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Ganji Fashion.

Guest kimseo

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Guest Ass3nav

I thought Big Bang was more to the gangster side, but maybe I'm wrong. However, I DO love this style cept I dun think I can pull it off well.

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Big bang is Not ganji~~~~

i repeat


there more streetwear

i dunno i can't explain it but i can tell the difference between whats ganji and whats not

Bape and 10 deep are ganji style fashion

it just depends how u put it together

Umm...but yeah honestly i think the fashion is expesive ..all name brands.

like the polos and stuff

but like the cheap stuff like checkered shirts i got mine at old navy for 10$



my nikes were 90$...my hats were 30$..ehhh not sure i still want a polo top D:

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Guest hannuhh


Big bang is Not ganji~~~~

i repeat


well it's not like they DON'T wear ganji style clothes, but i see where you're coming from, their type of style isn't BASED on ganji, just streetwear.

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^ I didn't say Big Bang was ganji ..... it's just that they were featured on hiphoper (isn't that a ganji website??).

And why aren't they ganji? They wear some of the ones you guys mentioned 10 deep, Bape.. I mean they don't dress ganji all the time but they still dress in ganji style occasionally. And if 'ganji' means stylish or good style,, big bang = stylish :P (the word is starting to sound funny to me cause I keep using it lol.)

(btw I'm not saying Big Bang represents ganji or that, like hannuhh said, their style is based on ganji , but if they're wearing the clothes and dressed up in that style ...why don't you consider them ganji?) I'm not expert on this type of style so yeah, a bit confused. >.<

ganji fashion is so... confusing @_@; It seems really hard to pull off.. :x It's like.. either you have it or you don't. You could be wearing the same exact clothes as the people posted on the front page.. but still wouldn't be considered ganji if you don't look the part. That's what It seems like to me o_____o;

Big Bang dresses in very..expensive clothing ^^;

i know SAKUN (my favorite brand of allllllllll time) is very pricey. their hoods are over 100,000 won T_T

sweaters are like 60,000~80,000won and shirts are close to 40,000. >_<

they only have one actual store in hongdae (hopefully i go when i visit hongdae!) but other than that

you have to purchase online >_<

stussy is very popular in korea too! kim boram wears stussy a lot i believe~

also supreme~ <3


I knowwww! So expensive! T__T I liked the hoodie + mask TOP was wearing at a radio show appearance, and someone mentioned it was SAKUN. I went to check out the site and my reaction was O.o --> O__________O --> ;_________;

I thought Big Bang was more to the gangster side, but maybe I'm wrong. However, I DO love this style cept I dun think I can pull it off well.

I'm sorry, gangster?? LOL

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too bad you can never find a guy that dresses as well as those guys in the pictures do.

not to be mean but whenever i do find a guy that can dress like that (personally i start from shoes up)

everythings is great you go up (shoes) up (jeans) up (top) up..AWWWW dangitt (face)

haha...that was kinda mean :vicx:


those are the cutest shoes. for sure.

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Guest dancingbymyself

Haha, I know so many people that dress like this. Honestly in NYC its so popular its not even funny. You go to the K-town there and its like... 1 out of 5 kids lol.

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Guest marialolly

ggfr7.jpg (i already know this one is posted)

Ganji doesn't mind to wear if, even it's guys or girl, human colors.

But that picture, i like the hangout place. :P

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Big bang is Not ganji~~~~

i repeat


there more streetwear

i dunno i can't explain it but i can tell the difference between whats ganji and whats not

Bape and 10 deep are ganji style fashion

it just depends how u put it together

Umm...but yeah honestly i think the fashion is expesive ..all name brands.

like the polos and stuff

but like the cheap stuff like checkered shirts i got mine at old navy for 10$



my nikes were 90$...my hats were 30$..ehhh not sure i still want a polo top D:

Yeah, why aren't they considered ganji? Isn't that your own opinion to think if someone's ganji or not because I thought ganji means to have good style? I think BB's pretty ganji. Even G-dragon was dubbed the name Gan-JiYong so South Korea seems to believe he's pretty ganji.

Dressing this style can be expensive if you want brand name everything. I think guys look better in this style than girls do. The 'ganji' the ppl in this thread considers seems more like a style of a bboy/skater type. *shrugs*

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Guest renjitehsmex


Big bang is Not ganji~~~~

i repeat


there more streetwear

i dunno i can't explain it but i can tell the difference between whats ganji and whats not

Bape and 10 deep are ganji style fashion

it just depends how u put it together

if you yourself have said that Bape is GANJI style fashion (and the fact that Big Bang dons BAPE), doesn't that mean that they are styled Ganji as well?

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Guest SeLcaQueen

i dun think youll be looked by americans in the US that your style is tryign to be "chigger" cos its really diff on the style and the styl eon the umm "chigger" thign in the us.. its cos ganji has these unique traits on the fashion style examples wud be;

● big betty/nerdy glasses

● g-dragon-like scarf

● tongue of the shoe is big which should always appear outside (of pants)

● scottish/checkered patterns

● long sleeves inner-wear (thats kidn of a mix of a skater and hiphop)

● most hairstyles are medium and long (and its reallyt diff formt he hiphop/urban hairstyles in america, cos most of em are bald and covered with a cap, more liek tae yang's hairstyle ^^')

● they dont act like what they wear, cos it's been seen as a TREND not an ATTITUDE

the MOST REQUIRED ITEM FOR GANJI STYLE are DSLRs! srsly... westenr hiphop are not seen with dslr hanging ont heir neck, they got those blingbligns~ hehe♪

● lastly we dont have too much blingblings~

^LOL at the boLd part!! and i agree with that... :lol:

i seriousLy Love this fashion especiaLLy for girLs. others do not find it fashionabLe for girLs but the pics of girLs posted here, they're so cooL...

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Ahhh, I love this style. I used to dress like this when I was younger. Don't know what happened. Now I just like whatever, haha. But yeah.

It does seem to me like the baggy look only works for skinny girls.

Just wondering - who are the people in those pictures, anyway? o_o Are they for some sorta fashion site or.. what? XD

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GANJI fashion is sooo fun...and I LOVE IT

but then again it would only look good on skinny ppl...like..skinny ppl can pull it off =D

and yeah pretty girls too

the only bad thing about ganji is that sometimes ppl stare at you and go WTF

but then again ..... I LOVE GANJI...so who cares =D

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