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Guest kdramafanusa

Another article about "Daemool".

- "Daemool" was originally scheduled to broadcast after "Tazza" ends in November on SBS. The slot of "Daemool" will be filled by "Dr. Stop 닥터 스탑".

- Daemool might go to another network.

- the team (actors and production team) will have a final meeting this week to decide whether to continue.

Let's wait for more info.

Daemool is not from SBS, the production company can still continue & the drama will go to other networks.

SBS 드라마 ‘대물’ 결국 포기

입력2008.06.26 07:47 | 웹폰트해제

공식적으로 편성 손떼…다른 방송사행 가능성

고현정 권상우가 주연을 맡아 화제를 모은 드라마 ‘대물’이 SBS 편성에서 결국 제외됐다.

SBS 구본근 드라마 국장은 25일 오후 ‘스포츠동아’와의 통화에서 “오늘 오후 편성-제작 합동회의 끝에 ‘대물’을 편성하지 않기로 결정했다”고 밝혔다. ‘대물’은 당초 ‘타짜’에 이어 11월 방영이 예정되어 있었다.

구 국장은 “이제 SBS가 ‘대물’에 대해 공식적으로 손을 뗐다고 밝혔기 때문에 앞으로 이 드라마가 다른 방송사로 갈 가능성도 있다”고 덧붙였다.

그는 “주연 배우인 고현정씨와 권상우씨에게는 6월 중하순께 SBS에서 최종 결론을 내린다고 미리 양해를 구했고, SBS는 이번 회의를 통해 그 결정을 내린 것”이라고 설명했다. 이날 회의에서는 ‘타짜’ 후속 드라마로 ‘닥터 스탑’(가제)을 대체 편성하기로 결정했다.

한편 권상우측은 ‘스포츠동아’와의 전화통화에서 “SBS 편성이 무산됐다는 내용은 오늘 감독님을 통해 통보받았다”면서 “배우들은 제작사 대표와의 최종 미팅을 통해 이번 주 내에 드라마에 계속 참여할지 여부를 결정할 것”이라고 말했다.

‘대물’은 박인권의 동명 만화를 원작으로 권상우, 고현정이라는 대어급 주연과 여자 대통령이라는 소재로 관심을 모았다. 하지만 기획 과정에서 제작사 이·김 프로덕션과 연출을 맡은 김형식 PD 사이에 갈등이 벌어지면서 연출자가 교체되는 등의 잡음이 이어지고 이로 인해 해외 촬영 연기와 편성 연기라는 파행을 겪어 왔다.

이유나 기자 lyn@donga.com


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Guest TY_KSW

they still have time to meet the actors to see whether he continues or not??

hohoho! is it a pro way of a producer? :lol: Ridiculous!

I would like to mind the production company (whatever name) that they must watch out! TO KEEP IT IN TRACK as per the actor's announcement ....if they try to switch the schedule regularly like this current situation KSW may withdraw! And if he withdraw the drama should go to storeroom or it suffer the disarter rate without the real ideal casanova! :phew:

Another article about "Daemool".

- "Daemool" was originally scheduled to broadcast after "Tazza" ends in November on SBS. The slot of "Daemool" will be filled by "Dr. Stop 닥터 스탑".

Let's wait for more info.

Daemool is not from SBS, the production company can still continue & the drama will go to other networks.


to me, m so blur on the info, the red content is going against the blue content. :phew:

Daemul to broadcast after SBS tazza then Daemul will go to other networks

Actually, where will Daemul go to? KBS ?? :lol::lol::lol:

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Guest kdramafanusa

they still have time to meet the actors to see whether he continues or not??

hohoho! is it a pro way of a producer? :lol: Ridiculous!

I would like to mind the production company (whatever name) that they must watch out! TO KEEP IT IN TRACK as per the actor's announcement ....if they try to switch the schedule regularly like this current situation KSW may withdraw! And if he withdraw the drama should go to storeroom or it suffer the disarter rate without the real ideal casanova! :phew:

The latest problem is from SBS who decided to air another drama instead of "Daemool" in November.

In a sense, it's understandable too; "Daemool" was supposed to air after "Iljimae", but problems between the production company & the PD caused delays so SBS has to air "Working Mom" instead. Having to replace another show at the last minute is pretty risky for them in terms of rating, they want to lead the timeslot. Seeems like they are worried that Daemool might not go as planned again so they just took it off the schedule this year. SBS changes their schedule so many times this year, I can't keep up with them!!!

Sports Donga interviewed KSW over the phone, seems like he mentioned about the meeting this week.

I hope the production team & cast won't decide to drop this project, a lot of time & preparation were spent already. There are other networks besides SBS. :)

to me, m so blur on the info, the red content is going against the blue content. :phew:

Daemul to broadcast after SBS tazza then Daemul will go to other networks

Actually, where will Daemul go to? KBS ?? :lol::lol::lol:

Most of the dramas are made by independent production companies nowadays, the networks will fight for the right to air it.

Daemul is from Lee Kim Productions, it can be aired on any network (who ever wins the deal).

At first, SBS got it (planned to air it after Tazza in November) but they have now decided to take off it their list this year.

It can go to either KBS or MBC now, the other article mentioned that MBC's reviewing it. MBC is my favorite station. :)

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they still have time to meet the actors to see whether he continues or not??

hohoho! is it a pro way of a producer? :lol: Ridiculous!

to me, m so blur on the info, the red content is going against the blue content. :phew:

Daemul to broadcast after SBS tazza then Daemul will go to other networks

Actually, where will Daemul go to? KBS ?? :lol::lol::lol:

Hi TY - I really don't mind to whichever network that this drama will go to - what matters to me is this series is pushing through. It seems that our man is nearly losing his patience here for the production is so unpredictable - keeps on changing the schedule. i hope this won't happen - :blink::)

Still keeping my fingers crossed. :rolleyes:

Let's not worried too much on the news, we shall wait and see. :)

I'm still quite positive that the drama will go on as planned. ;)

Hi azura - I'll join with you here......... crossing our fingers. I hope everything will work-out fine. :):blink:

Thanks for article, Kdramafanusa, we have been awared of this ... however,

1. There is no MBC or SBS official announcement on it.

2. MBC find no time to absorb such big project Daemul while they are trying to digest "East to Eden"

3. The actors haven't sounded out to his/her fanbase.

4. We just trust the real inf from KSW dated Jun 18 until his new updating!

TY, I only go for #4 - whatever his statement will be, it would be official for us! :blink::)

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Guest TY_KSW

I can't.... get addicted to more than one drama.

Nobody can either...

Production company can't either...

If KSW denied, the Daemul will be bankrupted!!!

I hope, as far as its plot interesting SW he won't be irritated but to continue...

Lets wait..

I always believe Kwon Sang Woo never disappoint his beloved fans!!

His fans are always supporting him, in whatever decision he made!!


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Guest TY_KSW

Japan and Chinese fans are talking about a message from sangwoosupporting.cafe.

After entering sangwoosupporting.cafe, there is an administrator propose to registration of overseas members of MBC! :rolleyes:

Azura, could you clarify?

I dun know whether the propose is for his new 2009 war drama or this new switching of Daemul :phew:

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Guest Azura

Japan and Chinese fans are talking about a message from sangwoosupporting.cafe.

After entering sangwoosupporting.cafe, there is an administrator propose to registration of overseas members of MBC! :rolleyes:

Azura, could you clarify?

I dun know whether the propose is for his new 2009 war drama or this new switching of Daemul :phew:

YES, its for easy access for us fans if Sangwoo gonna be in a MBC drama.

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Guest TY_KSW

YES, its for easy access for us fans if Sangwoo gonna be in a MBC drama.

i thought Sangwoo's management is working effectively! very workable! :rolleyes:

It helps our man too much, unlike the %%&^ ex- :tongue2:

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Guest TY_KSW

YTN News Report on Daemul

click to download: YTN News

in the news YTN titled "Will KSW-GHJ Daemul be the 2nd TWSSG?"

ehm, my opinion, i dun mind whoever broadcaster, as long as Sangwoo agree to continue, we all support and register its overseas members.. :rolleyes:

If Sangwoo rejects, we still wait for his next.. Our talent and sweet Sangwoo never disappoint his beloved n faithful fans! :phew:

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Guest Azura

azura, thanks for this clip - I'm curious of what did he say in the video. :blink::)

willenette,....the news indicating that "Daemul" situation now is very similar to what happen to "Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi" at the initial stage.

change of director and postponed of airing slot etc...

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Guest TY_KSW


Chingu, why did it cry? nothing obviously confirmed yet ...

These recent articles about Daemul are always quoted from all anonymous "officers" or "source"..

We need to trust someone specified! someone real with actual names not any undisclosed or hidden..! :phew: In my country, any article quoted from anonymous / undisclosed source is rejected..

Only official announcement is trust.. Lets wait..

Especially us, Wooers, hearing from our man...

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willenette,....the news indicating that "Daemul" situation now is very similar to what happen to "Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi" at the initial stage.

change of director and postponed of airing slot etc...

Hi azura, thanks for the reply. I hope everything will work out fine soon. :blink::)

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