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Guest luthien

Lilcrash: Thanks for the scans!

They shouldn't confuse Japanese audience with this stuff the way the did to us! "The Eternal Triangle of Fate." The past 30 episodes say otherwise, yet they're re-emphasizing the triangle in that article. If they're gonna end up squeezing all the subplots in 20 episodes, it might end up being rushed... so I'm really hoping for an extension to accommodate it all.

I understand there is deep love between YR-DC. But frankly, she no longer has a right to have any say in his love life. I can't help but try to compare this situation again to HR and (esp) JH. Should I? Can I?

What does she expect DC to do? Steal her away from his bestfriend? Or remain alone, just loving her from a distance forever? Surprisingly, there are men who have strong bonds... so strong they will give up even on the woman they love. One has to give up and step aside, which is what DC did (finally). I sorta feel sorry for YR that the men in her life had all the say in her fate. It would be a very bold (and risky) move for DC and PD/writer to make him steal YR back. I know YR's love for DC was deep, but I agree with some comments about her being selfish now. Didn't she ask her father to nurture and raise up DC? But is that all that he needs in life? What about another love? It's tough, I know. She's suffering, I know. If she can't be the one to bring happiness to DC, shouldn't she at least wish there will be someone else? If she can't wish for that, then just let him be. Being already married, I found it very inappropriate for her to visit the Lees. She's not only making it complicated for Mike, but for DC too. She can be jealous of HR when Guk tries to pair them up (business or whatever), but she no longer has any right to stop or judge DC. Anyway, I may find it interesting to watch how she will hinder the progress of HR and DC.

I'm actually very confused on where the writers will head with this, because they are recently portraying Min Hye-rin in a sympathetic, very soft almost, and unselfish light despite her loads of imperfections. Tons of sympathy points, from being played as a girl who got her heart trampled on, taking over a family business for a family that never treated her like one, giving up her arranged engagement, being a good sport in the DW break up, to the Dong Chul connection. Just what do they have in store for us?

I'm NOT only liking her new style... I'm LOVING this new HR too for the very reasons you stated! Seeing her after the 7 year jump, I just realized I get the same excitement as when I saw the new JH. They were already strong to begin with, but to get even stronger and this time, with more confidence and with the new fighting spirit. Although JH lost DW, she began to have another dream for herself apart from her dream for her family. Seeing the new HR now, I can't see any signs of being a witch. And I hope they abandon that, just like how she didn't really steal Baek from her sister because of her ambition.

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Guest imogene_af


I also like the recent changes of her character, hope the new writer keeps it up, and won't make the transition jarring.

No matter how I see it, she is portrayed in a sympathetic light right now.

I think the saint-witch persona comes when she has bouts of anger. I remember when she didn't even flinch seeing her stepmother fall to the ground, she always had it in her.

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Is HR really going to change later on? So much to unfold in the remaining 20 or so episode, hope she won't change into a bad character, perhaps just a more aggressive business woman, but still sweet and loving.

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Guest imogene_af


I'm open to a Sandglass change like Hye-rin there, she loved TS very much but she pushed him away, thinking it was the best thing to do so she was always in the brink of hating and loving him.

Right now I'm already seeing the darkness being that she's a willing pawn in the game, if old HR met new HR, old HR won't be too happy.

If there's darkness in HR, I hope they keep it all within reason.

LDH made it clear HR isn't a villain, she just uses this exterior that she's strong and needs no one, but she will show the true meaning of love in EoE. So I think there's more in store for her character.

Even MH being a despicable villain did not really happen... he did have vile ways but I won't call him devilspawn.

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Guest symphonee.

^ to me, MH from the start was never truly evil. his evil actions and intentions merely stemmed from wanting his father's acceptance. of course, we cannot dismiss the fact that he ruined JH in the worst way possible, but even then, that stemmed from his love for her. he showed remorse and has tried to repent for the sins he committed. its interesting how a supposed "villain" has now become sympathetic in the eyes of viewers.

HR, I've always sympathised with her character. she started out as an illegitimate child - being the black sheep in the family, experienced a one-sided love and gave up her happiness for the sake of her family by getting engaged to Baek. i'm glad there seems to be a change to her character. hopefully breaking off the engagement with Baek will mean that HR can finally find true happiness. i hope that for all that has happened to her, it will drive her to become a stronger woman. I don't mind HR becoming somewhat villainous/evil, but as imogene_af mentioned, i hope it'll all be within reason.

i can't wait to watch episode 31 tomorrow night. thanks for the translation ljphantom.

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Guest imogene_af


Myung Hun is just so hard to hate. :lol: I hated him during the rape but his inner struggle is just so intriguing. PHJ is such an amazing actor, he has this "lost child" look to him.

Preview playing tricks on us again?

Dong Chul stares at someone for quite some time.



Hye-rin listens to someone... Dong Chul's profile obviously to the side, indicating he was looking at her


She slowly turns to look at him


Young Ran obviously witnesses this:


But weren't HR and YR chummy? No more UNNNIIIIIIIIIII!

lookie reporter Min Hye-rin!


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^ Lol, I think they edited the preview to trick us again...because remember they tricked us when we thought it was a cat fight between HR and JH in the toilets, when HR took off her ring to show to JH? But it was to DW...I was sooo looking forward to that HR and JH meeting...

Yeah, that stare that YR gave to HR looks like she'll kill someone.

:lol: , HR takes a look at DC- http://i37.tinypic.com/28lxov7.jpg

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^ haha... I'll really be a nutcase if they're toying with us again...

Anyway... I agree with MH... When he raped JH, I thought his character will never be redeemed for me... But I think it was in episode 23, when he cried at JH, that I totally felt for him and he totally turned 180 for me... Now, I can never hate him after I saw how helpless he is... I must say that among the guys in EOE PHJ is seriously kicking the other guys a** when it comes to the acting department...

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Guest imogene_af

Yea f'real watch Hye-rin make sexy eyez with President Gook for all we know! :lol: Gook seemed to take an interest for her in Episode 30, ol' Garfield is such a flirt. He was loving Omma CH too and Rebecca! :lol:

The way YR looks at HR reminds me of this scene in Mean Girls, when Cadie said she knows how to deal with this in the animal world:


first scene in this video. :lol: Ah Mean Girls is such a guilty viewing pleasure for me. I think watched it too many times.

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^ The caps of DC and HR! That was what I'd noticed... DC seems to be eyeing HR and HR responds "uncomfortably", with YR staring at their silent gazes with a jealous look. So we're gonna see a HR and YR catfight before the JH-HR face-off? Probably...

^ Lol, I think they edited the preview to trick us again...because remember they tricked us when we thought it was a cat fight between HR and JH in the toilets, when HR took off her ring to show to JH? But it was to DW...I was sooo looking forward to that HR and JH meeting...

Yeah, that stare that YR gave to HR looks like she'll kill someone.

I think the part in the preview was not edited to look like JH was going to have a catfight HR at all. They totally cut off that scene. That scene should have been in the episode, but it was edited off. I think they re-filmed it with HR waving the finger at DW instead. In the preview, HR was waving her hand from the right hand side of the screen, and with a somewhat more confident look (looked like she was picking on a fight), but during the scene with DW, she was doing it from the left hand side of the screen, and her look was softer and more comfortable. It's the total opposite.. I wonder why they cut it off, cos it could have been a great moment between them...

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Guest imogene_af

:lol: Noticed too that she has an "ermmmm... hello, sir. pleasedon'tbemeantome." look. It's pretty hilarious.

I really hope the preview won't betray us and make HR-Gook line instead. Haha.

IF that HR-JH scene was indeed cut, I am one notsohappy camper.

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Guest luthien

i'm glad there seems to be a change to her character. hopefully breaking off the engagement with Baek will mean that HR can finally find true happiness. i hope that for all that has happened to her, it will drive her to become a stronger woman. I don't mind HR becoming somewhat villainous/evil, but as imogene_af mentioned, i hope it'll all be within reason.

I'm glad at least one character came out of a relationship, broken but not as damaged as the rest. She has been through a lot of tough situation, yet she is able to come out of it with more confidence. This is how it should be, challenges should help the person become stronger for the future. She does not dwell on it. Again, it reminds me how JH used her pain to stand up and build a new life.

^ Lol, I think they edited the preview to trick us again...because remember they tricked us when we thought it was a cat fight between HR and JH in the toilets, when HR took off her ring to show to JH? But it was to DW...I was sooo looking forward to that HR and JH meeting..

:lol: , HR takes a look at DC- http://i37.tinypic.com/28lxov7.jpg

That bathroom cut was never manipulated. They did shot a confrontation between the two. But they chose the one with HR flashing her ringless finger to DW instead. They probably found it too redundant for her to show off her finger twice in two separate scenes within one episode.

Why do I love that look on YR's face? I'm wondering now what words would come out of her mouth... how she would try to prevent them from getting together.

Anyway... I agree with MH... When he raped JH, I thought his character will never be redeemed for me... But I think it was in episode 23, when he cried at JH, that I totally felt for him and he totally turned 180 for me... Now, I can never hate him after I saw how helpless he is... I must say that among the guys in EOE PHJ is seriously kicking the other guys a** when it comes to the acting department...

Even PHJ fans cannot forgive him after that rape.. they cannot forget what he did.. we always talked about how he deserves to die for what he did.. imagine, loyal fans wanting the death of their favorite character! I love episode 23 too, not only because of PHJ's portrayal of MH.. but because also because it gave us a slight hope that JH has started to love him.

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Guest imogene_af


So it's a confirmed cut?! AAAARGGGHHH. It would have been more effective, but I think they wanted to play Hye-rin as a softer character again? So having a catfight with Ji Hyun probably won't do it? I did like that scene with DW, I just love LDH and HJH's chemistry though.

IF this is where YR's character is going... snowcoming may be actually the guru after all. :lol: It's just hard to spin this to sympathy right now.

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^HAHHAA.. ain't that a bit too much? Gook-HR? :lol:

Anywayz, there's this on-going thing about HR in the EOE thread? I just had a good laugh reading how you guys tried to reason with the poster, but yet he/she still doesn't seem to get where you guys are coming from? :lol:

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Guest imogene_af


Oh shaddap Jo! HR fanz are so mean and just jeluz!1111. :P I think after LDH fans openly criticizing her acting and her character from time to time would have engraved that we ain't one to sugarcoat but meh, it's just easier to blame it on her fans.

Seriously, Gook-HR, you can see he wished he was a younger man when he encountered her. (dies of laughter)

I just find it hilarious that a few people think HR is SEDUCING Dong Chul.

Did I miss something? Did she grab a martini and bite an olive while lusciously looking at Lee Dong Chul? Did she grab a cherry and do a lil trick with her tongue, and asked "Dong Chul ssi, what's in the suit case?"

Did I miss something?

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Guest luthien

^^ is that why he's trying to hook up HR with DC? DC is like the closest man in his life.. "almost" like a son.

Am I the only one stalking the other thread? We talk about the character and actress, they attack LDH fans.. I dunno if I should make a clarification that it's not only HR/LDH fans, but just the audience in general. And no, I'm not jealous.. despite the short time, my favorites can nail their scenes extremely well.. and i'm so proud of those two, I wish they'd hook up in real life.

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Guest imogene_af


He keeps asking DC about his lovelife (or lack of it), DC seems pretty amused with Gook's interest. Maybe Gook wants to live his youth with DC so he goes... go take that HR! j/p. But man, the guy does have taste if ever.

Those two have the most demented and twisted relationship, it's sweet but you know Gook can backstab him any time. I still don't trust old Garfield.

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^^ is that why he's trying to hook up HR with DC? DC is like the closest man in his life.. "almost" like a son.

Gook living vicariously through DC.

If it's true, he and Baek knows what's up! DW's blind.

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HAHHAHA... YR's gonna go crazy! :crazy: Cos her boy DC might be moving on to HR, and now her dearest papa also has the hots for HR! lol... (hahaha.. you started it all chinggu! =P)

About that comment of HR being selfish, I really really wished it was true! Isn't that what we've always been wishing for, and anticipating from LDH/HR ever ever since EOE started? The witch! But sadly, she just doesn't exhibit any such elements... and what? We see it more from the other girls instead... When will HR's transformation come? I doubt it now...

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I just got back from EOE thread.Which unfortunate soul this time gets the long lecture from a LYH fan.(I could swear she is one!)Imogenee . :lol:

HR seducing DC.I actually find LYH fans quite amusing,half of the time they don't make sense.

YR&HR catfight?I would prefer a JH&HR one!Sneaking glances are sexy.

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