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Guest jenniferchung

ladies hear me out. I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months. We are happy with where we are, but there is just one thing that's keeping a gap between us. He still keeps in touch with his ex once in a while. Before we got together, he had told me that he doesnt love her anymore and want no connections with her. Recently, we went to lunch together he left his phone on the table when he went to the bathroom, and i saw an incoming text message and it was from his ex. Being the nosy me, i decided to look and it seems like that he had been responding to all her text whenever she texts him. I know I shouldn't have snooped but i just can't understand why he would hide it from me. At this point, I am a little confused. Could he be hiding more from me? Also, He talks about his friends to me and their problems. I know who they are, but it just seems like he never really want to introduce me to them. I am not sure what I should do?

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If you had a casual/friendly back-and-forth email exchange with a guy you met online, would you expect him to eventually take initiative to meet in person, or are endless emails fine with you?

Also, if you stop emailing back all of a sudden, should that be taken as a hint that you don't want to be contacted anymore?


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Guest showoff

So that girl texted me on Friday.  I'm confused.  She has sent me about 3 pics of herself, and sent 3 more on Friday, so I interpreted that as her wanting me to think about her and remember how she looks.  However, she told me that she's going to become a nun and doesn't want to start anything with any guys; this was after we exchanged some flirty stuff about if she send all of her guys pix of herself, etc.  Now, either she was joking/flirting, trying to tell me she wasn't interested in me with some crazy story about joining a convent, or she was serious.  I took it as her letting me know she wasn't interested.  I let her know I took her hint and apologized for misinterpreting her politeness (up to that point) as interest in me.  I assume she just wanted her ego stroked or something and that was why she kept texting me and sending glamour shots of herself to me.  I told her that she didn't need to reply (she did reply with a smiley face and the word "relax") and wished her luck in whatever she chose to do with her life, then deleted everything having to do with her from my phone (just like last time).  I think it's finally over, but I still am confused as to what she wanted out of me and even more confused as to why someone would make up some silly story instead of just flatout saying "I'm not interested in you".

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Guest itrayya

jenniferchung, i think you should talk with your bf. that you want him to be 100% honest with you with who he talks to, etc. because to me, that sounds like a young relationship where the bf still has that immature, excitement with talking with his ex. that's unfair to you. if it was me, i would be hurt and consider that as some form of 'cheating'. tell him that if he can't be completely exclusive with you, maybe you two shouldn't be together. he might say that they're just friends and yes, they have a history together, but that's why she's the EX and not the current gf. i don't know about you but i wouldn't put up with a guy that sounds indecisive like him. it's either her or me, no buts and maybes. i hope you feel better and can work things out with him. good luck.

Eclectic Asian, do you want to meet him in person??? maybe the other person doesn't? and don't over think things too much. maybe all it'll be is casual emails. yes, that person might be busy or might just be bored. it is not a serious relationship to the point where he has to contact you all the time, right? me personally, i would be hesitant about meeting someone from online. that's just me. but whatever you do please be safe. good luck.

showoff, how old are you?? that girl shouldn't be sending pic texts. she sounds like an attention getter. and if she wanted to be a nun, she should be more respectful of herself than that, sending glamorous shots to boys, tsk tsk. she sounds immature and just going through that 'look at me, i'm pretty, i want boys' attention' phase. save yourself the headache, which i'm sure you already got one from her. girls and guys go through that, i call that the highschool phase. i personally avoided people and headaches like that. leave that girl be, spend your time one someone who's more mature and won't be playing the 'i'm hot sending pics but imma be a nun' game. good luck.

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Guest loudsilence

How soon is too soon to ask a girl out? How about too late? How does one avoid the friendzone, and if entered, how does one get out?

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Guest dolcedor.

How soon is too soon to ask a girl out? How about too late? How does one avoid the friendzone, and if entered, how does one get out?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest o________O

I told a girl (the daughter of one of my mom's friends) that I liked her a few days ago, and her response was along the lines of;
"I never thought about you deeply in that way (not in the sense that I had no chance, but the thought of dating me never crossed her mind?)"
With a response like that, how am I supposed to respond? I initially assumed that it meant she had no interest in the idea whatsoever, then I proceeded to ask her
"Does that mean that you don't like the idea of it? Or..""It's not that I don't like it"
So me being totally confused, I even went as far as asking her
"So then would you rather just carry on as us being friends?" (basically giving her the easy option of saying "yes" should she reject the idea)
 her response was "I already told you that I haven't thought deeply about the issue"
(obviously I can't ask her out if she doesn't feel the same way).  Also, she brought up the point of me being son of mom's friends (I can understand what she means, but I don't see it being a huge problem).  I told her that I'd give her some time (very vague.. my bad, I'll probably ask her in a week or so) to think about it and reply back. Can anyone explain what this means? I have a feeling that her answer will be disappointing..
Edit: Could you please PM your reply, thank you in advance.

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She's not interested ^ I've responded in a similar manner a few times in the past before. I usually tell them straight up after a day or two though.
Some girls however are quite messed up and might take advantage of ya, ya know use your interest in her to her advantage (maybe keep you as a backup etc).
I'd just let it go aye.

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Guest dolcedor.

o________O said: I told a girl (the daughter of one of my mom's friends) that I liked her a few days ago, and her response was along the lines of;
"I never thought about you deeply in that way (not in the sense that I had no chance, but the thought of dating me never crossed her mind?)"
With a response like that, how am I supposed to respond? I initially assumed that it meant she had no interest in the idea whatsoever, then I proceeded to ask her
"Does that mean that you don't like the idea of it? Or..""It's not that I don't like it"
So me being totally confused, I even went as far as asking her
"So then would you rather just carry on as us being friends?" (basically giving her the easy option of saying "yes" should she reject the idea)
 her response was "I already told you that I haven't thought deeply about the issue"
(obviously I can't ask her out if she doesn't feel the same way).  Also, she brought up the point of me being son of mom's friends (I can understand what she means, but I don't see it being a huge problem).  I told her that I'd give her some time (very vague.. my bad, I'll probably ask her in a week or so) to think about it and reply back. Can anyone explain what this means? I have a feeling that her answer will be disappointing..
Edit: Could you please PM your reply, thank you in advance.

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Guest o________O

dolcedor. said: o________O said: I told a girl (the daughter of one of my mom's friends) that I liked her a few days ago, and her response was along the lines of;
"I never thought about you deeply in that way (not in the sense that I had no chance, but the thought of dating me never crossed her mind?)"
With a response like that, how am I supposed to respond? I initially assumed that it meant she had no interest in the idea whatsoever, then I proceeded to ask her
"Does that mean that you don't like the idea of it? Or..""It's not that I don't like it"
So me being totally confused, I even went as far as asking her
"So then would you rather just carry on as us being friends?" (basically giving her the easy option of saying "yes" should she reject the idea)
 her response was "I already told you that I haven't thought deeply about the issue"
(obviously I can't ask her out if she doesn't feel the same way).  Also, she brought up the point of me being son of mom's friends (I can understand what she means, but I don't see it being a huge problem).  I told her that I'd give her some time (very vague.. my bad, I'll probably ask her in a week or so) to think about it and reply back. Can anyone explain what this means? I have a feeling that her answer will be disappointing..
Edit: Could you please PM your reply, thank you in advance.

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Guest dolcedor.

o________O said: dolcedor. said: o________O said: I told a girl (the daughter of one of my mom's friends) that I liked her a few days ago, and her response was along the lines of;
"I never thought about you deeply in that way (not in the sense that I had no chance, but the thought of dating me never crossed her mind?)"
With a response like that, how am I supposed to respond? I initially assumed that it meant she had no interest in the idea whatsoever, then I proceeded to ask her
"Does that mean that you don't like the idea of it? Or..""It's not that I don't like it"
So me being totally confused, I even went as far as asking her
"So then would you rather just carry on as us being friends?" (basically giving her the easy option of saying "yes" should she reject the idea)
 her response was "I already told you that I haven't thought deeply about the issue"
(obviously I can't ask her out if she doesn't feel the same way).  Also, she brought up the point of me being son of mom's friends (I can understand what she means, but I don't see it being a huge problem).  I told her that I'd give her some time (very vague.. my bad, I'll probably ask her in a week or so) to think about it and reply back. Can anyone explain what this means? I have a feeling that her answer will be disappointing..
Edit: Could you please PM your reply, thank you in advance.

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Guest babyyheavennn

jenn111 said: MrPower said: Ladies, what are the most important qualities that a man should have?

I've asked men to answer honestly, and it seems like the unanimous answer is looks, but I wanted to know your opinions. Thanks!

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said: Ladies, what are the most important qualities that a man should have?

I've asked men to answer honestly, and it seems like the unanimous answer is looks, but I wanted to know your opinions. Thanks!

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Guest dolcedor.

jenn111 said: MrPower said: Ladies, what are the most important qualities that a man should have?

I've asked men to answer honestly, and it seems like the unanimous answer is looks, but I wanted to know your opinions. Thanks!

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Guest Fabiola1430291735

MrPower said: Ladies, what are the most important qualities that a man should have?

I've asked men to answer honestly, and it seems like the unanimous answer is looks, but I wanted to know your opinions. Thanks!

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