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B O A (보아) * Official Thread

Guest jnnfr

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Guest jessiep

Wow, I wonder what the emails said and how the picture was taken that SM already paid the hacker that $35K. Did this hacker get arrested yet? I don't like people who try to make money out of threatening to sell celebrity's private life information (from hacking into their cy).

Another cute blog that BoA posted! She's looking for a boyfriend **hint** :lol:

Anyway, the MIT tour DVD could have been better if the fonts weren't that big. Also, they reused that pink font color from 2005's Best of Soul Tour. I already have it pre-ordered. Are you guys gonna get it too?

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So much to comment one:

The new Toshiba CM is cute. BoA looks great and from what I can hear of her single it sounds nice. I'm not really digging the phone though.

BoA is updating her Blog pretty fast. She has the most random stuff...but that's what makes it interesting and neat. Can't wait for her next entry.

And I agree those covers for the MIT Tour DVD are really bad. Fans are going to buy the dvd, but just cause fans are doesn't mean they couldn't put a little more effort in making the cover better.

Wow, the whole CY thing is a shock. I never really paid much attention to those CY pages cause I thought most were fake and fanmade. I can't believe the hacker was paid, but I guess SM wanted to get rid of the guy before the whole story could take a life of its own. Poor Danny and BoA...talk about privacy being invaded. It's really sad how celebrities can't even go online and e-mail friends.

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Guest kookoo

wow. i've never been in this thread before.

words travel around, FAST.

Wow, I wonder what the emails said and how the picture was taken that SM already paid the hacker that $35K. Did this hacker get arrested yet? I don't like people who try to make money out of threatening to sell celebrity's private life information (from hacking into their cy).

so the guy wanted more money,-- he was asking for the total of $65K, and yes, he got caught. that's why its in the news.


i dont think boa42 is her real cyworld.

werent those ---42 cyworlds made for commercial use?!


SM is claiming that the guy was trying to expose "something that's not true"--

and that it's ridiculous because danny and boa are only FRIENDS.

danny`s management company Sidus HQ said they would help SM on suing(sueing?? wtf) the guy.


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Guest winG*

I never knew BoA kept a cy...it's so horrible how someone hacked into it and used the contents to blackmail SM for money. As if it isn't enough being in the spotlight nearly every waking moment...she even gets the little bit of personal life she has left intruded in. It's the first time I've heard something like this about BoA though...which is fortunate, I guess. I've always wondered how she kept her personal life so private. Poor girl. I'd be furious if I was her. I hope the emails/pictures stay undistributed though...as curious as I am...I'd rather not see any of them.

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Guest suejinners

^ he was asking for more money because he got into Danny's emails

how is it ridiculous that they are just friends? no one knows for sure.

Other celebs take picture's with their firends so why is it so hard to believe its still possible that the two might be friends

danny had received bad comments from the netizens not too long ago because obviously his company was trying to get more attention for his solo career acting wise he even brought up the stupid subject/incident of a male singer sleeping blah blah. yeah and his last girlfriend.


OMG THEY ARE FLIPPING OUT OVER this stupid picture


WTF its no big deal -_______-;; the stupid reporter made a mistake

i mean if the emails contained more stuff then the two being a couple is believable


great now reporters having so much fun with the subject that they are making the situation worse for the two

they say Danny ahn ended his relationship with a top star under 1 year .....

about hyori;s minihompy getting hacked into was false its just boa and hyori emailing each other

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Guest hanjin90

OMG~~~ WTF >.<

the thought of BoA & Danny were together has never come into my mind T.T

i think they r just gud FRIENDS


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보아의 소속사 SM 엔터테인먼트는 14일 오전 보도자료를 통해 "'톱스타 홈페이지 해킹해 협박한 대학생 구속'이라는 기사와 관련해 다음과 같이 밝힌다"며 "기사상 언급된 연예인은 당사 소속 연예인 보아이며, 남자 연예인은 IHQ 소속 연예인 데니안이다"고 전했다.

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there r tons of articles popped up T.T

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Guest winG*

^ wtf I saw that picture agesss ago o_o.

The picture she took with Jaejoong during the 2006 SM Summer mv filming looked closer than that -__-. Netizens make a huge deal out of everything.

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Guest suejinners

^lol it was a mistake the reporters are saying tis that picture

now they are looking up every single thing about the two


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Guest LisaFace

Wow... thats the pictures that BoA's manager is so anal about?

They just look like regular friend photos..

I mean if it was a picture of them kissing that would be a different story

But gosh... i think hes overreacting just a little

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Guest hanjin90

i think i have all of the pics tat those reporters posted T.T

those pics cant say anything 'bout they r a couple or not

wait, that mail was sent by Danny to BoA huh???T.T

i hope that mail wont be revealed to the public by any chance though i really want to know what he said *sighed*

Wow... thats the pictures that BoA's manager is so anal about?

nope, tat's not the pic tat SM has paid for

i think reporters are going to post every little thing tat related to BoA & Danny

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Guest shinhwa*battle

what's the big fuss over this hacker? I mean it's gonna die down sooner or later.

And we all know that BoA's not together with him. So let's ignore the fuss the media is making.. I mean, afterall, that's their job isn't it! they'd be out of job if they didnt report and write articles~

meanwhile, us soompiers shd vote for her in the soompi queen poll! our poor beloved only got a few pathetic votes. if she doesnt pick up, she's gonna be eliminated! by the 2nd round only~!


I was really really tempted to vote for kim taehee as the queen instead of BoA, she feels more of royalty to me. hahaha. ok, but i couldnt betray BoA.


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Guest suejinners

^ your right

its a hott topic because it just came out

it will die soon eventually but its just even more big news cause BoA is a top star and she hardly gets anything bad news/ bad media coverage

its still a hot hott hott topic though -____-;;

i don't mind if they dated.. dont get me wrong. i mean all celebs need love lives also.

but if its false then WTF LOL ><;;;



the email she sent to hyori was from 5 yrs ago!!!! puhahahahha

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OH MY GOSH! My poor BoA. I heard about the Hacker like 10 minutes ago. Ne-cizitens or whatever you call them are going crazy. Did they not think that LSM favored BoA mor or something like that? Hopefully this will die down. Im so anxious and curious however, to see the pic that SM payed for. But I dont want to ruin our dear BoA's career. It seems like every guy BoA "friends" with they see him as a boyfriend. No wonder its troublesome for BoA =[

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Guest kookoo

how is it ridiculous that they are just friends? no one knows for sure.

ONE, SM CLAIMED that it's ridiculous. not me.

TWO, everyone knows they went out.

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Guest hanjin90

^ your right

its a hott topic because it just came out

it will die soon eventually but its just even more big news cause BoA is a top star and she hardly gets anything bad news/ bad media coverage

its still a hot hott hott topic though -____-;;

i don't mind if they dated.. dont get me wrong. i mean all celebs need love lives also.

but if its false then WTF LOL ><;;;



the email she sent to hyori was from 5 yrs ago!!!! puhahahahha

ack...ack... it's really a HUGE WTF

so, the email that Danny sent to BoA was a long time ago huh???

i hope BoA will talk to the fans 'bout this problem soon

i want to hear from BoA than reading those articles tat the reporters built up themselves

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Guest KhmerGuy231

Hmmm. Hackers need a life -_-. I wouldn't have even payed him. I'd report his butt to authorities. There's always a way to trace back. And so what if she's with Danny or whomever, she'll look good with anyone cause she's pretty anyways. lol

BTW, BoA looks AMAZING in her new performance of My Name and GOT.

Eh... So everyone has already gotten over the excitement of her new performance. lol. I'm so behind -_-.... School is lame

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Guest winG*

I think this whole thing is only huge because of the names attached to it...especially BoA's because she's this top star and she's never had this kind of news before. String BoA's name along with a GOD member and Hyori, then you've got a good, entertaining 'news' article netizens will go crazy over.


TWO, everyone knows they went out.

Just like how "everyone knows" from reading things on the internet that BoA's a snob and that LSM is an evil evil money hungry guy who will hit all his artists right? -_-

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as much as i hate to say this.. i honestly think this is all a publicity stunt. i mean it's possible that boa's cyworld can get hacked but honestly that girl does not have time to keep up with a cyworld. & SM already cleared up that it was boa and danny before any of the pictures got on the internet. & they paid the guy money to prevent any further rumors/scandals.. i find it funny how they pay him even after they cleared up everything and all over one picture. i mean sure there might be emails and stuff. but it's not like SM made a big deal with other SM singers who got caught taking a pic with the opposite sex.

it's like saying lee junki and boa have something going in that one pic where they're both with hyori. danny is like an oppa to her. im sure she looks up to him and respect him highly just like she would with lee minwoo.

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Guest suejinners

ONE, SM CLAIMED that it's ridiculous. not me.

TWO, everyone knows they went out.

I think this whole thing is only huge because of the names attached to it...especially BoA's because she's this top star and she's never had this kind of news before. String BoA's name along with a GOD member and Hyori, then you've got a good, entertaining 'news' article netizens will go crazy over.


Just like how "everyone knows" from reading things on the internet that BoA's a snob and that LSM is an evil evil money hungry guy who will hit all his artists right? -_-

^ exactly

I haven't read an article yet that saying that SM thinks its ridiculous that they are just friends? They released the statement and its in all the articles that they are just colleagues.

And not everyone knows taht they are dating.

some netizens think they did date now since this happened

plus i went to boa korean fansites and they didn't say anything about the two dating they know that theya re friends.

sorry if it seems like im attacking you

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