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Chinese romanisation, translations

Guest beautifuldays

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Guest changminlove



Tong Hua (Cantonese Version)

還記念以前 和你在某年

Still commemorating the past. With you in a certain year.


Hooking our arms together, we even walked on the edges of the sky.

言語是太甜 情深總不變

Words are too sweet, the deepness of our love just would not change.


Pausing on the side behind us, is a face of gentleness.

如童話都不多 公主幸福與送贈我 你陪同我 陪一世好麼

Like the small amount of fairytales, the princess and happiness is both given to me

You accompany me, is being with me a lifetime alright?

傻王子很清楚 沿途不可留下我 這毒苹果請不要送我

The silly prince knows clearly, he can not leave me behind along the way, please do not give me this poisonous apple.

童話裡面 我發現 幸福都只差一線

In fairytales, I found out that happiness are all missing a thread

纏著你手將溫馨完全兌現 拿著戒指 它必將成為我這生的天使

To bind your hand, letting the warmth and happiness out. Holding the ring, it is definitely becoming the angel of this lifetime.

我甘願 為你說願意

I am willing, to say 'I do' for you

如童話都不多 公主幸福與送贈我 你陪同我 陪一世好麼

Like the small amount of fairytales, the princess and happiness is both given to me

You accompany me, is being with me a lifetime alright?

傻王子很清楚 沿途不可留下我 這毒苹果請不要送我

The silly prince knows clearly, he can not leave me behind along the way, please do not give me this poisonous apple.

童話裡面 我發現 幸福都只差一線

In fairytales, I found out that happiness are all missing a thread

纏著你手將溫馨完全兌現 拿著戒指 它必將成為我這生的天使

To bind your hand, letting the warmth and happiness out. Holding the ring, it is definitely becoming the angel of this lifetime.

我甘願 為你說願意

I am willing, to say 'I do' for you

童話故事 是幼稚 但我亦喜歡天使

Fairytales are childish, but yet I still like angels

陪著你走 這麼多年才發現

Walking with you, finding out after all these years

拿著戒指 你到天邊海角亦帶著夢兒

Holding the ring, you're bringing along dreams with you no matter where you go.

要不是 為我太在意

If not that, you cared too much for me.

童話裡面 我發現 幸福都只差一線

In fairytales, I found out that happiness are all missing a thread

纏著你手將溫馨完全兌現 拿著戒指 它必將成為我這生的天使

To bind your hand, letting the warmth and happiness out. Holding the ring, it is definitely becoming the angel of this lifetime.

我甘願 為你說願意

I am willing, to say 'I do' for you

我一樣 為你太在意

The same for me, I cared too much for you


SORRY... I read it AFTER I finisehd translating that pink_elephant wanted it's cantonese pinyin..heh... Oh well


聽見 Hear (Track 5 of ISWAK OST)


Ni bu kai xin de yan Fang fu jiang wo tui dao xuan ya bian yuan

Your face of happiness, feels as if it's pushing me to the edge of a cliff


Ju li jiu suan zai kao jin yan qian Wo men yi yang mei jiao dian

Even if the distance is nearing our sight, we're still missing a point of intersection


Mei you ni de shi jie Jiu xiang han dong mei you chun tian yi wei

A world without you, is like Winter without Spring by its side


Shao le ni pei zai sheng bian

Without you by my side

我的四季只剩下冬天 悲傷 喜悅 回憶不斷重演,

Wo de si ji zhi sheng xia dong tian Bei shang Xi yue Hui yi bu duan zhong yan

Only Winter is left of my four seasons. Sadness, happiness, memories are repeatedly replaying.

靜下來的世界 有我的思念,也有你的空虛無邊

Jing xia lai de shi jie You wo de si nian Ye you ni de kong que wu bian

After the world has quieted down, it has my thoughts of missing you, and also the endless empty spaces of you


Ni you mei you ting jian Ji mo de sheng ying qiao qiao zai man yuan

Did you hear, the sound of loneliness is quietly spreading.


Ta zhu jing wo men zhi jian Shou hou zhe wo he ni de yong yuan

It lives between us, consuming the the 'forever' of us.


Ni you mei you ting jian Si nian de hu huan chuan bian mei tiao jie

Did you hear, the calls of miss you is spread over every street


Jiu suan ni zou de zai yuan Lei le hui tou wo jiu zai Ni de sheng bian

Even if you go even further away, if you're tired and turn your head back, I will still be by your side.


I LOVE THIS SONG.. omg... the lyrics are easier too.. lol... ^o^ love thissssss..... This song is so sad...and soothes me down...lol.... I love it ^_________________^

-------------edited Feb 7, 2006--------------

月半彎 Half-curved Moon

雅立 Arie [This song is track from her album aRie so I assume that's her English name. Sorry, not too sure]


Last night's

南風輕輕 新月彎彎

The south wind is gentle, The new moon is curved

有人徘徊深夜 愁緒吹不散

A person is walking back and forth in the deep night, the gloomy mood is not blown away

似醉似醒 那午夜的夢 漸漸離我走遠

Like drunk, like sober. That midnight's dream is gradually leaving me to go farther away



寒星點點 浮雲淡淡

Dots of freezing stars, Light and pale floating clouds.

有人追尋往日 回憶悲歡

Some people are looking for their former days, recollecting the sorrows and joys

是苦是甜 那失去的愛 一去不返

It's bitter, it's sweet. That lost love left and never came back.

* 總是



Can't forget his deep affection


Wove together love nets for him

千縷萬縷的情絲 割也割不斷

Thousand and thousand wisps of love threads won't break even by cutting it

夜已深深 我心茫茫

The night's already dark, My heart is everywhere/lost(?)

他的模樣 始終來回旋轉

His appearance still revolves back and forth

是夢是幻 那每句誓言 還留在耳旁

It's dream, it's imagination. That sentence of promise, is still by my ears

Repeat *


AHH this one is so confusing.... -_- sorry if I skipped some and/missed some of the meanings of it... >_<


I got bored.. so I'm going to translate this...haha...


Regret [Track 11 of It Started With A Kiss OST)

Returned to the familiar roads of love.

I'm holding onto memories standing on the opposite sidewalk.

The past falls like the snow.

It all cools off in a second,and seperates the time for me to look back.

Memories build up like snow, and layers up to become Winter.

I want to stretch my hands out to steal some to keep, but you've already left me far away.

You said that icy snow are the tears of your frozen steel-hard heart, Who will I meet tomorrow

that can be as gentle as water. As to the beautifulness of love that I have owed since the beginning

Hope that he will give. You said that icy snow is your heart being cut up by me

Whover you love next time, use their love to slowly sew it back Throw away the old wounds,

let it bring you to fly. On a certain night, my ears stood up and I heard, happiness is bring you far away.

Leaving regret, to be with me while I can't sleep. You said that icy snow are the tears of your frozen steel-hard heart.

Who will I meet tomorrow, that can be as gentle as water. As to the beautifulness love,

that I have owed since the beginning, hope that he will give. You said that icy snow is your heart being cut up by me.

Whoever you love next time, use their love to slowly sew it back. Throw away the old wonds, let it bring you to fly.


回到熟悉的相爱路线 我牵著回忆站在对街 

雪般坠落的从前 瞬间 就冷却 隔著不回头看的时间

回忆绩雪 叠成冬天 想伸手在偷留一些 原来你离我遥远

你说那冰雪是你铁了心的眼泪 明天遇见谁

可以在温柔如水 关於爱情的美 当初我所赊欠

希望他都给 你说那冰雪是你的心被我剪碎 

下一次爱谁 再用爱慢慢缝回 丢掉就的帮伤 

让他带你飞 某夜竖起耳朵我听见 幸福带你走远 

剩後悔 陪我失眠 你说那冰雪是你铁了心的眼泪 

明天遇见谁 可以在温柔如水 关於爱情的美 

当初我所赊欠 希望他都给你说那冰雪是你的心被我剪碎 

下一次爱谁 再用爱慢慢缝回 丢掉旧的伤悲 让带你飞

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Guest aQuALyN


quan shi jie de ren dou zhi dao

(湘琴之單戀主題) - 演唱:王俞勻

(xiang qin zhi lian zhu ti) yan chang: wang yu yun


zai jian dao ni guan jian de di yi mao


ai de qing su kai shi fa xiao


xiao xin yi yi xie ge ni de zhi tiao


xing fu hua shang xin xin de zhi tiao


ni xiang yi zuo gu ao de dao, you zi ji de cheng bao


wo shi shang bu liao an de chao, ye zhi neng jiang ni wei rao


quan shi jie de ren dou zhi dao, yi xiang qing yuan shi zhong fan nao


zhi yao huan ni yi ci wei xiao, jiu suan shi zuo meng ye hui xiao


quan shi jie de ren bu zhi dao, wo bu zai hu fu chu duo shao


wo xiang zhe jiu shi xing fu xie zhao, ren he ren bun eng zu zhi wo dui ni de hao

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mineforkeeps.

could someone romanize and translate this please? thanks!


(阿金之失戀主題) - 演唱:何書宇

回到熟悉的相愛路線 我牽著回憶站在尿街 

雪般墜追的從剿 瞬間 就冷忻 隔著丿回頭看的時間

回憶績雪 疊房冬天 想伸手在忷留一些 原來你離我鿙鿠

你說那冰雪是你鿵了心的眼淚 明天鿇見誰 

忯以在溫柔如水 關於愛情的美 當刿我所賒欠 

希望他都給 你說那冰雪是你的心被我剪碎 

下一次愛誰 冿用愛慢慢縫回 丟掉舊的傷悲 

讓他帶你飛 柿夜豎起耳朵我追見 幸禿帶你走鿠 

剩後悔 陪我失眠 你說那冰雪是你鿵了心的眼淚 

明天鿇見誰 忯以在溫柔如水 關於愛情的美 

當刿我所賒欠 希望他都給你說那冰雪是你的心被我剪碎 

下一次愛誰 冿用愛慢慢縫回 丟掉舊的傷悲 讓他帶你飛

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Guest mYenDlEsSLuV...will u knoe?

後悔 hou hui(regret)

(阿金之失戀主題) - 演唱:何書宇 bt he shu yu


hui dao shu xi de xiang ai lu xian


wo qian zhe hui yi zhan zai dui jie

 雪般墜落的從前 瞬間 就冷卻

xue ban zui luo de cong qian shun jian jiu leng que

 隔著不回頭看的時間 回憶積雪 疊成冬天

ge zhe bu hui tou kan de shi jian hui yi ji xue die cheng dong tian

 想伸手再偷留一些 原來你離我遙遠

xiang shen shou zai tou liu yi xie yuan lai ni li wo yao yuan


# ni shuo na bing xue shi ni tie le xin de yan lei

明天遇見誰 可以再溫柔如水

ming tian yu jian shui ke yi zai wen rou ru shui

 關於愛情的美 當初我所賒欠 希望他都給

guan yu ai qing de mei dang chu wo suo she qian xi wang ta dou gei


ni shuo na bing xue shi ni de xin bei wo jian sui

下一次愛誰 再用愛慢慢縫回

xia yi ci ai shui zai yong ai man man feng hui

 丟掉舊的傷悲 讓他帶你飛

diu diao jiu de shang bei rang ta dai ni fei

sory dat i cant translate for you coz my eng suxx^^

hope u dont mind & enjoy d romanization~~

plz credit to me,J_THISCITY,thx~~

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Guest animagelet

Can I have the pinyin ... and translation if possible for this song XD?

Love Letter In The Past
















你已在别处都得到 ...


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Guest mYenDlEsSLuV...will u knoe?

手上青春还剩多少 shou shang qing chun hai sheng duo shao

思念还有多少煎熬 si nian hai you duo shao jian ao

偶尔清洁用过的梳子 ou er qing jie yong guo de shu zi

留下了时光的线条 liu xia le shi guang de xian tiao

你的世界但愿都好 ni de shi jie dan yuan dou hao

当我想起你的微笑 dang wo xiang qi ni de wei xiao

无意重读那年的情书 wu yi chong du na nian de qing shu

时光悠悠青春渐老 shi guang you you qing chun jian lao

回不去的那段相知相许美好 hui bu qu de na duan xiang zhi xiang xu mei hao

都在发黄的信纸上闪耀 dou zai fa huang de xin zhi shang shan yao

那是青春诗句记号 na shi qing chun shi ju ji hao

莫怪读了心还会跳 mo guai du le xin hai hui tiao

你是否也还记得那一段美好 ni shi fou ye hai ji de na yi duan mei hao

也许写给你的信早扔掉ye xu xie gei ni de xin zao reng diao

这样才好曾少你的zhe yang cai hao ceng shao ni de

你已在别处都得到 ... ni yi zai bie chu dou de dao

plz credit to me,J_THISCITY~~thx~~

hope u enjoy^^

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Guest it's simply me

i was wondering if there's romanization and translation for rainie yang - zhi xiang ai ni. thank you, appreciated much! =]

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Guest ichigo_no_powder

zhi xiang ai ni

Wo zhong yu hai shi shou liao yi gou wo ai ni

Hai ji de na ge wei liang ye li tian kong zheng piao zhao xiao yu

Xin tiao di sheng yin xiang wu dong qi ji

Ni kan zhao wo shui qian wan bu yao ai shang ni

Yin wei ni zhi hui rang wo shang xin bie sha liao kuai dian han ting

Ni ma mo leng jing hu yuan you hu jin

Wo zhi dao wo dui ni lai shui ye hu tai nian qing

Wo xiang wo cai wo wen wo zhong wu liao jie

Yuan lai wei ai liu di yan lei ye shi zhong tian mi zi wei

Zhi xiang ai ni dang wo han ni zou zai yi qi jiu yi jing jue ding

Bu kan bu ting bu wen ye bu jui fang qi

Shi ni rang wo liao jie zi ji ke yi wei ai na ma jian ding

Zi xiang ai ni hao xiang mei tian zheng kai yan jing jiu neng kan dao ni

Wo zhi dao wo ou er you yi dian ren xing

Bu guan ni zuo ren he jue ding jiu jing ai wo hai shi tao bi

Sorry wo hai shi bu kuai fang qi ai ni

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I don't have the lyrics cuz I can't find them anywhere but could you translate Jasmine Leong - Middle. I'd appreciate it loads...the song is so beautiful but I can't understand it.

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Guest belli_babo

hiya.... I don't have the lyrics.... but can i request Lao Shu Ai Da Mi? Mouse loves big rice or something like that? Not the twins version... but by (Yang Chen Gang)? If possible, can you post the chinese lyrics too?

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Guest heartdrops

hiya.... I don't have the lyrics.... but can i request Lao Shu Ai Da Mi? Mouse loves big rice or something like that? Not the twins version... but by (Yang Chen Gang)? If possible, can you post the chinese lyrics too?

I saved this on my computer so I forgot who did it. Love this song =)


我聽見你的聲音 有種特別的感覺


我記得有一個人 永遠留在我心中


如果真的有一天 愛情理想會實現


不管路有多麼遠 一定會讓它實現

我會親親在你耳邊對你說 對你說

我愛你愛著你 就像老鼠愛大米


我想你想著你 不管有多麼的苦



我聽見你的聲音 有種特別的感覺


我記得有一個人 永遠留在我心中


如果真的有一天 愛情理想會實現


不管路有多麼遠 一定會讓它實現

我會親親在你耳邊對你說 對你說

我愛你愛著你 就像老鼠愛大米


我想你想著你 不管有多麼的苦



我愛你愛著你 就像老鼠愛大米


我想你想著你 不管有多麼的苦



Lao Shu Ai Da Mi

wo ting jian ni de sheng yin you zhong te bie de gan jue

rang wo bu duan xiang bu gan zai wang ji ni

wo ji de you yi ge ren you yuan liu zai wo xin zhong

na pa zhi neng gou zhe yang de xiang ni

ru guo zhen de you yi tian ai qing li xiang hui shi xian

wo hui jia bei nu li hao hao dui ni yong yuan bu gai bian

bu guan lu you duo mo yuan yi ding hui rang ta shi xian

wo hui qin qin zai ni er bian dui ni shuo dui ni shuo

wo ai ni ai zhe ni jiu xiang lao shu ai da mi

bu guan you duo shao feng yu wo dou hui yi ran pei zhe ni

wo xiang ni xiang zhe ni bu guan you duo mo de ku

zhi yao neng rang ni kai xin wo she mo dou yuan yi

zhe yang ai ni

wo ting jian ni de sheng yin you zhong te bie de gan jue

rang wo bu duan xiang bu gan zai wang ji ni

wo ji de you yi ge ren you yuan liu zai wo xin zhong

na pa zhi neng gou zhe yang de xiang ni

ru guo zhen de you yi tian ai qing li xiang hui shi xian

wo hui jia bei nu li hao hao dui ni yong yuan bu gai bian

bu guan lu you duo mo yuan yi ding hui rang ta shi xian

wo hui qin qin zai ni er bian dui ni shuo dui ni shuo

wo ai ni ai zhe ni jiu xiang lao shu ai da mi

bu guan you duo shao feng yu wo dou hui yi ran pei zhe ni

wo xiang ni xiang zhe ni bu guan you duo mo de ku

zhi yao neng rang ni kai xin wo she mo dou yuan yi

zhe yang ai ni

wo ai ni ai zhe ni jiu xiang lao shu ai da mi

bu guan you duo shao feng yu wo dou hui yi ran pei zhe ni

wo xiang ni xiang zhe ni bu guan you duo mo de ku

zhi yao neng rang ni kai xin wo she mo dou yuan yi

zhe yang ai ni

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Guest belli_babo

^ do you have the translation too? sorry... i know i asked for the chinese lyrics but my reading is somewhat shaky... so i need the english to fully understand.... if it's not too much trouble can someone translate? thank you in advance ^.^''

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