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If you check the iriver site, you'll see that they just announced that they're releasing a 4-GIG version!!!

FINALLY OMG OMG. I just wonder how long it will take to get to AUS. ><"

I can now replace my stolen 2b clix finally. ><"

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Guest hEy_iTz_LiSa


I got the zen v plus right after it came out. The price was worth it because it has video, photo, and radio and is still cheaper then the new ipod nano. I like it a lot though. It stores enough music and its tiny. I use to have an ipod mini and compared to it, this is beautiful. It is great because I can personalize it to the way i want. The only thing is that I really hate charging my mp3 on the computer. I recommend this mp3 player except sometimes, it freezes, or maybe its just mine.

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Samsung YP-T8Z

Capacity: 1GB

Format: TSOP Flash


FM Radio, Voice Recording, Text Viewing, JPEG View, Video Playback, Lyric Support, 1.8" 64K Colour TFT LCD, Motion Sensor Games

Battery:Claimed 20hours Audio, 6 Hours Video, 15 hours Audio for me and 5 hours video (so nice)

Player Interface:Navigate Button Goes up and down . Left and right .. and so on.. i dont really understand this question haha

Software: Firmware Version 1.36KR which isnt released for australia yet.. . Samsung Mutimedia Studio for converting Videos to .svi format to playback. Drag and drop for all music files.

Comment: This is the best fuxing mp3player i've bought!!! (with others including 2Gb nano, TX 512, MSI 511, 4Gb Muvo2) the sound is absolutely great with noise cancelling earphones, DNSE is a great feature to 3d your audio... i'm not one to listen to 5000 songs so 5GB/20GB's arnt for me. Video playback is very clear and very smooth. Pictures are nice but they coudlve made a zoom function.

Price: $260AU (1GB) $300AU (2GB)


I have a question about the software, the samsung multimedia studio it's a converting program right? It's that software include it when you buy the mp3?

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Guest mizzlinhie

Zen Vision M users, do you guys have any problem with your vision M so far? My friend has one and he says when he uploads a video file that is more than 200 MB it will be very slow to load. Its true? I'm planning to get a vision M or W ^^

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Guest advent.shk

Zen Vision M users, do you guys have any problem with your vision M so far? My friend has one and he says when he uploads a video file that is more than 200 MB it will be very slow to load. Its true? I'm planning to get a vision M or W ^^

i dont know what your friend is talking about cuz that hasnt happened to me and i put tv shows on there....the only thing that it isnt doing for me is letting me add dvr-ms files recorded from tv. It says it supports that file but apparantly it doesnt...But everything so far has worked perfectly for me.

Can i just ask, can the Creative Zen Vision M display Chinese characters? Thanks.

yes it can.

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Sorry for my late reply.

The Digital Cube Istation 2 is pretty good.

*booting up takes some time, rest is ok

*touch screen is good

*videoplayback is good. supported every movie file i played till now.


*it has a video output so you can connect it to a television

*it comes with a lot of stuff.. creysn headphones, lots of cables, even a remote control

*the mp3 player is in my opinion a high quality product

its very sturdy and golden plated outputs etc

*possible to connect usd data devices (usb stick, camera's, etc) directly to the mp3 player to transfer files

*sound output is very good and powerful

*i dont know much about the battery length, because i didnt test it

*i installed the latest firmware from the korean website. it improves a lot things. speeds up the software.

*the vocabulary is good and comprehensive

BUT if you dont need the korean-english/english-korean vocabulary you should not buy it. the vocabulary is pretty good.

i would have bought the 8 gig ipod nano if i didnt need the vocabulary

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Guest ~International~

Does anyone have the Sandisk Sansa e280R, yet? It's really new.

I'm just wondering if it's better or worse than the e280.

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Does anyone have the Sandisk Sansa e280R, yet? It's really new.

I'm just wondering if it's better or worse than the e280.

It's basically the same. The only difference is that the e280R can buy songs off of Rhapsody. Like how iPod has itunes and Zune has (whatever it's called). That's the only difference. It has the rhapsody function.

For more info go to www.anythingbutipod.com forums.

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Amazing! T_T I can finally reply to this thread xD. Last (not the one that just passed) Thursday, my ba came back from Taiwan and had bought us (my bro & sis + me) mp3 players.. aka theyre all the same xD. But yeah.

Info from the site


Samsung YP-T9

Capacity: 1 GB (actually, 944 MB T_T)

Features: MPEG4 Video (converts to .svi), Photo (no gifs T_T), Audio, FM Tuner, Voice Recording, Flash Games, Text Viewer (notepad files)

Battery: Uhm O_O hte site says up to 30 hrs audio or 6 hrs video.. I havent actually timed it..

Player Interface: XD This is my first mp3 player.. Ive never had an iPod before.. but my cousin let me borrow hers for a trip once and so thats all I was used to.. xD So I wasnt used to not having a touchpad.. but yeah. Im getting used to the actual buttons now... Mm.. its sorta confusing though.. like. There are the side buttons (on the right side, top to bottom: Record, Back, Menu, Play/Pause/Power) Sometimes while im holding it, i accidentally hold the power button too long and it shuts off; because I forget to use hold (which is on the left side).. uhmm O_O But yeah. if youre on the screen of a song thats playing (LOL if that makes sense @_@) the volume is up and down, and next/previous song and fastfoward/back are left and right... but then, say you go to video.. Well I guess it makes sense, but my brain is slow loll. Since the video plays sideways, you flip it around and so its still the same.. xD but im not used to it @_@; With text, scrolling up and down the text is left and right, and volume (refers to the current song playing) is up and down.. and its weird.. but in the settings, you can change it so that the text is viewed sideways like the videos are.. and yeah.

Software: Uhm O_O. Its interesting. It might be sorta like itunes, i dont know =|. its sorta annoying because you cantl ike drag and drop things into the program. (so i have to go to the actual folders and drag&drop them that way) =O But its pretty cool because it also converts your video files.. to .svi (samsung video.. something?) .. so that you can play them on the mp3 player =D. And the quality's still pretty good (XD its just small T_T but so cuuute >o<~) Haha; ie my Super Junior ~ Miracle MV is 199 MB, and, when converted, it's like 16-17 MB. It seems like all of them go to around 15-18 MB.. (Another video was a little less than 30 MB, but it was still in that range..).. mm.. yeah O_O.

Price: LOL GG. I think, converted from Taipei dollars.. NT O_O to USD, It was about 150.. and I've been googling and whatnot and I think you can get like a 2GB one for 150 here (in america) But yeah; THats okay;;

Otherness: it comes with two games.. (im not sure if the ones sold in America have the same games O_O because they look really fobby xD) Baseball and Pizza Delivery (which both suck >|) When I got it, it was (obviously) autoset on Chinese (for language) so yeah.. (Other languages: Korean, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese Traditional & Simplified, Spanish, Some language I dont know -- Greek maybe?, Magyar?, Nederlands =|, Polski, Portuguese, Svenska & Thai?) @_@;

Charges with USB ness.. 2.0? haha, through the computer..

T_T So cool. You can change the screen's brightness (Ahh i love the color.. quality ness<3)

xD ++ a thingy where you can change the speed of the song.. =D aka chipmonks and super low voices..

O_O it displays the time too =O. And it has a sleep timer (but no alarm clock =T.), screensaver, etc...

=O Its smaller than an ipod nano O_O. Shorter.. perhaps about the same thickness... and cant remember width lol (I was comparing it xD) Its super light too O_O more plasticky(?) than ipods xD. so you can like hold it by the earphone (btw, they come with earphones.. and theyre niiice.. and black =O.) cord and not worry about it falling or whatever xD ---- It's a bit smaller than the pictures in I included.

etc O_O. I love it <3. I just wish it had more spacjejapjsf T__T but I cant blame my ba because he had to buy 3 of them =|. (oh, he bought 3 black ones too.. theres a purple one.. but I guess there wasnt where he bought them?) XD It's weird though O_O when I google it, I cant seem to find the 1GB O_o. sites/stores/people only seem to have the 2GB or 4GB O_O~ But yeah T__T. I felt disabled in the beginning.. trying to pick a GB of songs out of my 53+ GBs xD. Right now: Used - 900.5 MB / Available space: 44.3 MB... I have 134 songs and 10 videos (MVs).. (along with a few pictures and txt files but they hardly count for taking up space).. Mm yeah O_o.

oh O_O the annoying thing is =| it came with sample videos, audio files and pictures.. well O_O I deleted them all. they stopped showing up in my music list.. and for a while, they still showed up in my video list O_o but now they arent there.. but they still show up in my photos list.. but like O_o they arent there. it just says the name of the picture, but theres no preview of it.. when I try to look at it, it says the file does not exist >|. The only way I can see my picture files is with the file browser (icon). Ah O_O same with the text files =T. When I go to the text files icon, it says No Text or something.. and ye =T.

Anyway O_O im probably just doing something wrong. Overall =O. I love ittt <3.

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Guest azn_kira

I recently bought a Cowon a2 from amazon for $312 USD shipped. =] It just came today and i'm loving it! I fell in love with it reading the reviews online, and it looks so beaaauutttiiifulll O_________________O Just looking at it i think it was worth it.

I'll post a full review later once i've played with it some more! I can say right now that it is 01930453128574817032x better than the 30g ipod i bought last month =__________=


ok, so here's a picture of the cowon in case you haven't seen it. cowon-iaudio-a2.jpg


Long Battery life: the website claims 10 hours video and 18 hours audio, so far i've used it for about 4 hours worth of video and audio on the loudspeakers and it has only gone down 1 notch (out of 3).

There are speakers so i can share my music w/ more than 1 person, and it's not too big of a problem if i dont' have earphones on me.

The Display: it's so pretty....the screen is huge! (4-5 inches diagonally) and the settings are easy to use. Everything looks so professional and high tech.

Accessories: It came with a really nice leather(?) carrying case, a AV out/in cable, a usb, a AV adapter, a USB thing where you can directly connect 1 USB to another, and a line in recording cable.

Functions: i was really amazed at all it could do. This is my first high end PMP though, and i had a ipod video before this, so i guess i can't really judge since i've had no prior experience. But it can record video, audio(voice and radio). So far the quality is pretty good, but again, i haven't had any other PMP's to compare, but the quality for recording voice is pretty good, it can get sounds from pretty far away, and the video/radio recording is decent too. Another thing i really like is that i can hook it up to the TV and play it on there, so i can watch my dramas on my big screen instead of my computer screen without having to burn it on DVDs. Another thing i really like is that it takes softsubs, as long as it's in the same folder. In addition, the loading speed for putting files on is really fast, about 5 minutes for 1 gig. The A2 is pretty compatible but i still had to convert some of my videos because the codecs weren't compatible. It came with a converter, and the converter was pretty fast too, it took about 1 night to convert 15(?) gigs worth of videos. But that's because it for WMV codecs it only takes 9 and above, and a lot of my videos are old so they were in WMV 6-8 codec.

In addition, the screen resolution is reallllyyyyy nice, and even the sound coming out of the speakers is decent, although the bass gets kind of distorted if you turn up the sound all the way using the speakers.


Sometimes it freezes, and then you have to stick something sharp and pointy into the reset hole. But this is partly my fault, since i change my mind about what i want to select, and before the thing can load i decide to go somewhere else, and it freezes because i press to many buttons at once. >.<

The instruction manual was waay to vague, so you kind of have to figure things out for yourself or go online and research. Finding the answer was really easy, since they have a support forum on their website, and their support employees are really quick at replying.

It's a bit on the heavy side, but coming from an ipod user i think i'm being biased. It's much heavier than the ipod video, but that's a given. But the huge screen makes up for the extra weight and size. It's pretty not all that heavy considering i once borrowed my friend's Creative Zen M and i thought that was pretty bulky too >.<


It was definately worth it for $300. For only $50 more than the ipod video and zen M, i highly recommend this.

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Guest shabashindy

for creative zen M

how can you change the names of the files.

like lets just say the song is bigbang - lala I want it to say THAT!

not like some wierd thing like la and stuff....

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Guest j3npark

just wanted to add. :)

I just recently got the Samsung YP-Z5AS (the american version) and i LOVE it. i got it for about $160 (4 gigs) at Best Buy - it's originally $250, but apparently Best Buy isn't going to carry it anymore, so it was on clearance! :) it was fate. heh ~

but as i said, i absolutely love it. it's sleek, doesn't scratch, and has amazing sound. i definitely, definitely recommend it over the ipod nano - it's direct competitor.

here are some more stats on it:

- comes in 2 gb and 4 gb models, in black or silver (i got it in silver)

- price is the same as the nano

- 1.8 inch color screen

- holds jpeg photos and you can set your own wallpaper!

- there are about 12 different equalizer presets that you can use. again, sound is amazing.

- it's upgradable with firmware! i just upgraded it today and i got a ton of new languages (including korean, chinese, japanese, hungarian, etc!), longer battery life (44 hours!), and gapless playback

- charges when you connect it to your computer

- the user interface is really easy to use

- it has its own volume rocker on the side (look at picture below) which is very convenient

i think the most criticism it's gotten is about the touch pad - for some, it's too sensitive, for others, not sensitive enough. you also can't scroll just by "sliding" your finger on the touchpad - you have to keep tapping it or you hold it down a little bit (does that make sense?). but i personally don't mind too much -

here's a link to a cnet review that compares the Z5 and the nano on five factors: navigation, sexiness, compatibility, sound and science, and wallet factor.

click here ~

and here is a picture ~


hope that helps a bit ~ :rolleyes:

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Does it have bluetooth? Because the one's here in America doesn't have bluetooth while the one's in Asia does. So I'm just wandering if yours has it? This is one of the reasons why I didn't want to buy the American version.

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^ T_T im a noob. Whats bluetooth? well i googled it.. something like wireless osmething or another? but what it is it on an mp3 player?;; haha; how do i tell?

I just realized on the site, its the singapore vs or whateverness. and it says Bluetooth enabled..O_O taiwanese site - http://www.taiwansamsung.com/mp3/k5t9/index.htm

btw O_O the US site gives a better description of gthe features


but yeah lol the US doesnt have the 1GB XD

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Guest chibifry

for creative zen M

how can you change the names of the files.

like lets just say the song is bigbang - lala I want it to say THAT!

not like some wierd thing like la and stuff....

Thats not an issue of your player

You just need to rename your file properly

Go to properties, advanced options..

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