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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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well I am not surprised ,it is a new year event,patriotic event for the Chinese, here in the US people get all racist when soemeone from another race sings the national anthem at a ball game.Just. the fact alone that LMH is korean will rise negative feedback. And singing in Korean and not Chinese,what was his agency thinking when they agreed to this,I hope its a wise decsion at the end,it is the first time I hear about this gala anyway so idk so much about it just what I've read here.

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Guest prosperity

@adlyn13, exactly, I guess they could not pass up the chance for such huge exposure. However, they should have made the decision for him to learn the Chinese version. Since he is doing a duet, they could have done it so that he had parts, so he wouldn't have to learn the whole thing.
I hope everything goes smoothly and it doesn't affect him negatively.

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Look at the security guards linking their arms at the CCTV interview (28 Jan, 2014)


It looks like he is going out from that door,  reporters from both sides are trying to take some picture of him, and guards are fencing on both sides


Did he sing on CCTV, too? Does any one know what song and if that clip has been broadcast yet?


Source/more pix: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.447772925322343.1073742164.343024429130527&type=1

Oh, his signature smile is back. Love it :-)

source: https://twitter.com/TeamLeeMinHo/status/428291916661137408/photo/1

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prosperity said: adlyn13 said: What happened to the fact that LMH is an actor,the last article made a mistake lol. Unless that film director Feng actually said that. Oh dear I am so nervous for LMH performance,but I don't doubt he will do great,its just that this isn't a fm, and his popularity in China has to with his acting not so much his singing,as he is new at singing and he hasn't claimed to be a singer anyway

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Another snippets


睡前散些图 话说今儿采访的时候问李敏镐想不想和女朋友一起过春节 他回答说很希望 但是自己还木有女朋友 这段不能用在节目中 但可以和大家分享一下[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈][马到成功][吃元宵][马上有对象]晚安!

 The CCTV Reporter said in Weibo... during interview she asked LMH if he wish to spend the festive time with his girlfriend?LMH replied: Of cos he wish but he dont have a girlfriend now. The reporter says - this part would not be shown on the TV but can share with us on weibo.  
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Apparently CCTV send a SMS to all staff after LMH 1st rehersal... warning staff that during his 2nd rehersal... pls dont crowd ard him and stay at ur "roles" and position.  hahaha  this is funny :P


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@主持人王宁 专访李敏镐,他最喜欢什么?他最害怕什么?他怎么看自己的长腿与受欢迎程度之间的关系?想知道答案吗?转起,即将揭晓!


News from Weibo - There will be more interview...

what does LMH likes?

What does LMH Scare of?

Does he sees any link between his long legs and the great level of popularity

Coming soon!

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mtdt said: alesia44 said:   According the source below (look at the picture) It seems he's filming this endorsement while in Korea. Could someone translate this? What is the brand of this snack? ISUNI POTATO? What they said about Lee Minho? sorry for asking too much :D. Thank you
more info

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HAHAHA @adlyn13
How about I claimed the bigger RS version?


=)) =)) =)) Just for fun... I'll replace with other goodies later ~ now busy with Do manager & work

Okay back to business. It looks like Starhaus will work together with a Chinese co. named Hua Yi to further Min Hot's career in China. I don't have time to translate so hopefully english news will be out soon. Is that mean Min Hot is spending lots MORE time in China?!

华谊携手李敏镐经纪公司 将开展内地活动

新浪娱乐讯 1月29日消息,华谊兄弟[微博]透露,公司即将与李敏镐所属韩国经济公司Starhaus Entertainment全面结成独家战略合作伙伴,全方位打造李敏镐未来在中国的发展并与其进行深度商务合作。

  华谊兄弟独家联手Starhuas 合力打造李敏镐

  此前,华谊兄弟音乐公司已与Starhuas公司合作,成功在北京上海等地运作了多场李敏镐粉丝见面会,让内地粉丝有机会近距离接触偶像,开拓 了李敏镐的内地市场。据悉,本次合作将是华谊兄弟与韩国Starhuas公司的强强联手,在之前首度合作中双方公司建立的良好合作关系为此次合作奠定了基 础。对于此次合作,华谊兄弟也给予了高度的重视。

  李敏镐将登2014年春晚 华谊为其开启中国宣传

  近年来华谊兄弟在中国娱乐界涉及包括影视、文化、传媒、院线、广告、音乐、经纪、时尚等多个领域。在华谊兄弟的未来规划中,有计划签约多位具备 国际影响力的艺人,为他们全面拓展内地市场。因此,联手Starhaus Entertainment,深度打造李敏镐的中国内地事业便成为了首个重头项目。据悉,双方达成合作意向后,华谊兄弟与中央电视台及春晚导演组多次交流 沟通,最终将李敏镐推上了2014年春节联欢晚会。


source: http://ent.sina.com.cn/y/k/2014-01-29/10134090391.shtml

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sia3 said: HAHAHA @adlyn13
How about I claimed the bigger RS version?

=)) =)) =)) Just for fun... I'll replace with other goodies later ~ now busy with Do manager & work

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