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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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Guest ledpelaro

BTS. These show one of the largest-scale scenes of the drama, appearing in Episode 14, in which So and Yoon’s squad and U.S. troops are retreating together when they are bombarded by enemy fire.

The drama boasts a budget of 13 billion won and is set amidst the outbreak of the war on June 25, 1950. These scenes were filmed in the extensive plains of Gangwon-do’s Pyeongchang county, and covered 2,000 pyong in terrain (approximately 6,600 square meters, or 1.6 acres). The shoot also incorporated more than 200 extras and the use of dynamite.




Credits: javabeans

Hope I did not doubled the posting...... I quote that this scene was in episode 14 and according from the clips of vudoo they finish 80% of filming and this is only for 16 episodes so there were 2 episodes left for shooting i was wondering why until now there is no available teaser

So we just have to wait for a week or two for the teaser...hehe can't wait

Thanks for all the clips

Wave to all and have a nice weekend

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Guest vudoolady

Thank so much Willenette, Ledleparo for the news!!!

@Dany: don't say that, everyone coming here is the heart of this thread, including you and silent readers :D . I usely don't reply much, just come in, read the updates and leave. Normally it's coco, saturn, woundedheart, haiyingqin, willenette and many others who post here regularly. Especially coco, but for some reason she just disappears. Hopefully she will come back soon. This thread is so quiet without her...

Here is the first part from the interview of the producers, the 2nd part is already posted by willenette.

So Ji-sub transforms in "Road No. 1" , says producer (1)


From left, producer Kim Jin-min, actors Yoon Kye-sang, Kim Ha-neul and So Ji-sub, and producer Lee Jang-soo pose during a photo session of a press conference for upcoming MBC TV series "Road No.1" held at the drama's set in the Chungcheong Province of South Korea on May 12, 2010. [MBC]

Q: One element to the drama will be the Korean War while the other will be the romance between the three main characters. What is the proportion of each element in the show?

Lee Jang-soo: We had originally thought of making the show into a 10-part series so we were going to depict on the Korean War quite realistically but when it was decided it would be a 20-part show, we turned it into a melodrama with more dramatic elements. And we're trying to satisfy both the elements of war and love in the drama. I think you should consider it not being just about romance, but the story of the love and frienship amongst three men and women in times of a war. And at the same time, we're trying to also talk about the issues between North and South Korea, and on a broader sense, about the history of the division of the two Koreas.

Q: Then who was the producer for which element?

Lee: Whatever looks like must've been hard work was done by producer Kim Jin-min and whatever looks easy was shot by me. (laugh)

Kim Jin-min: Producer Lee Jang-soo set the direction for the romance and I mostly shot the scenes where the main characters hang between life and death. But the elements of war and romance have to stay in tune with each other in the overall plan set for the production. We couldn't let the war stand out so much that it would be hard for viewers to watch. What I rather focused more on was Jang-woo (played by So Ji-sub) and Tae-sub's (played by Yoon Kye-sang) friendship. They're close to loving each other. It could sound weird but in the process of fighting so many wars, they develop a strong friendship and become close to brothers. That's what I mainly concentrated on.

Q: What is a friendship that's close to a love like?

Kim: The atmosphere on set became strange, hard to pin down in words. (laugh) But for men, doesn't friendship seem like a stronger emotion than love? It actually was hard trying to put that on screen in the beginning because the emotions weren't there but as more time passed, I realized how tremendously strong comradeship between two men could be. I felt that it could be an emotion one could carry on until the moment he dies.

Q: And that's why it was important who you cast for the two male roles. Why did you choose So Ji-sub and Yoon Kye-sang?

Lee: When we were in the early planning stages, I told Kim that we shouldn't do the drama if we ended up not being able to cast So Ji-sub. Kim really put in a lot of hard work for casting the actors. After we cast So Ji-sub for the role of Jang-woo, we tried really hard looking for someone to play Tae-ho. The image I had of Tae-ho was someone who has a strong image yet is a gentle person, and that's the vibe I got from Yoon Kye-sang. You'll be able to enjoy things such as an actor's transformations in our show to the fullest.

Q: Both actors have great bodies. Are there any scenes they show them off?

Kim: From the beginning, Lee and I said we can't have the main characters be muscular. The actors had asked seriously whether they have to get into shape but we said they shouldn't since we're not shooting "Rambo." Our show is about how average people living from a certain village get involved in a war, not about people in the special forces. It was necessary to realize that every character are normal people like us.

Lee: In the movie, there is a pond where the military unit had planted rice and then there's a big three that a man and woman had vowed their eternal love for each other. But when the war breaks out, a bomb explodes from under the tree and soldiers' faces plummet into the very rice seedlings they planted. In other words, this is a drama which tries to draw out sympathy by talking about a that is happening right where we're living

Q: Then are there no revealing scenes at all?

Kim: There is no reason to take off your uniform on the battlefield. You have to always be ready to hide or fight so even if it's in the summer, you have to wear at least an undershirt. But it'll be worth looking forward to the romantic scenes. I saw this and that. (laugh)

Reporter : Wee Geun-woo eight@

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

Source: http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?sec=e...051316290321793




Credit: as labelled

*Wave to all*

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:) :) Yes , i know Ledpelaro and Vudoolady that you're right .. My meant was that you are very active lately :P I always look that way - that on a thread of someone we all are like a family - fans of someone , togheter are a little world . Always i'm happy to be here and thankful for everyone can update . Some of you have more source information or just more time to do this . I also try to get news but so many times failed . So , i wait and apreciate what you all do here .. and i can do to support the work of others ( i;m not just a silent reader :lol: )

It's been a while we don't saw Jisub on screen .. I go more often to my JSA's chingu's but there is a bit silent these days .. Soon .. it's what i said myself .. we'll have the new drama to comment and a lot of pictures to update when runs :)

Wave to all Jisub fans .. Miss coco and irsali .. oh , where is sonicklism too ??

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Guest sonicklism

Wave to all Jisub fans .. Miss coco and irsali .. oh , where is sonicklism too ??

Here I am !!! Miss U and all Jisub's family members here.

I stop by quite often, but too busy to reply. My kids' school has just opened and a month before I was away from home with kids (visit my family).

Jisub oppa, I've planed to visit you at the studio, but it is impossible now coz my maid has just left. Help me I'm dying :(

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Sonicklism :lol: :lol: :lol: It would be good to ask " Jisub oppa where you are ?" and he answer right away " Here , here i am ... " just like youuuu . :lol: Glad to see you again here and it's bad if you can't go ..

When is a party , a fan meeting , for example on his birthday - there can attend anyone ( his fans of course ) from overseas too ? Who goes this year to met him ????

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Guest ledpelaro

Hahaha Dany my chingu can we ask Jisub oppa like that and can he answer us back right away, like sonicklism did, even though the bussiness and some other stuff..... :D :D :D can't imagine...hope there will be one like this.

@Soniclism, hello long time no hear from you, maybe your maid follows our jisub oppa hehehe and it's all because of you, you are not the only one scanning his pics but as well as your maid when you are not around :D:D:D , so wish you all the best....Dany and I wish that we could help you the best that we can, but how????!!!!

@Woundedheart thanks for the video.

Wave to all Jisub fans and chingus

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Would be so nice to met all of us and make a movie , then send to Jisub oppa .. :lol: :lol: :lol: If just would be possible , easy to do this :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P Oh , and after all would be a chance to see the see .. him ??? :)

Anyway , i am always in so good mood when navigating here ..

Thx my chingus ( can i say that you are my chingus ??? ) :)

How many of you heard about or have hi5 page ?? I want to create a profile page of Jisub for fans . I was thinking .. SSH has already one .. my work :P ( but i don't publicated yet )

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Guest khin myint

Anyway , i am always in so good mood when navigating here ..

Thx my chingus ( can i say that you are my chingus ??? ) :)

Absolutely you can my dear dany :) all jisub fans are our chingus...

I'll see you all in 2 weeks.. take some vacation to go Asia..

*wave* to all jisub fans....

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Guest ledpelaro

Of course Dany isnt that we are chingus already and I am looking forward that everybody's here in this forum would be our chingu. and nice idea to create one, but I am not a good actor though hihihi *shy.......and what is hi5? haven't heard it yet, and this would be my first time can you explain it further if it does not bother's you :lol:

Hi khin myint I am applying also same like my eonja chingu Dany....ermmm chingu? so you will be going on vacation...going to visit oppa where exactly in Asia? wish you a nice and safe holiday. B)

Have a nice week days to all!

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Ledpelaro I knew that some of you will not know what hi5 is . Is like myspace or facebook , but i like more hi5 .. all romanians has page on ( a lot of them :lol: ) usually europeans heard about .. USA, i guess don't really know and not the all Europe - and Asia so .. nope - just some people .. So , i use that page .. and i'll create one for Jisub - it's a step for being more knowed - a chance to met him , read about him .. i mean , the europeans . I'll show you when is finished :)

There are some koreans too - it's how i met my korean chingu .. I call him dongsang now :lol: and he call me noona .. we chat on messenger since last year - he's from Seoul and it's student at Journalism .. if you guys ( you read this Khin ?? ) go to Seoul i'll give you his number to call him and if he has time and is at home ( he travel much ) he'll show you around .. It's such a nice guy .. i want to met him personally too :rolleyes: He speak english very well .

I wanna go to Asia too , but definetely can't this year .. this year i have to go home , to Romania , if everything's work like we want .. I want pictures from you who get to take a step in Seoul ... i'd like photos with Seoul streets life ..

Khin , you are planning to visit 51K rezidence , don't you ? :) You go there , ok ??? And get an autograph for all of us :lol:

FOR JISUB CHINGUS ON SOOMPI THREAD or something like that .. :)

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I know it's partially translated, but I found the whole interview articles regarding Road Number One.

It makes me expect this drama even more.

Directors' interview


Actors & actress interview


Thank you . I'll read now . And .. welcome back saturn :D

Where is coco ? And Irsali still just reading or nope ? Don't have time to post .. it's getting married this year . Let's congrats her .. :lol:

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*** Awww...... I'm glad to hear this. This kind of fans displaying support for their idol always impresses me. Such a wonderful fans that he has. Good luck to this drama. Looking forward to see it. :lol::D


Yoon Kye-Sang fans show support for Road No. 1

May 18th, 2010 // by javabeans


Such displays of concerted fan support never cease to impress me: members of Yoon Kye-sang’s fan club have worked together and raised money to supply the production of his new drama, Road No. 1, with a meal feeding 120 crew and cast members, which included the drama’s other stars So Ji-sub, Kim Han-eul, and Choi Min-soo.

The samgyetang lunch (a traditional chicken soup) was delivered to the drama’s outdoor set location in Yeoncheon, Kyeonggi-do, on May 15. In addition to the samgyetang, the fans provided dessert, coffee, energy drinks, and other snacks.

In response, Yoon Kye-sang recorded a video message that was uploaded to his fan cafe, wherein he said, “Whenever I’m feeling tired I think of everyone in ‘Beloved Kye-sang’ [fan club] and I spring to my feet. Thanks to the chocolate and hot packs you sent in the past, I was able to bear through the winter shoots. I’m grateful to you every time.”

In the Korean War-era drama, Yoon plays Tae-ho, an elite officer of the South Korean military who forms a love triangle with Jang-woo (So Ji-sub) and Soo-yeon (Kim Haneul). (Tae-ho is the third wheel — he falls for her and they become engaged, only to have Jang-woo return alive from the fighting.) Despite the fact that Jang-woo is Tae-ho’s rival in love, they also form a strong bond as they fight together in the war.

Road No. 1 will premiere on MBC on June 23.

Via Mk.co.kr

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Guest inezjang

*hugz Coco*...glad to see u back babe..i hope everything's fine.. :)

thanks Will and everyone for all JiSUb's goodies!!

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Guest haiyingqin

My apologies for disappear [ i had sme problem and @ sad sad mode around ]

miss u all n *Hug* for all do pretty update and every warmly post here .... Fighting ! ! ! ! + +

picture from Giodano cf // Thank to credit --> http://dewysun.pe.kr/30086249971

Thanx dear Coco for sharing.

I'm really glad see you . :D

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