards.

Anyway, I hope she uses this as ammo later on, more strength, more experience, wiser, older ... it will only make her stronger. Please be strong, Da Hae.

and maybe next time, if they feel like defaming people again... maybe a more realistic fanfiction would help them... instead of using popular, talented, established, and well-respected actresses as examples.

They should sell fiction books... it will be selling like hotcakes. It can be the new Twilight.

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Hope this not going to go too far-maybe in China only the news spreading like wild fire-almost a week now but they keep reporting it.

so I found the article in ALLKPOP-they are many of them involved including actors, so I think every agencies really keep an eyes open not to let their stars name come out. POOR LDH, SYJ and CR, looks like scapegoat to me, just to protect the others, they just highlighted the most talented and popular one.


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Guest imogene_af

even IF there is stuff going on behind the scenes on whoever the actresses are... it is not anyone's business to feast on it like that with such malicious intent. We do not know what went on (or if it's even true, it's all allegations), these women could have been raped, could have been molested, could have been in other darker circumstances. And that crap is just NOT your business to blurt out. Why focus on the actors/actresses and not focus on the actual abusers? Now that's what you have to target at. This is really having me boiling.

And what the hell is their motive writing this filthy crap anyway? UGH.

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I'm just joining the discussion now but from what I've read so far, it seems like the Chinese media is merely speculating based on the Korean artists that are most known in China. Lee Da Hae is immensely popular in China but I get the feeling that her popularity is eclipsed by many other actresses in Korea. Career-wise, she's doing okay but in terms of media coverage, she's not their darling. Since the Chinese "reporters" can only speculate based on their limited knowledge of K-ent, they pointed fingers at the obvious targets: Korean actresses known among their Chinese readers. After all, to sell papers, you need to write about people that your readers will actually recognize, no?

The allkpop.com article writes that the actresses behind this scandal are "female celebrities who seem to receive a lot of media attention compared to their popularity are rumored to have very powerful sponsors." That does not sound like our Da Hae at all.

I really hope that they can reveal the names of the women involved so LDH's name could be cleared. I'm not being sadistic or wish to hurt anyone...but the guilty parties that have stayed silent while their innocent colleagues are being blamed really don't deserve any better.

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Guest imogene_af


I don't think there will be any revelations going on. K-Ent is too big of an industry,too powerful to be giving out lists like that. Replace K-Ent with any kind of industry... may it be Hollywood or Hong Kong or Japanese Entertainment... that's just not going to be given out.

The thing is, their "speculations" to sell papers is extremely defaming. It's nothing but irresponsible journalism. It's just unforgivable that a journalist would write such things and pass their speculations as news. Their source was K-media, K-media that didn't bring anyone up, and yet here are these "journalists" stepping up and trying to "sell" papers.

But see, damage is done. even if they reveal the actresses who are really involved (I do not think this should happen, I say reveal the powerful people backing this vile mini cooper up now that's the real culprit), they have already done enough to demean Dahae. May this reach only China or even reach everyone in English based sites... damage. done.

In the film DOUBT one of the main characters revealed such a compelling speech that applies to this situation.

'I want you to go home, take a pillow upon your roof, cut it open with a knife, and return here to me.' So, the woman went home: took a pillow off her bed, a knife from the drawer, went up the fire escape to her roof, and stabbed the pillow. Then she went back to the old parish priest as instructed. 'Did you cut the pillow with a knife?' he says. 'Yes, Father.' 'And what were the results?' 'Feathers,' she said. 'Feathers?' he repeated. 'Feathers; everywhere, Father.' 'Now I want you to go back and gather up every last feather that flew out onto the wind,' 'Well,' she said, 'it can't be done. I don't know where they went. The wind took them all over.' 'And that,' said Father O' Rourke, 'is gossip!'

just to sell, right? I wish these journalists would have had enough ethics to know that such heavy allegations is different from just shipping her to Lee Dong Wook or whatever delusions of grandeur they may have... actually DEFAMING someone is a very grave deal. UNLESS these people can chase after the feathers in the wind... I say sue their a$$es til they bleed dry.

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Legal actions should be done here. I can feel the rage there imogene, this news is overly annoying for us, how much more to these actresses. I really hope Jtune will do something about it to protect Dahae. I can also feel for their families. This is like the third wave of heavy controversies for her this year. But it's proven that OUR GIRL is strong, she'll pass another storm.


We're here to defend and support you!

Thanks JCSF. Glad to see Chunoholics are also here to support Dahae.

It's such a joy to watch LDH, JH and OJH kidding around in the poster shoot clip, thanks ripgal for sharing the translation from cherryche.

Happy Thanskgiving to all.

One thing i'm thankful for is I thank Dahae for being born! She added more colour to our entertainment world.

No turkeys for me hagrid but maybe imogene will eat some for us. October is Canadian thanksgiving.

I'm undecided yet if i want to drive to Seattle for the after thanksgiving shopping, i'm a lil sore but i'm definitely better. Thanks so much chinggus!

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Guest imogene_af


ok. I'm cool now.


hello maccay, hope ya feel better!

and thanks for the updated picture...

aw Tae Ha and Hye Won are really cute together. Dammit. I'm such a dork, I keep changing ships.

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thanx for the newly released Chuno pic...

It definitely made me feel better... =)

Reading all your comments had my heart sinking for Da Hae. We all know she's been prone to so much negativity these 2 years, and she has struggled thru all. But this one's no doubt more damaging and destructive, especially to her reputation as an actress, and more so, as a person. I really can't imagine how she's going thru all of this... with her dignity stained to this extent. I just hope that she has her friends around her now and that work would divert attention from all of this.

That's the power of the internet.

Alas, we can just hope that this wave dies down soon.


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Guest nat nat

I think the kind of phenomenon as described in the articles are TRUE, but I just detest how they actually assumed and speculated on the identities of the actresses based on mere alphabets. But again, do not underestimate the power of the internet and the netizens. We can only sit and hope that this whole tidal wave dies down sooner.. ^_^


Really hope that Miss LDH wouldn't be too upset about this kind of faked scandals :( ..... I am sure all her fans wouldn't believe that... hope this kind of bad news will be die down soon!! :angry:

Aja aja fighting......LDH

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imogene we hear you girl! You know we better find this darn writer and get you to knock some sense into him! and I agree that these actresses should not be the one demonized in this issue... for all we know they might be the victims in this whole thing... dig out the names of these powerful k-entertainment suits whose trying to bargain sex for project deals! ugh! despicable perverts!

thanks for sharing the pic! why is everyone on their heels? hahaha! now even Danny Ahn is out to get them? awwwww look at TH get all protective over our girl! No wonder she finds her feelings wavering for such a knight in dirty rags...

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Guest Noelle_17

Hello everyone.

The latest stills of Chuno got me really excited to see it...so glad January is just around the corner.

Another malicious rumor is being thrown again at Da Hae and it's just sad she had to go through these scandals just when things are looking positive for her. Karma will kick in to those who conjures this bad stuff from their wild imagination one way or another.

But I hope she doesn't get too affected by this...a lot of people will defend her and will believe her always.

Da Hae fighting!!!

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Guest janezio


We're here to defend and support you!

Thanks JCSF. Glad to see Chunoholics are also here to support Dahae.

It's such a joy to watch LDH, JH and OJH kidding around in the poster shoot clip, thanks ripgal for sharing the translation from cherryche.

We understand because our very dear oppa OJH also went through a terrible time when the media attacked him vicioiusly because of the suicide of a girlfriend. I don't think there was much he could do to stop her since it was her obsession with him and her decision to do it but everyone finds it easier to blame him for it.

Also, there were worse scandals than these such as the one in HK with those horrible photos published all over by the guy who was repairing the actor's computer and using those photos without permission. One of the poor ladies in that scandal will have a hard time getting married and I feel truly sorry for but I am VERY HAPPY to see her bouncing back. Life continues - our lives are between us and God and no one else's business. Hopefully those who thrive on scandals will get punished eventually, if not by the authorities, then God will judge them accordingly.

Yes, absolutely love the rapport among them! I never took much notice of LDH until Chuno and I am getting to like her alot! Also love the pic where OJH is protecting her in the woods against Danny Anh. They look so compitable together!

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Yeah I really hope LDH stays strong amongst this stupid baseless rumours... Fighting LDH!

What? I didnt know the scandal about OJH.. wow he must have suffered alot :( Yeah I know who you're talking about ... Edison Chen <_< Never had a good impression of him from the start and when the scandal broke, I felt so sorry for those female celebrities.. Anyways, Im glad the scandal is dying down and that some female celebs are getting back on their feet..

Anyways on to LDH.. I saw the new Chuno pics! Oh I love the way TaeHa is protective of Hye Won... they look so compatible... heheh imogene_af you're not a dork for changing ships.. Im sure both pairings would have great chemistry and Im sure it will be hard to choose one heheheh

Cannot wait for Chuno!

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I'm such a sucker for babies that I've always always loved this shoot! I've always wished for DH to do this shoot and I'm glad that now she finally did! haha! If I remember right JH has already done this shoot... This time LDH and OJH are among the stars who did the shoot maybe JH told them about it...

Anyway this is just so precious... haha look at LDH... It looks like the baby's about to drop from her dingy arms! haha! beef up momma Da Hae! haha... Do LDH and G-dragon (that is him right?) have the same baby? haha their babies look very much like each other... haha... and who's the guy in the first frame?

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Yea, momma Da Hae looks really skinny in the picture. But I love her warm smile in there.. hehehe..

I also adore OJH's pic with that baby.. such a beautiful papa-son picture!

The guy in the first frame is Tae Yang from Big Bang..


News from naver talking about Chuno going against Will It Snow in Christmas?


I saw the preview of the drama.. and Go Soo's character reminds me A LOT of his character in Green Rose..

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Guest imogene_af

OMGGGG Lee Da Hae's bb is so cuuuuute.

OJH with that bb is cuuuuute.

All I got to say is CUUUUUUUUUUTE.

uhm CHUNO>>>>>> Will It Snow This Christmas?

Go Soo looks hawt in it, but I did not really feel the anticipation with the trailer, but I'll definitely check out the first episode.

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