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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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Im in a dilemma now. I was so happy when it was announced that he will be gg to singapore. I keep saying to myself that it was a rare chance n i need to buy the tix. I really want to see his face live.

But..... today, i just lost my identification card n it will cost me $300 for a replacement ( since this is my second time) Ohmmmyyyyy, wad a luck!! :(( :((

Ottoke!! The timing is jus so right :(:(

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Guest dandelion606

A Taiwanese fan posted that she received an email from 51k notifying that she will receive a "thank you" present, because her Q&A video was selected for FM. She said she was very touched and became speechless when she received the email, because : 
1) she sent the video to Enlightenment Entertainment (FM organizer), but it is 51k who contacted her personally in return; 
2) FM ended a while ago and everything seems to have come to an end; yet, Jisub and his team are very considerate, they are not only planning for upcoming FM, but reviewing and taking care of past events as well. 
She also mentioned that the email was sent at 8:30 pm (*not sure if it's KST or not, but one hour difference only), she was surprised 51k staff were still working at that time...

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Guest dandelion606

According to Jisub Japan FC, he will arrive in Kansei International Airport next Thursday (July 17th) morning. Photo/video are forbidden for fans who wish to welcome him in the airport...
(Japanese translation credit: weibo/tieba@移动的荷尔蒙)

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Thanks Sara62 for the video.
I have read the translated lyrics for most of his songs and I can't help but wonder if it is all from personal experience. 
If it is, it pains me to know how much he has been through. *sigh* at least it is comforting to know he is able to release his inner feelings through the beautiful music he is producing. Thanks to So Ji Sub, I am currently enjoying rap. His previous album 6pm GROUND was pretty good too.

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Guest dandelion606

Jisub's Saying (update 6) New content will be highlighted in blue

<A Story that I've Told No One> - So Ji Sub

I debut when I was very young, have been in the industry for a long time now;
Not intended to be mysterious,
but as an actor
I should have such a charm that people would want to know more about me.
Even though I cannot hide myself
I still want to leave some space
for audience to become curious about me.

I feel depressed too, living such a life;
In fact, I'm envious of the young people nowadays,
'cause they are free, and do whatever they want;
but I never expect that I can be the same.

The character "俳" in 俳優 (Actor), means a clown.
"俳" is consisted of the radicals "人" (human) and "非" (non).
So the non-human, the clown, is the actor.
It sounds a bit melancholy and uncomfortable,
but it might be the best interpretation of an actor, from a certain perspective.
Looking painful when you're actually not, 
stumbling to the ground when you're not hit.
Falling in an intense love with someone you've just met for the first time.
Even though you experienced a heart wrenching separation yesterday,
you have to giggle in front of the camera today.
That is an actor. 

Have you ever successfully cheated someone, you might say:
"Hey, go be an actor!"
However, acting is not the same as lying, and the difference is just one of a hundred percent.
I think acting is made up of 99% deception and 1% truth;
and the truth is to represent what you've heard and seen, what you have kept in your mind, your life experience so far, through acting. 
Of course, to what extent can you interpret all those
depends on how good you are as an actor. 
What's difficult is to keep the 1% intact. 
In the past 18 years, I've been gradually exposed the truth to you all;
sometimes I fear if there's nothing left in me,
feeling like scooping water from an empty well.
Yet I don't have time (to fill it up).
"My acting is bad, is horrible" --
I worry if the audience would have this same thought as I have when they see me acting.
Of course, we as actors have to hide all these (worries).
If everyone knows that I'm just a person with an empty inside,
that means things are completely exposed;
and people won't feel curious about this actor anymore. 
In 19th century theaters, there would be a star sign on the main leads' dressing room doors,
to signify that they are people "shining like a star".
That's the origin of the term "star".
Actor, main lead, and star, these are the tags I was given .
Among them all, the tag "star" becomes quite a burden (to me), though I'm thankful for it.
To shine means you can been seen everywhere,
but it also means that when you lose your glory,
everyone knows you have fallen. 
Not that I can be called a star as long as I want to.Some people are called stars when they are popular,but when the hit is over, this title would be deprived from them.That is not what I can control.I think everyone wants to be called an actor,while keeping both star and actor as their titles.Not that I'm popular and want to show off,but because if I become more popular,more projects may come to me, so that I can select from a wider range,and have better opportunity to find good works.That's why I'm hoping to maintain the title of a star.  

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Guest sara62

18 years MV making10521791_669782319773311_339763184142156
Cr as tagged
Singapre FM info by 51k
Good afternoon. This is 51k keeper.Jisub's FM in Singapore will be held.For more info, please refer to the following.
Let's have fun in Singapore 
Date: August 22, 2014 19:45 (scheduled) 
Location: The Star Theater @ The Star Performing Arts Center 
Ticket selling Date: July 15, 2014 from 
Where to Buy Tickets: www.sistic.com.sg (SISTIC Singapore)   Sponsor:  AC MUSIC Entertainment  Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/officialacmusicentertainment&nbsp; Official Website:  http://www.acmusicentertainment.com/
*51K doesn't sell the tickets. Thank you for your understanding.

CR to http://www.51k.com/
Or you can refer to 

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Guest PearlB

IMG_15342338920120.jpeg~320x480This is really goodbye for The Master's Sun here in the Phils.. it's almost a year since I watched it but still the best for me! :x

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Guest dandelion606

Jisub's Saying (update 7)

<A Story that I've Told No One> - So Ji Sub

I debut when I was very young, have been in the industry for a long time now;
Not intended to be mysterious,
but as an actor
I should have such a charm that people would want to know more about me.
Even though I cannot hide myself
I still want to leave some space
for audience to become curious about me.

I feel depressed too, living such a life;
In fact, I'm envious of the young people nowadays,
'cause they are free, and do whatever they want;
but I never expect that I can be the same.

The character "俳" in 俳優 (Actor), means a clown.
"俳" is consisted of the radicals "人" (human) and "非" (non).
So the non-human, the clown, is the actor.
It sounds a bit melancholy and uncomfortable,
but it might be the best interpretation of an actor, from a certain perspective.
Looking painful when you're actually not, 
stumbling to the ground when you're not hit.
Falling in an intense love with someone you've just met for the first time.
Even though you experienced a heart wrenching separation yesterday,
you have to giggle in front of the camera today.
That is an actor. 

Have you ever successfully cheated someone, you might say:
"Hey, go be an actor!"
However, acting is not the same as lying, and the difference is just one of a hundred percent.
I think acting is made up of 99% deception and 1% truth;
and the truth is to represent what you've heard and seen, what you have kept in your mind, your life experience so far, through acting. 
Of course, to what extent can you interpret all those
depends on how good you are as an actor. 
What's difficult is to keep the 1% intact. 
In the past 18 years, I've been gradually exposed the truth to you all;
sometimes I fear if there's nothing left in me,
feeling like scooping water from an empty well.
Yet I don't have time (to fill it up).
"My acting is bad, is horrible" --
I worry if the audience would have this same thought as I have when they see me acting.
Of course, we as actors have to hide all these (worries).
If everyone knows that I'm just a person with an empty inside,
that means things are completely exposed;
and people won't feel curious about this actor anymore. 
In 19th century theaters, there would be a star sign on the main leads' dressing room doors,
to signify that they are people "shining like a star".
That's the origin of the term "star".
Actor, main lead, and star, these are the tags I was given .
Among them all, the tag "star" becomes quite a burden (to me), though I'm thankful for it.
To shine means you can been seen everywhere,
but it also means that when you lose your glory,
everyone knows you have fallen. 
Not that I can be called a star as long as I want to.Some people are called stars when they are popular,but when the hit is over, this title would be deprived from them.That is not what I can control.I think everyone wants to be called an actor,while keeping both star and actor as their titles.Not that I'm popular and want to show off,but because if I become more popular,more projects may come to me, so that I can select from a wider range,and have better opportunity to find good works.That's why I'm hoping to maintain the title of a star.  
Some one once said, with a lonely voice, that the public don't like stars;they cheer and enjoy (that moment), then turn away and forget about them.But fans are different.They cheer for their icon when s/he shines,and give her/him even more applause when s/he looks emaciated. What can it be, if not love? 
P.S. The MV making BTS photo was posted by Justin Davis's Korean retailer on their blog, saying that the bracelet, rings, necklace and the pendant Jisub wore in the MV are from the brand. They may have sponsored those. 
Justin Davis is an American designer, but launched the same-name brand in Japan. The style is quite similar to Chrome Heart. Gothic, rock star, etc. 

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Guest sara62

Wow. His tattoos. So beautiful.10464174_678302882262107_596735140227935

I posted another Eng subbed version of the song "18 years". But I love iseuli's translation more. As I feel it conveyes the lyrics message better. So I hardsubbed it with her translation (With her permission)

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id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="text-align: center; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); overflow: hidden; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;"Pops in Seoul - So Ji-sub (18 Years) 소지섭 (18 Years)

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