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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Olympic Star Congratulates Film Star's Wedding


Olympic weightlifting gold medalist Jang Mi-ran has sent wedding gifts and a congratulatory message to her favorite actor Kwon Sang-woo. Jang has sent Kwon and his fiancée actress Sohn Tae-young a postcard with a hand-written message, a bottle of perfume and an Olympic commemorative medal from Beijing.

Jang’s presents were in return for Kwon’s thoughtful gifts congratulating her for setting five world records and winning gold. Through an agent Kwon gave Jang a bouquet of flowers and a personal letter.

Their friendship began back in 2004 when Jang won silver at the Athens Olympic Games. She admitted back then that she was an ardent fan of Kwon at which point their meeting was arranged. The two haven't yet met face to face, because Kwon has left the country with his future bride for a shoot in London.

Source: KBS World


Credits : rubie / news thread

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Olympic Star Congratulates Film Star's Wedding


Credits : rubie / news thread

Thanks Will and Pandarube for the article!

yah, i remember the national hero Jang Miran is also a fan of Kwon Sang Woo

Last Olympic 2004 when she got silver medal, she met Sangwoo and promised him she will turn the medal color in the next Olympic! and she did it! So wonderful !!!

Last 2004 Sangwoo presented her a STH style necklace as a souvernir! :phew:

Dun know what will be this time! :lol:

More pix for Jang Miran


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remember to invite me, k? :w00t:

this Prada bag he brought at the airport, cost USD600.00




actually moi dun care much for Prada B) ...... STY must have influenced Sangwoo -_-

Olympic Star Congratulates Film Star's Wedding


Olympic weightlifting gold medalist Jang Mi-ran has sent wedding gifts and a congratulatory message to her favorite actor Kwon Sang-woo. Jang has sent Kwon and his fiancée actress Sohn Tae-young a postcard with a hand-written message, a bottle of perfume and an Olympic commemorative medal from Beijing.

Jang’s presents were in return for Kwon’s thoughtful gifts congratulating her for setting five world records and winning gold. Through an agent Kwon gave Jang a bouquet of flowers and a personal letter.

Their friendship began back in 2004 when Jang won silver at the Athens Olympic Games. She admitted back then that she was an ardent fan of Kwon at which point their meeting was arranged. The two haven't yet met face to face, because Kwon has left the country with his future bride for a shoot in London.

Source: KBS World


Credits : rubie / news thread

that's nice of her :) ..... wonder whether she can lift up Sangwoo :phew:

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that's nice of her :) ..... wonder whether she can lift up Sangwoo :phew:

My dear, she broke the record of weightlifting with total weight of +75kgs

Sangwoo is about 72 kgs (before annoucing he loss 4kgs).. See, could she lift he up?


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My dear, she broke the record of weightlifting with total weight of +75kgs

Sangwoo is about 72 kgs (before annoucing he loss 4kgs).. See, could she lift he up?


well if Sangwoo dun watch what he eats in London n pile on d fish n chips, buttered scones, heavy cream, muffins etc, she might just not be able to lift him after all! :w00t::w00t: ..... it will be STY's fault of cos! -_-

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thanks for your welcoming TY_KSW

yee im from Morocco :D

very far isn't?? lol

oooooooo ....... are u in Casablanca dear? :w00t: ........ moi was in there back in 1993 with moi's parents who were pretending to be Humphrey n Ingrid !!! ;) ...... moi was only about 11 n a bit too young to appreciate it ..... but moi remembered the beautiful waves at the promenade :) ...... n moi went to Rabat n Marrakech too ...... remembered visiting a walled suq in Marrakech n d weather was cold -- lovely place! :D



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oooooooo ....... are u in Casablanca dear? :w00t: ........ moi was in there back in 1993 with moi's parents who were pretending to be Humphrey n Ingrid !!! ;) ...... moi was only about 11 n a bit too young to appreciate it ..... but moi remembered the beautiful waves at the promenade :) ...... n moi went to Rabat n Marrakech too ...... remembered visiting a walled suq in Marrakech n d weather was cold -- lovely place! :D


any idea my dear? a love story in Casablanca when SW meet the newbie sweet n demure n innocent in Marrakech in the end and serenade each others "Please come back to me in Casablanca, I love you more and more each day as time goes by"


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Guest Mariposa28

hello everyone

thanks everyone for your warm welcomin,feel soo nice,

moi i don't live in Casablanca but more to the north in Tangier, glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay here ,

TY_KSW you have a wide imagination, :D:D i like this story, it's like a fairy tell, *sigh*

ahh wish KSW can come here, here no reporters will chase him, except me lol, he can rest all the time he wants, maybe i could be his guide in the city or the whole country if he wants, , hehe, maybe kidnap him and they will be no more wedding, :lol::lol:

thanks Azura , TY_KSW for the info about the calendar, and the new pic looking dashing,

willenette thanks dear for the article, she certainly can lift him without effort, lol

i would love a poster like this :w00t:


is this a new poster?? i absolutly love it :w00t::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:


ahhh my favorite pics of the moment in one collage :w00t: im in heaven


credit baidu

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TY_KSW you have a wide imagination, :D:D i like this story, it's like a fairy tell, *sigh*

ahh wish KSW can come here, here no reporters will chase him, except me lol, he can rest all the time he wants, maybe i could be his guide in the city or the whole country if he wants, , hehe, maybe kidnap him and they will be no more wedding, :lol::lol:

if he went to your country, we wouldl cross fingers for you.. to be his guide or even kidnap him!

and be sure, just kidnap the actor, then leave his "attachment" to anyone..

he is surely save in your hands than hers, hope so :lol::lol:

is this a new poster?? i absolutly love it :w00t::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

we also love to have that big poster too... it is just a artwork from fans, detected by ws photofunia.com :rolleyes:

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any idea my dear? a love story in Casablanca when SW meet the newbie sweet n demure n innocent in Marrakech in the end and serenade each others "Please come back to me in Casablanca, I love you more and more each day as time goes by"


what a great idea! :w00t: ....... Sangwoo n STY can separate in Casablanca aka Bogart n Ingrid, then Sangwoo wanders off south to Marrakech n meet d demure newbie outside d suq! n they hold a Morrocan wedding! B)

hello everyone

thanks everyone for your warm welcomin,feel soo nice,

moi i don't live in Casablanca but more to the north in Tangier, glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay here ,

TY_KSW you have a wide imagination, :D:D i like this story, it's like a fairy tell, *sigh*

ahh wish KSW can come here, here no reporters will chase him, except me lol, he can rest all the time he wants, maybe i could be his guide in the city or the whole country if he wants, , hehe, maybe kidnap him and they will be no more wedding, :lol::lol:

thanks Azura , TY_KSW for the info about the calendar, and the new pic looking dashing,

willenette thanks dear for the article, she certainly can lift him without effort, lol

i would love a poster like this :w00t:


is this a new poster?? i absolutly love it :w00t::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:


ahhh my favorite pics of the moment in one collage :w00t: im in heaven


credit baidu

don't kidnap Sangwoo dear :phew: ...... but what if it is STY who is kidnapped n disappears forever into d Sahara??? :o:o:w00t:


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Hi NY2002, i always think, its smart choice if he ended up with HJW than STY! :lol:

but, its his wife not ours... :phew:

Hi TY! :lol:Indeed!

Heart the new photos! He really does look good in a suit! :wub:

Happy Weekend Everyone! :)

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Guest Mariposa28

Azura thanks for the new Biltmore pics, he looks gourgous, would love to have that calndar, :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

TY_KSW thanks for BangBang pics :)

hehe ok moi i wont kidnap him, :lol: he's too precious but i would love to see him wearing a traditionnal djellaba, he'll look like an arab prince, lol :D

here a video i found of KSW in the airport, we can see him running to the van, chasing by fans and cameras :

KSW in airport

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Kwon Sangwoo and Son Tae Young were schedule to return home this weekends after a week long

magazine shooting in London but have decided to extend their stay in Europe for their pre-honeymoon. :rolleyes:

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Guest valley girl

there something about this,, about security personal information i don't understand, revelead from mysterious cd , does someone understand seems like some accident

권상우·류시원·조인성 등 스타도 개인 정보 유출

[노컷뉴스] 2008년 09월 05일(금) 오후 03:01 가 가| 이메일| 프린트

[노컷뉴스 방송연예팀 김재윤, 조은별 기자]


연예인들도 개인정보 유출을 피해갈 수 없었다.

노컷뉴스가 5일 오전 단독보도한 '1천 1백만명의 개인정보가 담긴 CD유출'과 관련, CD안에는 유명 연예인들의 개인 신상 정보도 고스란히 담겨있었다.

이 CD에는 한류스타 류시원, 권상우, 지성 (본명 곽태근) 등의 주민등록번호와 거주지(지성은 소속사), 집 전화번호가 그대로 노출되어 있었다.

뿐만 아니라 문제의 CD에는 톱스타 최진실과 조인성, 김주하 앵커에 이르기까지 성별, 나이를 막론한 상당수의 유명인의 정보도 고스란히 담겨 있다.

이와 관련해 연예계는 큰 충격에 빠졌다.

정 보가 노출된 한류스타 류시원의 소속사 관계자는 "류시원의 경우 다행히 현재 주소지를 옮겼지만 너무 충격적인 일이다. 어떻게 이런 일이 일어났는지 이해할 수 없다"며 "다른 어떤 직종보다도 사생활을 보호받아야 할 연예인들의 정보가 무방비로 노출될 수 있었는지 철저히 조사해야 할 것"이라고 밝혔다.

또 다른 정보 유출 피해자 최진실 측도 "만일 우리 최진실 씨의 정보가 일반인들에게까지 광범위하게 유출됐다면 보디가드 수준의 경호를 해야 할 수 밖에 없을 것"이라며 "스토킹이나 명의도용 등 2차 피해도 우려된다"고 덧붙였다.

한편, 개인 정보가 고스란히 담긴 CD는 서울 강남의 유흥가 골목길에 버려진 채 발견됐으며, 문제의 CD안에는 청와대 수석 비서관과 장관은 물론 국회의장과 국회의원, 경찰청장과 언론인 등 국내 주요인사들의 주민번호, 집 주소, 전화번호 등 구체적인 개인정보가 대부분 담겨져 있다.

kjy7@cbs.co.kr, mulgae@cbs.co.kr

credit yahoo korea

thank you

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Kwon Sangwoo and Son Tae Young were schedule to return home this weekends after a week long

magazine shooting in London but have decided to extend their stay in Europe for their pre-honeymoon. :rolleyes:

tsk tsk! must be that woman's direction1 <_<

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