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Guest _toastypbj


Boss, with a family, is attracted to you. This is your first official job that is relevant to your education and career. Matters were discussed about that nothing can happen and an understanding is reached, but the boss still harbors feelings or an attraction. Leave the job or stay?

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Guest Jenny1430291777

FraZZLE said: This girl who sits behind me in lecture asked me for my number because she wanted to "understand the class material" even though I told her that I wasn't the best person to ask for help since I didn't really understand the material either. I have no idea why she asked me out of everybody else. We'd never even spoken before. She even asked me where I lived. When she gave me her number and I was fumbling with my phone, she grabbed it and entered it herself. Does she really just want to study or is she looking for something more? 

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Guest dolcedor.

_toastypbj said: Ladies,

Boss, with a family, is attracted to you. This is your first official job that is relevant to your education and career. Matters were discussed about that nothing can happen and an understanding is reached, but the boss still harbors feelings or an attraction. Leave the job or stay?

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Guest FraZZLE

Recently, I noticed that random girls around my college campus would smile at me or say hi to me.  One even asked, "how I was going?" as she passed me.  Now I think that is pretty uncommon around college campuses.  I thought maybe they're just being friendly but then this has never happened to me before... even when I made eye contact with them.  Is it they find me attractive or are they just being friendly?  Why do you girls smile at guys?

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Guest sunye~

@FraZZLEAre you a college freshmen? Are they college freshmen? If you or the girls are college freshmen around this time of the year, I think they're most likely being friendly to make new friends in a new place. It's not really uncommon to say hi to random people..
Some probably find you attractive, some probably do it out of politeness. Maybe you changed your physical appearance in a positive way or you started to act more approachable? If someone's approachable and friendly, I would strike a brief conversation with them (being attracted to them doesn't really matter in my case). 
but anyway, it's a good thing! 

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This is ask the females thread right? Meh I guess I'll concur the courage to ask! *no shame* T__TYesterday I stroke up a conversation with a girl after she asked me for a lighter. It was casual by no means was I hinting that I was interested in her. I like to converse and strike up a conversations with strangers regardless of their gender. Anyways the flow of the conversation completely changed when she had to interject the conversation and say "I have a boyfriend" I mean I was genuinely asking how her day was =__=
Or like if I'm walking by and I politely greet someone with "hey, how's it going" 
They just look back at me and walk by! RUDE 
What makes a guy sooo unapproachable that girls just don't want to talk to him? Do I intimidate them? Do I give off the impression that I'm some pinkberry richard simmons? I don't believe I am doing anything that is beyond normal behavior. 

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Guest dolcedor.

ra123 said: This is ask the females thread right? Meh I guess I'll concur the courage to ask! *no shame* T__TYesterday I stroke up a conversation with a girl after she asked me for a lighter. It was casual by no means was I hinting that I was interested in her. I like to converse and strike up a conversations with strangers regardless of their gender. Anyways the flow of the conversation completely changed when she had to interject the conversation and say "I have a boyfriend" I mean I was genuinely asking how her day was =__=
Or like if I'm walking by and I politely greet someone with "hey, how's it going" 
They just look back at me and walk by! RUDE 
What makes a guy sooo unapproachable that girls just don't want to talk to him? Do I intimidate them? Do I give off the impression that I'm some pinkberry richard simmons? I don't believe I am doing anything that is beyond normal behavior. 

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Guest Siweonn

ra123 said: This is ask the females thread right? Meh I guess I'll concur the courage to ask! *no shame* T__TYesterday I stroke up a conversation with a girl after she asked me for a lighter. It was casual by no means was I hinting that I was interested in her. I like to converse and strike up a conversations with strangers regardless of their gender. Anyways the flow of the conversation completely changed when she had to interject the conversation and say "I have a boyfriend" I mean I was genuinely asking how her day was =__=
Or like if I'm walking by and I politely greet someone with "hey, how's it going" 
They just look back at me and walk by! RUDE 
What makes a guy sooo unapproachable that girls just don't want to talk to him? Do I intimidate them? Do I give off the impression that I'm some pinkberry richard simmons? I don't believe I am doing anything that is beyond normal behavior. 

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Guest dolcedor.

^ Not all girls will randomly blurt out "I have a boyfriend" though. We might be suspicious but we'll usually keep it to ourselves, unless the guy starts making obvious advances.

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said: Ladies,

Boss, with a family, is attracted to you. This is your first


job that is relevant to your education and career. Matters were discussed about that nothing can happen and an understanding is reached, but the boss still harbors feelings or an attraction. Leave the job or stay?

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Guest BadumBoosh

Hey ladies, I have a question.... So I really like this girl (we are in uni) and we've known each other for a while now. We went drinking last night and throughout the night, I was trying to gauge her interest in me, so I would put my hand on her thighs, but she would knock it off. But then sometimes we would get really touchy when I'm teasing her and she would playfully hit me. I don't know what to think of this, so I was wondering if this is enough to tell if she likes me or not? Thanks for the responses ^^

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BadumBoosh said: Hey ladies, I have a question.... So I really like this girl (we are in uni) and we've known each other for a while now. We went drinking last night and throughout the night, I was trying to gauge her interest in me, so I would put my hand on her thighs, but she would knock it off. But then sometimes we would get really touchy when I'm teasing her and she would playfully hit me. I don't know what to think of this, so I was wondering if this is enough to tell if she likes me or not? Thanks for the responses ^^

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Guest leehyori2

hello all :)

just a quick question, hope i could get any of the ladies opinion for this.

i've known her for about a semester now and we text and tease each other for fun.
i honestly i think shes interested in me just as a friend and im cool with that.

i ask her out to get dinner right? somehow one of my other friend got invited by her randomly.
hes our uni friend which i couldnt care less since he has a girlfriend already and she know that too.
but i felt like a third wheel that day. it was heaps weird because he didn't sleep at all that day and was at college all day.
and then he decided to come have dinner too after being awake for over 20 hours.

yeah im probably jealous.

Q:pursue this or not?

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Guest dolcedor.

leehyori2 said: hello all :)

just a quick question, hope i could get any of the ladies opinion for this.

i've known her for about a semester now and we text and tease each other for fun.
i honestly i think shes interested in me just as a friend and im cool with that.

i ask her out to get dinner right? somehow one of my other friend got invited by her randomly.
hes our uni friend which i couldnt care less since he has a girlfriend already and she know that too.
but i felt like a third wheel that day. it was heaps weird because he didn't sleep at all that day and was at college all day.
and then he decided to come have dinner too after being awake for over 20 hours.

yeah im probably jealous.

Q:pursue this or not?

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Guest dolcedor.

MrPower said: I've noticed that a lot of women check out guys by doing the shoe-to-hair-in-half-a-second look.

What exactly do you look for?
Do you do this for every guy?

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Well, I'm done for - considering I don't wear shoes half the time and I hardly have any hair.

So I lose out on both ends of this so-called cursory scan that girls enlist to check out guys.

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Guest pasdechat

MrPower said: I've noticed that a lot of women check out guys by doing the shoe-to-hair-in-half-a-second look.

What exactly do you look for?
Do you do this for every guy?

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