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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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Guest jellylovesfaith

wait, what does he mean when he says
 'I think perhaps that (my shortfalls) may also be my attractive point. Even my nasal speech may become my individuality. If I continue to work hard, wouldn't I be able to find my true colors?'
He has nasal speech?? He has the most beautiful speech i've ever heard!  *does not compute* 

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wait, what does he mean when he says

 'I think perhaps that (my shortfalls) may also be my attractive point. Even my nasal speech may become my individuality. If I continue to work hard, wouldn't I be able to find my true colors?'

He has nasal speech??

He has the most beautiful speech i've ever heard!  *does not compute* 

His eternally hoarse voice is indeed unique. It's like he has a cold that

wouldn't go away. But this is just one more reason to love him, right? Besides, he sounds so sexy that way

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id="watch-headline-title" class="yt"[News] 이민호 going to Taiwan in July, fans queued for tickets

Cr. iQiyi uploader StarLeeMinho

Happy June and have a blessed Sunday to all minoz :) 


beautiful twosome art by minojennalee :x

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Guest Moonrain

What's going on? Translate please...Thanks 


Ive been meaning to ask...why do the chinese Minoz call him meng or 3 year old???:-/

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Guest Moonrain

class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 1.4em; vertical-align: baseline; text-shadow: none; visibility: visible; width: 620px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; float: left;"Which K-Pop Star Shares Your June Birthday?by Sylphid May 30, 2014june-birthdays-800x483.jpg

Happy birthday to the June babies out there!

This month features notable birthdays from Lee Min Ho and Ha Ji Won from the world of K-Dramas. From K-Pop, birthday celebrants include RainJYJ‘s Yoochun,  2PM‘sNichkhunCNBLUE‘s Yonghwa andMinhyukGirls‘ Generation‘s Seohyun,4Minute‘s HyunA, T-ara‘s Jiyeonmiss A‘sMinGirls Day‘s Hyeri, and many more. Check out the gallery!

Do you share an June birthday with a K-Pop star? Let us know in the comments below!


@pixie0622 kekeke

m so jealous! you have a connection to our baby boy =D>

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class="entry-title"(Interview) 8 Days magazine with Lee Min Ho Posted on May 27, 2014


La entrevista de la revista 8 Days es breve, pero interesante. Preguntas que no había leído antes. Me gustaron sus respuestas, veo un Lee Min Ho maduro, hubo una en particular que me llamó la atención. “Si pudieras entrevistar a un reportero, que pregunta le harías?” Y LMH contesta: “Si pudieras entrevistar a tus ídolos como te conducirías profesionalmente?” Creo que le ha tocado muchas veces que algunas de sus entrevistadoras son Minoz y el amor se les ha de salir por los ojos xD. (He visto a algunas por medio de entrevistas). En fin, disfrútenla. La traducción en español, la encontrarán en azul.

To english readers:
This is a transcript of 8 Days Magazine interview with Lee Min Ho (page scans were not clear). The questions and answers are in english/spanish for everybody. Enjoy!


8 DAYS – You’ve done countless interviews in your career. What’s one question you dislike getting asked?

Te han hecho incontables entrevistas en tu carrera. Qué pregunta no te gusta que te hagan?

LMH: I don’t have any particular questions that I dislike getting asked. Sometimes, the journalists ask questions that I’ve never thought about. That‘s when I got caught off-guard. However, those questions are fun and sometimes helpful as it does help me to reflect one thing that I did not think about before.

No tengo ninguna en particular. Algunas veces, los reporteros hacen preguntas que nunca había pensado antes. Y es cuando me encuentran con la guardia baja. Sin embargo, esas preguntas son divertidas y algunas veces me ayudan a reflexionar en que algo que no había pensado antes.


8 DAYS – Is there anything you wished you hadn’t said in past interviews?

Hay algo que desearías no haber dicho en entrevistas pasadas?

LMH: I feel sorry when my answers get misunderstood. I can’t think of a particular example now, but when something like that happens again, I’ll remember this moment where I’ve been asked about the situation.

Siento mucho cuando mis respuestas son mal entendidas. No puedo pensar en un ejemplo en particular ahora, pero si me volviera a suceder, me acordaría de este momento donde me fue preguntado acerca de esta situación.

8 DAYS – If the roles were reversed and you could interview a reporter, what would you ask?

Si los papeles se pudieran intercambiar y tu pudieras entrevistar a un reportero, que le preguntarías?

LMH: When you interview your idols, how do you conduct (yourself) professionally? I think the job of a reporter requires extreme professionalism. It’ll be interesting to hear the reporter’s point of view!

“Cuando entrevistas a tus ídolos, como te conduces (a tí mismo) profesionalmente?” Creo que el trabajo de un reportero requiere profesionalismo extremo. Sería interesante escuchar el punto de vista del reportero!


8 DAYS- What if you had to interview yourself?

Qué te preguntarías si te entrevistaras a tí mismo?

LMH: It could be fun to follow a day of my daily routine at the filming of a drama, TV commercial or a movie. It may not be so special to me but could be interesting to fans. I’d probably dig more of Lee Min Ho’s past and present through his acting career. It could give me a chance to look a myself and my goals objectively and reflect upon how much I’ve matured mentally and achieved my dreams.

Sería divertido seguirme un día en mi rutina diaria ya sea filmando un drama, un comercial o una película. No sería especial para mí pero podría ser interesante para las fans. Probablemente indagaría más acerca del pasado y presente de Lee Min Ho a través de su carrera actoral. Podría darme la oportunidad de verme a mí mismo y a mis metas objetivamente además de poder reflexionar acerca de cuanto he madurado mentalmente y si he conseguido mis sueños.

8 DAYS – How do you fell when you read reviews about your performances, good or bad?

Como te sientes cuando lees críticas acerca de tus actuaciones, ya sean buenas o malas?

LMH: I keep an open mind and will make a mental note of the good points and improve on any negative points. It is through feedback that I’m able to constantly improve.

Mantengo una mente abierta y procuraré hacer una nota mental de los puntos buenos y mejorar los puntos negativos. Es a través de la retro alimentación que soy capaz de mejorar constantemente.

8 DAYS- If you could be un-famous for a week, where would you go and what would you do?

Si pudieras estar en el anonimato por una semana, donde irías y que harías?

LMH: I hope to spend some time with my family and friends, enjoying nice weather and scenery. I haven’t had a chance to travel for leisure, even though I’m frequently overseas for work. I was in California for the shoot of The Inheritors and it’s a pretty place that I’d love to visit again.

Esperaría pasar algo de tiempo con mi familia y amigos, disfrutar de un escenario y clima agradable. No he tenido la oportunidad de viajar por descanso, aún inclusive que estoy viajando al extranjero frecuentemente por trabajo. Estuve en California para la grabación de Los Herederos y es un lugar bonito que me encantaría visitar nuevamente.

8 DAYS – You’ve been nicknamed Long Legged Oppa, Chemistry God and Honey Eyes. Of the three, um, interesting monikers, which do you like the least?

Has recibido apodos como el Oppa de Piernas Largas, Dios de la química y Ojos de Miel. De estos tres, um, apodos interesantes, cuál es el que menos te gusta?

LMH: All these nicknames are adorable! I think those who came up with these names have a very good sense of humour. Every time I do a movie or a drama, my fans give me new nicknames, I get closer to my fans when they call me by these endearing names.

Todos estos apodos son adorables! Creo que a los que se les ocurrió estos nombres tienen un gran sentido del humor. Cada vez que hago una película o drama, mis fans me otorgan nuevos apodos. Me acerco más a mis fans cuando me llaman con estos nombres tan tiernos.


8 DAYS- Growing up, which Celebs were you a fan of? What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for your idols?

Cuando crecías, de que celebridades eras fan? Cuál es la cosa más loca que hayas hecho por tus ídolos?

LMH: The most active thing I did was go for the movies to watch my favorite actors. I loved movies and music but can’t remember being anyone’s fan. I played more soccer in the field and games on the computer.

LMH: La cosa más activa que hice fue ir a ver las películas de mis actores favoritos. Amo las películas y la música pero no puedo recordar haber sido fan de alguien. Jugaba mejor el soccer en el campo o juegos en la computadora.

8 DAYS- What are the most valuable lessons you’ve learnt about fame?

Cuales son las más lecciones más valiosas que has aprendido acerca de la fama?

LMH: I’m very appreciative for all the good reviews, my supporting fans, everyone I meet, and all those wonderful experiences I’ve had. I’ve learnt it’s important to never forget the mindset I had at the beginning of my career, especially when I’m falling down.

Aprecio mucho las buenas críticas, a mis fans que me apoyan, a todos los que he conocido y a todas esas maravillosas experiencias que he tenido. He aprendido que es importante nunca olvidar los pensamientos que tenía al principio de mi carrera, especialmente cuando fracaso.


  • Crédito: 8 DAYS MAGAZINE
  • Fotos: Scan by Wenroad/@mtdt
  • Trad al español: Gabylee (Minoz México Oficial/Minoz Noonas Forever)
Source: http://forevernoona.wordpress.com/2014/05/27/interview-8-days-magazine-with-lee-min-ho/#more-2416

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Guest cutecutegirl

Minoz! :) what does "Guns & Talks" mean? I am reading the interview in page 1856! :)who has watched "History of the salary man"?? what is it like? what is special about this drama?
What does oppa mean by saying he likes to do projects with a ting of comedy? oppa has done comedy a lot!
Sorry if I have a lot of questions! I hadn't read the interview in page 1856 before! it is VERY VERY interesting!! ^ ^Sweet honey pixie0622! TNX a ZILLION for the interview!  :*

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@adamfever: Does any 1 know who ranks this:
What are ER and Rating ?


Official Facebook Account Ranking ^^ #LeeMinHo Number One ~ @ActorLeeMinHo @StarhausM pic.twitter.com/HszjrEzDUy

ER meant the number of emergency room visits of Minho fans for all sorts of chief complaints ranging from shortness of breath, tachycardia, hyperventilation, dizzy spells (syncopal episodes), laryngitis/pharyngitis (from all the screaming), anxiety, falls, head injury, leg/arm/elbow  fracture (from stampedes)....so on and so forth. His rating is at # 7, on the top spot. However, he is ranked first because the ones who had  # ten rating, like super junior was rated as a group not individually (one point per member), hence their ranking on the 4th spot. Same goes for SNSD or girls generation who comes in ranked on the 6th spot with a 9 rating.  LOL! =)) .......Don't mind me, I just made it up.  :-j

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