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Just found this at weibo : 

#CELEBEE MD's choice # week CELEBEE MD SJS SPECIAL ITEM-- official launch of the surrounding 51 baseball cap! Simple style fits all with Oh! Merchandise at SJS appeared several times in the SNS! Click on the official website of SJS quickly CELEBEE area will meet fans buy it ~

The web : http://www.celebee.cn/products/2015-SO-JI-SUB-FANMEETING-OFFICIAL-GOODS-/77/#none


What is the meaning of SxS ? Is it " S(o) x (Ji) S(ub) or what ? 

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# SJS Taiwan's "Weekly Times" reported 1954, thank you very much pro masaechen Share electronic version of this book will be, we can pay attention to the field under slightly ~ reports which referred to "SJS every day" Some interesting Q & A, excerpts out:

the article mentioned some Q&A from "So Jisub's Everyday", translated below,

Q. How's your bowling skill?
A. I'm super good at it.

Q. During your vacation, are you active or layback?
A. 80% of time I'm active, and 20% of time I'm layback.

Q. Must-do before you sleep?
A. Brush my teeth

Q. What's your favorite foreign film?
A. I like <Romeo & Juliet>.

Credit thanks to : Sojisubar FB




Another news from Sojisubar : 

1. OMG might not be able to air on Mon-Tue slot in October as another drama is under discussion to be aired during that time.

2. 《Goodbye Mr.Black》

A famous Korean comic "Goodby Mr.Black" from 32 years ago will be made into a drama and netizens saying that Jisub should be the first choice as Mr Black.

3. Famous Japanese food stylist Naomi Iijima said she's a fan of Song Kang-ho and Jisub, and she would be happy to join their film (as food stylist) if she had the chance.


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Awesome updates! Thank you so much my dear @sojisubaddicted! :wub:

I believe he's not only super- good at bowling but also in other sports. Please look at his reflex here my friends:




About Oh My God, I got this feeling that everything will be OK. It'll be aired as plan because of huge expectation from the public. SIS is priority!!! :D

SJS fighting!!!


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@mathi....chingu...OMG!!!....hotness overload, absolutely...!!! how can this guy be sooooo SEXY...YAH!....:sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

@sojisubaddicted....your'e amazing in what you too bring to the thread, "the creative fans".....WOW! going so far as to create the same tattoos....WOW!!....Thank you for your updates...appreciated much...absolutely!

I see there may be an imminent delay in the upcoming drama OMG!.....sigh!....here we were all ready to see this gorgeous man back in a role and on our screens, weekly and with the beautiful goddess SMA too, and now being told to like....wait, a little longer...chinta?.....aiiieesshhh!!!...(what to do what to do....):crazy::crazy:

Lets continue to wait for our precious man and in the meantime, support and enjoy his next FM's in Japan and Shanghai.....(so busy this guy...)

Thank you @ALL for the many updates and beautiful pics always.....SJS FIGHTING!! :):)

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:wub:...and finally The Boss arrived safely at Shanghai:wub:






credit : gandhiism at weibo

Fans were welcoming SJS enthusiastically 









credit : @苏志燮饭团 at weibo

The video : http://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:deb61edcf21de90a4b7b9de999c5e212

OMG he walked soooo fast...fans have difficulties to taking photos...and as usual, no smile, blank face...hahaha...but I think all fans has knew that he smiles through his eyes



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Guest 02yoxanoh


Hi. Just wanna share this...

The Master's Sun is back in Philippine tv under GMA 7 network, re-airing on 8.3 / Monday -Friday at 9:35 am PST ! Scary in the morning haha!

SJS' character name here is Johan Joo ( pronounce Yohan) 

Cr. gmaheartofasia's ig

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Good morning everyone, enjoy your beautiful Sunday. Hope SJS has enough time to rest last night. He must save big energy to the FM event. Last night I had rewatched the Taiwan FM from YouTube (shared by mjwenspm). At "Boy Go" , I think he was so tired that he can't sing that song full. Fortunately there were Soul Dive who helped so much. Eleven hip hop songs in one hour? Wow...just my opinion, isn't it too much? 

So Ganzi fighting!!!!  

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From Sojisubfanatics:






Your concern to SJS is so nice my friend @sojisubaddicted! 11 songs in 1 hour took a lot of energy indeed.

SJS fighting!!!


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A ride to your life

17 (2)


Many people scare to ghosts even though most of them are not able to see this “invisible force”. Yet, ghost stories fascinate people of all time. In that light, ghost movies are made. While the scary ones were dull by time, the awesome remained. Movie Ghost, 1990, was one of them.

My ladies,

Our man So Jisub was also found in a fantastic ghost love story, U-turn series 2008.




The "dosage of love" here was much lighter than Ghost. However, U-turn had earned popular beyond expected. Would you like to take a ride to this car advertising movie today?

U-turn series - A summary

The 30 years old handsome man, actor So Jisub, performed a bad temper – good hearted man who, by chance, encountered a beautiful stranger. She was strange in many ways. However, the thrill of her short present was enough to make the young man sigh in those lonely spring nights afterward. He could not find her anywhere on earth even if he wanted to because she’s not like any other girl surrounding him. She is a GHOST.

Fans' wish

Actor So Jisub looked so cool in this car advertising!




U-turn was aired on OCN network from 01.April to 18.April.2008, attracted huge attention from the public. There were 4 episodes, each lasted only 5 minutes. After watching and re-watching them many times, fans complained: Not enough SJS for me…

Oh yeah, 20 minutes of SJS here had just made viewers toss and turn wishing “Please make some more!”

Of course they didn’t make some more for us. The whole successful campaign called Car Advertising sure had nice time drinking tea together while non-stop amazed at SJS effect.

My dear friends, reading fans' wish, I've tried to make a bit extension to U-turn. I hope you don't mind some little details I add to our  already interested story line. It's just a way to kill your time while waiting for updates from his Shanghai FM tonight.

When you're ready, please check spoiler!


U-turn extension




A ride to your life


1. Jisub


After my father passed away, my mother took great care of us, her three little sons, as if she wanted to make up for the loss. We often went to the parks or picnic by the riverside. Our laughers echo in my mind till now. I love you Mom, the only lady who ever touch my heart. The three of us still live together since she took her forever rest in a peaceful cemetery.

Three bachelors in a house. Let’s vote who’s going to break free from the lonely state first!




Not me for sure.

I'm a bad temper guy who’s always hiding in the studio recording music. Too bad, today audition is a failure. And I don't feel alright. At noon, we were down town to find something to eat. My senior happened to meet his weird friend Madam Go, who calls herself a fortune-teller sitting next to our table. She insisted on predict our love life for free. The girls were all excited. Then came my turn, I glared at her as if to say: Ah, come on, please leave me out of this nonsense business.

“You’ll dedicate your first love to a spirit.” That’s all she said with a small smile.




Everyone laughed and joked “That’s right. Jisub would love a spirit if he meets one. Please make sure send him the beautiful ghosts only…”

But when the fortune-teller’s eyes met mine, she did not laugh at all, I even read her pity on me.

What’s that for lady? A 30 years old man that I am has better things to do than believe in some prediction from a stranger. A spirit or a ghost, as if you can meet one if you like. Mom left us for 5 years, despite how much I miss and adore her, I haven’t seen her once, even in my dream.




It’s raining on my way home.

Spring rain in the late afternoon seems make people hurry back to their warm sanctuary and me, also hurry back to The House of Bachelors, to enjoy my single status to max.




The car shudders as if runs over something on this very smooth freeway. What is it? I stop and walk around the back of the car.




Nothing wrong here… wait, the trunk  is slightly ajar. Did I really hit the open trunk button by accident?




Don’t know why I feel a bit nervous. Maybe the fortune-telling account has managed to get on my nerves. Anyway, let see if there is something weird here…




OH GOD! A girl in the trunk. All my stuffs are disappeared. How can she get in my damn trunk in this damn wet day?


This is totally a big big joke.



2. Yeon Hee


I open my eyes in the dark and feel so cold. I always feel cold. The light suddenly floods in with the moist in the air. Oh it’s raining. Long time since I can feel the moist on my skin again. But that’s not what catch my eyes but the man standing in the rain. He startles at the sight of me and seem cursing under his breaths. Something familiar about him as if I met him many times before but I just can’t remember when. Anyhow, as wet as he is in the rain, I like him. 

Ahjussi, I’m cold. Please help me out!




I'm sure I used to have old good days but don't know why I couldn't recall any of them. This seems bother the men much, especially him, who is frustrated walking up and down the living room.




First night in the strange house, I'm sleeping on the sofa. The house looks clean and tidy and has a masculine style. The pillow is sending this nice fragrant to my nose, of him, I thought pleasantly before sleep. 




Why do I know this is his scent or why I trust him won't do me any harm... well, I guess these riddles have to wait until tomorrow. Right now, the warm and the scent are more than enough to lure me into a nice sleep ...



3. Jisub


While I said "Sing. Just sing", she's talk nonsense instead.




Last night after hearing she hummed a tune I thought music might help to recall some of her memories. I take her to my studio today to work it out. Now look how she makes me mad.


** You've just fooling around, haven't you? Because it's fun? Right?

** I liked that your voice sounded so close... I really like that.


The girl says she likes my voice. No one has ever said that. Since I'm this "nice" person who always jumps and yells under stress. Sure I scare all the girls away by this temper. Hm... girl, you seem brave enough.




4. Yeon Hee


Another pleasant night!




It's always a pleasant to be with him. Though this morning he got mad at me but I felt behind the tantrum there is a very warm heart. He definitely can be nice and gentle and cute, like now, when he's singing my song.




My brain doesn't have much memory but this moment sure has made one of my bests.

I like you!

Don't you know your deep voice causing deep vibrancy in my heart too?




Oh, this is how a man's skin feel. Your skin is so warm and smooth. The man I like seems surprise at my touch. Jasmine from somewhere sends sweet fragrant in the breezes, slowly turning the night into exquisite. I wish to be with you forever ahjussi!



5. Yeon Hee


Like waking up from a dream, to my horror, I’ve realized that I’m no longer belong to this world but the Realm of Death.

One minute before I’m a happy girl who’s certain of my adoration for this one Man, the next minute, I’m just a poor spirit.




My hands holding my head, I scream my heart out, knowing that he gets to know who I am by now.

I’m shattered.

It’s unbearable to get back to my lonely invisible present, wandering in the dark, gliding on the top of the grass, whispering my sorrow along the wind. Impossible. Impossible to stand that “life” again.

Oh Ahjussi, you forever remain out of my reach.




I would never ever touch your warm skin again, smell your scent, hear your warm voice close to my ears or feel your care... My senses are full of you, yet, still not enough… 3 nights reborn to be with you were so precious, each minute worth living, Ahjussi.


Saying that I'll get sick with a summer cold in your stead

You made me, who was weary of love, start dreaming again

You looked at me and smiled, asking what I was so happy about

That smile no longer exists

I think I'll never be able to love again

Because I love you... (U-turn OST)




However, I'm grateful to The Good God, by miracle, let me taking a ride to his life, to be with my dream man. An absolutely divine ride indeed!




Dear God, thank you! Please show me the way! From now I would serve you with no regret.



6. Jisub


The photo of a young girl on the grave revealed under my handkerchief takes away my breaths. That’s her, the mysterious girl I wanted to take care of from now on.




Yeon Hee was beautiful. But,

she was ... death.

Why am I not that scared to this horrible truth? Why don’t I jump and yell “Why me? Why now?”




Last night, on the way to pick her up from the police station I smiled like an idiot. Then I yelled like an idiot. Suddenly I felt happy. No one takes her in means fate brought her to me, right? You’d changed my boring life. I would also make you happy in my own ways.

But, you are a ghost.

There’s something shattered in me, something regret, something pity to her and most of all, this sad feeling acknowledge that I’ll never meet her again as a human being who could grow old along with me, thrill to watch how love starts to thrive or even arguing now and then would make good memories.

I don’t know the living Yeon Hee. But the ghost Yeon Hee was nice and sweet. No matter how crazy my mood driven on her, she looked at me with gentle bright eyes.




Her beautiful eyes soothed my temper in no time. I want to hear you saying that I’m a good man, that you like my voice again Yeon Hee ah.

Butterflies in my stomach when I saw her driving this red car on the opposite lane.

Is this possible?

I make a sudden U-turn sending the world veering crazily like my own feelings. At least I have to see her this one time. The last time maybe. My brothers have no idea of what’s going on, or why I stop the car and walking like a dreamer on the empty street.

Both she and the car materialize in front of me again.




It pains me to think this youthful shape now laying deep under the cold ground in the cemetery. Yeon Hee ah, let get free from this world without regret and be a happy angel in the Heaven where you should belong.

As if read my mind, she smiles.




She said that just as quick as a wink she could leave, forever this time.

Is there any man on earth ever in my situation? Who would feel sympathy to me? Because when the spirit bidding her last farewell with a sweet smile, my inside seems melting for the first time in my life…

Let’s wish the best for each of us, whatever route would be. Goodbye Yeon Hee!




I'm alone tonight, but I've never been my own self again. Jasmine smell so nice in the air reminds me of her.

I miss you!

By miracle, your voice stills here which I'm listening again and again.




Madam Go was right, I would dedicate this first Love to her if fate lets me.

The stars are twinkling from above or her eyes smiling down at me? Yeon Hee ah, please rest in peace!




Onscreen or real life, you thrill me to the bones! Jisub ah, actor So Jisub, saranghaeyo!!!




(All photos, gift and clips credit to owners)

Edited by mathi
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@saturn....thank you so much for the link to SJS's time line (SJS special)....that was amazing, cute and so hilariously adorable...kamsamnida, absolutely! SJS has certainly come a long way from where he was first in the spotlight (swimming) to modelling, to the amazing and beautiful dramas, to being an emcee on a pop music programme with the crazy and zany hairstyles, the emergence and love of his hip hop dreams', the guest star appearances on reality shows, the CF's,  to the  the cameo roles, the Asian Tour 2014 and now the "Lets Go Together FM's 2015"......this guy works sooooo hard and soooo diligently, sigh! He deserves so much to be the Top Celebrity Star that he is..... absolutely! Woot woot Yippee....!!...thank you so much..If its true that OMG will not be airing this year, lets hope our SJS will rest again soon, relax and just enjoy and embrace life....

@mat hi...sigh...dearest chingu, you continue to be amazing and your creativity just keeps getting better every time...WOW!!, You go Girl!!....thank you so much...Your concept of U-turn is amazing, choo hoo....!! He is so dreamy and again, another beautiful pairing (though I think LYH was quite young then....BUT, they collaborated again in 2012 Phantom...sigh)...I have watched U-turn many times and though it took a while to get used to SJS shouting like every single moment, I warmed to the love story told and have embraced this short film absolutely, every single time...SJS was just the spunk-iest, dont you think...OMG!! hotness overload....kamsa dear chingu, for taking us back there....

Shanghai FM must be pumping right now, lots of girlie fans screaming for more, lots of sweaty bodies on stage....OMG...looking forward to the pics and fan made vids...YAY! Good luck and Congratulations, SJS FIGHTING!! :)

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51k Weibo update before the start of FM in Shanghai.

一会儿见哦! ee9084.png See you soon!



Photos from Easy Idol via FB and Baidu SJS






















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So Ganzi's new tattoo: peach & smiley

He once said he really likes the smell of peach :wub:








About peaches, Jisub mentioned in Magazine SONICe 2012 that he like peaches...

Well, his passion of peach is enough to have it tattooed on his body now ... :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:



Beautiful smiles!!! :wub:








(From Sojisubar)

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An article about the new MVs


So Ji Sub Releases Two Music Videos For His New Song ‘SO GANZI’



[by Sora Ghim] Actor So Ji Sub released two versions of his music video for ‘SO GANZI.’

So Ji Sub released his single ‘So Ganzi’ on July 22 which contains SO GANZI (BLACK) and SO GANZI (WHITE). After a year and a month, So Ji Sub is back as a rapper. On August 3 at noon, the two music videos were revealed, adding fire to the ‘Rapper So Ganzi Fever.’

The new song ‘SO GANZI’ talks about the public’s view on him as a rapper. In the music video, he expresses himself openly without regard to what others think. In his title song ‘SO GANZI (BLACK),’ he sits on a sofa and raps the song, becoming an alluring ‘charisma rapper.’ In ‘SO GANZI (WHITE),’ he is a free-spirited gambler and attracts attention with his 180 degree different charm.

The music videos were filmed on July 15 and 16 over a span of two days. Filming lasted 23 hours in a relay filming. However, So Ji Sub was full of energy all through the night. Matching the concept, he wore accessories that he personally prepared and was very detailed and meticulous, showing his love for hip hop.

Director Kim Se Hee directed the music video for ‘SO GANZI (BLACK).’ Known for directing other hip hop musicians’ videos such as Zico’s ‘Tough Cookie’ and Jay Park, Vasco, Crush and more, Kim Se Hee is recognized in the field. Anticipation rose for the combination of So Ji Sub and Kim Se Hee.

Meanwhile, So Ji Sub started his ‘2015 Asia Fan Meeting’ and will be in Kobe and Tokyo on August 28 and 30. (photo by 51K)



My dear friends,

I'm so happy So Ganzi MVs are welcomed warmly. Within 24 hours after released, The Black version has reached 15292 views and The White version earns 10313 views so far. Yay!

Rapper G has marked his own style in hip hop music. He's so amazing!!!!

Love him love him!!!!



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Thank you for keep update Innerchild & Mathi. Yesterday was So Ganzi's day...pics from he was heading back to Seoul, from the concert, and than...So Ganzi MV officially released. News every where but I have a lot works to do. :phew:

I cried after watching the MV yesterday. I can't hold my emotion. God...finally, after a very looong journey, all of his dream to become recognized rapper has succeed. His new twin songs So Ganzi praised not only by fans but also by professional. Jisub proved that hard work can realize a dream. Jisub is a valuable role model for all people not just the fans.

:wub:So Jisub ssi, congratulations!:wub:


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Thank you for keep update Innerchild & Mathi. Yesterday was So Ganzi's day...pics from he was heading back to Seoul, from the concert, and than...So Ganzi MV officially released. News every where but I have a lot works to do. :phew:

I cried after watching the MV yesterday. I can't hold my emotion. God...finally, after a very looong journey, all of his dream to become recognized rapper has succeed. His new twin songs So Ganzi praised not only by fans but also by professional. Jisub proved that hard work can realize a dream. Jisub is a valuable role model for all people not just the fans.

:wub:So Jisub ssi, congratulations!:wub:



Some days like that my friends, good news from everywhere and you are in wonderful emotions. In both MVs our SJS looked so fine: stylish, handsome an all :wub:

Thank you actor SJS and the team for your awesome performance and beautiful songs!!! :wub:

I believe he would say


Oh, my dear fans, you like them? Thank you!!!




Hope you have fun and love life like I do!!!




Everyone, cheer!!!



(Screen caps credit to Sojisubar)

Edited by mathi
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