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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest camella

Yet in still people want to lecture KSW on how he should feel and what he should do with his life and how angry they are with him for not being sensitive to their needs. NOw is that fair but anyway hey like I said before I wish him and his wife to be nothing but the best for they will need it considering how some fans across various boards are feeling. By their reactions you would've thought he committed a CRIME LOL :lol:
You missed the point. tanio. Sangwoo commited a breach in relationship with his most diehard fans who just expected to have been prepared for the news before his prescon, a public announcement. I am a diehard fan, but not among the Most, simply because I love him differently, being a much older fan.

You will never understand their highly emotional reactions because you kept looking for logic in them. You kept analizing them and refuting their feelings wondering why they are feeling this way. You are looking at the trees and not the forest. You do not know the relationship they have developed with Sangwoo over 5 years that explains to a cetain extent their expectations. We are not telling Sangwoo what to do with his life but what we feel because of the way he made his announcement, and if he had done otherwise, as we felt he should have done, the breach would not have happened.

And like you I wish Sangwoo all the best and will continue to give him my support in his career, but I have the right to tell him in all honesty what I felt about his actions in so far as our relationship as fan and idol is concerned.

With this comment, I rest my case. If you still do not understand, let us just leave it at that. Time will put things in its proper perspective. You know the saying, understand with your heart not with your mind. I am not telling you what to do, just telling you why I think you do not understand us.

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You missed the point. tanio. Sangwoo commited a breach in relationship with his most diehard fans who just expected to have been prepared for the news before his prescon, a public announcement. I am a diehard fan, but not among the Most, simply because I love him differently, being a much older fan.

You will never understand thier highly emotional reactions because you kept looking for logic in them. You kept analizing them and refuting their feelings wondering why they are feeling this way. You are looking at the trees and not the forest. You do not know the relationship they have developed with Sangwoo over 5 years that explains to a cetain extent their expectations. We are not telling Sangwoo what to do with his life but what we feel because of the way he made his announcement, and if he had done otherwise, as we felt he should have done, the breach would not have happened.

And like you I wish Sangwoo all the best and will continue to give him my support in his career, but I have the right to tell him in all honesty what I felt about his actions in so far as our realtionship as fan and idol is concerned.

With this comment, I rest my case. If you still do not understand, let us just leave it at that. Time will put things in its proper place. You know the saying, understand with your heart not with your mind.

Camella I understand what you are saying but the fans knew he would be getting married which is why I don't understand people being shocked or upset, he said he was going to do this. Also what other way would the fans want him to say it. If he said it at a fan club meeting he would catch hell so where he says it might not be the point how people accept it seems to be the problem. Also I am realist I think in real time and I believe KSW has found the person that completes him. Whether or not people can accept that in their heart probably doesn't matter to KSW as they really don't have a choice. Anyway has SJS or SSH said anything on this or did they already KNOW lol... :D

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Well maybe this lady is the right one for KSW but I don't know if people are ready to accept her and it's like some want this marriage to fail. I am like why would you want that?It's like they don't want KSW to have any happiness, don't get married and continue to keep their fantasies alive. He makes the jump and everybody jumps down his throat LOL or hers. :lol:

Well yeah she's the one for Sang Woo indeed. I hope he's happy too. (of coz..he cried tears of joy a couple of times already..) But at this moment the fans can write whatever they feel, i can understand and i see no wrong in that..

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Well maybe this lady is the right one for KSW but I don't know if people are ready to accept her and it's like some want this marriage to fail. I am like why would you want that?It's like they don't want KSW to have any happiness, don't get married and continue to keep their fantasies alive. He makes the jump and everybody jumps down his throat LOL or hers. :lol:

I think you misunderstand, I think things could be different if he let fans more time to digest and to learn more about his wife to be and get used to it.

It was a bit too fast, honestly. I like KSW a lot, but also in a different way and I wish him all the best in his marriage, but I do understand the pains of his diehard fans. But in the end, i'm pretty sure fans still show their support to their idol, it's just it takes some times.

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Well yeah she's the one for Sang Woo indeed. I hope he's happy too. (of coz..he cried tears of joy a couple of times already..) But at this moment the fans can write whatever they feel, i can understand and i see no wrong in that..

Of course there is nothing wrong with it but if some really cared for his happiness they wouldn't be wishing ill wills dogging his bride out before he even makes the hitch lol. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make the announcement. Maybe he should've just did it and talked about it later. Let this be a lesson to all CELEBS don't make a press conference about your plans(whatever they are) be like NIKE just do it. :)

I think you misunderstand, I think things could be different if he let fans more time to digest and to learn more about his wife to be and get used to it.

It was a bit too fast, honestly. I like KSW a lot, but also in a different way and I wish him all the best in his marriage, but I do understand the pains of his diehard fans. But in the end, i'm pretty sure fans still show their support to their idol, it's just it takes some times.

Okay I can see where you are coming from but what is that the fans need to know about this woman that KSW probably didn't want them to know about her. Well they are discovering things about her past and it seems some have issues with it. Maybe that's why KSW leaned on his close friends and family because they would understand it more and wouldn't judge so harshly(I am quite sure KSW knows this woman and her past). Yeah and I agree in the end they will accept it whether they want to or not KSW has no control over but he does have control over his happiness and I hope he fights for it and keeps the press and others who might not understand OUT OF HIS MARRIAGE.

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Guest Azura

Well maybe this lady is the right one for KSW but I don't know if people are ready to accept her and it's like some want this marriage to fail. I am like why would you want that?It's like they don't want KSW to have any happiness, don't get married and continue to keep their fantasies alive. He makes the jump and everybody jumps down his throat LOL or hers. :lol:

i'm sorry but i feel offended by your posting, it seems like you are mocking fun with the KSW's fans now??

dont write something that you dont know...and please...leave us out on your next posting.

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Guest chin_ai22

I think you misunderstand, I think things could be different if he let fans more time to digest and to learn more about his wife to be and get used to it.

It was a bit too fast, honestly. I like KSW a lot, but also in a different way and I wish him all the best in his marriage, but I do understand the pains of his diehard fans. But in the end, i'm pretty sure fans still show their support to their idol, it's just it takes some times.

utkim, i agree with you. it takes some times to accept it. but will surely support him.

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Guest TY_KSW

Hahah i am in shocked cant believed he will get married this early anyway congratz to ksw and hope he made the right choice and be happy always...

^^ who is next ?? hmmm maybe another shocker will be the sexy Jang..yeah Jang Dong Gun....

eh! eh! eh!

NOT my true love Jang Dong Gun!

He is not a silly or idiot

if youare joking, i will forgive you..

WHY not the whole ones in your siggy n avie?? :phew:

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Guest Azura

I think you misunderstand, I think things could be different if he let fans more time to digest and to learn more about his wife to be and get used to it.

It was a bit too fast, honestly. I like KSW a lot, but also in a different way and I wish him all the best in his marriage, but I do understand the pains of his diehard fans. But in the end, i'm pretty sure fans still show their support to their idol, it's just it takes some times.

hi dear...thats for you kind words, how i wish those non-ksw fan can be like you.

btw your wish have come true, the collaboration of the 2 beautiful ppl "hyunbin & song hye kyo" :D

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Guest TY_KSW


권상우·손태영의 '깜짝 결혼 발표' 후 '후폭풍'이 국내를 비롯해 아시아권에서 불고 있다.

Son Tae Young Kwon Sang-woo's' surprise announcement marriage is blowing from Asia, including Korea.

m not surprised dear! as i said yesterday, i avoid K and J media/website by entering my local's

the ones hottest and flooding are still KSW's !

That show how hes popular and wellknown! but darn, it is not my expectation in term of this affair news!

And like you I wish Sangwoo all the best and will continue to give him my support in his career, but I have the right to tell him in all honesty what I felt about his actions in so far as our relationship as fan and idol is concerned.

With this comment, I rest my case. If you still do not understand, let us just leave it at that. Time will put things in its proper perspective. You know the saying, understand with your heart not with your mind. I am not telling you what to do, just telling you why I think you do not understand us.

and we will thank you very much if your leave us alone with our case... for not harrasing us...

if you still insist youare not harrasing but just lecturing, we would like to say: harrass n lecture arre same meaning in this thread!

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i'm sorry but i feel offended by your posting, it seems like you are mocking fun with the KSW's fans now??

dont write something that you dont know...and please...leave us out on your next posting.

What are you talking about nothing I say is mocking I am saying the man can't catch a break and I have a feeling maybe he should not have said anything at all because some people can't handle that he acted on what he said, he said he would be getting married by 35, how old is he now? I feel real bad for him and her because it won't be easy and I am like KSW do all that you can to protect your happiness because some don't seem to share in it, if you are one of those people that do then what I am saying shouldn't apply to you. I am talking about countless of others all over the boards everywhere that are angry about KSW's choice and the fact he didn't discuss with them before he did it as if he needs people's approval before he can be happy. Anyway good luck to him and her and I am quite sure his mother is very happy and really that's all that matters at the end of the day. Peace and blessings to all

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Guest TY_KSW

What are you talking about nothing I say is mocking I am saying the man can't catch a break and I have a feeling maybe he should not have said anything at all because some people can't handle that he acted on what he said, he said he would be getting married by 35, how old is he now? I feel real bad for him and her because it won't be easy and I am like KSW do all that you can to protect your happiness because some don't seem to share in it, if you are one of those people that do then what I am saying shouldn't apply to you. I am talking about countless of others all over the boards everywhere that are angry about KSW's choice and the fact he didn't discuss with them before he did it as if he needs people's approval before he can be happy. Anyway good luck to him and her and I am quite sure his mother is very happy and really that' all that matters at the end of the day. Peace and blessings to all

This is your words: "the man can't catch a break and I have a feeling maybe he should not have said anything at all because some people can't handle that he acted on what he said, "

and this is our words:

We the man can't catch a break and we I have a feeling maybe we he should not have said anything at all because some people can't handle that she he writes on what she he thinks said!!!!

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Guest camella
Camella I understand what you are saying but the fans knew he would be getting married which is why I don't understand people being shocked or upset, he said he was going to do this. Also what other way would the fans want him to say it. If he said it at a fan club meeting he would catch hell so where he says it might not be the point how people accept it seems to be the problem. Also I am realist I think in real time and I believe KSW has found the person that completes him. Whether or not people can accept that in their heart probably doesn't matter to KSW as they really don't have a choice. Anyway has SJS or SSH said anything on this or did they already KNOW lol... :D
Tanio, let me stop reacting to you as this is not going anywhere. peace!
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This is your words: "the man can't catch a break and I have a feeling maybe he should not have said anything at all because some people can't handle that he acted on what he said, "

and this is our words:

We the man can't catch a break and we I have a feeling maybe we he should not have said anything at all because some people can't handle that she he writes on what she he thinks said!!!!

Okay what is that the fans would have KSW do? What part did he say that wasn't true when he said he would be getting married by 35. I don't understand why people have a problem with that? I am like my this will be the story of the year.

Tanio, let me stop reacting to you as this is not going anywhere. peace

Camella what part of the conference KSW gave that upset you the most. Is it the lady? the manner in which it was done? I would like to know as I thought he said in an interview that he had his eye on somebody and that he would be getting married by 35 and that he wanted a family,was that a lie?Please let me know. I mean nobody can seem to answer that question, what is about this woman that bothers other people so much. Her past can't possibly be that bad especially for someone like KSW who has been through some tough times himself. Also he even said himself that celebrities are humans and they make mistakes. Just saying and hopefully in time all the wounds will heal and he can get back to work quickly. Peace

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Guest betchay

Please.. please... don't give that person importance by replying

to all her nonsense postings! She came here.. out of no where just to play around! <_<

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Guest TY_KSW

Please.. please... don't give that person importance by replying

to all her none sense postings! She came here.. out of no where just to play around! <_<

she came from STY nest dear! surely she know how to hook ppl! :lol:

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Guest betchay

she came from STY cave dear! surely she know how to hook ppl! :lol:

She is another version of Mr. Saturday, remember?smiley7.gifsmiley7.gif

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Please.. please... don't give that person importance by replying

to all her none sense postings! She came here.. out of no where just to play around! <_<

It's spelled nonsense and no I am not playing around and neither is KSW and he made it known. Peace and blessings to all.

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Guest TY_KSW

Reading some Japanese news paper, as per their points, KSW marriage will pave the way to other K lead celebrities who are as same famous in Japan such as Bae Yong Jun, Lee Byung Hun ...as well as Japanese colleagues..to consider the opportunity!

Fan reaction is the dimention of the impact!

In Japan, majority of response are active and positive to Kwon Sang Woo but very negative to his future to be Son Tae Young.

Kwon Sang-woo made it clear at a press conference that he will continue his career activities in Korea and Japan.

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