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Hi again LF..

can't remember i tried it before or not..haha..but i know you can do it that way. You need buy a special Ethernet crossover cable and set some settings on host computer to share the connection. :)
yeah.. it should be able to be done that way.. so all I need is a able and setting.. no other hardware right? me very bad in networking stuff.. haha..

She said that he might go earlier to army at first. But she was happy because his army date was delayed. Anyway she said that a man has to go the army if he is a Korean man.
ahh.. ic.. thanks for the explaination.. :)

thank you so much DC Ggong galler for the translation..:wub: I'm try to imagine baby YOO run down from stage with speed..hahaha ..Hopefully we can have video or audio for fans meet soon.. :D
yeah.. thank them so much to those friendly gallers for helping us along.. :) I'm trying to imagine how he run down the stage too!! lol!! BTW, the mp3 audio clip from Daum CP, I think it's a whole event. One of my download completed already, and the length of the audio is 76 minutes!! and I scanned through it.. baby YOO was singing "Thanks", same as the song he sang at Remember YOO Japan fans meet in Osaka.. :wub: but the audio very noisy because fans screaming... :wacko: Hmm.. the talking part is very clear, but I have no clue what he's talking about! lol!

Thanks LF for baby YOO's message and also for CP trailers.

LF, you gonna extract the singing part? hmm.. any way to remove all the noise? haha!!! Anyway, here's the version of Thanks he sang in Japan April 2007. I made an MV out of that song.. :Phttp://gongyoo.multiply.com/video/item/573/MV_Self_Made_REMEMBER_YOO_2007_MV_02_-_Thank_You_by_Gong_Yoo

thanks for posting angelie.. wonder why he's drinking..hmmm... :unsure:
hi kaye.. probably because he's nervous and excited, so he had to keep himself calm.. and maybe prevent himself from getting too emotional? :unsure:

thanks so much! pics is the least they could do :) fun talking talking to you. have a good night.
Nice talking to you too woodycakes. :)

Hi texashot. Miss you and Happy New Year to you too.. Welcome back. Sorry to hear to people close to you are sick. We will keep them in our prayers..

My my.. baby YOO laugh so much during his fans meet.. arghhh... why can't I understand Korean... :tears: Sounds so fun.

These seems to be larger pics..

20080107091515223760915rn5.th.jpg 20080107093354659020940tp3.th.jpg 20080107091213235c40924xc6.th.jpg

*** Credit as printed ***

I have to leave now.. couldn't finish my love notes yet.. will continue in the afternoon.. :sweatingbullets: :sweatingbullets:

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Guest iluvyoo2

LF, you gonna extract the singing part? hmm.. any way to remove all the noise? haha!!! Anyway, here's the version of Thanks he sang in Japan April 2007. I made an MV out of that song.. :Phttp://gongyoo.multiply.com/video/item/573/MV_Self_Made_REMEMBER_YOO_2007_MV_02_-_Thank_You_by_Gong_Yoo
haha..don't think can remove the background noise..hopefully we can have clearer version later..No audio clip from DCGY??

News about fansmeeting

孔侑开入伍前最后粉丝会 送红玫瑰表谢意

新浪娱乐讯 日前韩星孔侑在服役前最后一次粉丝会上流下了眼泪,这让很多在场的粉丝都非常心痛。





Credit Sina.com

孔侑入伍前最后影迷会 握手别粉丝送玫瑰

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月07日10:07 新浪娱乐

新浪娱乐讯 1月6日下午两点,韩国演员孔侑(孔侑吧)在首尔成均大学举行了入伍前的最后一场fans见面会。在这次见面会上孔侑与1000多名到场fans一一握手告别,并亲自送玫瑰给每一名fans,见面会一直到晚7点才结束。

  本次见面会的主题为“I Like... I Love YOO”,孔侑演唱了《给与我幸福的人》、《超级明星》、《感谢》等歌曲,以答谢现场fans。在演唱《感谢》时孔侑控制不住感情而流下了眼泪。在随后的对话环节中孔侑表示:“一直告诉自己千万不能哭,不过看到大家之后眼圈又有点变红了,就像我以前说过的一样,军队生活对我来说是一个能更加成熟和带来更多发展的机会,所以大家也不用伤心难过,安心等我回来就可以了。对我们来说两年时间也算不上什么。”

  孔侑在见面会上还透露了如何度过入伍前的最后一星期的计划,称随着入伍日期的临近每一天都过的越来越快,因此要将剩下的7天中每一天都充实地与身边的人们一起度过。孔侑将在1月14日下午1点在忠南陆军训练营入伍,在接受为期5周的基础军事训练之后将作为现役士兵开始2年的军营生活。林一朗/ 文 版权所有Mydaily禁止转载

oh, Yoo cried in the fansmeeting.. :tears:

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haha..don't think can remove the background noise..hopefully we can have clearer version later..No audio clip from DCGY??
he.he. just asking in case you have a way.. lol!! nope.. I didn't come across any audio or video clip from dcGY yet...

awww.. I'm listening to the part his fans sang to him.... wah.. marvelous!! all the screaming, laughing, excitement.. I'm so curious what baby YOO does to make them scream like that?!?! :sweatingbullets: :sweatingbullets: :sweatingbullets: I hear lots and lots of his signature laugh too.. hehe..

Thanks for the Chinese news LF.. baby YOO cried? wonder which part.. I need 2 1/2 hours to go through the clip to find out that crying part...

Sigh.. I don't want to leave at this time.. but have to pick my kids up.. See you all later.. :)

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Guest tangtang


Gong Yoo a cry baby?


Heartthrob Gong Yoo held his last fan meeting titled “I Like… I love YOO” yesterday with 1,000 fans at Sungkyun Kwan University. He spent two hours with his endearing fans, answering questions, singing and giving out hugs and white roses. In return, the fans gave him two “waiting tree” with personal messages to the hard bodied star.

Gong Yoo became so emotional during the fan meeting that he eventually shed tears, but he assured his fans that the military will make him stronger and more mature so they don’t need to worry. Gong Yoo, we are not worried, we are just going to miss your awesome body.

Coffee Prince star will start his military training on January 14th, 2008.

+credit popseoul.com


the waiting tree thingy is awesome. gah.. i wonder what will i write there. Will totally be blank and blurrr blurrr (twinnie's word).

.. i think i will be a cry baby too. :wacko:

LF and Angel Unnie. thanks for the clips.

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Good afternoon... again gifts from ariesw.. :) Translations to the Chinese article posted by LF.

Article 1 (Hmmm.. not sure why the article mention red rose when he's giving out white rose)

孔侑开入伍前最后粉丝会 送红玫瑰表谢意

Gong Yoo holds last Fan Meeting before Enlistment, Gives Red Rose to express Thanks


Yesterday, Korean Star GY shed tears in his last fan meeting before his enlistment, making many of the fans present feel extreme heartfelt sadness.


At 2pm on the 6th, GY held his fan meeting in Seoul, where around 1,000 fans attended to spend some memorable time together with him.


In the fan meeting GY said : “After completing CP, I stayed at home all along to rest, and during the time when I won in the MBC Awards, I haven’t stood before a large audience for a long time, so that I was so very nervous at that time that I cannot recall what I said on the stage during that time. MS will so far in my life, be a great big leap forward, I will return with a brand new appearance before all of you.”


On that day, fans told GY through a video (? – literal translation is through an “image”) “Please become the most handsome man in the world and return to us here.” At this point, GY was unable to control himself, as tears can be seen flowing from his eyes.


GY gave a rose to each of the fans who were present, to express thanks to his fans for their deep affection.

Article 2

孔侑入伍前最后影迷会 握手别粉丝送玫瑰

GY in his last fan meeting before enlistment shakes hands to farewell fans and gives roses


At 2pm on January 6, Korean actor GY held his last fans meeting in Seoul in “…”University. In this meeting, GY, one by one, shook the hands of each fan of the 1,000 fans who attended, and personally gave each fan a rose until the fans meeting ended at 7pm.

本次见面会的主题为“I Like... I LoveYOO”,孔侑演唱了《给与我幸福的人》、《超级明星》、《感谢》等歌曲,以答谢现场fans。

The theme for this fans meeting was “I Like…I Love Yoo” and GY sang the following songs,“This is for those who make me Happy”, “Superstar”, “Thank You”to thank fans who attended.


When he was singing “Thank You” GY was unable to control himself and tears flowed from his eyes. In the dialogue after his song, GY said “ I’ve been telling myself – you cannot not cry at all, but seeing all of you, my eyes started to become red, and like I said before, for me, military life will make me more mature and give me more opportunities to grow and develop, so all of you must not feel hurt and sad, calmly wait for me to return and all will be well. For us, two years’ time is not such a big thing.”

孔侑在见面会上还透露了如何度过入 伍前的最后一星期的计划,称随着入伍日期的临近每一天都过的越来越快,因此要将剩下的7天中每一天都充实地与身边的人们一起度过。

GY also disclosed during the fans meeting how he plans to spend the last week before his enlistment, as each day before his enlistment passes by more and more quickly, he has to spend each day of the next seven days together with the people close to him wholeheartedly.

孔侑将在1月14日下午 1点在忠南陆军训练营入伍,在接受为期5周的基础军事训练之后将作为现役士兵开始2年的军营生活。

GY will enlist at 1pm on January 14 at Choong Nam military training center to receive 5 weeks basic military training after which he will begin to serve as an active duty soldier for two years.


*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

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Guest luvbbyoo

Hello angelie

hi luvvyoo.. Welcome to YOOhouse.. hmmm.. I think I'm gonna mix up yourself with luvbbyoo.. lol!!

Oh, our nicks are so similar. You can call me Jasmine instead. ;)

Welcome to the house! luvvyoo.

wave wave luvbbyoo..:) Good evening to you..

BTW, luvbbyoo, this is the clip I was talking about. :P

Thank you so......much, angelie. That goes direct to my flash drive. I will watch it tonight.

Hello iluvyoo2

News about fansmeeting

孔侑开入伍前最后粉丝会 送红玫瑰表谢意

新浪娱乐讯 日前韩星孔侑在服役前最后一次粉丝会上流下了眼泪,这让很多在场的粉丝都非常心痛。

oh, Yoo cried in the fansmeeting.. :tears:

Oh gosh! He cried! I'm actually in tears when I read that too. I think I will be heart broken when I see more news on 14th. :tears::tears:

angelie, ariesw, tangtang and iluvyoo2,

Thanks for sharing the precious news, photos and clips with us.

My break is over. I need to go now. Bye.....


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Guest calypso78

Omo,he cried?! :tears: I think I will cry if i to see the vid of him crying.

I liked the fact that he wasn't acting all macho-like, hiding his feelings for the sake of his image. Gosh, I'm gonna miss him.*sigh*

Thanks LF ,ariesw and Angelie for bringing the news over...I'm sad yet happy and proud of him for going to the army. I'm sure he will come back stronger and more mature. Fighting.

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Guest orangechocolate

~ Lunch time but im not hungry. Dunno what am i gonna eat !!

Very Blurr :tears:

OC_Dale ...can you provide us with flying broomsticks , too so we can go with yoo when you go get Baby Yoo? hehehe

-- hi...Jinkzz.. i think i no need flying broomsticks now... i need a lot handkerchief !!

Translation for baby YOO's message to YOO&I by ariesw. Thank you again ariesw.. :)

-- Thank you so much Ariesw ^^ He leave the Msg. before FanMeet. Goshh..Dont know what to said !!

im wake again !!

OC, girl.. Yooalien is a married man now.. wifey Kai will get jealous is he cheats on her!!

-- Baby EllisWot !!! is this the same story that we're talkin' abt. ^^??

and what if Yooalien is ghosting too? :crazy:

-- and that's why we call YOOalien ^O^

oh, Yoo cried in the fansmeeting.. :tears:

-- Really T___T?? Goshhhh... i thought he cried exactly...Poor baby YOO...No one cant stand in that situation !!!

.. i think i will be a cry baby too. :wacko:

-- My Twinnie... Pls. Dont start !!! *Weepy*

-- Santa LF Thank for baby YOO's song DL...i know you're very busy for hunting all of baby YOO's news like My Angel did...Really Thank !!


When he was singing “Thank You” GY was unable to control himself and tears flowed from his eyes. In the dialogue after his song, GY said “ I’ve been telling myself – you cannot not cry at all, but seeing all of you, my eyes started to become red, and like I said before, for me, military life will make me more mature and give me more opportunities to grow and develop, so all of you must not feel hurt and sad, calmly wait for me to return and all will be well. For us, two years’ time is not such a big thing.”

-- Ohhh my baby YOO "!~!!~@@@#$!~???" * More Weepy*

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Guest atsigrace

Good afternoon... again gifts from ariesw.. :) Translations to the Chinese article posted by LF.


When he was singing “Thank You” GY was unable to control himself and tears flowed from his eyes. In the dialogue after his song, GY said “ I’ve been telling myself – you cannot not cry at all, but seeing all of you, my eyes started to become red, and like I said before, for me, military life will make me more mature and give me more opportunities to grow and develop, so all of you must not feel hurt and sad, calmly wait for me to return and all will be well. For us, two years’ time is not such a big thing.”

:tears::tears::tears::tears::tears: (no words can describe what i am feeling right now, even the sky is crying with me)

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Hello OC.. Wah.. Why did you get yourself drunk?? :blink: ohhh.. I just read you were having a competition with your dad? :blink:

-- :wub: Really?? Goshhhh....Is he Drunk too!! Very casually party...Huge jealous Baby YOO seem relex and do every thing like his home >___<~~ Ummm...i really need listen to his singing. i wish they'll release this clips for us soon. Not too much clips!! Just some clips which can show Baby YOO's feeling or something like that!!
haha.. I don't think he's drunk.. Just enough to keep himself calm I guess.. hehe... ahh.. his singing.. the background too noisy, can't really enjoy his singing.. :wacko:

hi Val.. Welcome back. Miss you big time too... muah muah muah muah muah back to you.. :D<_< awww... 20 back pages.. did you ask chippy for anti-dizzy medicine? :D

hello queenie. ohhh.. emergency landing... Hope you are doing well. Have a safe trip home sweet home. Miss you too and take care. See you around.

hi junsuxXcutie.

Hmm, being completely finished with Coffee Prince isn't holding too well on my heart, I need more Yoo~

which drama do yoo all prefer?? Shall I start with One Fine Day or?....

yea.. if you are talking about dramas, you can start with OFD if you want... you can give BTSC, School 4 and Screen a try too.. ;) For movies, watch them all.. :D

also, just wanted to compliment you all on how friendly and welcoming you make this thread. It's always nice to stop by && share in the love for Yoo--hehe, beacause of him i bet you've all made some close friends here ^^
yes.. we all sure became close friends here because of YOO. hope you will join us more often.. :)

Good afternoon chippy. :) What? Pimple on baby YOO's face? Did your hand got itchy and squeeze it? lol!! Maybe you should be the facialist huh? Anyway, congrats for finishing your back reading..and thanks also for the popseoul article. Love the waiting tree concept too... and watching YOO cry, we will probably cry with him. :tears:

-- Ohhh yepp..Is he in some clips ofMr.Double Zero,right?? He has a pretty face likeLJK :crazy: but i prefer JIS !! (it's just because he's baby YOO's best friend !! 555+ just kidding)
yes.. I think he's in Playboys Baseball as well as Hanryu Festival. I think JIS is better looking than LJK.. He might be pretty faced, but it seems like he's more macho.. lol!!

-- Thank you so much for briefly story i was watched 2-3 times but i just focus to baby YOO ^^" Umm...this internet drama very indie!! i love it.
ahh.. I've also watched it 2-3 times... I love baby YOO's shy shy expression in the drama.. and really cute too.. :)

My Angel(Again!!) --Wowww~ Did you have a Fanmeet clips already !!! Thank God :w00t:
It's the same clip that Ellie posted.. :) I just downloaded it so that YooGals can keep the clip.. :) As of now, no real fans meet clip yet. Still praying that Sidus will give it to us.. he.he..

Ellie.. did you enjoy your goodies hunting? need anti-dizzy medicine? hehe. :D

Yup yup.. it was taken by a fan. Too bad that the quality is so poor :tears: but better than nothing!
Well Ellie, at the situation like that, I think it's hard to take a good quality video huh? Everyone squeezing and pressing you.. :sweatingbullets: But it feels so good to see baby YOO wave at his fans.. And it seems like he was so busy waving that he wasn't aware of someone touching his cheek?

hello jinkzz.. sounds like you are fully back in action. how do you find HGD?

hi sunnie_chy. Glad you enjoy the fans meet goodies.. Take care and see you around.. Love you too... :)

Thanks LF for the audio extract.. :D Love you. :wub:

Good afternoon luvbbyoo. I will call you Jasmine from now on. :)

Thank you so......much, angelie. That goes direct to my flash drive. I will watch it tonight.
hope you enjoy it as much as I do.. ;)

Oh gosh! He cried! I'm actually in tears when I read that too. I think I will be heart broken when I see more news on 14th. :tears::tears:
yeah... we better get ready our heart and not let it break... We still need to be here to wait for him. No heart failure.. :P

Omo,he cried?! :tears: I think I will cry if i to see the vid of him crying.

I liked the fact that he wasn't acting all macho-like, hiding his feelings for the sake of his image. Gosh, I'm gonna miss him.*sigh*

Thanks LF ,ariesw and Angelie for bringing the news over...I'm sad yet happy and proud of him for going to the army. I'm sure he will come back stronger and more mature. Fighting.

Yes Liron, his openess to fans are what we truly love about him.. We all sure gonna miss him. I'm trying to put sadness aside and be happy and proud of him to be able to serve his country. He will come back a better man. :)


*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***


*** Credit as printed ***

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Guest kayelee

Hello all!

In the fan meeting GY said : “After completing CP, I stayed at home all along to rest, and during the time when I won in the MBC Awards, I haven’t stood before a large audience for a long time, so that I was so very nervous at that time that I cannot recall what I said on the stage during that time. MS will so far in my life, be a great big leap forward, I will return with a brand new appearance before all of you.”

On that day, fans told GY through a video (? – literal translation is through an “image”) “Please become the most handsome man in the world and return to us here.” At this point, GY was unable to control himself, as tears can be seen flowing from his eyes.

oOh! so sweet of them! :blush: yesss.. please come back.. that makes GY cry again...i want to comfort him..*hugs*

When he was singing “Thank You” GY was unable to control himself and tears flowed from his eyes. In the dialogue after his song, GY said “ I’ve been telling myself – you cannot not cry at all, but seeing all of you, my eyes started to become red, and like I said before, for me, military life will make me more mature and give me more opportunities to grow and develop, so all of you must not feel hurt and sad, calmly wait for me to return and all will be well. For us, two years’ time is not such a big thing.”

if only we can do fast forward...*sigh*

thank you very much for the fansmeet goodies angelie, ellie, LF and aries for the untireless effort in translating, I LOVE YOO!

don't want to see anymore news on MS thing...its killing me softly!!! huhu...T_T (sorry can't help myself..) :tears:

euchan - i'm still sleepy cause of last night but i enjoyed talking with yah all. thought you added me on your friendster? :unsure:

quennie- happy safe trip! thanks for the yoogoodies.

val - welcome back! we miss you here...Ellie's really scared with YKW. :lol:

ellie - WOW! spying on yoo whole day? can't blame yoo..LOL

I LOVE YOO ALL!!! Will get back later.

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hello kaye.

oOh! so sweet of them! :blush: yesss.. please come back.. that makes GY cry again...i want to comfort him..*hugs*
You think he will cry when he see many fans see him off on that day? :tears:

Been working hard and missing yoo harder!
hi shalia.. Do take care and stay healthy... :)



*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

I saw these additional Chinese summary of the fans meet... talking about his parents...










母亲还是希望来参加我的FAN MEETING……^^






金基秀说…… 孔侑与自己的年龄相比真的是纯洁……是父母的福气


*** Credit: Jodies @ Baidu GY ***

Hmm.. not sure if I'm right, but the summary seems to say that his mom read his fans letter before handing it to him.. so she will report to him about what his fans say in the letter... how cute to have his mom as an assistant.. :) and also one part I think it says that the pocket money baby YOO gave to his parents, they safe keep it until the day he gets married and they will return them to him.... and another one he say he used money earned from signing up 2 CFs to buy a new car for his mom and she likes it very much.

Well, hope ariesw will give us more accurate detail.. :P

And for YOOgals who wish to keep the full copy of the fans meet audio clip, I've uploaded them

06-Jan-2008 I Like... I Love You - Part 1, Part 2

*** Credit LF for download links and Daum CP for original clip ***

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MIss ellie...i'll send you a whole one if you live close by...lol

HI Kai...that's true...we've not been in the the same conference together...lolz.

Big hugs to AriesW for the translation and Angelie for posting...yup Angelie...i'm back ...hehehe

OC_Dale...i think we are going to need more than handkerchief to catch the tears that will flow in the yoohouse when the TIME comes :tears:

thank you for the goodies everyone

Hello Yoogals...online and offline...hugs to everybody....wonder where my neighbor have been...haven't heard from her since this am....howdy neighbor Faye.

a GY fanart...


and a little something for the cult...


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Just drop n say hello.

I just came from GY en YEH cy. It looks like they have same mood. They have same cy skin. And I don't think this is because of the computer case. When i visit YEH cy, i didn't open the GY's. Yesterday it has a cat but now it just a standard cy skin, i think. Then i go to GY's, of course after closing YEH's n what i saw is the same as YEH. May be they realy have telephaty. hehehe... :phew::P

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Okie.. last drop in before I go off for dinner and getting ready with my date with Seo Gun.. I think he's gonna sing in tonight's eppi.. :rolleyes:

30-Dec-2007 MBC Drama Awards Part 1 (no subs)

001 - http://sharebee.com/eae62203

002 - http://sharebee.com/a0abe8da

003 - http://sharebee.com/a5a32130

004 - http://sharebee.com/a681f266

005 - http://sharebee.com/271cc678

006 - http://sharebee.com/aa9a385e

007 - http://sharebee.com/8160485a

008 - http://sharebee.com/362c8874

*** Credit: godlove3494 CB ***

Again use HJSplit to join the files together. :) Will try to complete uploading Part 2 soon.

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Guest natedao

Thank you unnie mommy, ellie, LF, Tika and everybody hunting for our BaByYoo's fanmeet!

unnie mommy, u'll have a date with Seo Gun again wow... abd he's gonna sing tonight!

btw,i just watched BTSC only first ep um.... our Yoo is so CUTE! i continue tonight&tomorrow (as my day-off agian yeh yeh)

Omo, that pic with the four binnies and the shy look on his face is just so gorgeous... :wub::wub:

Thanks for all the translations and the fan meeting almost live report, Yoo gals rock!

The bathroom incident is too funny but who could blame him? Poor baby drank 3 beers in a really short amount of time...so that was bound to happen to him sooner rather than later. (I would have gone to the loo after the first bottle i think :sweatingbullets: ).

he looks so gorgeous for us whatever he does!!

Liron i'm now confussed you and Ellie by your avie hahaha...

Happy New Year to all YOOGALS!!!

Hey Yoogals, please keep them in your prayer. I am glad to be home and get ready for work on Monday. Hope ya'll have a wonderful week...I have A LOT of back reading to do so I see ya'll later.

Btw, thanks natedao and tangtang for your warm wishes.

Waves to all YOOGALS

Congratulations to our PRINCE for the Excellence Award!!!!!

Kathy.... welcome back home *big warm hugx3* btw, happy with your backreading!

just a quick drop off before my next flight.

plane needs to do emergency landing thats why im here in japan instead of hongkong.

i so want to sneak-in but my flight sched is so tight,

wish you all YOOgals to be healthy and safe.

miss you all.



see you all soon. muaaaahhhhhhh

unnie Queenie, ha... you're on the way back home? Have a safe trip to home unnie! See yoo when you're Home!

-- Hello...SissyAre you better now !!^^ im glad to heard that. How many YOOdicine that you take?? DOnt forget take 3 times after meals lOl My dad...He so Poung like me too!! at the dinner last night. He bet me...Who's drunk first!!and im lost. >_<~

OC, yes very well now of course i took Yoodicine actually '6times a day'!!!(thank God i'm still Alive!)

wot....ur dad is Poung too hahaha...ok now i know you have ur dad blood!

--Sissy Thank for Mr. Bling Bling YOO my sunshine after the Rain !!!

Mr.Blink Blink oh..h the nik for Today!

Ah, I LOVE YOO, he's so adorable in fanmeeting.

Nate my dear, my lovely age-mate, akakak :lol: from OC post, does it mean you were not well? Was it because you missed me so much? Hehehe, just k/d. I hope you get well soon my dear.

Ban Val, *big very very tight hug* bwahhhh welcome back yes.......si was sick bcoz of yoo so next time dont' leave us this long OKie? :P

but i'm very well now as i took YOOdicine before AND after meal means 6times a day!!! LOL that's why i feel better so soon!

Val...BaBy Yoo always looks adorable for us LOve makes u blind too? oopss, dont let ur hubby read this thread btw! hahaha..

wave back Jinkz unnie!(who is now in YOOdream!)

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