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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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Just finished watching "One Sunny Day"....again, sigh...Such a beautiful story of love unfolding....Im not sure what it is right now, but not wanting to read between the lines and analyse things....is it me, or does it feel like our SJS is either already in a relationship or he is ready for one, like now....

Thank you so much @EVERYONE again, for the fab pictures and the fab comments...."So Ganzi" - (Black version), I absolutely love it...so intense and powerful, remarkably and visually stunning, sigh...just seeing the rapper in him, really evokes such freedom and a spirit that needed to be exposed and explode, BOOM!....WOW! So proud right there....absolutely!

"Cola Bottle Baby" - I would say is quite unique and so sweet...Looks like our SJS will hold on tight to his lucky lady (AKA Cola Bottle Baby), after going through many trials and tests (as depicted when he drank from the straws of both the ladies, wearing a mask)....and I see literally holding her so tightly, never wanting to let go, hmmmm, he will surely embrace and protect that lucky lady, absolutely....

Looking forward to the FM in Japan....more beautiful pics and vids....which by the way, I really enjoyed his mini clip of living alone, that was hilarious....

Have a great end of the week peeps, a beautiful weekend and....please spare a thought to those affected in the latest environmental tragedies, China, Taiwan and Bali, not forgetting Nepal and Malaysia....


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OMG...just read @mathi 's updates about the Sojisub's Lady Warriors aka Sojisubar...speechless...can't say anything...their love is so amazing:wub:

Jisub nim, you should marry those lady warriors , I'm sure you will be happy. But how could marry with 530.000 people ? :lol: 

Just found this at dc gallery, I think it's Sojisub with his MV model 


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Just finished watching "One Sunny Day"....again, sigh...Such a beautiful story of love unfolding....Im not sure what it is right now, but not wanting to read between the lines and analyse things....is it me, or does it feel like our SJS is either already in a relationship or he is ready for one, like now....

Thank you so much @EVERYONE again, for the fab pictures and the fab comments...."So Ganzi" - (Black version), I absolutely love it...so intense and powerful, remarkably and visually stunning, sigh...just seeing the rapper in him, really evokes such freedom and a spirit that needed to be exposed and explode, BOOM!....WOW! So proud right there....absolutely!

"Cola Bottle Baby" - I would say is quite unique and so sweet...Looks like our SJS will hold on tight to his lucky lady (AKA Cola Bottle Baby), after going through many trials and tests (as depicted when he drank from the straws of both the ladies, wearing a mask)....and I see literally holding her so tightly, never wanting to let go, hmmmm, he will surely embrace and protect that lucky lady, absolutely....

Looking forward to the FM in Japan....more beautiful pics and vids....which by the way, I really enjoyed his mini clip of living alone, that was hilarious....

Have a great end of the week peeps, a beautiful weekend and....please spare a thought to those affected in the latest environmental tragedies, China, Taiwan and Bali, not forgetting Nepal and Malaysia....


Thank you my chingu for your sweet feelings toward the man! [lovestruck]

Yesssss, he's an awesome rapper! c1%20(21).gif




And I guess he's ripe for a relationship sooner or later. Such a waste of gene of he doesn't :P



(photos cd picbi.com)


One Sunny Day OST - MV "Where Are You?"


(cd to owner) 


Good Friday and nice weekend to all!!!

SJS fighting!!!!!!

Atkilic  Atkilic   Atkilic

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Thank you my dear JIsub-aholic for your awesome new MV!!! Do you know I'm your loyal fan? :lol:Love him in this style absolutely!!

Thank you so much for your hard work sweetie!!!  alkis.gif

After all, viewers are the winners here woot woot... birincik.gif



Edited by mathi
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Just finished watching "One Sunny Day"....again, sigh...Such a beautiful story of love unfolding....Im not sure what it is right now, but not wanting to read between the lines and analyse things....is it me, or does it feel like our SJS is either already in a relationship or he is ready for one, like now....

Thank you so much @EVERYONE again, for the fab pictures and the fab comments...."So Ganzi" - (Black version), I absolutely love it...so intense and powerful, remarkably and visually stunning, sigh...just seeing the rapper in him, really evokes such freedom and a spirit that needed to be exposed and explode, BOOM!....WOW! So proud right there....absolutely!

"Cola Bottle Baby" - I would say is quite unique and so sweet...Looks like our SJS will hold on tight to his lucky lady (AKA Cola Bottle Baby), after going through many trials and tests (as depicted when he drank from the straws of both the ladies, wearing a mask)....and I see literally holding her so tightly, never wanting to let go, hmmmm, he will surely embrace and protect that lucky lady, absolutely....

Looking forward to the FM in Japan....more beautiful pics and vids....which by the way, I really enjoyed his mini clip of living alone, that was hilarious....

Have a great end of the week peeps, a beautiful weekend and....please spare a thought to those affected in the latest environmental tragedies, China, Taiwan and Bali, not forgetting Nepal and Malaysia....



One Sunny Day OST - MV "Where Are You?"


Good Friday and nice weekend to all!!!

SJS fighting!!!!!!

Atkilic  Atkilic   Atkilic

Hi mathi, I guess I've missed this web series  - I lost track.....I just recall it until I read it here. I'll try to watch this via Dramafever. Just keep doing well, SJS! :P


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W Magazine September 2008 interview






To say that So Jisub has returned, seems a little inappropriate.
His return, though not visible, yet leaves one with a strong sense of his existence.

It’s been a long time since your discharge from military service, how did you spend this time?
It wasn’t easy, as “Cain and Abel” the TV drama initially planned to mark my return to acting, was cancelled. It was a very difficult time.

I was very keen to work during this time, and as such, took on this movie project.

You were very excited when you learnt that Park Taehwan has won the gold medal?
Which person in Korea wasn’t excited about this? I said this from my heart, “As a swimmer, I am proud of him.” As someone who has been through this, I am fully aware of what an arduous task this has been. When I was watching the competition alone at home, it gave me shivers and I was cheering in excitement.

During your career as a swimmer, did it ever cross your mind that you would become popular with 'mothers'?
To an athlete, being a swimmer was an avenue for me. At that time, I was contented just to become a coach.
If I didn’t go into acting, I may have continued with a profession that is related to swimming.
“If you didn’t go into acting” – did you ever consider doing other things instead of being an actor?
No. Never. I gave my very best when I was a swimmer, and felt that my ability can no longer take me higher and further.
Outstanding athletes like Michael Phelps and Park Taehwan are born with the talent.




The days of us rookie athletes undergoing tough training while sustaining on instant noodles are vastly different, compared with the training of Kim Yu Na (Figure skating) and Park Taehwan.
I can understand the tears of joy shed by athletes when they won the gold medal. In Korea, only a gold medal is being recognized. The significance behind those tears deserved our respect. 

Acting, unlike sports, does not harbor the challenge of breaking any set records. Are you glad that acting is not measured by numbers?
Benchmarks still exist: ratings. It is hard to give an objective judgment when it comes to box office attendance for movies and ratings for drama series, this is most regrettable for an actor.
A low rating does not mean that the actor did not do a good job, while a high rating does not imply that the actor has acted well. Such is the truth, and it is difficult for an actor to be completely objective about his own performance. 


Tell us a bit about your military life. What changes did you observe, after spending more than 2 years in the army?
I was often asked about my thoughts about returning from military service. Well, everyone knows what it is like to be serving as a public duty serviceman. It is just office life, and because of the regular schedule, I also developed Monday blues. Every Friday, I woke up to really good mood, and on Sunday morning, anxiety of the next day started welling up. In these two years, I truly experienced what life is like for office workers - fretting over what to eat when it is noon time, and starring at the watch non-stop when it is almost time to knock off. 

Thanks to you, Mapo district became a tourist spot for Japanese.
Although I am very grateful, this has also become a burden of sort. The most embarrassing was when I came out from the restroom and was asked for a handshake.

You were not forgotten during your absence all this while, and your presence seems to be even larger.
I became slightly popular during “Memories of Bali”, and was drafted into the army immediately after “Misa”. I did not even get a feel of what it’s like to be popular, and was already in the army. This must be even tougher for audiences who loved and supported me. It is similar to lovers having to separate when they are madly in love.

So that’s why you only shoot CF after discharging from army. So Jisub manages his image very well, he is fast becoming an actor who sustain on making highly paid commercials.
It is not like that. The truth is - I did not shoot that many commercials. It is something relatively new for me, and something I am still not used to.



The recently completed movie “Rough cut” is a story about a gangster (Gang Pae) and movie star (Su Ta). I feel that So Jisub’s and Kang Ji Hwan’s role should be switched, with Kang Ji Hwan starring as the gangster, and So Jisub the movie star. How about that? 
Is that so? I would watch it. But I only wanted the role of Gang Pae.

What is it like to work with a young director and actor of your age?
I am considered a newbie in the movie industry, and the same for Ji Hwan, and the director as well. I am glad we had lots of discussion and communications. And because it is a Kim Ki Duk movie shot on film, the film strip cannot be changed repeatedly.

Have you met producer Kim Ki Duk?
He is more easy-going than I’ve imagined, and a humorous person as well.  He gave the feeling of someone special, not scary. A pleasant guy who jokes a lot.

Director Jang Hoon made this remark “So Jisub has a stable character and feels like a friend, while Kang Jihwan is adorable and charming, and feels like a lover.”
(laughs) There seems to be slight exaggeration.
Ji Hwan is indeed a careful person who takes care and understands those he works with. It was a bit embarrassing initially when we met, both of us being of the same age. It is easier for guys to be introduced to each other as brothers (in terms of seniority) at the first meeting, and this also makes it easier to get along in due time.

There will be differences no matter which director it was… so why not try to talk it over? I have worked with Director Jang Jun in the short ad movie for an automobile. I have never done an ad movie and the collaboration was the first for me, so it was very interesting.

Director Jang is someone not too steeped in details, and couldn’t stand it when people in the film stayed still, he never follows the script and is into impromptu acting. I hope that there will be an opportunity in future to work with him in a comedy.     

It is difficult to relate So Jisub with comedy. You always exude the impression of someone with a dark side.
This impression is most probably the result of my last two works. When I first debuted, I was acting in daytime drama, I bet nobody remembered that?

That was really a long time ago. To you, those characters may be suitable for you. But having a fixed image can also pose as a restraint for yourself.
While waiting for the right script to come along during my break, the most stressful phrase to me was compliment such as “You will definitely do well”. This created enormous pressure, and no matter what, I hope that the role of Gang Pae will be different from In Wook of “Bali” and Moo Hyuk of “Misa”.

There is an interesting quote in ‘Rough Cut’, where Kang Jihwan asked you “Do you know what is acting skill?” to which you replied “To live life properly, to follow carefully how others get on with theirs, and do the same with mine.” It is surprising that So Jisub, as an actor, will say such words.
This is an interesting quote with double meaning. In the movie, Gang Pae dreams of being an actor, although he is a gangster. He is a satirical duo character, so he carefully emulates the performances of actors in real life. I felt so good saying the phrase.

Although this may be intentional, but do you have the answer if you were asked what acting skill is?
It seemed difficult to answer. Certainly a tough question.

You think so too?
Certainly. In life, there are many things that are beyond my ability to fulfill. 

There are many common things that you can’t do. For example, hanging out at Kyung Po Tae Beach with friends during such a scorching hot summer. 
It’s a good thing I don’t enjoy this. In the past, I felt regretful and depressed because I was unable to enjoy these things. I have overcome them now. I don’t even mind being recognized on the streets. “Wow, is that So Jisub?” I used to feel unhappy when I heard this.

For the six months after your discharge from military service, we could only catch a glimpse of you in CF. Besides shooting poster (W Korea Nov 2007 issue Brown Bunny), how was it like working with Terry Richardson (the photographer)?
I heard he was someone with eccentric behavior. I also read up about him. At first I was shocked, but after that, found him interesting. It was an enjoyable job to play and work at the same time.

Was it stressful to deal with such a daring concept?
Frankly, it would be stressful if this was done in Korea. It was a whole new experience with total strangers, so it was kinda enjoyable.
It was more serious that I have thought (laughs), (the trousers) all I did was pulled it a little lower, and they fell off by themselves. So I just let it be, and went on with the photoshoot. I can’t worry too much there and then.

Will you accept doing love (bed) scenes in movie?
There are some concerns.

Lack of self confidence?
It is not that I lacked confidence in my body. I just lacked the courage to watch them (the love scenes) later. Until now, I am still not prepared for that (filming love scenes).

Seems like you wanted the role of a bad guy?
Until now, I am still extremely interested in that. I am not keen on roles where I dressed nice and walk around looking suave. What I like - to be able to pick up food dropped on the floor and popped them right into my mouth, to run with all my might – roles like this. 


You are still passionate about photography? Did you shoot anything you like?
I am always being misunderstood when I photographed people I like. I love taking people faces. But most people felt burdened the minute the camera points at them. Well, it is always so when you look at it from the point of those being photographed. My happiest moment is to be able to take photographs anytime, anywhere.

Kwon San Woo is getting married soon. Both of you are of the same age, right?
I am one year younger than he is. It’s a pity. From all the talk going around, it seems that both of them are getting along well. I still don’t have the opportunity to meet her yet. But both of them seem to adore each other very much.

Thought of getting married?
Not now, let’s wait till all the hyungs (brothers) are married.

What if Sung Seong Hyun got married?
Well, there’s still Yoon Jun hyung.

It seems embarrassing to say this, but isn’t Bae Yoon Jun going to get married?
I don’t know about that. He does seem a little lonely sometimes, really lonely. One feels pity for him, watching by his side. There is no way that one should be alone.

Ever feel glad that you are still free and single?
(laughs) the thought did cross my mind.

Are you seeing anyone?
No. I will be eating in the car, if I am seeing someone.

Eating in the car?
Well, we can’t go to the restaurants. Most celebrities are like that.

We saw photographs of your modified car on the internet.
That was the style previously. Right now, only the '蘇’ (Su) logo has been retained, the rest have been removed, to avoid others talking about it.

Eating kimbab for all meals in the car, don’t you wish to fall in love like that?
Of course! Like everyone else, my heart will palpitate when I think of the one I like, it’s such a beautiful feeling. 

True, but the question is, it is not frequently that the heart palpitates like that.
I have not experienced that feeling for a long long time. For me, if I am seeing someone, it will be for the long run. If not, it may not even last a week.

What kind of girls do you like? Besides being pretty, she should be…?
She should be able to understand me not matter what, I hope I can find a girl like that. There is too much baggage in this industry, and it will be very exhausting to have to explain every single thing.

Your target when you are in the 20s and 30s must have changed. What are the differences?
The basic dream still remains, to own a hotel, and manage it.

That would require a lot of money, do you have any interest in financial management?
I will have to save up quite a bit. No such plans currently.

That’s your basic dream, any other more concrete dream?
I hope to be able to live together with my family. Right now, my sister and brother-in-law have moved to Australia, while I have been living on my own, not with my mum, since becoming independent. 

Your acceptance speech at the awards revealed a close relationship with your mother.
We have been together since the day I was born. Because of our blood ties, the pain in our hearts can never be erased. It is just that I am not used to discussing family matters with others. 

This is typical of men. Not discussing family matters also means not talking regularly with your family members.
This is a serious problem for me. But currently, we are able to chat causally with each other.


What kind of development do you look forward to?
I hope to be an actor who is constantly changing. It is common to find people who are compliant all the time, lacking in individuality.  But this won’t do for an actor. Even if someone were to make such an assessment about me, at least I have given my best, to be different during the filming of every piece of work.   
To evoke the response of “Wow, this person really resembles the character.”

Did you see any changes, now that you look back at your past work?
Definitely.  I am a very different person from the time I was in “Misa”. Sometimes, when rewatching a certain scene, I would think “why didn’t I act it this way?”

How does one become an actor that is constantly changing?
Besides your own hard work, you need the baptism of time. I will not be able to recreate the expressions, say of love and adoration from back then. The expressions on my face have changed. I was in my 20s back then, and now I am already past 30. 

Looking at yourself, your appearance seems to have changed much
Right now, my aim is to be a bona fide actor. Compared to me in my youth, I much prefer how I look now. What I wanted most is to work hard and be a competent actor, discarding all the glorifying laudations. I only want to show the true face of a movie actor, and hope to hear comment such as “he is like an actor”. 

Compared to the 90s, your look now is definitely more popular
It had bothered me previously, and felt the need to undergo double eyelid surgery. At that time, actors with big eyes were favoured by directors. “I dislike my eyes.” It was not smoothing going for me when I first debuted, but I did not heed the advice of my manager, and it has been the same since.

Looking back, I am glad I did not go under the knife back then.

What are your views on celebrities appearing in entertainment programmes?
It is a little disheartening. The ability to act well is no longer sufficient for an actor these days, you have to be a jack of all trade. Not only do you need to be able to sing, but also to tell jokes to rouse the mood. It is fortunate that someone like me had debuted much earlier.

These days, are you able to joke casually?
When acting in an intense drama, my mood will become gloomy as well. It peaked during the filming of “Bali”, and following that, “Misa” also required agressive emotional expressions - lots of shouting and yelling. It was very trying for me to portray the pointed description of emotions in ‘Bali”, I was literally suffering at the last part. I was unable to find relief even at the end of the drama.

Of course, there is a need to take on some bright and cheerful roles. However, I am only interested in characters with dark side. It is because of this that made them attractive. 
The story is such, and the character has to be such in order to be memorable. However, this means I have to die everytime (in the drama).
Right now, I am keen to try some characters that will stay alive (laughs).

What do you think of the nickname So Ganji?
I am already used to it. Previously, it was a heavy burden for me, and I can’t go anywhere. It happened before that after leaving the house, I came home to change my clothes before leaving again.
I was photographed all the time without even knowing it. I have been followed, and there was even once when someone jumped out at me while I was taking a break, giving me a fright.

Do you search for those photos (snapshots taken without your knowledge) on the internet?
No, although I may search in the Sojisub gallery in DCinside. That place is the quickest (where snapshots are being posted).

Many stars are heading for Hollywood.
There are both pros and cons, right? It is a place that doesn’t care much about celebrities gossip, where you can return even after getting married and divorced, and where taking drugs is acceptable.


Double standards exist in our country, where we expect actors to have a glamorous side to them, and yet live their private life morally.
Talking about that, even respected seniors like Ang Sung Ki got criticized from all sides after he was photographed while drinking.  This is the side of celebrities which people wanted to see. As such, one should never drink with people other than your closest friends.
Occasionally, I rather envy friends who do not mind being seen.

Like who?
I am just babbling. Well, friends like Seung Hyun. I don’t know. Even if I’d wanted do, I can’t do it. It’s a character flaw, I just can’t behave like others. Even if those friends can do it, for me, it’s just not possible. 

‘So Jisub is So Jisub’, right?
Haha, right. That’s why I live in my own world.


Chinese to English translation by khwy for Jisubaddicts.com
Korean to Chinese translation in Sojisub Taiwanese fan club.


Each interview, old or new, brings us closer to him. Hope you enjoy my dear friends!!!


vishenka19copy1fz.gif vishenka19copy1fz.gif vishenka19copy1fz.gif

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Thank you dear @mathi for bring up again the interview. That's my favourite one, I had saved in my computer with titled "Sojisub is Sojisub" . :D I was very impressed with that ending short sentence. Describe how exactly Sojisub is. 

About the marriage , KSW is married, BYJ just got married. SSH is dating and maybe get married soon. Now..the expectations on SJS to get married is certainly greater. but sure it's up to him. "Do what ever you want oppa" like fans from sojisubar said on the video. 

While @chakitababe choose to rewatch One Sunny Day, I decided to rewatch What Happened In Bali. In WHIB his handsomeness is sooooooo perfect. Like a blooming flower he was very very beautiful. Similarly, his acting was also peeeeerfect. I'm totally addicted with SJS


Found this amazing drawing from fans at weibo, thanks a lot to creators







All pics credit as tagged



Ssst.....I'm just busy looking for my Cola Bottle Baby...

"Red and Black Call Me Right Now"

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@mathi....thank you so much for bringing this back and reminding us all why So Jisub is definately So Jisub......why his characteristics and charm has never changed over the years, why SJS remains humble and why we absolutely adore and still continue to embrace and appreciate  So Ganji, absolutely!! You are a saint for energising us again with his passion and love of acting.....thank you, kahmsamnida.....

@sojisubaddicted also stated being impressed by the end sentence where he described himself or confirmed that "So Jisub is So Jisub:.....no more no less.....such a warm-hearted and loving person, sigh!!! YAH!..why are you so amazing right there....

WHIB was indeed an intense and dark drama for SJS, and what I did when I first came across it was watch the ending...I know, silly mistake, duh! So it took me quite a long long time going back to watch the whole thing....and, I still had problems with it, LOL!....I hated HJW's annoying character..(ooops miane to her fans...)...I guess I became so engrossed in the drama that it really got to me how she was using Kang In-wook that way....argh!!!..WHO DOES THAT!.....especially how SJS has been saying that KIW's character is true to his real self. It seems that SJS has a difficult time trying to get out of character once filming stops and I guess from this interview, he struggled with WHIB's ending....(like so many of us too....)....I was like, WHAT? Why kill them both off?.....but anyhoo....moving on, @sojisubaddicted...enjoy your watching.....

We all have our individual favourites here, the ones that we return to watch again and again....right?....Though I love all of SJS work (and I do prefer the action/thriller/dark roles myself).. my all time favourite is "Cain & Abel" that I religiously return to watch every single time (wink wink nudge nudge @sugarmay)....SJS portrayed a free-spirited-happy-go-lucky-smiley-faced Doctor as well as a dark-intense-lonely-dejected-and-broken-hearted introvert who dealt with shock, betrayal, grief, heartbreak,adversity, memory loss... ...argh!!!..For SJS to use all his emotions, his feelings, his inner strength, to go from being happy one moment and then distressed in another....sigh...Lovelovelove it, absolutely!!...I even had dreams of working alongside this hunky doctor in Emergency...WOW!...and then I woke up....LOL!!

SJS commented about the importance of family and how it must have been hard over the years when he became "independent" as he does not see his family much anymore, with his sister and BIL in Australia and his mother away from him too. I felt this quite emotional because family is absolutely important in ones life, and to see SJS grow with strength and humility to the person he is today just makes me adore him even more, awwww....absolutely!.. SJS is grounded with great values and so much warmth and modesty, he will absolutely make one lucky lady so happy and so blessed.....(woot woot @mathi..)....sigh!

So, even though SJS stated he will wait to see all his bros (hyungs...) walk down the aisle first, Im sure when the time is right, SJS' moment of happiness will be embraced and welcomed by absolutely EVERYONE, Good luck with finding your Cola Bottle Baby....and have I said that I absolutely love being a FAN of this amazing spunky and sexy guy!!!....



Edited by chakita babe
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Found these pictures from VJZhangfeng weibo (I think he's the host). He wrote that it was his first cooperation in Shanghai and he also love Rap.  He gave his best efforts in various ways to the audience for their mad obsession for SJS ! The obsession just like a power which made all staff worked hard. And he hopes can work together again with SJS at the next time! ...






So Ji Sub video news at BTV  http://v.ifeng.com/ china : 



Dear @chakitababe , love to read your writting.  I guess at WHIB the scriptwriter confused the audience because he wanted to make a surprise ending. IMO I can see that actually Soo Jung loved KIW, but at the end she told in love with Jae Min, so ambigous. It is very unreasonable. Whatever...at WHIB I saw SJS had showed his deep acting. Since WHIB his acting skill is increasingly good. Cain & Abel ? Wow...that's an epic drama. Perfect acting for a very heavy role. C&A made me cry for days, just like MISA. 

I choose to rewatching WHIB because SJS always said that his life was very similar to KIW. I think what is meant not only In Wook's character, but also his difficult life background at his past & his relationship with mom. Through In Wook, I can feel how close his relationship with mom. That's why he said in his interview, his dream is live together with the whole family. A simple dream for such a big actor like him. It's very touch. His dream explains that the family is the most important thing for him. I believe that behind his quiet & rarely smile appeareance, SJS is a family man with warmhearted. I'm sure though he is very busy, if there is a chance he & his mom will visit each other, just like In Wook & his mom.


Ps : *My deep condolences to victims of Tianjin's blast. Let's pray for Tianjin's people*

Edited by sojisubaddicted
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Guest sugarmay

Thank you beautiful ladies all here for awesome sharing.


“What happened in Bali”..reminded me some nice scene..it’s so hilarious!!

Soo-jung’s friend Mi-hee…You’re really right!! LOL


His hands are so beautiful!! sigh…

dear friends all,Fighting! ^^

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Guest sugarmay

Let’s go together Japan tour goodies upcoming!


Also FM Japan 2015 DVD pre-order will be available at FM venues Kobe,Tokyo both.

It will be released in the beginning of December 2015.


more info ...So Ji Sub FM Japan site


 Thank you my dearest @mathi  for your kind lovely words always!! Loooooooooooove :wub:

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Happy Wednesday all my dear SJS's wifes here ! :lol:

Although you always have many jobs or things to do, you must enjoy your life just like Jisub did. Here what he did & said  in my imagination. My sweet bear...:wub:



"Don't be so serious...enjoy your life and have fun"


"Pick your phone, make a call to your friends, ask him/her to meet"


"Ah...nobody answer my phone " (smiled shyly) "Yeah..I forget all my hyungs are busy with his wifes/girl right now"


"Feeling lonely ? Are you kidding ? I'm happy to be alone..I love the quiet atmosphere. I'm introvert, remember ?"


"Forget the dating...I've already have so many girl fans. They love me 100%. It's time to do what I want...eat happily..."


"And play...hhmm..where's my minion, why there are only robotic toys...ah I forget, Kiki ate it"


"And eat again..."


"Eat, Play and Eat again...just like very well known movie...but I think I forget something important here...what is it"


"Oh My God...the diet !! I forgot my diet !! .."


"Ahjeossi...how could you forgot such important thing like your diet..your role is sick person..but you gained your weight ??"


"I gain my weight? Realllyyyy ? Ah it must be because of brokenscales. "


All gifs credit to fans at DC


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:wub: Meichen New Video :wub:

The caps : 







The video :



credit : http://weibo.com/sojisub19771104?from=feed&loc=nickname

also find this 


640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5 source : http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4ODQ4MTk2MQ==&mid=211282754&idx=2&sn=dd8c223d89cd77dfcd5e2d84e8f445c0&scene=0#rd

I think it's about Sojisub as Meichen spokerperson. 

Edited by sojisubaddicted
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One Sunny Day DVD will be available on December 2!


Marmot 2015



The photo below touch my heart, my dear friends. Just a second or two could be an awesome memory to fans: holding his hand!!!!!

(Miss Wife Premier 05/08/2015)




Why only Kiki can stay next to him? It's really not fair, isn't it?



(credit to owners)

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