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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest bogoshipda

Hi bogo,

Nice to see you this time at my place... yeah, I am shocked as well... I can't handle this news... too sudden and I can't seem to connect him and her (sorry for fans of her)... eventhough I have tasted soju before, I think I will need it for my headache... just like drama said... when you drink, make sure you go grrrrrrrr, and it was taste good... let me try it...

Hi fivemagic,

Me 2, I can't handle the news, I hope the news will sink in soon. Like you, I don't think that STY's connection with sang woo is sizzling enough, I know she is Miss Korea and looks really pretty but apart from that not much positive knowledge about her...( no offence to her fans)

To other Sang woo's fans ,e.g Azura, betchay 830, TY_KSW , echan ... I do share your mixed feelings..

P.S,- when i drink 'soju' I will do the grrr thingy...

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Guest Zombie

I was watching the VOD on KSW news conf held yesterday.

KSW did looked uncomfortable and nervous, but then I thought , maybe it was KSW showing his true self and baring his true inner feeling on the woman he loved to the media.

Not easy for a k/star, but he did it for STY, and she should be very happy for her man.

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Guest saranghae82

I can't believe I didn't see this coming...lol...it's like being hit by a freight train going 200 miles an hour...I mean I'm too old to be a fangirl but I admired and appreciated him and his works very much...what signs did I miss? Happy sad and depressed but joyful at the same time...mixed emotions if all this were true....I can't judge her cause I'm not familar with her in anyway but hopefully our KSW knows what he wants and hope he gets what he deserves, which is all the happiness in the world...sheesh...how come I am not familar with her at all? or am I just out of it being in the states? she has similar facial features to Kim Jung Eun in some pics and such...but that's just my opinion.

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Guest winniesuzette

saw a fanart in kim ha neul thread, theres a kwon sang woo fan art banner with RIP in it... it makes me laugh

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Congratulation to KSW and his wife-to-be. I wish them a lifetime of happiness.

I understand how everyone's shocked over this news. When you eventually calm down, I hope you will see things in a different light.

I believe that fans should support him through it all (good and bad times).

Fans are disappointed?

Like he said, he didn't mean for the fans to find out this way. He wanted to announce the news on his birthday, but it's leaked out.

I think that was why he appologized to the fans; true that he didn't have to since he didn't do anything wrong, but he cared for his fans' feelings.

BTW, there are pics of him smiling at the conference too. :)

Not being together long enough?

They are both matured enough to decide that. Besides sometimes timing is not everything, who's to say that a couple who's together for 2 years is better/closer than a couple who's together for 1 year. Maybe she's there for him during his hard times (setbacks with dramas, etc)? Gave him lots of love & support and they became very closed?

She dated many people?

Well, everyone has a past right? Some people are lucky to meet their soulmate on 1st attempt, others take longer.

Besides we don't know her personally so we shouldn't judge her. He made his choice and we should respect/support him.

Not the right choice?

Many of of us want him to be with his co-stars because of the chemistry displayed in their works, can they connect on that level in real life as well?

He should be the one who decides who's best/suitable for him. I read some rather harsh comments at another forum, some of them just can't accept the fact that he has a girlfriend and getting married. The truth is that he will eventually marry someone; even if she wasn't STY, how likely will one of the fans become the one?

Why marry now?

He mentioned in many of his interviews that he longs to have a family. He's at an age for marriage too.

Do fans want him to remain single like many other top actors? Just for the sake of the fans? Celebrities have a life too, they also need love/support/care from loved ones.

Just my 2 cents though. If you don't agree with what I wrote, just ignore this post.

Take it easy everyone. :)

I feel you on this... I totally love KSW and YES even celebs have their own personal life that they need to take care of. STY, she's a pretty girl... if she can make our KSW happy then more power to her... YES KSW needs to start his own family b4 he get's too old... like he said in some interview... he have friends that's already married with kids and he wants to be just like that.

KSW have my support and I will watch his family grow.

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Guest hotelier29

His pictures from the press con look AWFUL! :wacko:

Not a bit of happy groom..oh well, can't blame him.. this is a big blow to his career.

Maybe "SAYONARA" for his career! :lol:

I feel so bad.. while typing this kind of wordings but i'm just stating a fact.

Hope he really did make a right decision.. :phew:

i hope he didn't said sayonara to his career!! i am still waiting his new drama, since his coming one has been canceled!!

to all other fans also waiting his new drama / movie right? so we just pray for it!! that he will make a new one for us!

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I feel you on this... I totally love KSW and YES even celebs have their own personal life that they need to take care of. STY, she's a pretty girl... if she can make our KSW happy then more power to her... YES KSW needs to start his own family b4 he get's too old... like he said in some interview... he have friends that's already married with kids and he wants to be just like that.

KSW have my support and I will watch his family grow.

i agree with you guys, he deserve to be happy in his personal life...Congratulations KSW & STY!!! Have a happy life together.... and KSW i believe in your talent and you're still my "BEST Korean Actor"!!! :D

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Guest grumpy23

oh my gosh! i was still in shock and full of sadness after hearing that daemul wasn't going to be on. too sad to even post here...and now this?


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you know what, i already lying but jumped up then have a shower at 1225AM :lol:

to cool it down! then post it

now i go to bed again, lets pray i can sleep! :phew:

I cant' imagine! that costums! its so serious ! all in black included tie! ayoo!

Tomorrow i must wear black to the office too! :D

moi need to get into red to be d other woman B) ..... sigh ........ moi dun like to wear that color actually, its pastels that moi's cuppa :rolleyes:

His pictures from the press con look AWFUL! :wacko:

Not a bit of happy groom..oh well, can't blame him.. this is a big blow to his career.

Maybe "SAYONARA" for his career! :lol:

I feel so bad.. while typing this kind of wordings but i'm just stating a fact.

Hope he really did make a right decision.. :phew:

seriously methinks marriage will affect d career of any K-hearthrob bcos a lot of his fans fantasize about his being theirs personally. Marriage will put paid to that fantasy :) ...... unless u are now into becoming d other woman like moi! :w00t:

OMG I just read an article that KSW is marrying SonTaeYoung!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't even know they were going out!!!! I totally cannot picture them together, but oh well. Good for them~~

By the way, I sound like a bitter fan, but I'm not really a fan.. I just wanted to say that STY has had a really "bad" dating history haha. She cheated on on her boyfriend who was directing an MV, got involved with her male co-star of the MV#@#%, and then THEY broke up really soon after too. And some other stuff too.

I hope KWS doesn't break his heart over her.

well to be frank, Sangwoo must surely be aware of her history, n so methinks he can only blame himself if he does end up with a heartache :rolleyes: ..... he really should have chosen someone more sweet, demure n innocent! :P

yeah, i agree with my fellow fans, maybe he should prepare us, let us sink the reality that hes dating the slowly letting us know that hes planning to get married.... maybe the news is a bit shock like a "bomb" without giving us time.... to accept the reality....

maybe in time we will accept the fact that hes no longer single...

im just wondering why does celebrities doesnt want to reveal whether they are dating or not.. theres nothing wrong especially when they are single and handsome/beautiful :)

winniesuzette, same point as what I told echan above ..... fans who fantasize about being with their celeb would see their fantasies shattered by any dating or marriage announcement :) .... for hearthrobs like Sangwoo, u can be sure he has numerous such fans! :lol:

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Guest kayelee


I know you are all shocked about his sudden plans of marrying without even knowing he has a girlfriend. <_<

I just wish them Best Wishes!!! STY be the BEST wife to our dear Sang Woo please. *pours a glass of soju*

okay I am getting out of my system as I still can't absorb this news.. :tears::tears:

Bethhow are you??? hehe..

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Guest mrs han


You have just broken my heart into pieces, but what can I do? You must be really in love to marry a woman you have been having a relationship for just a couple of months. Part of me wants to scream and curse all the forces in the universe, but my heart, though broken, is magnanimous enough to wish you and your future wife well.

Like my shell-shocked friends here, I have some reasons to doubt and ask questions about your upcoming marriage. I hope that you have known each other well and that you are marrying for the right reasons. Because marriage needs more than love - I hope you will keep that in mind. And as a word of advice from a still concerned fan: Draw up a prenuptial agreement. I do not want to sound pessimistic, but you might be in cloud nine now, but who knows where you will be in a few years time? Try to learn from Paul McCartney's recent experience.

Do not worry about us, we will get over this - a few bottles of soju will be enough. After the shock comes denial, then acceptance, and after that, healing. And, ironic as it may sound, I want to say "Thank You" because I can sleep better tonight, now that I am finally able to come to terms with the truth. My anxious heart can finally start beating normally again, and I can go back to solving my sudoku puzzles without the unnecessary distraction.

Congratulations, dear, for making this brave decision. My only hope is that it is a right one.

Broken-hearted but sincere,

Mrs Han

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Mydaily - 2008년 07월 18일(금) 오후 09:20

Hi TY - thanks for sharing this translation. Gosh, this is it! Really don't know what to say - having mixed-emotion here. Well, probably I should feel happy because I know he is! So, by September 28, he's already a married man & about to start a family with her. I just admire his courage to announce this to his fans. His personal life is really that important to him other than his career. What a man - I love him more because of this. He must have loved this girl so much - crying during proposal & most of all offering marriage to her. But ye, it's really high time for him to have a family of his own because he's over 30 years old. :blink::)

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Guest silently_solitude

When I read the news, I was very excited for some reason. We knew of his interview ages ago where he stated that he wanted to marry. And the actress that he is dating now is really pretty! A well known actress at that. I personally think they look really well together. and I'm really excited for them. I hope the to-be marriage works out fine ^^

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Wow..awesome red letter from mrs han...!

speaks for most of us too..!

5 months of dating..and a sudden wedding..i hope it will be a spectacular one!!

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Still not get over this bomb, like many of us here, WHY THE RUSH???? and don't like the way he handled this news neither.

But what is done, is done. I still wish him all the best and hope he made a right decision.

Awesome letter, Mrs Han. just exactly what i think too.

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Guest mrs han

Helloo.... Its easy say than done....i dont want to say it out but i just cant stand and sick of ppl keep saying "let's all wish him happiness and as a fans we should understand him" bla bla bla.....

for my case, i've been his fans for more than 5 years now....i still felt cheated, betrayed and mad...why? we aint saint, we have emotional and why did we have to find out the truth from the media than from himself in the first place, yes we love him and its his decision to choose who he's gonna married but i'm really disappoint on how he handle this whole thing. He should have done a better job.

its too shock for us, we didnt even know that he's dating at least he should have give us some times to digest and frankly wedding in Sep is abit rush...why the hurry?

I hope ppl can STOP asking why his fans is leaving him and felt bitter about his wedding and we should understand him etc etc etc....you can call me selfish or whatever at least i'm not a plastic, i wrote how i feel.

I feel your pain, my dear azura. :mellow::mellow: He could have done better...

Unable to sleep last night, crazy thoughts had a free-for-all in my very, very disturbed head. As I was bracing myself for the worst, a totally insane thought popped in my brain: What if my poor heart cannot survive from its brokenness? Inspired by the movie "Serendipity", I started to write my own obituary. It reads: "Mrs Han died this Saturday from complications of losing her Sangwoo oppa and her heavenly dream." :lol::lol::lol:

And here's another crazy thought from last night: If oppa would announce his marriage (which he did), all th broken-hearted ladies can form a congregation. Hahahaha, if Mother Theresa had her Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy, we will have the Congregation of the Sisters of Misery! :P:P

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He's also avoiding the question when asked 'Is she with a child?'..

He should be thrilled (IF..she's really with his child..) and announced the due date too..

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