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Guest dolcedor.

Ask a girl out for lunch. We talked heaps' date=' joked around and had good eye contact. She does look down from time to time so I just want an opinion on what that might mean (if anything)?? She also offered to pay for us both and said next time I can pay. (good or bad?) lol.[/quote']

Nikky has it pretty much spot on.

Personally, I don't find braces unattractive. I actually think they're kind of cute.

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Guest onetym012

What does it mean when your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend blocks you on facebook?

Other notes:

- have only heard of each other but you and her have no interactions whatsoever

- never friends on facebook to begin with

- ex gf already has a new bf

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Guest itrayya

What does it mean when your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend blocks you on facebook?

Other notes:

- have only heard of each other but you and her have no interactions whatsoever

- never friends on facebook to begin with

- ex gf already has a new bf

^^ i would think she's doing the right thing. she's moving on.

first off, why would you even want to have her on your page????

do you want to snoop on her page???

that just means that she doesn't want to hold onto the past and is moving on.

most girls want to know about their ex's current lover, but i think she's doing the mature thing.

your relationship is you and your bf, don't keep going to the past.

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What impression do you get when you see a guy in his mid-20s shopping with his mom at the grocery mart or eating together at a cafe?

More to the point: What's your opinion on mama's boys? (of various degrees)


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If the cafe that you took your mom to happened to be Cafe Hapa, then I'd say you were being pretty boss. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest .x..snowflake..x.


What impression do you get when you see a guy in his mid-20s shopping with his mom at the grocery mart or eating together at a cafe?

More to the point: What's your opinion on mama's boys? (of various degrees)


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Guest geenarh


What impression do you get when you see a guy in his mid-20s shopping with his mom at the grocery mart or eating together at a cafe?

More to the point: What's your opinion on mama's boys? (of various degrees)


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Guest ddongsanpajihehe

What's good y'all?  If you got some spare time, I would appreciate any input on this... 
So I was at a restaurant with some friends recently, and for no reason one of them suggest I need one of the waitress' phone #.  You could definitely say that he was acting a damn fool, and mind you, he plays around too much (crazy sometimes haha)... fortunately, the restaurant was chill about his liquor induced state b/c the owners are familiar with us.... so we ended up drinking and talking with them for the majority of the night haha.  
Anyways, as the restaurant was closing, the waitress who my friend wanted me to talk to introduced herself to me.  Now, I already thought this was all a joke from the beginning (I saw my friend trying to "secretly" talk to her while I was outside smoking a cig, haha what a crazy man), and with my soju & beer buzz, I couldn't stop thinking that she was joking along with my friends... especially when she mentioned that we should go on a date in front of everyone (she got some balls yo haha)... Going with this situation as a joke, I jokingly asked her for her #, which she jokingly gave to me... We talked for a little bit, and at the end of the night, we didn't say bye to one another or anything.  So I assumed that this was a joke.
Still, I got curious and hit her up a few days later...  surprisingly she wants to hang out this week... And now I don't know what to do haha.. 
I have trouble picking out good, chill locations to get to know someone 1on1.  Naturally, as a male, I am inclined to say "leggo to the bar!!!" haha but it just doesn't seem like the right spot?  Any suggestions for a chill night would be a great deal of help.  Muchas gracias.

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What's good y'all?  If you got some spare time, I would appreciate any input on this... 

So I was at a restaurant with some friends recently, and for no reason one of them suggest I need one of the waitress' phone #.  You could definitely say that he was acting a damn fool, and mind you, he plays around too much (crazy sometimes haha)... fortunately, the restaurant was chill about his liquor induced state b/c the owners are familiar with us.... so we ended up drinking and talking with them for the majority of the night haha.  

Anyways, as the restaurant was closing, the waitress who my friend wanted me to talk to introduced herself to me.  Now, I already thought this was all a joke from the beginning (I saw my friend trying to "secretly" talk to her while I was outside smoking a cig, haha what a crazy man), and with my soju

Still, I got curious and hit her up a few days later...  surprisingly she wants to hang out this week... And now I don't know what to do haha.. 
I have trouble picking out good, chill locations to get to know someone 1on1.  Naturally, as a male, I am inclined to say "leggo to the bar!!!" haha but it just doesn't seem like the right spot?  Any suggestions for a chill night would be a great deal of help.  Muchas gracias.
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Guest amerestranger

What's good y'all?  If you got some spare time, I would appreciate any input on this... 

So I was at a restaurant with some friends recently, and for no reason one of them suggest I need one of the waitress' phone #.  You could definitely say that he was acting a damn fool, and mind you, he plays around too much (crazy sometimes haha)... fortunately, the restaurant was chill about his liquor induced state b/c the owners are familiar with us.... so we ended up drinking and talking with them for the majority of the night haha.  

Anyways, as the restaurant was closing, the waitress who my friend wanted me to talk to introduced herself to me.  Now, I already thought this was all a joke from the beginning (I saw my friend trying to "secretly" talk to her while I was outside smoking a cig, haha what a crazy man), and with my soju

Still, I got curious and hit her up a few days later...  surprisingly she wants to hang out this week... And now I don't know what to do haha.. 
I have trouble picking out good, chill locations to get to know someone 1on1.  Naturally, as a male, I am inclined to say "leggo to the bar!!!" haha but it just doesn't seem like the right spot?  Any suggestions for a chill night would be a great deal of help.  Muchas gracias.
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Guest ddongsanpajihehe

Just drop the ego and trying to be cool and let her see


. Women like confidence when it's truly there. We can tell when men are trying and hate it when guys try too hard. That's the difference right there. Don't act like a guy, act like a man. Show her who you are, what you want to become. Talk about things you enjoy, hobbies, things you would like to try, places you'd like to go, even if it's two towns over. Books you like, movies you're looking forward to (also a good chance to see if she makes any mentions of seeing the movie with you). And talk about these things from her perspective; what she likes, what she enjoys. Just converse, talk, use that grey squishy things that's between your ears.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest FraZZLE

This girl who sits behind me in lecture asked me for my number because she wanted to "understand the class material" even though I told her that I wasn't the best person to ask for help since I didn't really understand the material either. I have no idea why she asked me out of everybody else. We'd never even spoken before. She even asked me where I lived. When she gave me her number and I was fumbling with my phone, she grabbed it and entered it herself. Does she really just want to study or is she looking for something more?

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Guest october-rain

This girl who sits behind me in lecture asked me for my number because she wanted to "understand the class material" even though I told her that I wasn't the best person to ask for help since I didn't really understand the material either. I have no idea why she asked me out of everybody else. We'd never even spoken before. She even asked me where I lived. When she gave me her number and I was fumbling with my phone, she grabbed it and entered it herself. Does she really just want to study or is she looking for something more?

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Guest showoff

I attended a family function and met a nice, pretty girl there; we danced a couple times and chatted a bit.  At the end of the night, I was thinking about asking for her number, but decided not to and simply starting saying my goodbyes to her.  She then said that she may be in my town in a few weeks, which I took as "she wants me to ask her for her number", so I did.  We exchanged texts back and forth and it became painfully clear that I wasn't as interesting as I thought I was and that she is at a totally different place in her life than I am.  It's clear that she isn't interested, and that I misinterpreted her politeness as interest.  Anyway, I haven't texted her and deleted her number (so I couldn't even if I wanted to), and she hasn't texted me recently, so I think it's over... but, if she does text me, should I just tell her that I'm sorry for misinterpreting her politeness as interest, she need not reply (I'm awkward enough for the both of us), and wish her luck on her future career, then call it a day?  What's the best way of acknowledging I'm not her type/what she's looking for, and making a clean break?  I'd much rather know I won't be receiving anymore texts as opposed to receiving texts from her, knowing she's most likely contacting me out of boredom/just cause/etc.

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Guest sunye~


Hm, you might be reading too much into the situation. I think you did a good move deleting her number and not texting her. Just relax, and try not to think too much about the situation or her. This'll help you move on.

Unless the girl has called to attention that she thinks you're bothering her, then I would advise you not to flat out tell her that you're sorry for misinterpreting her politeness as interest. I feel that that would just make the situation awkward, because she may not have been affected by this problem as you have been.

I think you're already heading the right direction for a clean break. For now, it doesn't seem like she's texting you so I think you should just stay low and keep ignoring her. You got the idea that she wasn't really interested in you by the way she texted you, right? Then do the same to her so she gets the idea that you  don't want her to contact you randomly. If she's able to hint to you that she's not really interested in you, then I think she'd probably be able to decipher your message.

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Guest azn_roger

Question: What is the most proper, effective, and desirable way for a guy to express to a girl that he is interested in her without simply telling her? Let's assume he is in the "chasing" stage and feels it isn't time for him to actually confess to her quite yet.
I know this is a very general question... but if you could answer it as specifically as you can that'd be awesome. Certain body gestures, actions, words... anything. Feel free to give an answer that applies to you personally. Thanks!

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This girl who sits behind me in lecture asked me for my number because she wanted to "understand the class material" even though I told her that I wasn't the best person to ask for help since I didn't really understand the material either. I have no idea why she asked me out of everybody else. We'd never even spoken before. She even asked me where I lived. When she gave me her number and I was fumbling with my phone, she grabbed it and entered it herself. Does she really just want to study or is she looking for something more?

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Guest jphoenix994

hey guys, Still having problems with my girlfriend. Last month, my ex sent me a message via kakao talk just saying hi. I replied back just some friendly greetings. I didn't tell my girlfriend and then she found out. Recently my ex messaged me again and my girlfriend saw the message, I replied back to her the day after. Now my girlfriend's insecurity level just went up again. I really don't want her to be insecure? 
another question,my ex and i broke up on a bad term, but she has been trying to contact me once in a while. sometimes she would reply after i respond back and sometimes she wont. What is she trying to do?

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Guest itrayya

iphoenix994, i think you have to be fair to your gf and your ex. pick one. only one.
if you want to be with your gf, then try to avoid your ex. sure, y'all can say hi once in a while but why keep it going when you're in a different relationship? have you asked yourself how you'll feel if your gf did all that with her ex???

sometimes i agree that girls and guys can't be friends because one or the other will have feelings.

as a girl, when i dated my bf, i gave up any idea of constantly chatting with guy friends.
yes, i hold my guy friends in the highest respect, but i also respect my bf too.

i would say avoid your ex. it will make things easier. trust me.
if it doesn't become 'easier' then maybe you still have feelings for her. you understand what i'm saying?
if your ex is respectful to you and esp your gf, she will understand the distance.
good luck.

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