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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Sayroo: :tears: but i want MH-JH!!!! They're very stingy in giving these two scenes to show their relationship, so bed scene is the best way to nail it. We've only been getting "bedroom" scenes. So let's ask Mr New Writer to create both then! But I don't wanna one-night stand for DC and HR :( It's like them being forced to fall for each other because of that. Am I making sense? Cos that's what I understood from Wonderful Life.

i deeply apologize for the very late reply! :( the thread is very quiet..


LOL! haha! it's very fine with me that MH-JH would have that SPOTLIGHT! i'll be anticipating that! haha! :P

both are very very attractive when they are with each other, *can't imagine DW-JH having a bedscene*

oh, and with the HR-DC! LOL! it's very open with me to have that thought! LOL! haha! well, WONDERFUL LIFE was very funny in some ways! haha! :P *i forgot that EOE is a HEAVY DRAMA! LOL*

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:tears: I didn't mean to, honest! Sorry if I made everyone uncomfortable... it's so quiet here now, I feel guilty.

I think she's kidding because I think there have been several time where it was imogene_af who started making other people mind go to the gutter. Remembers her "in the boat" comment. -_-

Don't feel bad about yourself.

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hahaha i so agree with gorres about the way that YR is looking at HR..b*tchy indeed... I mean she cant possibly stop DC from going to Japan with HR? lol Well, im glad that the preview shows YR giving HR the look.. because it means that YR can sense something's happening btw HR and DC... lol maybe YR realizes the attraction btw the two! :) Im thinking over my head now..

Also, thanks lilcrash for the preview link and caps! Appreciated!

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Csfan!I can go crazy!haha.Monday please come soon!Yeah,its pretty selfish of YR.But I guess Im' not surprised?She's sorta had the attidude even in the early state of the drama.I only hope DC wont be influence.So sad,HR's

lovelines are like ~

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If they do.I'll stab myself.HAHA.No srsly...

DW looks so suave,im starting to go Wook-Rin!

haha are you really starting to go Wook-Rin? Hhaha Chulrin sounds so much better than Wook-rin...

Yes i do agree that DW looks suave but to me, i still love the chemistry btw DC/HR... totally luv the eye staring contest and clever remarks/threats! lol Besides DW never really treasured the presence of our lovely HR! So tough luck DW! :) lol Its time for Chulrin! *fingers crossed* I do not want to see YR/DC story going in circles again but I do see that DC is moving on...

P.S- actually i just realized that LYH confirmed YR will be sticking around working along side DC.. great! More of DC/YR and more of YR hanging onto DC.. Im starting to think maybe DC can never forget YR since she will be always be beside him... not so sure if DC/HR will be a one sided or mutual??????

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Luthien, I don't think imogene was serious with her comment... Don't take it to heart haha I'm sure she's just joking haha... and I love it when our minds go down the gutter... It's gets real interesting and makes everything extra meaty! haha

joicy, I love your avatar... I want to grab it and keep it in my pocket... SoooOOOoo ChOOoooOOot!

Thanks lilcrash for the preview... Hope some kind soul would translate for us...

Anyway, as for the preview...

DW-STH scenes seem really interesting... I'm so glad that they're kind of getting back on track after what seemed to me was a very disjointed episode (the Mike episode)... I'm really excited with the irony behind the very situation of the son prosecuting his own father... tsktsk if they only knew...

YR is getting all b*tchy!?! It seems like they're giving me another reason to hate her character! haha She's just far tooooo clingy... It's getting really old, annoying and tiring... Now she's getting all possessive of DC too?! :wacko:

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^ Thanx a lot for the preview lilcrash...seems like Ep 31 will be an intense episode, especially between DW and STH?

And what's with DC and HR's sneaky gazes at each other? I think YR spotted something between them, and became kinda wary? Or we're being deceived by the editing once again?

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If my interpretation of the Ep31 preview is correct, then YR really makes me sick (she defintely said "Don't go" to DC about the business trip). I am a married woman myself, and YR is totally wrong, to continue loving another man all these years while she is already married, and even to NOT want DC to move on. She has absolutely no right to get upset about DC and HR getting involved romantally or for business.

Move over YR, your character is really annoying, if you are not crying, you are looking angry all the time. I am so fed up watching you.

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Guest ljphantom

I haven't been keeping up with this thread at all.. I'll read all comments later.

I just wanted to translate that last line:

HyeRin takes a liking to DongChul watching him take care of business efficiently.

I guess she likes his smarts too! So far, we know for sure that she thinks he is intelligent and dependable. I wonder when she'll begin to see the "warmth" in his eyes that reminds her of DongWook.

Thanks for the translation! (And thank you earlier, for checking my translation last time. I'm glad I had it down all right.) But my, my -- hasn't DC been impressing all of the business women these days? Janice, Rebecca, HR... :P Sort of makes me wonder how HR's mom would take to DC...

:lol: , HR meet YR in Ep 31! Their 2nd meeting...the way YR looks at HR is :ph34r: . Looks like YR wants to prevent DC from going to Japan with HR. :sweatingbullets:

New Ep 31 preview-


Credit: baidu EoE bar

Thanks for the preview, lilcrash! Here are YR's exact words to DC, if anyone wanted a translation:

"Are you going on a business trip together? With Min Hye-Rin? Don't go. I would like it if you didn't go/It would be better if you didn't go. Try taking the knife out properly in front of father."

^ There is post in EOE that YR will run the casino alongside with DC. So YR and HR will encounter more, I guess. I still can't understand why DC joins the politics but still in charge of casino. I mean, that's unusual. If this is US that would be ok (remember of Madam Chae in Lobbyist) but this is very conservative Korea. I can't reason it. I thought DC already left and worked under Janice.

DC's official title within President Gook's world-of-business is Representative Director. Here's a description of what a Representative Director does under Korean Law. Of course, whether or not that all applies to DC depends on when that law defining the role of a Representative Director was implemented. In any case, it seems like President Gook "lends" DC to any of his business partners. This allows DC to get a lot experience in different fields and widen his connections. Under Janice, he was training to be a lobbyist, and negotiating deals for Rebecca has allowed him more knowledge of banking matters.

(Work has been keeping me busy this week and next week, but I'll try and pop up to say hi. Will catch up with Episode 30 this weekend.)

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Guest imogene_af

luthien- :lol: My bad, I was kidding. If anyone knows I am the perv here, not you.

Is YR supposed to be likeable in that preview? That a married woman would get all possessive like that? Yea, Ji Hyun got jeluz but never possessive as a married woman.

Let's not say she's protecting him because Min Hye-rin is not even close to being a 'witch' yet. if anything DC can so outrun her.

And was that funky editing or was DC and HR sneaking glances at each other AGAIN in front of YR? WTH.

So as a married woman, she doesn't want him to move on (it's just a business trip but she's all very weary about it) and still loves him quite openly despite her husband's life being in danger? Whut?

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Guest imogene_af


Thanks for the scans... but what triangle? :lol:

Epi 31 looks good, STH had connections in the government to get off DW's grasp!

And what does YR mean that do what he has to do in front of her dad?

YR-HR catfight anytime soon perhaps? HR always involved with em catfights.

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luthien- :lol: My bad, I was kidding. If anyone knows I am the perv here, not you.

Is YR supposed to be likeable in that preview? That a married woman would get all possessive like that? Yea, Ji Hyun got jeluz but never possessive as a married woman.

Let's not say she's protecting him because Min Hye-rin is not even close to being a 'witch' yet. if anything DC can so outrun her.

And was that funky editing or was DC and HR sneaking glances at each other AGAIN in front of YR? WTH.

So as a married woman, she doesn't want him to move on (it's just a business trip but she's all very weary about it) and still loves him quite openly despite her husband's life being in danger? Whut?

So agree with you about YR. I don't mind if she just keeps DC in her heart and hide her feelings. But to openly get jealous of DC and HR, that is really just being possessive and selfish. But I am not going to worry too much, I have faith in DC, he is not going to get into this childish and irresponsible act with YR. HR will take over DC's heart soon, no doubt about that.

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Guest imogene_af


That's why I'm on the fence if they are tainting her character or... scary thought is they are portraying this as a GOOD THING. :lol: I'm sorry I cannot get an ounce of sympathy for that and I am usually pretty forgiving about her character. That portrayal of jealousy kind of shocked me. I guess I should see that coming because she also got jealous of Janice... but now that her husband is in danger, I am uncomfortable with the thought.

IF ever Dong Chul moves on whether it may be HR or not, he is not a vile man for moving on. He should not be crucified for loving someone else.

I'm actually very confused on where the writers will head with this, because they are recently portraying Min Hye-rin in a sympathetic, very soft almost, and unselfish light despite her loads of imperfections. Tons of sympathy points, from being played as a girl who got her heart trampled on, taking over a family business for a family that never treated her like one, giving up her arranged engagement, being a good sport in the DW break up, to the Dong Chul connection. Just what do they have in store for us?

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