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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Perverted Emerald Ahjummas a.k.a Permejummas? That would be the official title for LDH soompi fans :lol:

hagrid : I LOLed reading your Sim family..that must be one exciting Sim family..hahahaha

ripgal : Thanks for the Emerald news...so I guess now it's sorta official that Chuno will premiere in January 2010 then.

imogene : I feel for Da Hae..having so many so-called scandals just because she hangs out with guy friends. I agree she seems like a single girl out having fun with friends in Phuket.

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Guest imogene_af

Perverted Emerald Ahjummas a.k.a Permejummas? That would be the official title for LDH soompi fans :lol:

*ded* *ded* :lol:

I still do not connect the emeraldness but whatever floats their boat.

For a cafe filled with manfans... emerald isn't really the most masculine term I have ever heard. :lol:

random: you know what I was thinking? Kinda cute how even when Un Nyun is like an untouchable nobi... in hemp clothes, short hair, and less than human kind of view upon her... Dae Gil still fell in love with her. that's kind of cutie. I'm curious how her love story with Tae Ha will ensue too, since most of the press releases focus on DG's love for UN. How about Hye Won and Tae Ha?

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Helijet-when you mentioned LDH and LDW there, my heart start dup, dup dup again-still wishing them together eventhough most netizen suspected him with his latest costar in Partner KHJ. I did mention in LDW thread that I saw LDW still using the same hp's strap that caused the rumours between him and LDH last year. LDW had couple of handphones but he carried the one with the rumoured strap to the camp-make me thinking, maybe their contact hp. or to remember someone (LDH :)

I'm the one who is and still crazy about LDH and Will Pan-for entertainment only, cause Will pan is so fun to watch and he can make LDH happy and smile again like we used to know her. In Singapore recently, he did mention he and LDH is good friend now, so if there is nothing going to happen between LDH and LDW in the future, I can open my mind to accept Will as LDH's other half (if both of them interested with each other-not once sided love only)-I'm sure it's fun to watch both of them.

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helljet, I think that is THE normal effect of My Girl to all its fans! hahaha! My Girl Fanatics (me included) just can't get enough of their chemistry that we can't help but hope that they'd be together in real life... haha! I swear until now I'm still crossing my fingers that they'll realize they're just perfect for each other (hence my Sim characters! BWAHAHA!) But, honestly, I think they're just friends (for NOW! haha)... well at least we have that, right... anyway I'm not sure if they really had a relationship post My Girl but I don't think they did... I think it was mostly fans who had been fueling that romance rumor... well in case you want a taste of fan made videos trying to connect the dots about LDH and LDW you might want to check this out:


I can't find the other one I saw... haha oh well just try to search through youtube... I almost got convinced with the "evidences" when I first saw it! haha (alright fine! I WAS convinced for maybe a month or two that it's for real because of these connect the dots fan made videos! haha!)

but really helljet you mustn't mind all the love rumors about LDH... She's just one of the guys! She likes her a lot of boy friends! haha!

Eru was a media leak, however. Came out of nowhere. Nonstop media blow up. Even wedding rumors (ridiiiikkkkk). I think it was sort of coming from another camp. According to reports the Eru rumor started from another actress' manager. LDH felt really offended around that time, but she pulled herself together after a few months of it. She was never the type who was fond of scandals. She stated once she hated being treated like a toy that anyone can pair her off with with just anyone.

oh no! imogene does this mean she hates us? hahaha we sell her off to every single k-actor that we know! hahaha or maybe she has higher tolerance for pervy "emeralds" like us! LOL

ANYWAYS, she said she asked a fortune teller when her next scandal will be... and the fortune teller told her SEPTEMBAAAH! I wonder with who? rotfl.

Jo- LOL they call her fans EMERALDS? Are we EMERALDS? I prefer psychos.

On her HAIR:

I hope they announce when she'll cut her hair. Document it through video and everything, post it in her cyworld. I am serious. hahaha.

Only Chosun Era Slave pic I can find:


still cannot really decipher the hair but she can wear em' big hats... with her Hemp dress. very Vogue hemp dress!

September! bwahaha I thought we settled that with the long list of possible-hot-guys-to-get-in-the-scandal-with-on-September! But if it was me, I'd say get in a scandal with Boss Bi! there's nothing better than a employer-employee romance to stir up the gossip world! bwahaha! and the fact that Boss is hawt helps! Oh darn I'm doing it again aren't I?! MUST.NOT.SELL.LDH.OFF.TO.HOT.GUYS! :angry:

I LOLed too with Emeralds! I was like WTH where did that come from?! haha! but you're right whatever floats their boat

anyway! girl you're on a freaky geek mode! j/k haha now you're even scanning textbook picture for us! haha but do keep them coming I also would love some enlightenment on that bob cut that she's going to sport...

Perverted Emerald Ahjummas a.k.a Permejummas? That would be the official title for LDH soompi fans :lol:

hagrid : I LOLed reading your Sim family..that must be one exciting Sim family..hahahaha

ripgal : Thanks for the Emerald news...so I guess now it's sorta official that Chuno will premiere in January 2010 then.

imogene : I feel for Da Hae..having so many so-called scandals just because she hangs out with guy friends. I agree she seems like a single girl out having fun with friends in Phuket.

Permejummas! FTW! BWAHAHA!

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Guest imogene_af


Scanning text book images... WTH! :lol: Dude, I am seriously considering talking to an Asian History major and like, ask these things. :lol:

I know must LDH hate us for pimping her with hot men? :lol: Nah, I think she was more annoyed with reporters more than anything, I think the most annoyed I have seen her do was with Eru though. I think she was particularly hurt with that one. I don't know whatever is going on behind the scenes in K-Ent that they're so sensitive with such scandals, but I hope it doesn't affect her anymore. Just sad seeing her sad like that.

LOL those videos, y'all know we were all ovah that way back when. But now, I make fun of my niece for making Twilight rumor-connections, when I was like that way back when. :lol:

You know though, I tend to stay away from shipping people in real life. Just better that way, I like seeing her make out with hawt men, but I don't really ship her as much anymore in real life. I'd love for her to work with many, many actors I adore though. I still prefer Drama OTPs. It just doesn't set me up for disappointment and gives me an open mind to whoever is linked to her.

On other news... I hope LDH does well in CHUNO... if not for her realm but OUR realm too. Did y'all read Mr.X's latest review "Diamonds are Forever"? Dang that was... wow, blunt. :lol: I always read his movie reviews and sometimes drama reviews, but I think this was real blunt. *teeth chatters for LDH* Since he's reviewing it... *chatters*.

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LOL! seriously girl! haha stay away from those Asian Professors! haha Don't get all Paris Gellar (Gilmore Girls) on them they'd think you're a freakO! hahaha

LOL yah! I was thinking of the same thing... Before when I was watching this video I was like "OMG! Oh yeah... there's something there alright!" haha but now I'm like "Hmmm but that's just silly!" haha! But I must admire their eyes are soooo keen they notice even the pettiest thing... You know what ripgal? I just saw your name on the credits of the video... do you know the maker of the video? send him/her my love because those video got me through my serious withdrawal from My Girl way back then!

haha LOL imogene you're such a bully! making fun of your niece when you're guilty of the same crime!

Hmmmm twilight UGH!!!! *pulls out hair*

RE: not shipping her to guys in real life

haha I think I'm getting there! haha but not quite! But really if only she'd be able to work with half them men in my list I'll already be really really satisfied!!

RE: Mr. X's reviews

Oh are they back in the running again? anyway I like reading his reviews especially with the dramas I'm interested in... He usually sites a lot of classic Kdramas that I wish I was able to watch... Anyway he does seem like a real tough critique that's why I was like a proud mama when I read his review on LDH's performance in Green Rose... When I learned that he's going to review Chuno I too was kinda scared for LDH! I really hope PD Kwak would guide her well in this project...

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Guest imogene_af


the hair pulling part is so relatable.

So folks, did anyone snoop around baidu or her care to figure out WHEN Chuno will be actually shown? A filming period of August to March? SIX months for a 24 episode drama? Now it's slated for a 2010 release, but news is oh-so contradicting as to WHEN. News before was specific with October. Then, they changed it to January. Then they changed it to simply "maybe after Iris... tentative".

As I said in CHUNO thread, PD Kwak has a tendency to finish filming first before showing it, I wonder if he prefers it to be that way for CHUNO?

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I know! These news articles are making me hella confused! I thought we're set for October prior to the articles post-LDH's confirmations... but the articles confirming LDH's in are saying that it'll be after IRIS, January-ish! Really people make up your mind! But, as I said before I'll be fine either way...

haha gosh don't get me started with my Twilight rants or you'll never see the end of it! haha!

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Guest ripgal

I read Mister X's review on My Fair Lady. And all I can say is "OUCCCHHHHHH!" *YEH fans have to be strong!*

Well, reading that review made me all the more worried that Da Hae would not live up to his expectations. We know he has high expectations for talented actors and actresses (and Da Hae's one of his picks)... plus he's like a know it all when it comes to sagueks... Gah, I hope PD Kwak can control and guide Da Hae.. *prays hard*

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Guest imogene_af


I kid you not, if I was a big fan of that drama or particular actress... I'll be crying right now. aiks.

I haven't tried MFL due to my stack of K-dramas right now still I have to finish a bunch of them. I will put this drama as something I'd watch if I could. Just to catch a few episodes to make my own judgement.

That's what I was thinking too... PD Kwak, control LDH, please. :lol: I do have great faith on her, though, she is a very strong actress.

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Guest ripgal

I think maybe we should set our expectations really low beforehand.

What happened with EOE was a mix of us harboring too much expectations and excitement (over the SSH-LDH pairing) which ended up a disaster and an overall hype which wasn't well deserved. Sighz.

PD Kwak I trust you!!

On MFL, it's truly a disappointment for me. But granted I've seen only 2 eps, will sit thru and check out the remaining eps.. hope they'll improve. I did a review of Ep 1 and 2 here, in case anyone of you're interested..haha...


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Guest imogene_af


I think my expectations in EoE were high for the simple fact that Hye-rin was based of Sandglass Hye-rin and that was such a crap assessment, I would so want to sue all press releases for saying that because Min Hye Rin was nothing like kick richard simmons Sandglass Hye-rin. So much for femme fatal. I think LDH felt the same way. LOL. I think we were all dooped on that one. And like you that drama is dead to me, it's in my trash bin, and in my lalaland it never existed in Lee Da Hae's filmography. Probably with the exception of a few scenes or something.

I do not keep expectations too low, I do believe LDH is a capable and strong actress, my only worry is it's her first big sageuk role and I do not know what to expect from her. It's like coming in blindly, I'm new in sageuks and I haven't seen a lot of these dramas... nor do I know a lot about it. I've seen her do drama, but this is a sageuk... what angst can she find to hash herself as a slave? And really both Jang Hyuk and Oh Ji Ho aren't Kim Myung Mins or Russel Crowes. So it's scary, but if Kwak got that out of Lee Chun Hee in CIC, we may have something brewing in here.

So I trust the PD. I do not know if that's high expectations... but I trust him.

ooooooooh thanks for sharing your review, you have the exact same sentiments as my friend who is also a big YEH fan.

I'm LOLing so hard at the comment, "Please don't scream anymore." =(

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Guest ripgal

^I guess keeping expectations low is just a mechanism to make myself feel better if Da Hae doesn't do well. You all know how much I love her... just think about how much I've said to defend Hye Rin back then, and when the real truth was that she wasn't doing that well. When I think about it right now... it's just so ridiculous...haha..

Yeap, let's hope PD Kwak can get some Lee Chun Hee outta Da Hae.

Looks like the DB is getting some backlash on her MFL Ep 3 re-cap. Now it's the time for the YEH fans to go wild..*remember how some LDH fans went wild whenever she has a thread in DB? Altho none of the news were on her acting per se* Fangirl-ism is really scarraayyy!

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Guest anne0129

*ded* *ded* :lol:

I still do not connect the emeraldness but whatever floats their boat.

For a cafe filled with manfans... emerald isn't really the most masculine term I have ever heard. :lol:

random: you know what I was thinking? Kinda cute how even when Un Nyun is like an untouchable nobi... in hemp clothes, short hair, and less than human kind of view upon her... Dae Gil still fell in love with her. that's kind of cutie. I'm curious how her love story with Tae Ha will ensue too, since most of the press releases focus on DG's love for UN. How about Hye Won and Tae Ha?

I think the reason why they are called emerald, and this is just a speculation, is due to the fact that it was around the time of GREEN ROSE when they were form or started. So green---emerald. I don't know but I think I read it somewhere not really sure.....

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Guest imogene_af


I didn't think she was that bad in EOE... I remember I criticized her when her eyes popped out or when she was too choreographed/rehearsed/too aware. LOL.

The fangirlism--- I think most of it was defending her character's prominence or I guess relevancy... when the truth was her character was just plain fodder, under-written, and was useless. That was the frustration that Lee Da Hae fans were having that time. They were simply trying to justify that her role will come... and it never did. I had a feeling, she felt the same way.

Her fans were in denial that time about that part, but I do not believe any of us thought she was doing exceedingly well as Hye-rin, only at her first few parts but later on, she was just that--- background, wallpaper, will do without her kinda role. And it's the reason why she quit, she didn't understand her character at all. Despite that though critics did praise her for her role as Hye-rin especially during the first parts when she came out, the netizens were rushing through the boards and praising her but later on the character was just not cohesive with the storyline. IMHO, LDH did them a favor by quitting because her character was going nowhereeeeeeeee. so there.

Anyway, fangirls will always be fangirls. LOL. I never venture to LDH threads anywhere from popseoul to even dramabeans, because I just don't want to be going ouchhhhhhhhhhh. I do appreciate reviews of her acting, though. I like reading reviews, all from the good and the bad. I like reading that and going on debates about it but outside that? no. her quitting EOE, etc... gawd, I stayed away.

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Ripgal-Yes, I saw that comments on MFL too, poor JB, now they now how we feel when we trying hard to defend Da hae-most of comments on Dahae are ridiculous, they know they cannot comment on her acting, they went to far such as her physical/appearances " I like her before, but not now, bla bla.." -------trully passionate antis, and they know a lots about her compared to some of true fans. Actually JB is very fair there, she did the same to other actresses as well eventhough I still not agreed with her articles on LDH's Miss Chungyang scandal-even POPSEOUL is more soft on LDH nowdays and they even not make any article about it.

I read your block, so interesting, you and Imogene just next to Javabean IMO-both of you are creative i putting all those comments. Hopefully your block will become popular just like JB.

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Guest ripgal

^Nah, I'm not even half as good as they are.

DB and my dear imogene chinggu are one of my fav writers around here... I'm like a rookie next to them. hehee .. But thanx for the compliment anyway ^_^

I think it's all the same when it comes to defending our fav actors/actresses/idols. Sometimes we can be a bit over-protective and from the eyes of others, it becomes aggression and over-zealousness. It's DB's blog and she IS entitled to whatever she says. Even if she talks crap and blah blah blah, it's still hers. I feel bad that she's being bashed for this.

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Guest imogene_af


In fairness to Javabeans even when she gives a "scathing" article to Lee Da Hae, it's all in fair game. She remains open-minded and pretty smart about things. It's the comments I hate reading, both from bashers to some overzealous fans--- that makes me go *facepalm* *thud head* once in a while, so for my sanity, my IQ... I stay away from it. :lol:

For me though, Java is entitled to her own opinion in her own blog, you can go against her opinion but attacking her--- herself can be a bit much.

mak- I know... weird how popseoul has totally mellowed down with Lee Da Hae. :lol:

and aw thanks for your kind words to Jo and I... but the thing is Jo and dramabeans actually do the work to write... I just kinda blab and it all comes meaningless now. LOL. Ugh, back when I was in school, I can write reviews and be detailed. Now at work, I am too tired to even have the time.

But I thought Jo's review was an entertaining and great read. so thanks for sharing Jo.

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Guest imogene_af


they worked under Star-K together, they are very close, she said so once she went to the movies with him during the brink of Eru rumors (as a group).

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