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What Did So Ganzi Wear ? 


After Shanghai FM 2015 credit thks : Sojisubar


So Ganzi MV credit thks : Sojisubar


Taiwan FM 2015 credit thks : Sojisubar


The Shoes & Bag credit thks : sjshorumon 


The Shoes at Taiwan FM 2015 credit thks : sjshorumon


The Shoes at Shanghai FM 2015 credit thks : sjshorumon


The Belt at Shanghai FM 2015 credit thks : sjshorumon


The White Jeans Trousers at Shanghai FM 2015 credit thks : sjshorumon


Black Belt at Shanghai FM 2015 credit thks : sjshorumon


The Belt at Miss Wife VIP Premiere credit thks : sjshorumon

:wub:Well...Sojisub ssi....you're the real So Ganzi:wub:


"Who ? Me ? Indeed.."

credit thks : Joyce_lee213






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The "So Ganzi" (BLACK) MV Reaction

Found first at the twitter, an account named Valerie ask people to visit her video about So Ganzi MV reaction. I think is very interesting to watch her &  friends oppinions about So Ganzi. I love their cheerful & funny sentences...:D fo SJS a.k.a mr.Hotness...a.k.a Daddy :lol: 

Happy Sunday All SJS fans here !!

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In 2012, W Magazine October issue had actor So Jisub in a special style: Wounded Style. (Yeah, right, W magazine again…) Viewers sighed: “What’s a strange idea!”

In general, when people get to see a man covered in those slings, cast, brace… or whatever it takes to support sprains or broken bones, in reflex they say “OMG, poor thing. Blessed you honey!!!”

When it came to So Jisub, things seemed a bit different though: people gushed over him as the most stylish hottest injured man on earth.




Even though as his lover… *cough*… his fan… I’m not so thrill to see my man disguised in many kinds of injuries but I have to admit: WOW, you’ll never ever escape from this one word babe: SEXY!!!!!







Back in May 2013, on omonatheydidnt.livejournal.com, the blogger presented in one article three different styles:



** Actor Kwon Sangwoo: shirtless, on motorbike, holding guns… totally cool, right?

** Song Joongki: soft and elegant in “A mellow Song” theme

** Now, our man actor So Jisub, Wounded Style…


In a real battle field, maybe a (long coat) wounded man has no hope dealing with a (shirtless) gun man and a (romantic) young boy. However, I assure you my dears, in this imaginative competition, his intense gazes alone were totally the lethal weapon. Drop death Gorgeous!




Ladies, are you wondering how readers reacted?

In a popular website, there were many opinions. As long as SJS's name was mentioned, his dear fans definitely showed up. Loving the man is a full-time business, I must say. Fans "worked for him" in their cute ways:


** I think I’m the only one here that does not find KSW attractive, but on the other hand… So Jisub is one sexyyyy and fineee man. I don’t find Joongki hot, but he’s handsome in a boyish way :) (istalkalert)




**Jisub oppa, only you can make that ridiculous concept look so damn sexy. KSW does nothing for me and not feeling SJK either for some reason.(2cutelena)




** I will brace your neck for you for as long as it takes, And anything else you'd like me to hold I will hold.(shanny_w)

(Hey girl, please just tell us what do you really want to hold here exactly?!)




** delicious. what can i say i love boys in layers.(markthatcoin)




My friends, if I have to vote for the most daring fans, then this girl Ayumikoshiro should win the contest. She wrote, in a greedy fan-girling minute or maybe out of "caring" for the man who was supposed to have multi-injuries:

** I’d be willing to sponge bathe him all night long…

Well, if this job does exist, my dear Missy Ayumikoshori, don't you think it's a job people would... kill for?!


The great shoulders and injured history


My dears,

There was this very old song captured my heart since the first time I heard:

Put your head on my shoulder

Whisper in my ears, baby

Words I want to hear

Tell me,

    tell me that you love me too...

The song, first released by Paul Anka in 1959, sure had golden time entertained our ... grandparents. After more than half century, the stories between men and women are not different, right? And men's shoulders still remain great value.

Naturally, men are born with bigger frame. Some men, through exceeding exercises, could improve their body significantly. Actor So Jisub is one of them. He's well-known for his broad shoulders on a beautiful athlete body.




Broad shoulders, tiny waist, long legs, a perfect face and outstanding acting, actor So Jisub, likes a great warrior, has conquered from time to time in K-entertainment industry. He's awesome in love scenes as well as splendid in actions. However, he was success without unscratched. All injuries he had suffered could make a long list:

** Elbow injury in his teen: stop him from pursuing swimming career.

** At 25 years old: experienced a severe shoulder injury while joining a TV game show.

** Making film, his hands were cut, his knee, wrists were hurt. Even his sore back took a long time to recover in 2013.


My dear friends, have you noticed the long scar on his right shoulder?




This photo was taken in 2004, the scar stilled fresh. He was injured exactly on 23/03/2002, but only had proper treatment after 5 months due to busy filming. Would you like to know what happened to him back then? Please check spoiler!



Actor So Jisub's shoulder injury 2002




The show

In 2002, the young man joined the TV game show Let's Go Dream Team.  At 25 years old, he had dreams and youth in his pocket. And he also had many fans who loved him dearly. The show was fun, unfortunately, accident happened.


An article reported:

Good Day, 2002-03-28

During “Let’s Go Dream Team” Program, So Ji Sub & Lee Seung Jin Were Injured


It was lately revealed that on the 23rd of this month, during the programming of KBS 2TV <Sports TV Sunday’s Fun> “Let’s Go Dream Team” (producer Kim Suk Yoon, 6 pm) that took place at the World Cup Stadium of Pusan, both So Ji Sub and Lee Seung Jin got into an accident getting injured.


This day’s event dealt with climbing of many obstacles. The problem began when they reached the cloudy ladders. While they were crossing the ladders, the arms and the legs slipped through, and So Ji Sub injured his shoulders while Lee Seung Jin’s face got bruised.


So Ji Sub got disjoint shoulders, and Lee Seung Jin’s lips were cut. The rest of the participants, Park Yong Ha, Kim Seung Hyun and Lee Ji Hoon were also lightly bruised, and even the competing team, Pusan’s Haeyanggoojodan sportsmen, they injured their legs and necks among others. This competition will be aired on the 31st.

By reporter Kim Ho Eun hekim@hot.co.kr

(Translated by Priscilla)

At 2:50 in the clip, he fell and retreated from the show.



The stories in the little spoiler below were shared by Hershey in 2002. This very nice fan came to cheer him at the show, sadly, she also had to witness the accident.


[[My, I’m Fainting]] [*Dream Team*] Encounter 2 (2002/03/23)

From Youngsosa Café, JS Meet Section, article #7

Written by Hershey Chocolate, aka Daun

(Translated by Priscilla)


Hee hee~ It’s so hot today I left home early for work…

I’ve nothing much to do now.. Ho ho.

I had posted these encounter stories in the former Jisub site long time ago…It’s been so long ago it may feel out~dated… ^^



[*Dream Team*] Encounter 2



Hershey entered the center-stadium… I was feeling a little out of place…

Honestly before coming, I didn’t expect I'd be standing this close…

I thought I’d be happy if I just get to see Oppa’s face…

Chun Shiljang~~~ I really really thank you~~ * ^^ *


Chun Shiljang asked me to follow him…

I did, and he took me to the stand-by bench where Dream Team was sitting…

Chun Shiljang: (touching Jisub Oppa’s shoulders) This is Hershey…

Hershey: (rushing to show the prettiest smile) Hello~

(That’s all I could say --)

Jisub Oppa... He seemed surprised at my sudden appearance…

In a low voice he said “Yes~” and he bowed with his head…

Wow~ Hershey was about to faint.

Anyways, Hershey had eyes only for Jisub Oppa…


Don’t ask me if Dream Team won or lost… or who looked the hottest… don’t…

I was so busy staring at Jisub Oppa… I didn’t notice anything else…

I’m not exaggerating, it’s true… All I did was to stare at Oppa…

I couldn’t see anyone else… Try it for yourself, and you’ll see… Really.


Before the competition, there was a little warm up exercise…

He was practicing climbing the smoky ladders…

Next to him was a public Dream Team sportsmen…

This public sportsman… he looked like he was a monkey in his previous life… amazingly fast…

Jisub Oppa was next to him… Looking unsure… then he stopped altogether…

I think he was really shocked by the speed of the monkey like public sportsman… K K K K K


When the real competition began and it was Jisub Oppa’s turn, he stood behind the starting line so gallantly! It was an amazing sight…

The audience was cheering wildly…

The sportsman standing next to him… I don’t know who he is…

Anyhow, they started running inside the styro-foams…

Jisub Oppa was winning…

Jumping a smoky looking iron bar ladder… they were hand in hand… then Oppa started leading…

At the end of that high smoky ladder he jumped ~splash~ into the styro-foam filled floor…

Covered by all those styro-foams, he ran towards the final line…

Obviously at the end… Oppa won…

Of course he would~


Oppa… I think he gained many more fans through his participation at this Dream Team Event.

Including the Rick-Bi Girls who were standing next to me… K K

Regardless… Our Jisub Oppa… Today he looked really really handsome…


By the way, what I filmed through my 6mm Camcorder…

I’d like to show it to you…

Actually I was planning on sending this to his Official Site…

To ask them to upload this into their Video Clips…

But I’m sorry it can’t be…

What I took while standing at the audience section was blocked by the many bystanders in front of me…

The shots were off and very shaky..

And what I took inside the center stadium, you must have noticed in this Part II recount, that I couldn’t film much.

I was avoiding KBS cameramen, so I could only film one part where Oppa was running…

So the length of the tape is very short… This is it…

I couldn’t take many photo-pictures either.

The cameramen… they really hated seeing flashes going off during the event…

Besides, I was too far… let us consider this to be just a preview...


I talked a little bit to Oppa at the Parking Lot…

Hershey… she held Oppa’s hands… K K

But… It was so freezing cold I couldn’t feel anything…

How unfortunate… Either way, I was very happy…


Also, Jisub Oppa’s friend Park Yong Ha…

As expected of Oppa’s friend, he had a bright countanance~ much better looking than what’s seen on TV…

Still, in terms of looks, he couldn’t come near to our Jisub Oppa…

I was debating if I should take a picture with Mr. Park Yong Ha also…

Naeh~ how would I think of it while our Jisub Oppa was next to me! So I put the thought aside… hee hee

Hershey Chocolate Dream Team Experience ends here…



[EPILOGUE to follow...]


To read PART I, go to: http://www.xanga.com/contentlatest.asp?tab...s&user=Prisci4U


And this follow-up translation (also by Prisci):


[[i Am Distressed]] [*Dream Team*] BEHIND STORY…

From Youngsosa Café, JS Meet Section, article #8

Written by Hershey Chocolate, aka Daun

(Translated by Priscilla)


Ah… Dream Team…

To Oppa and to many of us, it was a program that has left us many scars…

Actually, when I posted my ENCOUNTER STORY at the previous site, I couldn’t talk about Oppa’s injuries.

Chun Shiljang told me not too, since many fans would worry…



> During the main competition… Oppa was doing great…

> He was so much faster than his opponent…

> But during the smoky ladder climbing, he was struggling to lead…

> And he jumped into the styro-foam field, crossing over his last obstacle…

> It was something like a mattress, as tall as an average person… It was really high…

> Oppa jumped over that and he fell backwards on the other side…

> I think that’s when his shoulders got disjointed badly… Although I’m guessing here…

> Anyhow, after winning, Lee Chang Myung was interviewing Oppa…

> “Mr. So Ji Sub, you’ve won… How are you feeling now…?” I think it was this kind of interview…

> However, Oppa was unable to talk much…

> That’s when I realized… Oppa’s hurt…

> Honestly, during the competition, I couldn’t tell at all that he was injured…

> Oppa must have run only thinking of winning…

> Anyways, when he went inside the waiting bench he kept on touching his shoulders and he looked he was in pain…

> It was obvious he was hurting…

> That’s why I called Chun Shiljang and I told him Jisub Oppa looked hurt…

> And that’s when Chun Shiljang started running… passing through other entertainers…

> Oppa walked down… towards the basement of the stadium… escorted by the security guards, with Myung Soo Oppa behind…

> I too followed him… I followed him crying so much I thought I’d die.

> Yong Tae Oppa went to look for the doctor…

> I… was so shocked and worried… Would he be alright?... Why did he have to get hurt?... I was so mad I wanted to die.

> Anyhow, I followed him. Jisub Oppa was sitting at the basement stairs and in a lot of pain… T T

> He kept telling Myung Soo Oppa that he was hurting… His face looked distorted and he kept on touching his shoulders…

> I was watching that and I was completely broken…

> Soon after, he went into the infirmary room with the doctor…

> When the doctor came out, I asked him if he’s alright…

> “It’s not too serious but he won’t be able to do any sports for a while…” T T

> ‘Nothing too serious’? Yeah right...

> So after Oppa got his first-aid treatment he went back to the stadium…

> He didn’t participate though, he just watched… From then on, he wasn’t able to take his right hand off his pocket…

> Oh My, I was so distressed…

> I gave up filming altogether… my will was gone… I just couldn’t make myself film a hurting Oppa…

> When I was almost done filming, Yong Tae Oppa told me to wait in the car so I went down to the parking lot…

> Diah and I were the only ones to make it there… The rest of the people, none of them got to see Oppa…

> Not too long after I got there, Oppa came down…

> But he looked so much in pain…

> I: “Oppa, is your injured shoulder OK?”

> But… trying to control his pain, he said: “My shoulder’s pretty messy now…”

> After this, Oppa went directly to the hospital…

> Yong Tae Oppa told me to wait for him near by while he too goes to the hospital…

> But the hospital visit must have taken him too long… he called me back and told me not to wait…

>”This is not looking good at all… tomorrow’s shooting will be impossible…”

> So after this, I went back to Seoul.


>I watched Oppa hurting with my own eyes…

>It was a really painful sight… I was suffering too, it was unbelievable…

>How I hate Dream Team now… every time I think of it my heart jumps~ scared…

>Please Oppa, don’t get hurt anymore…



To watch her complete DREAM TEAM ENCOUNTER STORIES by Hershey, go to:




The diagnosis and precautious

Prognosis of So Ji Sub’s Shoulder Injury: Estimated Healing Time of 16 Weeks

[sports Today 2002-03-23]

So Ji Sub, who received a thorough medical examination for his shoulder injury (Sports Today March 26th, Article #15) at Seoul Yongsang Sacred River Hospital, was diagnosed on the 27th of this month of broken ligaments and disjointed muscles, with an estimated recovery time of 16 weeks.


The medical personnel have reported that So Ji Sub need surgery right away. They have entreated So Ji Sub and his agency saying that working with such a big injury in a drama would be unthinkable, and that even his daily life will be affected if he were not to have the surgery right away. However, since he is unable to get out of the SBS Drama Special “Glass Shoes” where he is presently playing a leading role, he will wait until finishing the drama at the end of July to have the surgery and proper treatment. However, from now on, he will be careful in not doing many action scenes which may worsen his condition.

By reporter Kim Dae Oh nomoretears@sportstoday.co.kr


Work load after medical warning:

The surgery was delayed almost 5 months.

The young man had to finish his drama Glass Slippers and his first movie Can't Live Without Robbery which released on 27/09/2002. Both characters required many action scenes, especially, as Choi Kang-jo in Can't Live Without Robbery, Jisub himself performed highly dangerous actions.




They hang him on wire in those diving scenes.





And then, there was cliff-hanger climbing






Oh man, you smiled but your fans were kind of worried sick!!!


Can't Live Without Robbery making clip. His right arm was bleeding by the huge dog's claws...



Last episode of Glass Slippers was aired on 28/07/2002. He was Park Chul-woong, a Bruce Lee wannabe who found himself often involved in fighting. Although Jisub's right shoulder condition did not allow him working as much, he delivered Chul-woong so good.




When you cried watching Chul-woong fought to death to protect his love on his wedding day, behind the scenes, our man Jisub sure had a hard time in real pain.




Five hours surgery and the afterward


Thanks reporter Kim Sang Man who wrote this article on Naver News so we got to know a bit details about his surgery


[City Life 2002-10-04]

I kept looking at my watch for a long time. Everyone who met him before said that he was an actor who never breaks his promises and he is always very punctual. Thus, I wanted to see if this was true. The small hand of the clock was right in between 12 to 1. Our appointment was 12:30 noon time. As soon as the long hand pointed at the number 6, signalling the 30 minutes, without joking, he opened the door and walked in.


However, I was more surprised at something else besides his punctuality. The entire right side of his arm was covered with a plaster cast. I felt it wasn’t from a small wound. The role he took for his first movie “Steal It If You Can” is that of a computer programmer who turns into a thief at night. For such a queer character, I was told he had to shoot many dangerous action scenes hanging on a wire, I wondered if he was injured while filming the movie.


“I hurt my shoulders when I fell during the program ‘Let’s Go Dream Team!’ He said this incredible thing as if it were the most natural thing. He was then diagnosed as having broken ligaments and disjointed muscles. He had to go through a severe 5 hours surgical operation where parts of his bones were cut to be re-joint, but he did this only after he finished filming the entire movie.

No one would blame him if he was to complain of pain after such a big injury, but he doesn’t express any of that.

(From "Several Misconceptions Regarding So Ji Sub")


In sling, still very handsome




At Can't Live Without Robbery Premier and theatre rounds clip.The clip also showed some of his dangerous scenes on wires or in sport car.

Many fans concerned his shoulder. They even gathered outside the theatre to have private chat with him.



Though the incident had already past for a long time, now review it, I'm shuddered at the thought he suffered his injury to get the job finished. Please take care of yourself babe! Blessed you!







Back to W Magazine 2012, Wounded Style, 10 years later. The man indeed was so attractive!


Posted Image


There was a head line on Soompi News "So Ji Sub is the Definition of Smoking Hot in W Korea”






"... the actor throws off his gentlemanly image and instead shows a beat up, rough image.  The props of a finger splint or a medical cane, unexpectedly add to his charisma, making So Ji Sub look tough and masculine."



Beside, on Kdramachoa.com, I guess the reporter was a lady because the way she expressed her feeling indeed as dramatic as a fangirl in love:

"...Recently, So Ji Sub appears on W Korea magazine and shows his ruggedly charms. He posed with wounded style, as if he is the leader of gangster who’s wounded  after the gangsters war. With those poses, the messy appearance, the face before-morning-shave, and the cold expression…ah... So Ji Sub, as always, makes me melting…he is so HOT!"



Posted Image


My ladies, before we finish our Sunday talk , please enjoy the Wounded Style making clip.

You might want to know why I take such a hurry end? Well, the more I watch him in this style (I swear I've already tried to control myself), the more I wish to...sponge bathe him too...


Wonder he would smile or cry reading this?

Jisub ah, sorry babe, saranghaeyo!!!




(All photos, gifts and clips credit to owners)


Edited by mathi
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Thank you so much @Mathi for the delicious update...hahaha:D...I just like a person who wants to know everything about SJS at every second :lol: What can I do ?I'm soooo addicted with him.  He's the one and only perfect entertainer for me, good looking, brilliat actor, talented rapper, awesome model, high skilled athlete...almost perfect, right ?  :wub: 

Watch how energic SJS & Soul Dive rapped & dance here...it's not ordinary FM, it's a very special FM, only SJS can make it ! 


One thing that bothered me at this time is after SSH announced officially that he is dating with Crystal Liu, what will happen to SJS ? I'm worry that he will be more lonely. If the title of the newest SSH's movie is "Miss Wife", the movie's title seemed appropriate for his conditions now is "Need Wife". But if Jisub indeed still want to be single, I don't mind too. It's entirely up to SJS. 


Hi sujisubaddicted, I hope SJS could find his special someone soon also who could take care of him & love him in return just like his best buddy. :lol:

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Yippeee...Wounded Style !

Can't stop my smile read your topic, @mathi . Wounded style is my biiiiig favorite photoshoot besides Highcut 2014. I even keep the making video on my phones. I think that is the best work from all Jisub's photoshoots. Very unique & creative concept. Like seeing a handsome prince who returned home from the battlefield and attended a party. Charismatic, no smile, sharp eyesight, dashing, even his pain not able to defeat him. Actually I saw in the real world and as a model is not much different. Or maybe the magazine's art director got her inspiration from Jisub himself ? 

pizap.com14391386776461.jpgThe real world and The Photoshoot 

Yes, at The Glass Slipper he could not use  his right arm to fight, look at this video. Poor Jisub, he must wait months to get the surgery. Can't imagine how big his suffer during the waiting time. 

Thanks @Mathi for your writting. I'll wait another story from you. :wub::wub:

@Willenette : Yes, that's my hope too. :)


Let's Play Together !

Why don't we playing together in this forum ? Is it okay if I ask all of you to play a simple oppinion game ? It's just for making fun, nothing else. Read the question in the picture and write your answer, that's all.  


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Cola Bottle Baby MV official is out ! 

I've just realised that actually Sojisub & Soul Dive have sung this song at Shanghai Lets go together FM 2015 last week! I even posted the link before and said that it was amazing to watch how energic Jisub & Soul Dive without knowing that it was his new song ! :w00t:

Here's the link Jisub & Soul Dive sang at FM : http://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:9ba60fcb5f60c468f975119cf3c8724b

I like their appereance when sang that song,  I thought it's Soul Dive's song..and search in aaaaaall their album...LOL ! It wasn't my fault, they didn't say anything about it. :lol::lol:

Okey, here's the caps & gifs from sojisubar 



82a9b007gw1euxieb8v7zg209408jtws.gif 82a9b007gw1euxiedsoceg209f07x7wh.gif

82a9b007gw1euxieffiq7g208c07ong4.gif 82a9b007gw1euxieh9y0cg207u08ku07.gif




Whoooo...Jisub ssi...who is your cola bottle baby anyway ? You hold it so tight LOL


Edited by sojisubaddicted
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Thank you my friend @sojisubaddicted for the updates! Fantastic MV!!!:wub: I guess he had a lot of fun making it.

I read somewhere that some fans don't like the sexy girls scenes in the MV. To me everything okay :P Our SJS has to meet more girls to find his love after all. The most appropriate girl is up to him, right? If she gives him all of her heart and makes him happy then we'll love her too. Go boy!!!

Some of us here can be good candidates, don't you think??? :D:D

Today fans met him at 51K. The man had lollipop in his mouth :lol:













(credit as tagged via Sojisubar)



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Guest sugarmay

Thank you Thank you for every amazing uploads always ,Fantastic ladies here!!


Yay! Finally coming "Cola Bottle Baby" MV!! XD

I read the staff blog said this video has a lot of Jisub’s ad-liv…Wow,his ad-liv!? haha!! So sweet!!



dear @mathi  After all I love your all great stories..I definitely believe he is the sexiest man with all kinds of injuries in the world…^^


dear @sojisubaddicted  Mmm, I wish..the most appropriate girl for Jisub has…

Kim Soo-yeon’s strength, and Oh Youn-ji’s cheerfulness,and Tae Gong-shil’s tenderheartedness..
Oh,Girl!! Hurry to pour your love on him!!!

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Thank you Thank you for every amazing uploads always ,Fantastic ladies here!!


Yay! Finally coming "Cola Bottle Baby" MV!! XD

I read the staff blog said this video has a lot of Jisub’s ad-liv…Wow,his ad-liv!? haha!! So sweet!!



dear @mathi  After all I love your all great stories..I definitely believe he is the sexiest man with all kinds of injuries in the world…^^


dear @sojisubaddicted  Mmm, I wish..the most appropriate girl for Jisub has…

Kim Soo-yeon’s strength, and Oh Youn-ji’s cheerfulness,and Tae Gong-shil’s tenderheartedness..
Oh,Girl!! Hurry to pour your love on him!!!

Thank you my dearest @sugarmay  :) I always love your homemade pictures and gifts honey!!!

Hmmm... the girl for SJS in your opinion sounds like...me :sweatingbullets: just joking my dear ;) Who wakes up to his face and body is definitely a blessed person!

Today pictures at 51K, he wore plain black T-shirt reminds me his appearance at Miss Wife Premier. Let's review how Korean girls pour their love on him












(credit via Jum)

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Hi all SJS fans here...hug for all of you

Here's the complete clip SJS at Miss Wife Premiere & The Interview





He attracted more attention of the audience than from another star :lol: 100% media & audience lover ! 

Video & pics credit to sojisubar

Thank you my friend @sojisubaddicted for the updates! Fantastic MV!!!:wub: I guess he had a lot of fun making it.

I read somewhere that some fans don't like the sexy girls scenes in the MV. To me everything okay :P Our SJS has to meet more girls to find his love after all. The most appropriate girl is up to him, right? If she gives him all of her heart and makes him happy then we'll love her too. Go boy!!!

Some of us here can be good candidates, don't you think??? :D:D

Today fans met him at 51K. The man had lollipop in his mouth :lol:

 @Mathi : thank you for the answer, yes ofcourse dear, the most appropriate criteria of girl is up to him, :lol: but it's a game...if u answer like that than the game is already over immediately. Hahaha...it's okay, I knew it's just because you're very fond of him. 

Oh my...is it really some fans don't like the sexy girls scenes in mv ? I think Cola Bottle Baby MV is a very good video,I like it very much. There are many funny scenes there, colapong game...hahaha...did you notice that ? And also blind test...that cola hat...who made it ? :lol: 




All pics credit as labelled

And about the sexy girls...I think Jisub must more often meet with sexy girls like them. But yes, it seems many fans are soooo loving Jisub and want to protect him with all the way. I remember when old rumor spread about Jisub and girls from Afterschool (JY) dating, a lot of cruel criticism come from netizens, the average criticized Jisub's choice ( although it's just a rumor). It's said the girl must to be equivalent to Jisub and so on. There is one funny comment I read in the article on the Internet: "Why are people acting as if they are Chaebol parents, while Jisub is their favorite son and JY is a lower level girl who was trying to hook Jisub?" :lol::lol:  What could he done...become the public's favorite actor is a heavy burden . At the good side, the public wants Jisub got the best. 

Now.. about the new song , although SJS didn't rap much, but it's okay...I love the song, Souldive & DJ Juice have make a good collaboration. Jisub has made me become a Soul Dive's fans too...:lol:

Here's another short clip about Baby song at Shanghai FM :


@Sugarmay : Kim Soo Hyeon...who is she, can't remember..is it from Glass Slipper ? You have wrote a perfect criterias. Thank you



Edited by sojisubaddicted
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A short summary of Let's Go Together in Shanghai 2015

Love is always awesome and touching to one's heart!!!!

SJS's lovers fighting!

(credit Baidu Sojisubar)

Hi mathi, thanks for sharing the photos & the video. NICE. :P




From Song Joong-ki to So Ji-sub, handsome oppas are coming back



Please stop crying because Kim Soo-hyeon-I's "Producers" ended.

More handsome oppas are coming back. As hot A-list actors are coming back to small screens, it is making female drama fans' hearts pound.


(skipped unrelated.....)


'So-gansi' So Ji-sub has been confirmed to star in KSS 2TV's new Monday & Tuesday drama, "Oh My God". "Oh My God" is a romantic comedy about a couple, who used to be childhood friends, meet as adults again and find love and health by going through diet challenge together. As this is So Ji-sub's choice after his two year break since SBS 'Master's Sun' and he pairs up with goddess Sin Min-ah, the birth of extremely beautiful couple is anticipated.


Source : www.tvreport.co.kr/?c...

Translation : Hancinema



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 @Mathi : thank you for the answer, yes ofcourse dear, the most appropriate criteria of girl is up to him, :lol: but it's a game...if u answer like that than the game is already over immediately. Hahaha...it's okay, I knew it's just because you're very fond of him. 

Oh my...is it really some fans don't like the sexy girls scenes in mv ? I think Cola Bottle Baby MV is a very good video,I like it very much. There are many funny scenes there, colapong game...hahaha...did you notice that ? And also blind test...that cola hat...who made it ? :lol:

All pics credit as labelled

And about the sexy girls...I think Jisub must more often meet with sexy girls like them. But yes, it seems many fans are soooo loving Jisub and want to protect him with all the way. I remember when old rumor spread about Jisub and girls from Afterschool (JY) dating, a lot of cruel criticism come from netizens, the average criticized Jisub's choice ( although it's just a rumor). It's said the girl must to be equivalent to Jisub and so on. There is one funny comment I read in the article on the Internet: "Why are people acting as if they are Chaebol parents, while Jisub is their favorite son and JY is a lower level girl who was trying to hook Jisub?" :lol::lol:  What could he done...become the public's favorite actor is a heavy burden . At the good side, the public wants Jisub got the best. 

Now.. about the new song , although SJS didn't rap much, but it's okay...I love the song, Souldive & DJ Juice have make a good collaboration. Jisub has made me become a Soul Dive's fans too...:lol:

Here's another short clip about Baby song at Shanghai FM :


@Sugarmay : Kim Soo Hyeon...who is she, can't remember..is it from Glass Slipper ? You have wrote a perfect criterias. Thank you



Hi sujisubaddicted I do agree with you - the MV is good, I like it, too! It's an upbeat track. The track brings a fun-filled groove while describing the ideal figure. I was curious seeing the teaser that So Ji Sub hugs a giant Coke bobble throughout various cuts. Finally....I saw the full MV for “Cola Bottle Baby” now. NICE. :P

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My dear friends,

On 10/08/2015, fans showed photos taken in front of 51K which had been posted here. However, those are not all. There are some more, focused on some great parts of the man they love (my poor man :P):

Big chest


Sexy legs


Joyce Smith-Yagoda on FB commented:  

"Bye sweetie for now but the ladies will be back! Wherever there is a handsome man, there are pretty ladies!"


(credit as tagged via Sojisubar)


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Guest sugarmay


@Sugarmay : Kim Soo Hyeon...who is she, can't remember..is it from Glass Slipper ? You have wrote a perfect criterias. Thank you

Ah,sorry but it’s not “Kim Soo-Hyeon”…I mentioned “Kim Soo-yeon”,a heroin of Road No1. I admire her strength in the story.:wub:
Also I look up to these charming heroins in the beautiful kiss scenes…They make my heart flutter ^^:P

All SJS fans here...Always Thank you for lovely posts!

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I believe dear @‌sugarmay can read mind, 'cause she knows how to make me happy :lol::lol:

Those kiss scenes are killing me my sweet friend d1%20(23).gif Thank you!!!!!:wub::wub:

You touch my weakness!!!!




Now, I'm smiling happily




Ready to face a busy day!


(gifts credit to onwers)

Edited by mathi
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