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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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LMH updated his Weibo! ;)) :))

cr to Minoz婕語

LMH's Message:
제 생일을 위해 이런 선물을 준비해주셨어요... 여러분 감사합니다 ^^ 大家给我这个惊喜,我感到非常幸福,谢谢大家祝福我。

Translation by Mr.G:

Prepare for my birthday gave me this gift ... Thank you ^ ^

Translation by Jominz of  Lee Minho - Heirs 상속자들 Korean Drama :

"The surprise everyone gave me, I feel very happy, Thank you for your wishes.^^
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Guest mihaeleni

Hello, fellow Minoz!  ;;)
I've been lurking here for months now and I finally decided I needed to do something about it. I'm always happy to read more news about our charming young Minho and today I wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday! Many more to come and may his every endeavour bear fruit! >:D<
@shantipriya Hello! While lurking for more insight into Minho's whereabouts I've read many of your posts and I'm intrigued about your observation skills as I'm an amateur (barely!) at watching for the nonverbal messages that our bodies send. Since I can't understand Korean (yet, I hope) I've had to just watch without knowing the meaning of the words, trying to see the meaning behind them, at least. My point, in this rant, is that I would like your opinion on something. If you'd be so kind as to help the confused chipmunk that I am. ;) 

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Guest guadi

Snapshots of Fans celebrating Lee Min-ho's Birthday in Gif Form :) 

(credit as labeled) 
:x :x :x
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for your dizziness :)

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@adlyn13 my summer started not too long ago so I still have quite some free time left :D I'm trying to make the best of it as well. Enjoy your summer while it lasts chingu :-bd

@guadi WOW! I am in utter amazement! Minoz really get together to celebrate this man's birthday. Wow!

Darn it! I should have made a twitter account to tweet lmh happy birthday lol. Too late now. Although, according to my calendar, his birthday is today. Lol.

And I LOLed off my bed at the end of the gif =)) =)) =)) actually, I really do wonder what he did for his birthday. He probably hung out with his bummie and il woo. Lee min ho, show us photos please? Haven't seen those best friends together in awhile.

Hiyah there @mihaeleni :D

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Guest guadi

...and the last installment of Lee Min-ho's birthday extravaganza :)
From me
Yes, I tweeted this to him :)Don't laugh at me! 

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Guest guadi

@adlyn13 - poor minomi has been subjected to a lot of abuse :)) When I have time, I'll do a gif of minomi's clothes. So cute! 
@shengvang - not sure if he celebrated his birthday with his besties. But JIW did make an appearance at LMH's Seoul concert. iAcM4ufax0HA.jpg
They should do a drama or film together! I might die if these two are onscreen together though :)

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@guadi lovely message :x :x :x

Lmh must have been ecstatic to see his best friend's message :x :x :x

Hahahaha I think you are not alone, I know of many who'd love to see those two act together, regardless of how weak their hearts will be hahahaha =)) Actually, I'd like to see those three in one project together. Now that will be a must watch!

Hahahahaha @adlyn13 you cracked me up =)) =)) =))

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Guest shantipriya

guadi said: LOL :))

This minomi is ready for the beach :P

Awwww...it's his birthday and he's singing "You and I" on a bike :)
(credit as labeled)
@jaslynkpl - I want a minomi too, especially after seeing how much fun I can have dressing him like his real life counterpart :))  Edit: @shantipriya - yeah, it was a dancer who danced to that MJ'song. Was it Thriller? I saw that vid a while ago; forgot what song it was.

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Guest shantipriya

mihaeleni said: Hello, fellow Minoz!  ;;)
I've been lurking here for months now and I finally decided I needed to do something about it. I'm always happy to read more news about our charming young Minho and today I wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday! Many more to come and may his every endeavour bear fruit! >:D<
@shantipriya Hello! While lurking for more insight into Minho's whereabouts I've read many of your posts and I'm intrigued about your observation skills as I'm an amateur (barely!) at watching for the nonverbal messages that our bodies send. Since I can't understand Korean (yet, I hope) I've had to just watch without knowing the meaning of the words, trying to see the meaning behind them, at least. My point, in this rant, is that I would like your opinion on something. If you'd be so kind as to help the confused chipmunk that I am. ;) 

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Lee Min Ho Vs. Yong Hwa : Battle of the Birthday Boys!

Lee Min Ho and Jung Yong Hwa were both born on June 22nd! Today Lee Min Ho turns 26, and Yong Hwa 24 years old. Two hot guys born on the same day, what to do? What kind of gifts do you get them?! Do you get Yong Hwa a new guitar? What about Min Ho? Do you get him new clothes? Just so many hard questions but I believe I came up with the most difficult question you’ll ever have to answer in your entire life; not even being dramatic!

What if I told you that there was only ONE birthday cake made to celebrate both of their birthdays?! Who would you cut the bigger slice of cake for?! Would you give Min Ho the bigger slice? Or would you give Yong Hwa the bigger slice? Now I personally would give it to Min Ho because he’s bffs with Jung Il Woo, and as many of you know I have sort of a small obsession with him.

In order to make this decision easier, below I’ve created 10 different themed battle rounds. All you need to do is pick who you think won each round. Keep a tally and when you make it to the final round you’ll know for sure who you’re giving the bigger slice of cake to!

Round 1 – Smile


Round 2 – Glasses


Round 3 – Suits


Round 4 – Winter Ready Peacoats


Round 5- Fan signing


Round 6 – Aegyo


Round 7 – Selca


Round 8 – Looking cool in front of a Microphone


Round 9 – Airport Fashion Undercover Hoodie Style


Round 10 – I’m A Model


If you want to wish both guys a happy birthday you can visit their special birthday pages. Click HERE to wish Lee Min Ho a Happy Birthday, and click HERE to send Yong Hwa birthday love.

KrisE! @K_Kisses_KrisE

source : DramaFever

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Guest guadi

I don't know what possesses me to watch Mackerel Run, but I've started this show last weekend anyway, lol. 

I guess I've wanted to see Lee Min-ho pre-fame. And boy! It was interesting to watch him act in that show. I'm currently watching Ep. 2, so I don't really have too many things to say about his acting or that show specifically. Only a few observations: 1) Even by 2007 standard, this show is incredibly cheesy. CG effects are too funny. 2) Lee Min-ho overacts so much in the first episode alone, due to the nature of the show I should add :)) 3) I really had great chuckles watching the first episode. Some glimpses of heartfelt moments too! 4) It is kinda amazing to see him, Moon Chae-woon, Park Bo-young, et al in this show. The then and now, and seeing how much they have grown in this profession.
I guess Thundie summed up this little show that could better than me, Read here
Also, one thing led to another, I found Lee Min-ho's 10-part Star Diary courtesy of 10Asia published in 2010.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
I'd read this interview series in bits and pieces before, but never finished the whole thing. I think this interview series were posted in this thread before (a few hundred pages back, maybe). Some things I didn't know:
1) He got into Konkuk University before he started auditioning for roles seriously. 2) That major car accident happened before he filmed Mackerel Run3) I'm not that surprised about this part ~ But he is glad that his fans adore him. "I have had my butt pinched at the airport, my chin stroked like I was a puppy and even my cheeks too. At fan meetings, there are some fans who cry and their bodies are shaking because they are so happy. When I see people like that, even I start floundering because I don't know what should I do. But all my fans actually have good manners." :)4) After the success of BOF - this part is so sweet - He remembers a grandmother who gave him money at a fan meeting. "She was sitting outside under the scorching sun and she looked worn out. So I apologized to the fans in front of the line and gave her my autograph first. And then she put two tightly folded 10,000 won bills into my hand, like a grandmother giving her grandson allowance money. I almost cried when she did that."
Overall, it was a really good interview. I love how candid he seemed in this interview. Refreshingly different from the types of interview he has been giving lately. I think his management has become more protective of his image than before. 

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@guadi awwhhhhh that seriously touched my heart :(( Lee Min Ho shi, you are so sweet :x :x :x And I didn't think I could possibly love this man even more. He is so loveable!

Hahahaha @ his comment about his fans, =)) =)) =))

Btw, I am with you, MR is way too cheesy hahahaha. I tried watching it but the episodes were all scattered so that discouraged me. I think I watched up to episode four but jumping back and fourth lol. Just like you, I couldn't get enough of minho and missed seeing his face so I went back to watch his old dramas therefore I've seen parts and parts of Secret Campus, I am Sam, and Mackerel Run. Hehehe :D

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awesome interview of LMH

and if his interviews now don't seem so candid yeah I guess we can blame his agency in order to protect his name and the agency 's too . But I also think that when your new to the spotlight your innocent and idealistic .. you try your hardest to be real and not care what others think but as time goes on . And in LMH case of becoming a more loved and famous what he says or does affect him more and not just him but those he loves . the media is treacherous and anything he says and does will be used against him so he must be careful with what he says and does . He isn't precisely lying but using words to his benefit .

ex: let's say he is asked something controversial like what does he think about abortion, lets say he is against it , ( theoretical don't take my word on it!) but in order to avoid more controversy the best he can say is that it's up to the woman he isn't for it but not against it . That way he is saying the truth but avoiding trouble at the same time .

but I still believe he tries his best to be as honest as possible too

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