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Guest eganlyen

copy and past and copy and paste.... echo of what neng said somewhere

Thanks for the advice Faye..yes it is effective now let see soompi :fury: .

Anne.. Did I see you had a rifle there? cool down my dear.. Soompi isn't gonna get better even if you shoot at it.. Remember to copy your full reply before hitting that Post Reply button..

I'm using Vegeta kamihami wave(Dragon ballZ) & its effective after those beams i was able to post my replies..Yoogals would you like to try it?!?Thanks Angel now i learned my lesson.Soompi bring it on :lol: Yoogals cant stop for coming & posting here at Yoohouse.

better watch out whenever YOO is smoking and now me and angelie are having naughty thoughts.

What neng & angel are having pervy thoughts...Tika,Pach where are YOO ahhh Kai is your turn where is your cannon?

Anne, so you wanna get all the LBs again huh?

another huh?!? but you hvnt strike,okay i try to behave now.

ha.ha.. have fun with my style.. my style involves to windows and lots of copy and paste.. Also lots of submit and edit.. haha...

I dont know if i could make it :sweatingbullets: aside from what you have mention your posts is usually w/goodies and i dont have talents on huntin' perhaps ill stick w/my style & queeny style.

yeah.. i think I was imagining and seeing YOO in rain because he's in black.. haha. there is another CF on TV actually for Loreal endorsed by a HK actor, I was also seeing baby YOO and that guy is in black too! gosh!! I'm hopeless... I see GY everywhere. :lol:

Angel,wow what a good sight you have i love to see YOO too everywhere at least i wont get a bad day.Did yoo saw Baby Yoo hubby face too?

No Anne, no reply from Sidus, yet!
Should we fired them with Kai's Cannon.Yoogals any suggestions on how we can have accreditation from Sidus?

it was KSA who shouted "cut! cut!" Maybe she can't stand the hotness.. lol! and the deleted couch scene.. oh my!! Oh la la!
hmmm Kai, Angel said something here stand by sis.Tika where are YOO? :phew:
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Guest eganlyen

Neng, the other side is having tantrums too! But in fairness, it doesnt act up when soompi is giving me a hard time. So there is a place to stay...

Youre right Kai,when the soompi acting again we still have our second home there.

... And thanks for the FREE TUMBLER!
it seems that were partners in crime here.

Hahahaha. Remember our plans for the shot gun wedding? So no worries about putting that arch.. it will happen... if your not be getting toasted with the LBs.
bwahahaha that all i can say Hmm i suddenly Missed Beth...Bethchay Where are YOOOO?

Anne, im hiding under someone's bed! Angel, just caught me inside the closet! So wont be telling whos bed im hiding now.

Angel Ive already prepared the things that we needed...

what is funny? me not having a booty or being hit by the LB in my butt? And dont be afraid of the cannon, its just like bitten by an ant! Mwahahaha!
lol*stamping my feet*cant wait to see Kai.

Angel, so i will be preparing my bags of popcorn when Anne falls in her own trap? me is kinda excited? LOL!

you wished!!! I'll make sure i'm not alone Kai!

LOL! Your avaoiding rain that much? Dont let Anne hear this. LOL! Come to think of it, when will Rain leave for MS, so we can avoid him for at least 2 years... Hehehehe! He is sorta everywhere!
You want Kamihami wave Kai?

YOOpinays are being naughty.. What must be we are eating lately!
Now the others have idea what are we doing on the other side and even worst than this.
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Guest eganlyen

BYJ's roles in the drama are almost the same. And besides YOO is just Smexy! Hehehe! So biased.
Kai have you seen those Pics posted by Pach on other side **faint**Calling again Pach,Can you please post those pics here....

Anne, i didnt know how to bake cookies. So i offered myself to be the judge. So no contest for me. Learned my lesson. Will just hide from the LBs.

But you have talents Kai. i can buy you those cookies on our EB.

Il just pretend im not hearing this! Anne, when our EB pushed through please remind me to bring the cannon, so i can hit you. Dont worry i will be covering it with chocolates... so it will be sweet! *evil grin*
:lol::lol: Love You Kai!

LOL! Unniest Lily will be helping too? OMO, im so dead! Btw, if was hit by the cannon, i will be getting a YOOCPR? Not bad... Unnies, when are you planning to get the cannon? Me is just waiting.
Aha you still have your way, no more cannon, ill just hit you with my kamihami wave.

anne- server is really a pain in the bu**. wish it will improve soon.

yes it true, but lately its become a challange to me, let see...

tangtang, you don't have to tell whose bed you are under, I can sense it.. :lol: and yes.. you can start preparing your popcorn now.. coz I think Anne may falls into her trap anytime soon.. hahaha.

trying to be extra careful w/my posts.

avoiding rain? neh.. not really, but I just can't help it.. baby YOO comes automatically.. :lol: hmm.. I have no idea when Rain will leave for MS.
Labs yah Angel!!!

oh wow! you brain is certainly filled with great ideas isn't it tangtang? a YOOCPR? hmmm.. I think we need to have a strategy to grab the cannon from you without ending with a YOOCPR.. Lily unnie, Anne, pach and Tika.. any ideas how we can do that?
Yes Kai is Intelligent certified UP studs. Angel ive the cannon now, I'm waiting for your signal. Preparing the cannon Cartoon_cannon.gif
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Good Evening my dear YooGals.... Good news!! our dear silent YooGal ariesw has helped us to translate the article that iluvyoo2 has posted earlier.. however, she can give me the first part only for now and will be working on part 2 later on...


孔侑 介于男孩与男人之间的奇迹存在

Gong Yoo between a boy and a man’s Miraculous existence


Gong Yoo is a big boy, he is also a man, GY is these two but then he’s also not these two ….. no one knows who he really is as there is no correct way to classify him.


When you see Won Bin and Jang Dong Gun, everyone will think of “handsomely carved beautiful boys” to describe them; seeing Rain and Kwon Sang Yoo the first thing everyone would think of is “Beautiful boys” to describe them.


But GY is a different type of actor in terms of physical appearance, personality and where he positions himself, GY pioneers a new standard, in this way GY has made a miracle happen.


A Man with Two sides


Actually, GY’s face project two strong ambiguous sides, on the one hand arousing in people the desire to protect him, but also outgoing and full of life.


But his body is definitely a man’s body, a broad chest desired by women, a height towering over exquisite women like a tall building, with solid muscles and vitality that can only be found in athletes.


There is unfathomable energy in his compact facial features which enhances his youthful naivete.


When he smiles, people’s reflex instinct is to want to protect him, which is our “Elder sisters” fate.


In “S Diary”, when GY, a Cartoon Artist faced the revenge of Kim Sun Ah, he brought out his boyish fatal charms – not the kind of charm begging to be rescued but his appealing dark eyes stirred the uncontrollable urge to hug a little boy who’s been naughty, sometimes, this kind of look makes a woman’s heart palpitate with excitement and at the same time make a woman feel like exploding.


However, GY does not seem to be fettered by his youthful characteristics, in “Biscuit Teacher …” a 26 year old GY acted the role of a 19 year old high school student in love with his teacher, but GY projected a different image from similar light romantic childish high school student characters in the past, GY’s Tae In is a rebel filled with grief who not only overcame his wounded innermost feelings but steadfastly protected his teacher and made a lifetime pledge to do so.


In “One Fine Day” GY perfectly delineated the conflicted feelings of a brother in love with his non-blood related step-sister. To give life to the bold, reckless and manly Seo Gun, GY exercised to build up his body making him look taller and stronger, gazing longingly out into the sea, GY’s strong body moves women’s hearts like the sea breeze moves the reeds. From that time on, GY has grown from a young brat to a man emitting the smell of tobacco.


Seven years from his debut, stuck in between in the preparatory stages of being an actor, GY has finally created a true miracle with “The First Shop of the Coffee Prince”, becoming a star recognized by everyone.


In the summer of this year, the summer nights of audiences were warmed up by the romantic non-stop quarrel and sweet moments in HK and EC’s love story. People fell into the illusion that the characters’ love story is their own love story, as if knocking at the door to their hearts. Though this way of looking at it seems weak, but actually it is truly moving.


People watching this series cannot help but think of their own first love, and make them want to fall in love. Someone once said that “Coffee Prince” is “love between children”, saying love makes people go into the process of becoming like children. On careful thought, this saying seems logical, how can there be an adult person in this TV series ? “Coffee Prince” is a group of lovable children playing jokes and raising hell while selling coffee in a playground, and everyone loves this group of children. And because of this the beautiful child “Choi Han Kyul” Gong Yoo becomes “everyone’s sweetheart.”



At this moment, this new star sitting in front of me seems to still be a man in the midst of a drunken stupor of a beautiful love. Like enjoying a “picnic on the grass” sitting together with workers simply after appeasing his hunger, GY looked very much like the Coffee Prince’s vagabond manager without any trace of authority.


It really is like what an article once reported that because of his small oval face, he decided to become an actor, the actor before me possesses a small and exquisite oval face and fine body and stature. “From an objective point of view, this man is a “trendy young man”, for this role as a young man newly returned from overseas with a fashionable image, I diligently reduced my weight, the more we got to the latter stage of filming, the more difficult was the filming process, I gradually became more thin.” Actually, viewers were attracted not only to the spirit of the TV series but also HK’s outstanding fashionable style.

李允贞导演在设计翰杰这个人物的时侯,心里就是把孔侑当成原型的,她直接把自己对孔优质的设计构思告诉设计师,请设计师塑造出一个即使只穿上一件衬衫,也浑身上下散发出高贵气质的时尚男孩形象。而孔侑仅凭一件紧身的白色衬衫和柔滑的羊毛衫,就成为了时尚前沿的领军人物,即使不用刻意装扮,也已经足够华丽。在电视剧中,恩灿毫不掩饰不安的心情,要求翰杰不要穿那件黑色衬衫, “不要穿那件衣服,不能让女人们总是盯着你看。”

PD Lee wanted to use GY as the prototype for HK, she gave her ideas of GY’s style to the Stylist saying that even if GY was only wearing a shirt, a feeling of nobility and trendy image of a young man is projected. But GY relies on a tight fitted white shirt and fine sweater to become the fashionable trend setter, looking effortlessly magnificent. In the TV series, EC insecurely requests HK not to wear that black shirt, “ Don’t wear that shirt, can’t let all the women stare at you.”


In the circumstances, this man mistakenly thinking his partner is a man, still fell deeply in love and said “ No matter whether you are a man or an alien, I don’t care anymore.”


“I’m afraid there was no way I would fall in love with a man. When I was acting out the role, I knew that the essence of all kinds of love is the same, I can understand that kind of feeling, but I couldn’t do it because I am not a homosexual. HK fell in love with EC not because EC is cute, or because she is pretty, and certainly not because he wanted to protect her, but because HK was instinctively attracted to EC. I feel that love is a feeling that cannot be explained with words.”


When EC’s female identity was revealed, the series naturally lead to a happy ending, but GY firmly believed that HK matured because of this relationship. “Some audience said that the first 12 chapters were good and I agree, you can say that that part was the whole of the story of the TV series and the disclosure that EC was a girl was a melodramatic choice. She could have been really a man, but then it would become too serious. On the other hand, it was decided by the theme of the series, and at the same time each character’s experience of turbulent emotions.” A person who has not experienced this kind of heart-crushing, unforgettable love is an unfortunate person, because they have not experienced perfect happiness, and do not grow and mature. Using PD Lee’s words, GY is a man who understands man’s innermost feelings better than any other man, GY is a keen romanticist who understands and is able to analyse the subtle psychology of falling in love.

“翰杰有过 9年的单相思经历,所以他觉得自己很懂得爱情,但是那其实并不是真正的爱情。谁能战胜爱情这种案情呢?明明知道要痛苦,却还是控制不住自己,这就是爱情,不是吗?”事实上因为孔侑性格稳重沉着,所以经常有人说他少年老成,现在他又回想起因为害怕受伤而常常犹豫不决的时期,“以前不管我多么喜欢,都不会主动表达自己的感情,后来做了演员之后,感性能力渐渐提高了,酝酿感情的次数越来越多,我的感性也更加丰富了。”

“HK had a one sided love experience for nine years, so he felt that he had a very good understanding of love, but actually that is not true love. Who can defeat love ? Knowing fully that there is pain and helplessly unable to control one’s self, this is love, is it not ?” In reality, GY has a steady and calm disposition so that people say he is old for his age, nowadays he would recall the days that he was afraid to be hurt and usually indecisive, “ In the past no matter how much I like someone, I would not express my feelings, after becoming an actor, my perceptive ability gradually increased, experiencing more and more frequent emotional upheavals, my perceptive ability has been enriched.

在开始拍摄电视剧之前,李允贞导演和孔侑进行了一次长谈,因为她首先要了解孔侑是怎样一个人,通过对话,导演得到了信心,她确信孔侑能够完美地捕捉到这种微妙而瞬间的感情.电视剧中翰杰的"慢动作"既不是编剧在剧本中的安排,也不是侑的即兴发挥.恋爱的时侯,有人会情不自禁地跑出去做一些只有自己才知道的举动, 不是吗?明明旁边没有人,却躲在被窝里藏起涨得通红的脸,气喘吁吁的拍打着胸膛,冲着天空胡乱高喊,孔侑细致地描绘出了因恋爱而引起的这些情景.

PD Lee met with GY before filming began to understand what sort of person GY is, after which she was confident that GY will be able to project the subtle and spontaneous sentiments required. HK’s “slow motion”(?) in the series was not in the script but were GY’s ad-lib (nb. Chinese text reads not GY’s ad-lib which does not seem to make sense given what follows so presume this is typo in Chinese translation). When in love some people run out uncontrollably and do something only he understands, isn’t it ? Even though he is alone and no one is by his side, he would still hide and bury his blushing face in his bed and blanket, becoming breathless and clutching at his chest, looking up to the sky and screaming, GY describes these scenes in detail which are spontaneous actions due to feelings of love.


We wanted to understand how he felt about being in love for one season, through tears and laughter for a long time with his fellow actor Yeun Eun Hye and his appraisal of her. “She is extremely good ! An outstanding actor, although I previously had a little prejudice against her thinking she was one of those young fast rising singers who became popular too fast but she is actually a rich and natural actor. There are actors who only care about finishing their own job, and there are actors who willingly think for and help their partners and EH is the latter type of actor.”


At this time I suddenly remembered he said that Gong Hyo Jin and Kim Sun Ah were extraordinary actors, so I brought this up. “ I am definitely more relaxed when working with actresses older than me, than with clueless women who only think of themselves, I much prefer mature women. In my real love life, I have never encountered women younger than me.” GY says his dream lover is 40 year old Diane Lane. It looks like the first love of GY - who likes to be independent and who matured early – is most likely a profound thinking beautiful and mature woman.

... To be continue....

Thank you again ariesw.. *BIG HUG to you* :)

i thought she was the president, so i joined the club. :lol:
haha.. I thought you are the president.. :P

Liron.. you had nose-bleed? I hope it's not serious.. do take care.... tangtang, no more thinking about baby YOO before you sleep ok?

Can i have the sugar-free pudding too?
ok.. you can have sugar-free pudding too tangtang if there's one.. ;)

i do long posts. im kinda stooopid. So will forget everthing when i didnt quote. :lol:
haha.. I forget too.. that's why I right click on the reply button to open a new window and start copy pasting my replies, then slowing deleting ones that I don't want.. :P

And you are right, LBs are unlimited and is always fully charged/loaded.. :D so Yoogals can't escape from it.. ;)

YOOCPR for you? no way... we are gonna think of a way so that you won't get that CPR all to yourself.. :P

Talking about sad drama, that's one of the reason I don't watch and don't like kdramas in the first place.. that's why I don't watch any of them 5 years ago. BTSC was an exception.. although I cried a lot too, but it was different in a way.. I dunno how to explain, it's just different.. maybe the sadness is more heart-warming type.. and who can resist baby YOO's crying!? and talking about crying, I was crying my eyes out last night watching Hwang Jini! How embarassing.. haha!

I'm using Vegeta kamihami wave(Dragon ballZ) & its effective after those beams i was able to post my replies..Yoogals would you like to try it?!?Thanks Angel now i learned my lesson.Soompi bring it on :lol: Yoogals cant stop for coming & posting here at Yoohouse.
ahh.. very good Anne.. maybe I can borrow your beams when Soompi not behaving. nope.. nothing can stand in our way for coming to yoohouse.. :D

What neng & angel are having pervy thoughts...Tika,Pach where are YOO ahhh Kai is your turn where is your cannon?

another huh?!? but you hvnt strike,okay i try to behave now.

don't worry Anne.. I'll strike myself if I mis-behave.. h.ehe.. you want me to strike you first before you get another one? haha

well Anne, even if my post doesn't come with goodies, I will still do a lot of copy pasting and edit/submit... ;)

Angel,wow what a good sight you have i love to see YOO too everywhere at least i wont get a bad day.Did yoo saw Baby Yoo hubby face too?
haha.. you think that me seeing YOO everywhere is a good eye-sight and not going coconut huh? sigh.. too bad I don't see baby YOO in hubby... :( Maybe because he has BYJ built in already.. haha!!

What's those pics that posted by pach? pach?? care to share them here? wow.. I just realise that yoogals here has lots of weapons.. LB, cannon and now kamihami wave.. what else?? and Anne, you manage to grab the cannon from tangtang already? wah!! labs ya too!!

++Edit: Ok.. one last goodies before I go off for the night..

BTSC behind the scenes and finale party

Download: http://sharebee.com/6ebe5ca9

*** Credit iluvyoo2 ***

Good night YooGals.. :)

oh yeah.. I forgot these fanarts... *bang head*


pcpdownloadphpfhandlen2zb6.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlen2zp0.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandleznoa2.th.png


*** Credit: daum CP ***


*** Credit: dcGY ***

yep.. going off.. *poof*

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Guest tangtang

*waves atajima888, min_montel, eganlyen, marieann, kape, HappySY*


Anne, got some headaches... Cannot think of a counterattack to your kamihami wave. but im trying... so wait ok..LOL!

Unniest Lily!!! im seeing you!

Thanks, angel for the translation.. im halfway of nosebleeding trying to translate the news online... thanks to ariesw too.


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Guest tangtang

What neng & angel are having pervy thoughts...Tika,Pach where are YOO ahhh Kai is your turn where is your cannon?

that would be bloody! Angel striking me with her LB and me with the cannon.. So il just let angel buzz buzz herself! had enough of happy tree friends, so no bloods here at the Yoohouse. Btw.. have you seen happy tree friends? try seeing it with your son, and he will be like me when he grows up! LOL! So just avoid that cartoons, huh or else... LOL!

Should we fired them with Kai's Cannon.Yoogals any suggestions on how we can have accreditation from Sidus?

my cannon cannot reach Sidus, its power is only limited within the range of Yoohouse. have to invent another to send Sidus. Nuclear bomb, is it ok? :lol:

hmmm Kai, Angel said something here stand by sis.Tika where are YOO? :phew:

does the cannon have an effect to the Queen? :lol: Dont hit her.. or we wont have goodies. bribery is a crime. :P

Kai have you seen those Pics posted by Pach on other side **faint**Calling again Pach,Can you please post those pics here....

Yup, saw it! didnt you noticed my drool marks? READ: PANIS NA LAWAY! :lol:

But you have talents Kai. i can buy you those cookies on our EB.

Promise? Ok il be expecting it! make sure its posion free! knowing your 'hatred' towards me... might have a bubbling mouth! :lol:

:lol::lol: Love You Kai!

Love you back! :lol:

Aha you still have your way, no more cannon, ill just hit you with my kamihami wave.

yes it true, but lately its become a challange to me, let see...

trying to be extra careful w/my posts.

Il be hiding the cannon at my pocket... so you wont notice! Hahahaha. Cannons inside the pocket.. weirdness!

Yes Kai is Intelligent certified UP studs. Angel ive the cannon now, I'm waiting for your signal. Preparing the cannon Cartoon_cannon.gif

whoooo! i just have lots of breastfeeding when i was a baby... so did your son have plenty? :P

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Guest min_montel

Hi YooGals Dongseng!!!! Hugs and kisses to all of you....muah..muah...muah!!!

How is everyone? Any hot news in the house??? I supposed to visit this house last night but yesterday I am not feeling well and my husband kept nagging me about always stay up late. He even not allowed me to sit near my laptop... At that time, really hate that situation but at the end I am glad he did that...

Since I am not around for two days, now I have to do back pages reading again...eerrrr :wacko: How many pages that I have to back reading? Aigooo, 5 pages!!!!

See YooGals later, after I finish back pages reading...

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Guest tangtang

Youre right Kai,when the soompi acting again we still have our second home there.

it seems that were partners in crime here.

We must have a costume! :lol: you want charlie's angels? oopss.. peeping baby fats! Must try another..

lol*stamping my feet*cant wait to see Kai.

When you see me in person you might be bursting with laughter...Im sure il hit you again.. its as if my face is funny! :lol:

you wished!!! I'll make sure i'm not alone Kai!

Uhhhum.. i already prepared my popcorn and im seating on the front seat.. il be happy watching you alone! :P

You want Kamihami wave Kai?

No thanks. Il already had enough of the LB. Hitting me with your beams will turn me sexier.. so Yoo will be drooling then... :ph34r:

Gong Yoo between a boy and a man’s Miraculous existence

MIRACULOUS! whatta word!

But GY is a different type of actor in terms of physical appearance, personality and where he positions himself, GY pioneers a new standard, in this way GY has made a miracle happen.

Yoogals remember to send some Yoocookies to the writer... Me love her also! her article is yoomilicious!

But his body is definitely a man’s body, a broad chest desired by women, a height towering over exquisite women like a tall building, with solid muscles and vitality that can only be found in athletes.

in other words: SMEXY!

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Guest calypso78

Wow what an article! thanks a million ariesw and Angelie for letting us read and enjoy it. There are so many superlatives and adjectives describing Yoo as a person that my head got dizzy just from reading this truly poetic article.

Feels like I'm reading a Shakespearean poem or something to the likes of it... really nice. :wub:

Liron.. you had nose-bleed? I hope it's not serious.. do take care....

Thanks Angelie , I'm used to the nose bleeding. I'm allergic to the seasons' changing and that's just how my body reacts to the changes (among other symptoms) but it's all good. :)

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GOOD MORNING YOOGALS! just can't resist sneaking in here before i leave for work.....big hugs to OC, tangtang & Min_montel .... waves at chicann7, pup99, k_addict69, rlene, daisii, marieann, winterlake, rgbg

my angel..... thanks for finding ariesw to translate that article that iluvyoo2 posted..... OMG.... i sort of scanned due to time constraints but what i've read is enough to almost bring tears to my eyes.... describing yoo in such an apt manner.... so true... yeah.... i was a won bin fan first and still appreciates him but yoo is definitely in a class all his own!

thanks my angel.... ariesw and last but not the least iluvyoo2.... i really luvyoo2!

lovenotes later.........muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh everyone!

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Guest tangtang

But GY is a different type of actor in terms of physical appearance, personality and where he positions himself, GY pioneers a new standard, in this way GY has made a miracle happen.

Yoogals remember to send some Yoocookies to the writer... Me love her also! her article is yoomilicious!

But his body is definitely a man’s body, a broad chest desired by women, a height towering over exquisite women like a tall building, with solid muscles and vitality that can only be found in athletes.

in other words: SMEXY!

When he smiles, people’s reflex instinct is to want to protect him, which is our “Elder sisters” fate.

when he smiles, yoogals faints every now and then. They become gaga!

In the summer of this year, the summer nights of audiences were warmed up by the romantic non-stop quarrel and sweet moments in HK and EC’s love story. People fell into the illusion that the characters’ love story is their own love story, as if knocking at the door to their hearts. Though this way of looking at it seems weak, but actually it is truly moving.

this is why we cant let go of CP. its an illusion. Waahhh. is the story of EC and HK really too good to be true? OMO, i want to be in that kind of fairytale also.

haha.. I thought you are the president.. :P

LOL! nope, im the founder! Hahahaha!

Liron.. you had nose-bleed? I hope it's not serious.. do take care.... tangtang, no more thinking about baby YOO before you sleep ok?

ok.. you can have sugar-free pudding too tangtang if there's one.. ;)

Angel, your a Yoo-free mind before sleeping? Ok.. answer me when nobody is around.. so they wont hear. :phew:

And you are right, LBs are unlimited and is always fully charged/loaded.. :D so Yoogals can't escape from it.. ;)

YOOCPR for you? no way... we are gonna think of a way so that you won't get that CPR all to yourself.. :P

See, Anne. We should have a LB proof costume now. Dont worry il be sharing yoogals the YOOCPR. After yoo giving me.. il be giving you. fair enough? LOL! Ok my butt is ready now.. buzz buzz to me?

Talking about sad drama, that's one of the reason I don't watch and don't like kdramas in the first place.. that's why I don't watch any of them 5 years ago. BTSC was an exception.. although I cried a lot too, but it was different in a way.. I dunno how to explain, it's just different.. maybe the sadness is more heart-warming type.. and who can resist baby YOO's crying!? and talking about crying, I was crying my eyes out last night watching Hwang Jini! How embarassing.. haha!

sad kdramas are really sad, as in it will make you heartbroken and all. And your right Yoo's drama is heart-warming. And besides his looks will make you oohhhhh... i wanna give you a hug after your crying scene. Hwang Jini? what episode. Im watching it too over our local channel, but the dubbing is kinda dumb so im not really moved by the episodes.

Pach posted some slutty Yoo pic.. So what do you expect.. Slutty slutty! Yummy yummy... LoL!

Your off? Ok.. Goodnight and sweet dreams then. See you tom! ;)

Hi, kulet!

Im out... *poofed*

Anne, is bursting! Dont worry.. peeing is allowed!

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Guest orangechocolate

Quick reply ~ I gonna go to bed now. i feel i have a fever. Good night YOOgals. Zzz


ssuppppppppp girl...... where are yooooooooooooooooooooooo?

Suppp dude ?? not very well. I have a headache. may b season changing or PS made me like this. :wacko:

Ashiii~ btw how about your cooking ?? I heard you love to cooking.Prepare for some one ?? +555


OC- YOOHOUse will be beautiful with loads of YOOGALS creations. so yup learn to do PS as quickly as you can coz x-mas is almost here.hahaha

btw, do you have original YOO in Green ?? I never seen that pic before. His green T-shirt have mickey mouse in front of ?? :huh:


and now it's OC's turn to learn PS... hurry up my dear... christmas is just around the bend

Fighting Fighting ~ I wish I can do PS just a little half of your skill :unsure:


Gong Yoo between a boy and a man’s Miraculous existence

OMG…Thank you so much. Now YOOhouse have many language translators. Cool !!

orangechocolate, pup99, tangtang, k_addict69, min_montel, rlene, daisii, marieann, winterlake, rgbg

Twinnie !! How long?? …we’re here the same time !! Bingo :lol:

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BTSC behind the scenes and finale party

Download: http://sharebee.com/6ebe5ca9

*** Credit iluvyoo2 ***

Aalhl, thanks so much for the article and this vid. :D

yeah.. that scolding was for the deleted kissing scene in She's on Duty.. poor baby YOO.. he seems happy to get scolded though.. I guess he must have used to it as well.. perhaps he gets scolding from his elder sister too! haha.

I'm getting curious + anxious to see this one too.

Would you or anyone pls upload it again? :P

Thank you!


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Good morning YooGals!! wah!! Yoohouse has been down for a long time!! thank you to those who dropped by the clubhouse.. ;)

Thanks, angel for the translation.. im halfway of nosebleeding trying to translate the news online... thanks to ariesw too.
no more nosebleed for you yeah tangtang? don't you just love all the things that was being said about baby YOO... :rolleyes: part 2 coming!

copperkey_kulet, hope you have a wonderful YOO day too.. ;)

that would be bloody!
oh no! please no bloods at Yoohouse.. no way! we will keep it at buzz buzz and boom boom.. lol!!!

I didn't really watch happy tree friends.. just a glimpse of it.. :P not my type.

my cannon cannot reach Sidus, its power is only limited within the range of Yoohouse. have to invent another to send Sidus. Nuclear bomb, is it ok? :lol:
no! no nuclear bomb too! you do that, we will not see baby YOO again.. so no no no.. :P

does the cannon have an effect to the Queen? :lol: Dont hit her.. or we wont have goodies. bribery is a crime. :P
lol!! so I'm always safe huh?! :D

hello there Lily unnie... you are sick? good thing that your hubby insist that you get your rest! You feeling better today? Well, enjoy your backreading.. :)

No thanks. Il already had enough of the LB. Hitting me with your beams will turn me sexier.. so Yoo will be drooling then... :ph34r:
tangtang, you are asking for more LB!!

tangtang, I should be having a YOO free mind before sleep nowadays, coz after dropping by here, I went off to watch HJN... he.he.. which eppi you asked? hmmm.. I'm not sure, because I missed the beginning usually, so I didn't get to see what episode.. probably around 6 or 7.. and the eppies aired here does not corresponse to the actual drama. as you know k-drama is like exactly 1 hour in length. but our slot on TV is like 1 hour including commercial breaks.. so instead of 1 hr drama, we get only 45 mins of drama, and the last 15 minutes get carry forward to the next day! so, if a drama is 16 eppi long, by the time it finish airing, it would be like 21 or 22 eppi. :o

Slutty pic of baby YOO? wah.. so cannot share here is it? :P

Liron... that article is surely nice... love everything that is about GY.. :rolleyes: and it's a relieve to hear that there's nothing serious with your nosebleed... I guess you have to be extra careful when seasons change eh? :)

my faye.. ariesw surprised me with her translation.. :) last evening, I had thought of asking her, but when I log in to yoohouse, tada! a PM from her.. he.he.. :D so YooGals should give her a big hug also.. :)

OC.. you are sick too? take care and take lots of YOOspirin.. :P You want YOO in green with mickey mouse? here you go.. there are lots more, but with a girl next to him.. so dunno if you want or not.. he.he.. :D

vspaparazzi09ei0.th.jpg vspaparazzi17ad3.th.jpg

texashot.. YOOsmoking pic.. wah.. i think there's a lot, but I can only find these 2 at the moment..

gongyooarena06101908228cy6.th.jpg 1810200705ge6.th.jpg

Aalhl, thanks so much for the article and this vid. :D

I'm getting curious + anxious to see this one too.

Would you or anyone pls upload it again? :P

Thank you! :)

hi daisii... you are most welcome.. :) sigh.. I used to have that vid on my old YT, but now it's all gone.. I need to search for it in my backup.. :(
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Guest MissMellis

OMG!! *gasp*

It's finally over!! Thank you God!

Dang, i missed this place so much :tears:

*hugs all the YOOgals* <3

Will do replies later.. too lazy right now ehehehe :sweatingbullets:

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Continuation for the article... according to ariesw, some parts do not seem to read well, so she had to rely on translator and tried to be as close to the chinese text as possible. Therefore, sometimes the phrase may not make complete sense maybe due to it being a translation from a translation. Neverthe less, enjoy. :)

Sidenote: I'm a bit weary though why the article mention GY's debut as "nonstop 4". It seems like all his profile list "School 4" as his debut. however, from his latest profile, there are 2 works that are before School 4 and one of them being "You Cannot Stop Them". So maybe that is refering to "nonstop".



This summer GY is 29 years old already, The serious pressure the “no.” 30 gives to GY is becoming evident. At the reliable stable of Sidus Agency Company, GY debuted in “Nonstop4" in 2001 and has made 5 movies and 7 TV series, acting as the main male lead in 2, but he has not been able to achieve star status.


As expected this disappointment has led to a low point in his career. “ Every actor would experience low points in their career, whether you are a star or a nameless pawn, you cannot avoid it. I did not feel any particular pain, my biggest worry was having to compromise with reality. It is because I do not have the opportunity to work in a film I like, even if I am not satisfied with a film, I have to accept this kind of destiny as that film may be the springboard for the next film. He frankly said that most of his works are chosen after compromising with reality. “Popularity is a by-product of an actor’s work. Of course I am now very happy but I do not want to be dictated by popularity. Although there are many many interviews waiting for me recently I know these kind of days will not last long.” I suddenly recalled what Kim Sun Ah said after the popularity of “My Name is Kim Sam Soon”. “Today is just today, people will quickly forget me therefore I don’t care too much about popularity.” This is KSA’s light but seemingly unrealistic aspiration. Looks like for an actor to be a full fledged actor, he/she needs to be able to display a type of calm “aloofness”.


When asked whether he would insistently choose the work of a director he likes, GY categorically stated “No, I would not, if the script is good then that is fine already. I really do not understand why there are audiences that like the kind of films which have emerged one after another incessantly produced with much wasted effort where people laugh without knowing why. Good actors who appear in movies like that to sell themselves is also another regretful matter.


As GY has already made a compromise, he is not absolutely critical of movies made with commercial motives but he believes this kind of atmosphere is not normal. “I don’t think an actor should just chase after for more movie productions, but he should look for the right road for himself. Faith in one’s self is therefore what is most important for an actor, and should be the reason. Why do actors need the word “actor” to describe themselves and not “star”? If one thinks this way then one must first have the essence of an artist.”


From his resume of movies, which work does he feel is his most significant work? “It’s “Superstar Mr. Gam”, although it was only a guest appearance, with few scenes, but from the perspective of the movie content as a whole, it is my most significant work. In the movie, Mr. Gam did not become a superstar, I like this idea, because it gives people a warm feeling, being no. 1 is not everything.

现在的孔侑改变了方向,用行动粉碎了自己的过去,又接连背叛了自己的世界。就像在云彩上散步一般,任性而浪漫的青春梦想与真正的“艺术家的灵魂“如出一辙。如果一定要下个定义的话,孔侑是能自由自在地面对外界影响的人,所以他显得很神秘。从少年到男子汉,再从男子汉到大男孩,他自然地转换着自己的形象。孔侑不断地塑造着自己特有的标准。今后他会迈出怎样的脚步?这种体验就像不断在画布上尝试新画法的艺术家的诞生一般,趣味横生,而且具有创意。所以不管等多久,相信所有人都会开心地等待这个答案的...... (全文完)

The GY of today has changed direction, moving forward crushing his past and go against his own world. Like walking on the cloud, doing what he pleases, a romantic youth aspiring to become a true “artistic soul” as he did from the beginning. If one must certainly give a definition, GY is able to freely and comfortably face the influence of the outside world so that he appears mysterious. From a boy to a man and from a man to a big boy again he naturally transforms his own image. GY continuously molds his own unique standard. What is his next step? This kind of experience is like the birth of an artist as he unceasingly tries new ways of drawing on an empty canvas arousing interest from everyone everywhere, and moreover has creativity. No matter how long the wait, everyone will happily wait for the answer ….

== end ==

And these are long overdued goodies since 1am this morning.. :P

pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjhx9.th.gif pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjyz2.th.gif pcpdownloadphpfhandlenmdf2.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlewkkf2.th.jpg

pcpdownloadphpfhandlemvof4.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlen1mn2.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlengue2.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlengan3.th.jpg

*** Credit: daum GY and CP ***


*** Credit: dc GY ***

Fan Made Introduction to Gong Yoo

Download: http://www.badongo.com/vid/519703/1

*** Credit as labeled in video and dcGY ***

ok.. time to go off! See you all later..

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Guest pachlex

okay... i don't know what's this i've been hearing about launching canyons

and stuff here in the yoohouse. eheheh. but eganlyen asked me to repost

the smexy GY photos that was shared in the other forum for purposes

of making them feel a little hot and bothered and regret the fact that GY isn't

part of the smexy category. LOLZ.

oh but he wasn't eliminated tho. we're just waiting for the last round coz there's

only GY and Eric Mun left in the contest and lots more of japanese and taiwanese

idols fighting for the last round. yeah. that's it.

oh, right, the photos [i'm pretty sure you girls have seen these already. ^^,]:




yeah. i think that was it.... HELLO AGAIN EVERYONE!

i hope i can go back to being active here again. :c


- pach

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