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Guest Kitty Kat1430291813

MrPower said: I've noticed that a lot of women check out guys by doing the shoe-to-hair-in-half-a-second look.

What exactly do you look for?
Do you do this for every guy?

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@MrPower: I think I don't really look for anything in particular just checking out whether he is hot as a whole. I'm not one to solely focus on someones eyes or smile or body when cheking out guys. I like looking at him as a whole: face, height, posture, style.

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Guest hearthealer


said: I've noticed that a lot of women check out guys by doing the shoe-to-hair-in-half-a-second look.

What exactly do you look for?

Do you do this for every guy?

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Hello beautiful women of soompi ask the ladies thread! My name is Phillip, and I'd like to get your opinion on something. 
If there was some sort of handbook.guidebook to understanding males, what would you want to see in it? 
As some of you may know, I do vlogs on relationship advice. I'm about to start a few new series that entail us dudes to become better males, so you ladies won't think that we're such pigs haha. First series coming is on what guys should do do prep for a first date. I've heard way too many horror stories from female friends, and thought it would be a good idea. 
Any input on this? I'd really really appreciate it. Keep being beautiful!

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BadumBoosh said: Hey ladies, I have a question.... So I really like this girl (we are in uni) and we've known each other for a while now. We went drinking last night and throughout the night, I was trying to gauge her interest in me, so I would put my hand on her thighs, but she would knock it off. But then sometimes we would get really touchy when I'm teasing her and she would playfully hit me. I don't know what to think of this, so I was wondering if this is enough to tell if she likes me or not? Thanks for the responses ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey ladies :)
I'm a uni freshman, and I've recently met this wonderful girl who I've been talking to quite a bit. We've been getting to know each other for the past few weeks and we're really clicking nicely as far as I'm aware, but obviously I don't want to jump on things too quickly. From my perspective, I've been making it clear that I'm interested in being more than just friends with her, and she's been doing the same as well in terms of body language and just the way we communicate with each other. Whenever she has breaks between classes, whether they're 30 minutes or 3 hours, she always texts me wanting to meet up, and I do the same. I've asked her out to a couple places, which she hasn't declined but happily accepted. The point is, we're pretty comfortable around each other.
I've had dating experience in high school, which never really worked out as well as they should, but I'm totally unsure of how to go about with college relationships. I'm definitely intending on keeping the pace slow and steady as far as making any romantic advances, but how slow should I go? One has to always be weary of the possibility of becoming friendzoned :S
I'd appreciate it if someone could drop a few tips for me!

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Guest A_Star296

Kaoss said: Hey ladies :)
I'm a uni freshman, and I've recently met this wonderful girl who I've been talking to quite a bit. We've been getting to know each other for the past few weeks and we're really clicking nicely as far as I'm aware, but obviously I don't want to jump on things too quickly. From my perspective, I've been making it clear that I'm interested in being more than just friends with her, and she's been doing the same as well in terms of body language and just the way we communicate with each other. Whenever she has breaks between classes, whether they're 30 minutes or 3 hours, she always texts me wanting to meet up, and I do the same. I've asked her out to a couple places, which she hasn't declined but happily accepted. The point is, we're pretty comfortable around each other.
I've had dating experience in high school, which never really worked out as well as they should, but I'm totally unsure of how to go about with college relationships. I'm definitely intending on keeping the pace slow and steady as far as making any romantic advances, but how slow should I go? One has to always be weary of the possibility of becoming friendzoned :S
I'd appreciate it if someone could drop a few tips for me!

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There's this girl who seemed interested in me when I was talking to her. She remarked how I looked like I worked out even though it was the first time we talked. She also asked for my number. However, we haven't really talked since then.

I'm really confused because afterwards, I found out that it's common for her and her friends to ask for numbers. She even asked for my friend's number and her friend asked for my number as well.  So I thought maybe I was reading too much into it.

Then the other day, she talked to my friend and told him how she thought I was a good guy/nice guy and wanted to get to know me better/get closer to me. What does she mean by this? Sounds like a friend thing then?

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Guest dolcedor.

^ She's interested and wants to get to know you better. It doesn't mean she's committed to you, and it doesn't mean she can't be interested in other guys as well. If you're interested in getting to know her too, then by all means try and talk to her more.

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Not sure what to do in this situation.

I have a good friend whom I'm fairly close with. We hang out, work out, and often turn to one another for advice.
We actually spend a lot of time together; inside and outside of our mutual group of friends.
Our friends have a running gag, saying we look like a couple, but we immediately denied it every time.

She's been acting strange recently, so I asked her what was wrong. She replied by saying that she was falling for me.
We talked for hours for several nights, and I let her know that I wasn't looking for a relationship.
She seemed to expect my reply, and said that she already knew. We later invited some friends over, I fell asleep first that night.
I woke up with her head resting on my shoulder.
I didn't have a problem with that before, but now it seems like allowing that to happen could be leading her on.

I would keep my distance, but she's a friend I don't want to lose.
I usually go out of my way to avoid contact with those that have an interest in me, but I don't feel that way right now.
Would it be wrong in the moral sense to keep hanging out with her with the clear knowledge of her interest in me?
Does anyone have any insight in this? I'm a bit close to this to think logically about it.

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Guest xphant0mwing

MrPower said: Not sure what to do in this situation.

I have a good friend whom I'm fairly close with. We hang out, work out, and often turn to one another for advice.
We actually spend a lot of time together; inside and outside of our mutual group of friends.
Our friends have a running gag, saying we look like a couple, but we immediately denied it every time.

She's been acting strange recently, so I asked her what was wrong. She replied by saying that she was falling for me.
We talked for hours for several nights, and I let her know that I wasn't looking for a relationship.
She seemed to expect my reply, and said that she already knew. We later invited some friends over, I fell asleep first that night.
I woke up with her head resting on my shoulder.
I didn't have a problem with that before, but now it seems like allowing that to happen could be leading her on.

I would keep my distance, but she's a friend I don't want to lose.
I usually go out of my way to avoid contact with those that have an interest in me, but I don't feel that way right now.
Would it be wrong in the moral sense to keep hanging out with her with the clear knowledge of her interest in me?
Does anyone have any insight in this? I'm a bit close to this to think logically about it.

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I really don't know what to do anymore.
So there's this girl that I really really liked. My first legit crush. We started talking and got to know each other better, but then soon she started to direct her efforts towards another guy, whom I could tell she liked. So with this in mind, I just started slowly drifting away from her life. I drifted from her life not only because she liked another guy, but I also felt that I would just be torturing myself because no matter how much I try to talk to her or hang out with her, she won't give me the same effort. On top of that, the guy she likes is one of my friends. If I stayed friends with her I felt like I would just be ruining her pursuit and time with my friend due to my jealousy. I don't talk to her anymore, and I didn't give her an explanation for why I don't talk to her anymore. She noticed and she tried to get me to talk to her again, but I still ignored her for her every attempt. Although, she hasn't tried to talk to me anymore for the past 4 months.
It's almost been a year now, and she goes to the same college I do. The guy she likes goes to another college. My crush isn't really a social type of person, and I could tell she feels lonely and bored and she hates it at this college. I also feel that I should talk to her again, and explain to her why I was ignoring her this past year to end off in a better note. But then again, maybe I only want to do this because I miss her so much. I don't know. What should I do? Should I continue just trying to move on with my life or should I talk to her again? I feel like just being a good guy and trying to become friends with her again and comfort her and make her life less boring through the rest of these college years, even though I know she likes another guy and I know she won't give me the effort I want from her. Or, should I just wait it out, and if she still tries to talk to me, then I'll talk to her again? Help please?

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Guest dolcedor.

chanboy said: I really don't know what to do anymore.
So there's this girl that I really really liked. My first legit crush. We started talking and got to know each other better, but then soon she started to direct her efforts towards another guy, whom I could tell she liked. So with this in mind, I just started slowly drifting away from her life. I drifted from her life not only because she liked another guy, but I also felt that I would just be torturing myself because no matter how much I try to talk to her or hang out with her, she won't give me the same effort. On top of that, the guy she likes is one of my friends. If I stayed friends with her I felt like I would just be ruining her pursuit and time with my friend due to my jealousy. I don't talk to her anymore, and I didn't give her an explanation for why I don't talk to her anymore. She noticed and she tried to get me to talk to her again, but I still ignored her for her every attempt. Although, she hasn't tried to talk to me anymore for the past 4 months.
It's almost been a year now, and she goes to the same college I do. The guy she likes goes to another college. My crush isn't really a social type of person, and I could tell she feels lonely and bored and she hates it at this college. I also feel that I should talk to her again, and explain to her why I was ignoring her this past year to end off in a better note. But then again, maybe I only want to do this because I miss her so much. I don't know. What should I do? Should I continue just trying to move on with my life or should I talk to her again? I feel like just being a good guy and trying to become friends with her again and comfort her and make her life less boring through the rest of these college years, even though I know she likes another guy and I know she won't give me the effort I want from her. Or, should I just wait it out, and if she still tries to talk to me, then I'll talk to her again? Help please?

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I have a few questions for girls...

So I take the initiative with lots of girls in different places and all have various reception to my prying. With some I can talk, others say a bit until I need to leave and I just get up without even asking for her number because it doesn't feel right, others saw a few words and are too shy... most are not receptive to much further convo -__- I know a lot has to do with just personality, but timing must be important as well I think... what determines how receptive you'll be at any given time?
-I asked this to a medium-close female friend of mine, she said that people in general like to be approached because I'm doing all the work in bridging the gap. I've been keeping that to my mind ever since.

I talked to a couple girls about dating habits and brought up whether there is a right time/place to be hitting on someone. It's sorta like my first question, but a little more force is applied on my end. They both said at a place like a bar, they expect it so sometimes they go with it. But public areas..the girl is just trying to get their errands done and move on, not be complicated with a random guy who pops up outta nowhere with his confidence. Plus they mentioned the worst is public transportation (especially airplane) where they are strapped in and forced to endure your advances. I need some feedback about this, 2 girls is NOT enough sample size to convince me on these hotspots vs. coldspots. would like objective responses along with personal replies for my curiosity.
-I asked about this to a guy, and he disagrees with those 2 girls, saying that girls want to be hit on sometimes. he knows the 2 girls too, so with personal bias discredits what their information to me.

I talked to a couple guys on how far you can get with a stranger. This one involves me meeting a lost girl, agreeing to come back to my place to get my car, and then take her home. They both told me that when she miraculously agreed to a stranger's ride, then I was in at that point and that it was a ticket for further action. I didn't think it was fair to the girl myself, since she trusted me after all, so I didn't do anything. would like thoughts on this...tickets for further action would be ask for number etc.

The last question I have is...I met a girl at the bus stop the other day, wouldn't say she was super receptive, kinda aloof, but so was I so I forgive that. we talked for at least 20 min. 5 min. into the bus ride, it takes a rest stop that it usually doesn't take and she decides to just get off and walk the rest of the way, but not before saying, "Sorry, but I'm going to walk home now." Why would she say "sorry" anyway? she sounded p-oed too, but that's because she was late, and perhaps apologizing for how unfriendly that made her seem at the time? I don't know.
I've heard it may mean "sorry, try harder next time." from some guys, don't think that was it though.

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Guest threetwofivesix

Hmm this is kind of an awkward question, but here goes: I'm a virgin and I currently am in a relationship where he is so respectful and patient, etc etc but I really don't want to engage in foreplay.....at least, the more um extreme parts of it?  Is sex without foreplay not fun? And is it wrong of me to not want to.....? He hasn't pressured me into doing anything I don't want to do, but I don't want to disappoint him either.  What are your thoughts? 

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