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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest symphonee.

this thread jumped so fast.

I love how the LDH thread becomes an EoE thread in itself, since the actual EoE thread just has some of the most ridiculous people posting.

i hope good things come out from DC/HR's business trip together. and about that one night stand, lol, HR does not look the type... yet XD

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Hmm...there might be a possibility, but I don't think she'll fall ill again, only because they would be rehasing the same plot device they used to stop HR/Baek's engagement. Plus, if YR were to fall ill, I don't think she would want her father to know. Officially, YR is still her father's heir. But if she keeps falling ill, that may convince President Gook that she's not mentally or emotionally stable to run his business and give him more reason to trust in DC. YR doesn't seem to like the idea of handing her father's business off to DC, whom she already sees as becoming more and more like her father: "How much do you need to be successful? [...] How much do you want to get more money?" (Episode 30). Later on, she may actually even feel threatened by DC (if her comment in Episode 29: "Your daughter's not dead yet!" could be taken as an indication), if President Gook continues to show his intent of grooming DC as his successor.

I thought about one thing

If DC really resembles Guk (at least YR is afraid that he's falling in the same route), will YR try to get as much "power" as possible so she can "revenge" in a way, to what DC gave her ? I mean, some one said she could not understand that DC pushing her to Mike is for her good sake and she poured that reason on DC. If this continues to the point that, she feels DC is accepting another relationship (and pushes her away), for his smoother path (like the way he sacrified her for his power), she may get really mad and jealous. Same with Janice before, the time she felt jealous with two of them too close. Did you ever think of YR taking revenge on DC (and HR) later on? By getting power, control and confront those two people?

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Guest imogene_af


Joicy- agreed as much as I want to party with Gook, he cannot be trusted with Dong Chul. The fact that he's giving DC all this leadership and power RIGHT NOW when the government may hound him is seriously damaging for our protagonist.

He really has a two face... and I think he's more ruthless than Shin Tae Hwan. That's why I have my doubts with romance for HR-DC and him being the shippaaah shipppaaah.

:lol: one night stand. I can see them maybe kiss (then awkward glances later and run away) but not go that far. Hye-rin doesn't seem to be the type or Dong Chul,even. :lol:

All the initial summary for Epi 31 episode has a headline about Young Ran getting jealous of Hye-rin.

For me, Young Ran just cannot be his choice right now because she's married and she's married to a guy he is willing to sacrifice his life for. DC just isn't a wife-stealer. :lol:

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I wonder what YR witness at the dinner table, to make her jealous already. Just by seeing HR there and she feels threaten? Or she is jealous because she saw some undeniable connection between DC and HR?? Cannot wait to see it........

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Guest imogene_af


In a YR fan's point of view it may be because she's protecting him from a rather witch-ly HR.

But see, Hye-rin from the beginning has not been portrayed as such. No matter how the initial premise sounds like... HR's "evil ambitious self" is all a facade she wore for her family.

So I'm leaning on jealousy unless they go 180 on us and HR is evol all of a sudden.

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Ep 32 preview

영란은 태성전자를 인수하려는 동철을 돕기 위해 국회장이 내건 입찰가를 알아낸

다. 영란은 챙에게 인수가가 적힌 서류를 내민다.

한편 레베카의 선처를 구하려고 막무가내로 레베카의 차를 탄 명훈은 뒤에서 들이받

은 차로 죽음의 상황까지 다다르는데.....

Someone translate? I think it says something about MH being in a car accident with Rebecca...

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Guest imogene_af


Something to do with these pictures?


Is it the revelation yet? :lol:

they seem to be really LAAAATE into filming, like they just shot this Park Hae Jin scene last night and it's for Epi 32?!

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ah there's a preview for ep 32 already!! ah i wonder whats it about?? omg! MH being in a car accident with rebecca?? eek! Hope its nothing serious!

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Guest imogene_af


It looks serious! Will Rebecca die?! And now MH will hold that secret and a few others, of course. Depends on who she blurts it out to.

And no mention of HR or DC or DW in Epi 32... are they still stuck in Japan?

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It looks serious! Will Rebecca die?! And now MH will hold that secret and a few others, of course. Depends on who she blurts it out to.

And no mention of HR or DC or DW in Epi 32... are they still stuck in Japan?

I hope Rebecca doesn't die. Then what about the revenge? She has to take STH down!! She should really be the one to tell CH about the baby switch.

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^woah! car accident! That does look serious... I'm sooo excited to see how JH will get all worried over MH's accident...

I hope Rebecca does not die yet but if she does at least I hope that she was able to pass on the birth secret... (Did she tell the priest about the birth switch? (I kinda dont remember or is it that I'm still not yet in that epi haha)) I hope, if she was able to divulge this birth switch, she'll be able to tell it to MH! I'll be intrigued to see if MH will go around telling everybody about it immediately or will he keep it to himself first then he goes on to test the waters and attempt to get to know his real family inch by inch, while YCH will forever reprimand him to leave their oh-so-noble-household... Oooohh the d.r.a.m.a! This is getting interesting! ^_^

Anyway, they are really cramming the filming of their scenes... Probably that's the reason why they are having more of those car scenes in obviously "fake" motion... haha

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So it's going to be more intense from today's episode onwards it seems..

About the accident thingy... I even came across a comment by one of the viewers even before the preview or pics were released, like 2 - 3 days ago.. one of them speculated that the birth switch might be revealed thru a blood transfusion. MH gets into an accident, and will be in need of blood, but none of the Shin Family's blood type suits his (except for Tae Ho, but he's too young).. DC will be at the hospital coincidentally, and he transfuses his blood to MH...etc.... something like that.. Might be a bit too far-fetched, but it's not a bad way to bring out the birth switch secret...hehehehe...

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So it's going to be more intense from today's episode onwards it seems..

About the accident thingy... I even came across a comment by one of the viewers even before the preview or pics were released, like 2 - 3 days ago.. one of them speculated that the birth switch might be revealed thru a blood transfusion. MH gets into an accident, and will be in need of blood, but none of the Shin Family's blood type suits his (except for Tae Ho, but he's too young).. DC will be at the hospital coincidentally, and he transfuses his blood to MH...etc.... something like that.. Might be a bit too far-fetched, but it's not a bad way to bring out the birth switch secret...hehehehe...

It would be interesting if the revelation of the birth secret plays out that way... But, if that's the case wouldn't DC also realize and learn the secret about MH and DW's birth?

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^ He will come to know it sooner or later. But that's just a speculation...who knows the accident might be a direct result of Rebecca revealing the secret to MH. He couldn't take it, coupled with the shock of his father killing an unborn baby in the past.. I'm pretty sure that could cause him to go into sudden shock, lose control of his car and get into an accident. No?

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Guest symphonee.

episode 31: the hotel receptionist mistakens HR as DC's wife :lol:

episode 32 preview: rebecca and MH were in the backseat of the car, i couldn't make out who was the driver. rebecca is shouting in the backseat, saying sth about STH (?) and MH looks shocked again.

i missed a lot of today's episode since I was busy babysitting. i managed to catch the small gathering of Guk, HR, DC, YR and HR's father. YR looked like her claws were gonna come out any moment. a lot of unimpressed glances thrown towards HR on YR's part, whilst DC and HR were just exchanging soft glimpses at each other XD.

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Guest luthien

^^ lol DC's wife?

So it's going to be more intense from today's episode onwards it seems..

About the accident thingy... I even came across a comment by one of the viewers even before the preview or pics were released, like 2 - 3 days ago.. one of them speculated that the birth switch might be revealed thru a blood transfusion. MH gets into an accident, and will be in need of blood, but none of the Shin Family's blood type suits his (except for Tae Ho, but he's too young).. DC will be at the hospital coincidentally, and he transfuses his blood to MH...etc.... something like that.. Might be a bit too far-fetched, but it's not a bad way to bring out the birth switch secret...hehehehe...

i was expecting this would happen, but then thought it's kinda a predictable way of revealing the truth. dramatic but yet effective. If it's PHJ, it'll work surely.


Photo: MH in car ...

Preist with Rebecca ...

Grandfather with family back with each other ...

Rebecca met DW too ...

Rebecca bursting into a fit? with MH in car ... car swivelling ... MH shocked as she mentioned that MH is not STH's child ...

What made Rebecca mention the biggest secret of the drama in A CAR? She's begging for death? She should sit MH down in a safe area, away from glass or anything that can turn into a weapon..


It seems that the car that MH and Rebecca were in, was sent by STH as he would want to murder Rebecca but STH did not know that MH was in the car too. Rebecca then told MH that STH wanted her life and he is not STH's son.
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Guest symphonee.

^ :o so that was what rebecca was saying in the preview. what a moment to reveal it all. WHO is driving the car though? Why's the car so out of control. It'd make sense if it was MH driving, but it wasn't.

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As usual, here is the quick summary of today's episode... I like this episode far better than the last episode... I love DW-STH scenes although I'll be super desperate for the subs to understand those scenes hahaha... I put everything over the spoiler ribbon... I'm super lazy to put the spoiler ribbon one by one haha...

Warning: spoilers ahead

STH-Priest: STH talked to the priest and asked him some stuff…

KS-WG: Ki Soon was waiting for WG in fancy resto… WG was late, KS was about to leave when he came… WG seemed to be teasing her regarding their “date”.

Got disconnected…

Too bad… HR and DC were in a conversation when I got my connection back… DC seemed more receptive of HR this time…

HR-Stepmom: HR got back home and was greeted by her father… She asked if her stepmom was okay… Stepmom was in her bed, I guess she’s not feeling well.. They got into this conversation. HR finally opened up to her, it seemed.. She told her about her heartaches and her stepmom for the first time said sorry and she also thanked her…

STH-wife: STH got home drunk… They had a conversation before STH fell asleep… The wife seemed more angry and troubled…

DW: He was having some serious conversation with some person… It seemed like he was interrogating him or something… Anyway he’s really firm and confident…

DW-HR: DW held a press con… HR was there… I think the presscon is about the Taesung case…

DW-STH: DW called STH… DW is still pretty confident while STH is keeping up his normal angsty mood…

DW-HR: HR visited him in his office… I think she started off by complementing him… Then their conversation got a bit serious… Maybe they talked about the Taesung case, I dunno…

DC-YR: YR came to DC’s office after DC-DW’s phone conversation… YR seemed to be asking DC regarding the whereabouts of Mike… finally we’re seeing her get sincerely worried over Mike’s predicament… Gook called and asked If YR was with him… They went down to the casino and met with Gook who was in a table with HR and Pres Min…

HR-DC: Gook was talking to DC… Pres Min interrupted Gook and had their usual buddy banter… HR told DC something… Gook butted in… and YR gave him some snide comments which the made atmosphere around the people in the table all awkward…

YR-DC: YR asked him how he knew HR (not sure about this), then, on to what we saw in the preview the one where she was telling DC not to go to Japan…

WG-KS: WG was in the resto with KS and KS’s mom… YCH is her usual self… if you know what I mean…

Aunt-CH: Seemed to be all frantic at CH over something…

DC-some other important people-STH: I’m sure it’s still Taesung related… After talking with these guys, he went to the Shin’s manor… Probably issuing a warrant for his arrest… He crossed path with MH-JH-TH who were about to leave the house… TH greeted him politely… STH went out of his room and DW with some guards arrested(?) him… Yipeee I’m sooooo glad we’re not getting sidetracked, much… I’m not sure if he was brought in some police station or some headquarters …

Wife: Upset over the turn of events… JH was tending after her… TH seemed really concerned about his Grandpa’s arrest… but, the kid he is… he’s singing about in the car with JH…

DW: STW was brought by some person in his office… He was reprimanding the guy escorting STH over and over again… He even asked him and STH to come out and come in again when he did not knock before entering his office (not sure if this was the really the reason why he asked them to)… DW is still being firm against STH and STH is really pissed… LEE DONG WOOK SSHI!

YR-Janice: YR visited Janice office… I think it’s still because of Mike and Janice it seemed explained to her Mike’s situation… I got distracted but YR and Janice continued their convo…

YR: Was in DC’s office again (?) She got all sentimental on DC’s family picture… DC’s ahjusshi entered the room… YR and him seemed to talk more about DC, I dunno…

DW-STH: STH is detained in some dark room and is eating his meal… DW came in and continued confronting him… I’m loving the prosecutor DW now hahahaha… why can’t he be this persistent when it comes to HR tsktsk… Maybe he likes boys better… haha j/k… anyway STH was still the A** that he is…

DC-HR: so they went to Japan together… haha the reception guy thought HR was his wife.. hahaha!!! HR told him that she’s not his wife and asked him to check if a room was reserved under her name… God knows how I prayed hard that there wouldn’t be any but too bad that there was a room reserved for her… Although their rooms are next to each other… DC met Kimura and introduced HR to him… Anyway DC now has another job to list in his resume… HR’s interpreter/translator… haha

Gook-YR: YR overheard his father talking to someone over the phone regarding the Taesung matter (again I’m not sure)… YR and Gook had dinner together… talked about things I do not understand but I heard LDC’s name, Mike, Macau were dropped by YR etc…

DW-STH: was still in the detaining room together… STH continued telling him some stuff, probably making him aware of the evil he’s capable of… DW is just letting him talk and says SHIN TAE HWAN every once in a while…

-end of epi-

Preview: Preist and Rebecca… Pres Oh and STH… DW and Rebecca… YR getting into DC’s business through ahjusshi… and the car accident scene with MH and Rebecca…

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