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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest imogene_af


I think it's traditional dancing... Korean drum dances and all. It was more of a dancing club, they'll wear cute hanboks then dance in school presentations and such. That's why that was her talent in Ms. Chunhyang back then, she danced for them. She showed SOME of it in Hello! Miss, but she's been doing it since she was 5 or something.

She said she loved dancing, but that wasn't the aspect that she truly loved, it was the performance part, the acting out and interpreting whatever the song gave her. That's when she realized she had to act. She's done hella extra roles before she got her big break, girl totally had to work real hard to get to where she is.

LOL Book Club and Knitting. I can imagine... the school she went to was like Stepford Wives kinda school. LOL.

The HONG sisters drama will be sinful as hale, and I won't miss it. As Gorgonzola as it is!

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Guys, the thread was busy yesterday, i missed it. ;)

You're all right, i think she's too pretty for a soymixer or maker whatever that is. Looking at the picture i'd be looking at her than the product. :lol: There'll be a video of that right?

I'm so impressed with her hosting skills. She's getting good at it. She should host more.

I'm not surprised at all that she's getting skin treatment, most actors and actresses have that kind of luxury. Ala Dr. Vicky Bello :lol: But still i admire how she maintains her flawless skin.

Here's one news how they get treated...


I thought about sunocox's video may not be suitable for all audiences, hahah you know what i mean. Not all will be happy but it's the humour! I just can't help but laugh over and over again!

I'd love to watch SBS airing of ASF. We won't be needing subs, thanks to Dahae!

I must say CitC 5 stars! The deep, dark twist, gorgeously made. I must bow to the PD and the writers for such a great production. Even before the plot begins, the world seemed to be in such chaos, and i loved how they introduced its main characters thru flashbacks. I like how the past and present interwovenly put together. Being the first sageuk i have seen, i must say this is a great drama filled with complex character development. I was actually more intrigued than fascinated by Na Young's character, how she came about a dark character, when she was a sweet young lady when the injustice came to her family. I can feel her hidden pain and inner conflict. The two leading men had their own struggles in finding a better world they envision while fighting for the love of Na Young. The ending maybe tragic and the power of government remained as it is but i love how they've shown the remaining characters hope for a brighter future.

I have so much hope for Chuno. CHUNO fighting!

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^ Spot on maccay, I just think the soy mixer's just plain dull and unattractive. It's nothing compared to Da Hae...XD

But I guess that's the power of advertising, you need something pretty to boost up the unattractive mixer right? And there's nobody better than Da Hae who's so loved in China..

And yes, there will be a CF for this.. coming out early October..


It's definitely a brilliantly executed drama for sure. Production and execution wise, everything was top notch. I did get a bit confused about the whole political hidden agendas... with the ministers all plotting and conspire to get rid of the King? But I liked how everything was illustrated in shades of grey and that there wasn't a definite good and bad. Everybody had envisioned and wanted to strive for something better and yet were hampered by the cruel reality of life. Sad but true, even in the sense and in the context of the contemporary world right now.

Will re-watch this one day to fully appreciate the beauty entrenched within. Just think I wasn't good or equipped enough with regard to the old traditional language to fully admire and savor the beauty of the drama.. hehehe...

One thing I know for sure, that the action scenes in CHUNO will be great!!!!

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I'm looking forward to the CF coz Dahae's in it, but the product? do we really need it ? Yeah the tricks of advertising!

Re: CitC

I, too, got confused with the hidden political agenda against the King and also the market transfers. Mr. X has truly used a lot of words that made my jaw dropped, like what? what is that word? Pause, check my Oxford, Play. :lol: 8 episodes is not a lot but watching this drama unfolds was so captivating that i've learned so much not only about the three main characters, the King, the Empress, but even the minor characters, yet the plot never deviated from the main characters. Even from it's low budget, i applaud the PD and the writers. Chuno will be great! Just from the fighting stills of JH and OJH, i know the PD must have perfected the scenes. Now we have to wait for a few months to see all these, and i'm pretty excited how the PD will work on Dahae's acting prowess.

OT:imogene, i know i have to ask you coz you love Won Bin but have you seen his movie Mother? It'll be shown here for the Vancouver International Film Festival and i'd love to see in October. There's a few entries from Korea but this is what i want to see.

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I've been stalking this thread for AGES! Decided to come out of lurker mode once in a while. Hi everyone!

I'm totally hyped for CHUNO. I mean it's a truckload of hot guys and 1 pretty girl. Who wouldn't be excited? And I absolutely love dahae's new hair. ^^

I can't believe that's all I had to say.

Redundant post. I'll be lurking!

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Welcome to the insanity joanna. :D


Same news about these actors voicing out their frustrations about their characters, Recent one is Jung Il Woo in MFL, Ryu Si Won in Style and of course Dahae in EoE. I'm amazed of the increase of actors stepping up and letting their grievances be heard. At least now we know Dahae is not alone.

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Hi Maccay, Ripgal,

Re: CitC (off topic)


Amazingly, the first 15 minutes of episode 1 pretty much illustrated the backdrop of the socio-economic and political turmoil of the drama. (to be explained later)

In the heated debate between Min. of Personnel and Min. Park in the torture chamber, spoke of all the conflicts between the reformists and the conservatives, concluding with the nobles fear of losing power.

I was making notes while watching CitC. Below is an extraction from what I wrote in regard to the tragic king. Hope it helps.

"The king Jeongjo (正祖)

From the start, the monarch was facing assassination attempts from all fronts and forms.

He was shot at, medicinally poisoned, slashing blade, mercury poisoning and possibly others too.

Why ? Was he a bad fella?

A visionary reformist king who pushed for drastic socio-economic and political reforms,

such as transferring the government officials and the wealthy to a new capital,

so as to provide farm land for the majority of the population who were farmers to make a living.

(i.e. the nobles held so much crops to the point of rotting while the poor starved)

He allowed capable non purebred noble/ individual to serve in the court, i.e. The Minister of Personnel who was later murdered.

He believed in new thinking that placed citizens higher in ruling agendas and Minister Lee was his teacher.

All these combined put him completely up against the Conservatives and the selfish nobles (i.e. Minister. Park and the queen)

His supporters, no more than the fingers on one hand could at any moment turn against him.

Personally, the king also suffered in pain from the tragic death of his father/ex-crown prince.

His powerful grandmother queen's family could be the mastermind of his father's death.

Despite all that, he still chose the high road and was filial and respectful to her.

In modern day terms, he was in complete isolation, at work and at home.

On top of that, there were people making financial investments based on his perils and death.

If he died, there would be no transfer of the capital city."

Thank you for reading. :)

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Guest imogene_af


Oh.... wow. WOW. Thanks for sharing that poem, sunocox. You WILL ask such things, right?

CITC is just a wham in my heart, I only have two more episodes to go.

I am amazed what the PD did with such a low budget. Now with an actual budget, what can he do for CHUNO, right? I also like how he focuses on strong female characters, this will be such a feat for Da Hae.

maccay- Go watch it, I know they are trying to show it here too, but watch it! He's one truly underrated actor.

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For me its a relief that actors voice their opinion abt their characters.

ok some role might not be that important but it will be in their filmography forever.

and in Lee Da Hae's incident its quite worse. everybody waited for her to shine and she herself did too but at the end ...

sometimes I think if she got to act how it was supposed to be at the beginning maybe she would have gotten the daesang award.

Btw abt which drama are u talkin?! it makes me so curious!!! please enlighten me!

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Guest imogene_af


What happened to her in East of Eden was a blessing in disguise, she learned it the real hard way, she apologizes to whatever hoopla she caused, she stands her ground, she said it gave her humility, and it's almost like she's starting fresh. It's over and done with, she's moved on, everyone has moved on, it has been a year... it's kind of refreshing now that we can laugh about it as opposed to before that we were just all so... erm stoic or depressed. LOL.

She will get a deserving award for a QUALITY drama, it is simply not her time yet that time. Besides, she has a Baeksang under her belt, anyway, it's just that she needs to grow more as an actress. :) I don't think LDH is in a daesang level quite yet. She still has a lot more rounds to go, but she has immense potential that can blow everyone right off the water. Just needs a project to really tap that in. I hope CHUNO is a step into that course. She's young, she has a lot more to go.

We are talking about Conspiracy in the Court/Seoul's Sad Song, it was done by the same guy doing CHUNO right now. We checked it out in order to see what to expect in CHUNO.


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Thanks so much sunocox! It makes a lot of sense now. Politics doesn't interest me that much, but watching this drama made me aware that this is certainly happening and has happened in our modern day politics. The web of deception from the people surrounding the King was also brilliantly executed.

And i forgot about the music, i love the OST esp the 1st one feat. JY Park and the 2nd one by Joo. I can totally feel the scenes with their OST's.

I believe in this PD so much, hope he'll do so much wonders in Chuno.

Aurora82 I definitely recommend you to watch CitC. I don't know where else to watch/dl it coz aja-aja is down.

OT: Imogene i will definitely watch Mother, I totally agree with you, Won Bin is one good actor yet underrated.

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Guest imogene_af

maccay the music is captivating, right? I hope the same music directors/composers and such work on CHUNO part of the appeal of CITC is its music, I hope PD Kwak keeps the same staff for the music! Haha.

some BTS pictures care of Wils, the source is DCKBS.

No clue what they're shooting but Tae Ha looks huge next to Hye won. HEHEHEHE. (totally meant Tae Ha, I meant Oh Ji Ho! LOL!)

Our dear wils speculated that someone may have died, someone close to Un Nyun/Hye Won.

Looks like her only family is her arsonist brother, right?



Source: DC KBS

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Wow, BTS photos! Thanks wils and imogene for sharing it here.

LOL @ DaeGil's huge next to Hye Won. But it looks like it's Tae Ha to me coz of the hair.

The place looks remote, how did they get there?

It's fall now too but it still looks hot there.

Hey what's that kid doing there? Lucky guy!

Yeah it's hard to tell what the scene is all about.

As far as we know Hye Won's only family is her brother and he'll die? I'm sure there'll be a lot of blood spills in Chuno.

Yes i'm hoping the PD will give us a captivating OST like CitC.

And imogene I LOVE your banner. I was gonna ask you a while ago, not a touch of Dahae in your profile? but there yah go...it's pretty cool.!

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Guest imogene_af


LOL I totally meant Oh Ji Ho! HAHAHAA, we all know Da Hae and Jang Hyuk's height difference isn't that big, harhar.

What is that kid doing there? Giving someone high fives? It does look like a secluded area so that kid is random.

And looks like Tae Ha and Hye Won will escape together, probably have some of their own adventures together, eh? Going to one place to another place all together... constant togetherness? But what about Dae Gil! Aigoo!

Anyway, I am just awaiting for her Chuno stills until I Dahae-fy my profile again. :lol: But for now, Shoshana is still fresh from "Inglorious Basterds". My siggy was just like... something I did so randomly. Just had to support Chuno some way. even though it's like... NEXT YEAR. NEXT YEAR. *cries in corner*

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joanna, welcome to Da Hae's thread. Please do join us more often in our discussions... we may be crazy, but we don't bite! :P

sunocox, thank you for the wonderfully written summary of CITC.

I actually knew more or less what the drama had intended to portray, but your short write-up actually cleared up some doubts I'd had in mind. ^_^

And btw, your icon of Na Young, Sang Gyu and Man Oh, soooo cute! :P

aurora82, hope you're able to download the drama CITC. I think aja-aja's closed to non-members right now.. maybe you can try viikii.net or dramafever?

Amber, maccay, don't you guys think white looks sooooo good on Da Hae? I'm sorry but she's the only one who stood out in the BTS pic... I didn't even notice OJH (or was it JH?) and the kid.. =P

I looks like Hye Won was talking to Tae Ha in the 1st picture, and leaving in the 2nd? Maybe they arranged to meet in the woods and Hye Won was planning to reject his love or something...:lol: hahaha.. speculations speculations..

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Guest imogene_af

here's a bigger view of where they're shooting at... looks so pretty.

looks like they weren't shooting the scene yet, just prepping up before or something?

dcgall people are calling her a goddess... I was like, "ya can tell from that far up?" HAHAHA j/p.

OJH is carrying something... a log? WTH?



Source DC KBS

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Tae Ha carrying a log for what? hmmmmm...

Maybe he saw a tiger and was trying to protect Hye Won from danger..

Looks like Da Hae and Ji Ho had some bonding time whilst the crew prepped up for filming?

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Totally ripgal she really stood out with her white hanbok.

This must be from last week base from Dahae's cyworld photos with the guys.

That's a nice view, really rocky hill!

What's up with the log, is Tae Ha saying if you don't accept my love, I'll kill myself with this log?! lol!

Yeah really cute cartoonie CitC characters as your icon sunocox!

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