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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest Azura

Kwon Sang-woo admits that there is someone whom he wants to marry.

He revealed his hope toward marriage in an interview on the 20th. He feels more lonely now than before, the feeling of wanting to have children is stronger . He will definitely marry, should be before turning 35.


^ Did I read it correctly?

I think the news mis-interpretation what he meant.

This is not the first time. :rolleyes: for me, i will not pay attention to that unless he admit himself

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Guest betchay

A socialiate casanova needs to skill many thing.. bc his aim is a President lady!!!hahhahah! m so excited already!!!

I often have nice dream from the time he return to the small screen dear.. n it is still now! :w00t:

me..the same dear, until now i kept on watching Bad Love & STH. :rolleyes:

i wish to have a normal life now.. ha ha :wacko::lol:

hahahha.. i will cross my toes too! to have chance to watch it after 1 month like the previous one... We will go with a big group of VN fans! tsk tsk.. to stir up the box! aja aja! :w00t:

i'll crossed mine too, just for u! :P

Just be a good leader of ur group..

Don't fantasize Big Boss Jo too much! :lol:

I think the news mis-interpretation what he meant.

This is not the first time. :rolleyes: for me, i will not pay attention to that unless he admit himself

Go..Azura, the news upsets me too. <_<

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Guest betchay

Hi betchay830, i like your siggy..it is so nice. :wub:

Hello limeelyn, welcome to this thread!

U can use it if u want! :)

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I just found this article at popseoul.com, and I'm not sure if this has been posted here already but let me post it anyway.

Kwon Sang-woo wants to settle down

Published March 21, 2008 Kwon Sang Woo , single or taken?

In a recent interview with the domestic news site, Newsen, actor Kwon Sang-woo (32) admitted that he wants to get married and have kids….eventually. When asked if he has a special woman in his life, he gave a cryptic reply of “even if I had one, I wouldn’t say. If I don’t have one, I would say anything either.” (translated) However, the sexy actor’s short term memory must be failing him because he added, “I have in mind a woman who I would like to marry.”

Now, let the guessing game begin... :lol::lol:

d perfect wifie would be someone sweet, demure n innocent B) ..... around 1.75m and 26 years! :P

Wonder who will be the lucky gal? :phew:

Ur right mrs han, i'm sure moi knows the answer.

I know i should give him my blessings as fan but i'm

still jealous...jealous...!!!

This week is great for us.

yay.. my hard drive is full of Sangwoos pix. :w00t:

Society figure... i thinking our socialite casanova!! :sweatingbullets::lol:

see moi's answer above dear! B)

yup,though i will give my blessings but yet i feel so jealous!!can't imagine him getting married at this point now.. i just hope he don't give us a bombshell all of a sudden from nowhere...must pre-empt us first before i faint of shock...

the pics are simply gorgeous ..he look so OMG in every one of them..

i hope the premiere does well! :)

Sangwoo should marry, after all he's oredi past 30 and hitting 35 in a couple of years time B)

Thanksss.. it is clear enough for me to see his belt brand!

hahah.. m not wrong! its D&G!! :w00t:

the shirt color suit his complexion! very refreshing and young!

Sangwoo know how his fans feel dear.. hahhaha Hope like you said, he'll remain bachelor like my Janggie! :rolleyes:

What? its your 2nd laps? :phew: ayoo! will it be enough space for casanova ? :lol:

Sangwoo must listen to his mama and marry a sweet n demure gal B) ..... dun know about Janggie's mama though :phew:

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Guest TY_KSW

d perfect wifie would be someone sweet, demure n innocent B) ..... around 1.75m and 26 years! :P

1.75? dun tell me its your heigh dear? ayah! your tall lah.. 10cm than mine! :lol:

..... dun know about Janggie's mama though :phew:

he won't tell you dear! its our secret! :lol:

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Guest mrs han

d perfect wifie would be someone sweet, demure n innocent B) ..... around 1.75m and 26 years! :P

see moi's answer above dear! B)

Sangwoo should marry, after all he's oredi past 30 and hitting 35 in a couple of years time B)

Sangwoo must listen to his mama and marry a sweet n demure gal B) ..... dun know about Janggie's mama though :phew:

Hahaha, just as I thought! :lol::lol::lol: I will give you my blessing, dear, but I expect to receive a wedding invite! :w00t::w00t: Your height is 1.75m?! Waaaaaa, how can the sweet and demure newbie be so tall? :tears::tears:

Yaa, azura and TY, all those droolicious pics you've been posting are killing my laptop! But what the heck, I want more, more! :lol::lol:

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Guest michsann

Kwon Sang-woo admits that there is someone whom he wants to marry.

He revealed his hope toward marriage in an interview on the 20th. He feels more lonely now than before, the feeling of wanting to have children is stronger . He will definitely marry, should be before turning 35.

oh my God. so that means he's gonna get married w/in the next 3 years. wow! hopefully to someone who really deserves him.


betchay830 -- nice signature. i cant help myself but stare at KSW everytime i see your siggy ^_^

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Guest kdramafanusa

[2008.03.22-03.23] <Fate> at #1

PERIOD: 2008.03.22 ~ 2008.03.23


1. Fate / 18 / 23.87% / -%

2. The Other Boleyn Girl (U.K.) / 15 / 19.13% / -%

3. Chaser / 18 / 17.00% / 22.01%

4. Step Up 2 The Streets (U.S.) / 12 / 15.67% / 17.38%

5. 10,000 BC (U.S.) / 15 / 12.68% / 36.94%

6. The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (U.S.) / * / 3.24% / -%

7. Amazing Grace (U.S., U.K.) / * / 2.73% / -%

8. Babo / 12 / 2.48% / 6.35%

9. Brave Story (Japan) / * / 1.78% / -%

10. Vantage Point (U.S.) / 15 / 1.42% / 5.45%

Source: Maxmovie

[2008.03.22-03.23] <숙명> 1위, 2위 그룹 박빙 승부


권상우, 송승헌 주연의 <숙명>이 점유율 23.87%를 기록하며 예매순위 1위로 출발했다. <연애, 참을 수 없는 가벼움>을 연출한 김해곤 감독의 두 번째 장편영화 <숙명>은 18세 이상 관람가의 강도 높은 액션물로 남성관객의 관람욕구를 자극하는 영화. 그러나 성별 예매비율을 보면 권상우, 송승헌의 고정 팬층인 20대 여성의 예매량이 높아 남녀관객의 고른 사랑을 받고 있음을 알 수 있다.

이번 주 박빙의 승부는 사실 2위 그룹에 있었다. <천일의 스캔들>, <추격자>, <스텝업2-더 스트리트>가 2% 안팎의 점유율 차이로 매일매일 순위 바꾸기를 거듭해왔다.

이번 주말 예매순위의 진정한 승리자는 2위를 차지한 <천일의 스캔들>. 상대적으로 적은 상영회수에도 불구하고 예매점유율 19.13%이라는 높은 수치를 기록했다. 이 같은 수치는 <천일의 스캔들>이 좌석점유율에서 성공하고 있다는 의미다.

개봉 6주차를 맞은 <추격자>는 꾸준히 상위권을 유지하며 예매자 별점도 상대적으로 높은 점수를 얻고 있어 상당 기간 흥행이 보장되고 있다.

지난주 1위에 올랐던 <10,000 BC>는 12.68%의 예매율을 보이며 네 계단 하락한 5위에 랭크됐다.

일반적으로, 가족 영화들은 어린이들과 함께 극장을 찾는 가족단위 관객을 주타겟으로 삼기 때문에 30대의 예매율이 전체의 절반 이상을 차지하는 경우가 많다. 이번 주 6, 9위를 각각 차지한 <워터호스>와 <브레이브 스토리>의 경우도 30대의 영화 예매율이 높게 나타났다.

국내최대 영화포털 맥스무비 www.maxmovie.com

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Guest TY_KSW

[2008.03.22-03.23] <Fate> at #1

PERIOD: 2008.03.22 ~ 2008.03.23


1. Fate / 18 / 23.87% / -%

2. The Other Boleyn Girl (U.K.) / 15 / 19.13% / -%

3. Chaser / 18 / 17.00% / 22.01%

4. Step Up 2 The Streets (U.S.) / 12 / 15.67% / 17.38%

5. 10,000 BC (U.S.) / 15 / 12.68% / 36.94%

6. The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (U.S.) / * / 3.24% / -%

7. Amazing Grace (U.S., U.K.) / * / 2.73% / -%

8. Babo / 12 / 2.48% / 6.35%

9. Brave Story (Japan) / * / 1.78% / -%

10. Vantage Point (U.S.) / 15 / 1.42% / 5.45%

Source: Maxmovie

Thank you...

now i understand the percentage accompanied is indicating the market share!

The Fate dominated nearly one fouth market share! good

hope next days will occupy 50% :lol:

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Guest kdramafanusa

Thank you...

now i understand the percentage accompanied is indicating the market share!

The Fate dominated nearly one fouth market share! good

hope next days will occupy 50% :lol:

Rating isn't very good, it's currently at #14 with 5.67 points (64 participants).

Chaser is #1 with 8.73 points.


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Guest kdramafanusa

on what basic we got the rating? 64 participant? mean only 64 person in a box?

How the audience rates the movie, probably on the scale of 1-10.

For Yahoo Movies, users can login to rate the movies.

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Guest TY_KSW

How the audience rates the movie, probably on the scale of 1-10.

For Yahoo Movies, users can login to rate the movies.

ah! that mean the total of viewers who CLICK to rate the movie..

Aish.. so many figures and complicated to me...

That rating wil change after few days since it jsut started to screen!

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Guest mrs han

I found this article from asian fanatics.com just a minute or so ago. It's related to the one I posted yesterday from popseoul.com, but this one is more detailed. Happy reading! :D:D


In a recent interview, the Bad Love hunk was asked if he has a girlfriend at the moment. He replied, “Well, I would say "No" whether I have one or not.”

The 32-year-old was then asked if there is someone he would like to date? Without hesitating, the eligible bachelor said “Yes” but quickly recovered the answer by saying, “There used to be someone I wanted to marry, I used to think ‘I wanna marry that kind of girl’.”

The versatile actor then went on to describe his ideal partner, saying that she has to have grown up in an environment of love. “That sort of person knows how to love and make others happy. That’s the most important thing. I don’t care whether she is wealthy or not.”

His future wife must love him and his mother as well. “If she does so, I will dedicate myself to her.”

Kwon Sang-woo also revealed that he gets lonely as he grows older and wants to start a family. If nothing prevents him from doing so, he will probably get hitched by 35.

“My father passed away when I was a baby, so I’ve been thinking a lot about a complete family,” he revealed. “I want to build a family soon and live with my mother.”

However, the Destiny actor believes that everything will happen in its right time. “I will marry when I want and need to. Even if I meet a great woman, she’s not mine if the timing isn’t right.

“Taking on roles in movies and dramas is also the same. Even if the character is really good, I will not take it if the timing’s not right…it’s just not in my destiny. I follow my destiny.”

Source credit: Newsen with translations by Joe Gimm

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Guest TY_KSW

the cafe where he took those pix is so nice...

Azura, do you know what its name?

we must visit there on the next trip!

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Guest Azura

the cafe where he took those pix is so nice...

Azura, do you know what its name?

we must visit there on the next trip!

its a boutique cafe....there's alot in Korea.

Sorry, i dun know the name

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Guest EnDlEsS88

I found this article from asian fanatics.com just a minute or so ago. It's related to the one I posted yesterday from popseoul.com, but this one is more detailed. Happy reading! :D:D


In a recent interview, the Bad Love hunk was asked if he has a girlfriend at the moment. He replied, “Well, I would say "No" whether I have one or not.”

The 32-year-old was then asked if there is someone he would like to date? Without hesitating, the eligible bachelor said “Yes” but quickly recovered the answer by saying, “There used to be someone I wanted to marry, I used to think ‘I wanna marry that kind of girl’.”

The versatile actor then went on to describe his ideal partner, saying that she has to have grown up in an environment of love. “That sort of person knows how to love and make others happy. That’s the most important thing. I don’t care whether she is wealthy or not.”

His future wife must love him and his mother as well. “If she does so, I will dedicate myself to her.”

Kwon Sang-woo also revealed that he gets lonely as he grows older and wants to start a family. If nothing prevents him from doing so, he will probably get hitched by 35.

“My father passed away when I was a baby, so I’ve been thinking a lot about a complete family,” he revealed. “I want to build a family soon and live with my mother.”

However, the Destiny actor believes that everything will happen in its right time. “I will marry when I want and need to. Even if I meet a great woman, she’s not mine if the timing isn’t right.

“Taking on roles in movies and dramas is also the same. Even if the character is really good, I will not take it if the timing’s not right…it’s just not in my destiny. I follow my destiny.”

Source credit: Newsen with translations by Joe Gimm

OH .. so it is getting serious... :w00t:

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