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Guest eganlyen

don't worry tangtang.. Anne will fall into her own trap soon.. buahahaha.. I read that she wants to re-watch that eppi again?

Hahaha for sure i will but still together w/Kai

haha... what are you gonna think if it's without warning?

Same with what i thinking

I see baby YOO when it's rain appearing on my TV set! haha...

ahhh.. neng.. you want a taste of the LB too ya? that rose arch is for all of us.. remember? share?

I already saw rain CF & Billboard i found him kinda hot .Maybe the reason why you see Baby Yoo with rain is bcoz of black polo since black is trademark of HK or w/haircut?!?

hmm.. YOOcookie with YOO's face on it = yummy.. he.he..

i dont think i could eat that cookies.

I will sure seek for YooGals help with the mansion later on Anne.. but before that, I need to make sure things are in order first.. and thank you for your encouragement all these while.. Thanks to YooGals who consistently gives support to me too...

Ill always visit the site esp the forum and...nevermind ill send PM.

hmm.. Anne, that means that tangtang can choose to fire her cannon at you anytime and there is no need to wait for the LB? ha.ha...
No! She should ask authorization first to Queen and that yoo!

maybe we should look for our own 3 princesses from yoohouse instead..

We have one,Neng Any Yoogals interested to be our baristas..hehehe

ohhh.. YOOgoodies too! wah.. how interesting... I bet Sidus will regret for ignoring us, still..
Still no replies from Sidus?!?Actually i was thinking of goodies instead of cookies but lets discuss this thing on Yoomansion and besides i dont think i could do it now w/my sked and we need more active members..The more the merrier

I'm here, Anne.. I was wondering if keep buzzing her will be a good idea coz after every buzz she will have Yoo rub medicine on her butt! maybe I should grab her cannon instead.. wanna help? need to get Lily unnie for help too in case tangtang doesn't listen...
Yes ill help you.Should we also call Pach & Tika.
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Guest queeninmycastle

Hola girls~

How are you all doing?

I'm very bored right now.. nothing else to do. Thankgod for YOOhouse..

i never get bored when i'm here :D

Time to reply to everyone. *takes a deep breath and praysthat soompi won't act up again*

You're absolutely right. I'll regret it big time if i don't check the girls at least once a day..

and to be honest.. i'm here pretty much all the time.. just not posting anything cuz

i can be so lazy sometimes :rolleyes:

Yes. We're what 20-25 YOOgals if not more right?

OMO, how fun it would be if we could visit him.

Hi queenie dear~ How are you?

If i enjoyed backreading? half and half :P it was very fun though cuz i

got to see so many funny pics of GY.if we don't see your artwork,

it's like something missing in the house..i guess we're all very used to seeing

your and all the other yoogals artwork ^^

You know what? You're right!

Hahaha! I finally decided to get started with PS and i'm starting to learn things..

for the first time in my life, i've made my own ava and banner..

it's very very amateurish but i'll get better in due time right?

Gah, i'm so afraid of the LB that i typed the prince of YOOhouse instead of my prince :ph34r::phew:

I totally agree with you queenie. As much as i want it to be GYEH i'llaccept any girl

that GY chooses. As long as he's happy I'm happy cuzhis happiness is more important to

me than whom he chooses to be his gf ^^

Hahaha! Just like the bickering in CP.. aaaaw, it was so cute!! <3

I guess i'm still not over my CP withdrawal...

S Diary rocked! I laughed so hard! Oh and the revenge part.. that was withoutdoubt the

funniest scene/s in the whole movie.. KSA is a very good actress! The movie

made me a fan of her.

Deleted scenes? I'll go hunt for them as soon as i'm done with my post xP

Hmmm.. i've almost recovered from my chest pains.. but the pain comes andgoes..

and i haven't called my dr yet *slaps self* gah. i'm so lazy *gives Angelie a big warm hug*

thank you dear for your concern.. and all the other lovely gals too!

I promise to take care of myself more and get enough restso don't worry abt me kay?

or else you'll make me all teary eyed

i'm a very sensitive girl :tears:

Baby ellie its good that you're starting to love PS...the more artist the merrier and lovelier YOOHOUSE will become.

how am i? im so fine...thank you. busy with work but not forgetting to visit "the House" no matter how tired i am.

this has been my routinary already...if i dont visit here my day won't end right hehehe.

glad that you are with me and unnie angel in wishing BABY YOO's happiness with regards to love life...whomever he choose it will be fine with us,right?

oh so you loved his character in S diary?he so funny ain't he? such a yummylicious boyfriend hehehe.bed scene looks hilarious though.

you take good care of your heart baby ellie...if you need to go see a doctor...go and see one.

your health is precious to BABY YOO...remember in his messages that he don't want his girlfriends to be sick...so hurry and have a check-up ok? ;)

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well, neng, actually I did quote the whole post at first, and reply from there.. as I go along, I delete some of it.. those that I do not know how to continue, I will leave it as quote and answer that part.. :)

he.he.. that tag line definitely fit YOO.. and in no time, I'm sure many YooGals will join our "naughty" club.. lol!!

:lol: that's for sure Kai, ill get those pervert thoughts soon and by that time ill join you in running& hiding from Angels LB.
Anne, so you wanna get all the LBs again huh?

But i also to like to try Angel style of Posting.
ha.ha.. have fun with my style.. :) my style involves to windows and lots of copy and paste.. :P Also lots of submit and edit.. haha...

I already saw rain CF & Billboard i found him kinda hot .Maybe the reason why you see Baby Yoo with rain is bcoz of black polo since black is trademark of HK or w/haircut?!?
yeah.. i think I was imagining and seeing YOO in rain because he's in black.. haha. there is another CF on TV actually for Loreal endorsed by a HK actor, I was also seeing baby YOO and that guy is in black too! gosh!! I'm hopeless... I see GY everywhere.:lol:

No Anne, no reply from Sidus, yet!

So we are gonna grab the cannon from tangtang? yes, yes.. we will call pach and Tika for help too.. lol!! Poor tangtang.. she got bombed by boss and now we are planning to steal her cannon... :o

glad that you are with me and unnie angel in wishing BABY YOO's happiness with regards to love life...whomever he choose it will be fine with us,right?
yes... yes.. I'm fine regardless of who is girlfriend is, but I will still envy her.. :P

ahh queenie.. baby YOO is very yummilicious boyfriend indeed.. makes me all jealous of KSA again! the bed scenes looks even more hilarious in the deleted scene.. it was KSA who shouted "cut! cut!" Maybe she can't stand the hotness.. lol! and the deleted couch scene.. oh my!! Oh la la!


20 Years, Internet drama, OFD


*** Credit: dcGY ***

*wave* queenie.. looks like you and me and a few "ghosts" left after 15 mins of IPS error!

Remember this pic Lee Un was in between the couple.. and one of us YooGals (I forgot who) PS-ed him off... looks like Korean fans also did that.. lol!



*** Credit as printed @ daum CP ***

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Guest tangtang

inow we have varieties... if one doesn't work... try the other one hahaha

FREE TUMBLERS again??? :rolleyes::lol:

3 pics... 1 kind but 3 posing...but if you want diff. kinds... it's up to you. did i promise that i'll give xmas presents? :o:lol: i think any place will rock wherever we have that eb.

Neng, the other side is having tantrums too! But in fairness, it doesnt act up when soompi is giving me a hard time. So there is a place to stay...

... And thanks for the FREE TUMBLER! :P

that rose arch... if it was for me... it'll be "I"LL MARRY YOO" even if he doesn't propose yet bwahahaha

Hahahaha. Remember our plans for the shot gun wedding? So no worries about putting that arch.. it will happen... if your not be getting toasted with the LBs. :lol:

ehem..kai where are you?Yoohoo :phew:

Anne, im hiding under someone's bed! :lol:Angel, just caught me inside the closet! So wont be telling whos bed im hiding now. :P:lol:

:lol::lol: i'm speechless i was lol really..youre funny Kai!Should i get you a pail of water? :lol: But I'm more afraid of your cannon that Angels LB.

what is funny? me not having a booty or being hit by the LB in my butt? :lol: And dont be afraid of the cannon, its just like bitten by an ant! Mwahahaha!

don't worry tangtang.. Anne will fall into her own trap soon.. buahahaha.. I read that she wants to re-watch that eppi again? :P

Angel, so i will be preparing my bags of popcorn when Anne falls in her own trap? me is kinda excited? LOL!

nope.. no can do... lol!!

Yoogals doesnt have a sugar-free Yoocookies? :angry:


my butt again? :P

haha... what are you gonna think if it's without warning? :P

*points at my new signature* so il better change it to- he can turn a spooky alley to the dremiest place? *shivering*

so hot in here? *Turning into EC's voice* its the weather that makes you hot, tangtang! :lol:

neng.. yes.. I definitely bit more nails than you did.. ha.ha.. then not long after that I had to bite my nails again waiting for OFD.. and a few months ago, I guess most of us were biting nails for CP eh? :D

awww.. how can we not compare the lead guy with YOO? no YOO=no mood.. he.he.. that's one of the reason I see baby YOO when it's rain appearing on my TV set! haha...

LOL! Your avaoiding rain that much? Dont let Anne hear this. LOL! Come to think of it, when will Rain leave for MS, so we can avoid him for at least 2 years... Hehehehe! He is sorta everywhere!

ahhh.. neng.. you want a taste of the LB too ya? that rose arch is for all of us.. remember? share? :D

YOOpinays are being naughty.. What must be we are eating lately! :lol:

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Guest queeninmycastle

Good noon Yoogals.

Guess who changed his Cy BGM and BG?

I am fine thanks for asking... and he misses....me! :P

Awwwww thanx Yoo, I miss ya too *is demented & very delusional*


bwahahaha nice one caly... ;)

BABY YOO misses you too.

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(aalhl aka my angel)

ohhh.. no wonder you went "Now I see you, now I don't", my faye.. lol!!

I know- but rather than sulking and cussing…. I just do other stuff while soompi’s getting a kick out of kicking me out!

(mendyoo aka neng)

hello friend FAYE......

just keep on making those wallies and you'll be surprised... one day you'll discover the wonders of PS. and that's why hanging around here always bear such sweet fruits... and about having my first YOOdream... you betcha that whoever wake me up in the middle of it will receive a trashing that you couldn't imagine hahaha so it's because of shaq's tag line huh... but the tag line was beautiful FAYE.

ok… as long as I’m not so tired and with a lot of inspiration I’ll spend more time to learn it.

Trashing I think is the understatement of the year- I know it’s gonna be worse ha ha ha ha ha ha…

Thanks… it is beautiful indeed and so fitting the way the house is turning out to be right now.

but now his singing it just for you friend.... so your LUCKY FAYE. whenever YOO sing... i imagine that his singing it specially for me... oki oki... his singing it specially for us YOOGALS... i've learned my lesson with that 'walking hand in hand' picture hahaha


culinary school is way way off my budget... but going there is still a dream... who knows.

Well- dreams are free so might as well dream big ones right?

of course you're still a laker fan... isn't it obvious now i'm a spurs fan... without his airness... i've switched to duncan/ginobili tandem hehehe

I have mellowed since the break up of shaq and kobe and the disbandment of the 3-peat team. Before- OMG….. never mind it’s going to be a looooooonggggggg post if I start talking about my being a laker fan. But being a fan again came about after watching cp. Remember my post asking where I can buy any cp collectibles? that’s just the beginning….

me loves you and yoo too hahaha


(aalhl aka my angel)

ohhh.. no wonder you went "Now I see you, now I don't", my faye.. lol!!

I know- but rather than sulking and cussing…. I just do other stuff while soompi’s getting a kick out of kicking me out!

(mendyoo aka neng)

hello friend FAYE......

just keep on making those wallies and you'll be surprised... one day you'll discover the wonders of PS. and that's why hanging around here always bear such sweet fruits... and about having my first YOOdream... you betcha that whoever wake me up in the middle of it will receive a trashing that you couldn't imagine hahaha so it's because of shaq's tag line huh... but the tag line was beautiful FAYE.

ok… as long as I’m not so tired and with a lot of inspiration I’ll spend more time to learn it.

Trashing I think is the understatement of the year- I know it’s gonna be worse ha ha ha ha ha ha…

Thanks… it is beautiful indeed and so fitting the way the house is turning out to be right now.

but now his singing it just for you friend.... so your LUCKY FAYE. whenever YOO sing... i imagine that his singing it specially for me... oki oki... his singing it specially for us YOOGALS... i've learned my lesson with that 'walking hand in hand' picture hahaha


culinary school is way way off my budget... but going there is still a dream... who knoWS

Well- dreams are free so might as well dream big ones right?

of course you're still a laker fan... isn't it obvious now i'm a spurs fan... without his airness... i've switched to duncan/ginobili tandem hehehe

I have mellowed since the break up of shaq and kobe and the disbandment of the 3-peat team. Before- OMG….. never mind it’s going to be a looooooonggggggg post if I start talking about my being a laker fan. But being a fan again came about after watching cp. Remember my post asking where I can buy any cp collectibles? that’s just the beginning….

me loves you and yoo too hahaha



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Guest queeninmycastle

well, neng, actually I did quote the whole post at first, and reply from there.. as I go along, I delete some of it.. those that I do not know how to continue, I will leave it as quote and answer that part.. :)

he.he.. that tag line definitely fit YOO.. and in no time, I'm sure many YooGals will join our "naughty" club.. lol!!

Anne, so you wanna get all the LBs again huh?

ha.ha.. have fun with my style.. :) my style involves to windows and lots of copy and paste.. :P Also lots of submit and edit.. haha...

yeah.. i think I was imagining and seeing YOO in rain because he's in black.. haha. there is another CF on TV actually for Loreal endorsed by a HK actor, I was also seeing baby YOO and that guy is in black too! gosh!! I'm hopeless... I see GY everywhere.:lol:

No Anne, no reply from Sidus, yet!

So we are gonna grab the cannon from tangtang? yes, yes.. we will call pach and Tika for help too.. lol!! Poor tangtang.. she got bombed by boss and now we are planning to steal her cannon... :o

yes... yes.. I'm fine regardless of who is girlfriend is, but I will still envy her.. :P

ahh queenie.. baby YOO is very yummilicious boyfriend indeed.. makes me all jealous of KSA again! the bed scenes looks even more hilarious in the deleted scene.. it was KSA who shouted "cut! cut!" Maybe she can't stand the hotness.. lol! and the deleted couch scene.. oh my!! Oh la la!

*** Credit: dcGY ***

*wave* queenie.. looks like you and me and a few "ghosts" left after 15 mins of IPS error!

*wave* back to you too...i guess its just me and you at this point in time.server is really acting BAD.

so true we will be happy but jealous at the same time.bwahahaha...that so crazy...but at least we still support Our BABY YOO right?

so it seems...BABY YOO is really uberly HOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT...KSA cannot take it any longer she have to shout cut or else...bwahahaha naughty me...dont wanna say it out LOAD we have BABYs here hahaha...woooooooow if that kind of scene be included in CP...i would go GAGA GOGO hahaha.*throw buckets of water* at myself for the hotness.

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Guest tangtang

I did watch BYJ in Hotelier.. in fact that was the only k-drama that I tried to watch back in 2002. everyone was going gaga over him after winter sonata... I saw a fan made wallie, and my ex-colleague was saying he look like my hubby.. and that time I was in confinement, so yeah.. nothing else better to do, so watch Hotelier in TV and see who this guy that looks like hubby looks like on screen.. I did finish the whole drama, but I don't remember a thing about it now. and no, I was not attracted to BYJ either. After that I didn't watch any more kdramas until BTSC came along. anyway, whether something is lacking in BYJ's acting or not, I'm not too sure because I only watch him in one drama.. but if there is something lacking, it must be the light-hearted side of him.. so far I think his role is more towards serious side..

I used to love BYJ also, but only for a short time. I just love him in winter sonata, he is kinda cute and all... but his personality is plain, thats why i got bored. Unlike YOO.. which is like 'you'll never know what youll gonna get'. Everytime there is a character he will be playing, it will be always to look forward.. cause OMO! new role. BYJ's roles in the drama are almost the same. And besides YOO is just Smexy! Hehehe! So biased.

And Angel your husband have a brother or cousin.. wont mind having a bf with BYJ look a like. :lol: in case YOO will not be with me in the future! LOL! ;)

hmm.. Anne, that means that tangtang can choose to fire her cannon at you anytime and there is no need to wait for the LB? ha.ha...

LOL! the cannon is for emergency purposes only, so LB is still the most powerful! When yoogals uberly fainted and drooled over YOO and didnt wake up, the cannon will be helpful. :lol:

you may also join the contest & win the YOO goodies.

you havnt learn your lesson...Angel where are Yoo? :lol:

Anne, i didnt know how to bake cookies. So i offered myself to be the judge. So no contest for me. <_< Learned my lesson. Will just hide from the LBs. :D

Angel as long as Kai didnt noticed something on baby Yoo, ill to behave.

Kai, should you start again,Ill follow you :lol:

what now? *bubbles above the head*

agree Queeny,Kai is the queen of naughtiness here. :lol:

Il just pretend im not hearing this! :lol: Anne, when our EB pushed through please remind me to bring the cannon, so i can hit you. :lol: Dont worry i will be covering it with chocolates... so it will be sweet! *evil grin* :P

I'm here, Anne.. I was wondering if keep buzzing her will be a good idea coz after every buzz she will have Yoo rub medicine on her butt! maybe I should grab her cannon instead.. wanna help? need to get Lily unnie for help too in case tangtang doesn't listen... :P

LOL! Unniest Lily will be helping too? OMO, im so dead! Btw, if was hit by the cannon, i will be getting a YOOCPR? Not bad... Unnies, when are you planning to get the cannon? Me is just waiting. :lol:

waves at aalhl... kai...yen... caly... any incampers i didn't mention?

waves back at yoo! ;)

if i forgot to mention the others... i'm sorry...

Batok o kurot? :P

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Guest queeninmycastle

i tired the qouting type of post but DANG...server went dead...OMG for almost 20 mins.wahhhhhh im getting nuts so finally im sticking to my type of post.

noyna- thanks for puttin-up that BABY YOO's cyBmG...and WELCOME to YOOHOUSe again...

iluvyoo2 santa- yeyyyyy another goodies from you *hug*hug*hug*

hope somebody can translate that article to english soon...

CALLING OUT SOme GOOd SOUL to do Translations...

tuesdhei- WE missed You girl.how are you? hurry get that connection quick...we'll be waiting for your return okay?.

take care.

oh and GOODLUCK in backreading prepare tons of yOOspirin...your in for a long headache and tongue ache afterwards bwahaha.

OC- YOOHOUse will be beautiful with loads of YOOGALS creations. so yup learn to do PS as quickly as you can coz x-mas is almost here.hahaha

anne- server is really a pain in the bu**. wish it will improve soon.

faye dear- now i see that u've come to Love PS also....so proud of you girl ;)

and you still did not forget to include YEH in every YOOshops you made...we are not shippers but merely WOR-shippers right?hehehe

kai- why is it that you have cannon?...so your gonna hit whoever it is that will faint in front of BABY YOO and will not wake up huh?bwahahaha

must remind myself not to get carried away when fainting or else cannon balls will finish me alive bwahahaha.

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Anne, im hiding under someone's bed! :lol:Angel, just caught me inside the closet! So wont be telling whos bed im hiding now. :P:lol:
tangtang, you don't have to tell whose bed you are under, I can sense it.. ;) and yes.. you can start preparing your popcorn now.. coz I think Anne may falls into her trap anytime soon.. hahaha.

ok, we will consider sugar-free YOOcookies... :)

LOL! Your avaoiding rain that much? Dont let Anne hear this. LOL! Come to think of it, when will Rain leave for MS, so we can avoid him for at least 2 years... Hehehehe! He is sorta everywhere!
avoiding rain? neh.. not really, but I just can't help it.. baby YOO comes automatically.. :P hmm.. I have no idea when Rain will leave for MS.

so true we will be happy but jealous at the same time.bwahahaha...that so crazy...but at least we still support Our BABY YOO right?
yes queenie.. we will still support our baby YOO no matter what, married ot not, young or old, with teeth or without.. lol!!! okie.. I'm going coconuts again.

so it seems...BABY YOO is really uberly HOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT...KSA cannot take it any longer she have to shout cut or else...bwahahaha naughty me...dont wanna say it out LOAD we have BABYs here hahaha...woooooooow if that kind of scene be included in CP...i would go GAGA GOGO hahaha.*throw buckets of water* at myself for the hotness.
ha.ha.. did you watch the BTS/NGs for the bed scene? there were 2 takes, one got deleted and the other one appears in the movie.. for both both scenes KSA shouted cut.. haha!

ahh.. neng, see? queenie is joining the naughty club already.. hehe.. :P

hmm.. if that scene is included in CP, I think many of us will be extremely hot even buckets of water can't lower the heat! haha.. and I bet YEH warriors are not able to block the hotness too! :lol:

I used to love BYJ also, but only for a short time. I just love him in winter sonata, he is kinda cute and all... but his personality is plain, thats why i got bored. Unlike YOO.. which is like 'you'll never know what youll gonna get'. Everytime there is a character he will be playing, it will be always to look forward.. cause OMO! new role. BYJ's roles in the drama are almost the same. And besides YOO is just Smexy! Hehehe! So biased.
I never watched winter sonata, so I do not know how cute BYJ is.. my friends all ask me to watch, but I refuse.. ha.ha.. see how NOT a kdrama fan I am? :P I agree with you tangtang, we never know what we will get from baby YOO in his next work.. and eventhough his character may be the same, for example a student, but there is always a difference to it as well. So there is always something new to look forward to... and smexy is definitely one of the reason too! :rolleyes:

sorry tangtang, my hubby don't have brother, and his cousins are no way like him or BYJ.. hehe... :D

LOL! the cannon is for emergency purposes only, so LB is still the most powerful! When yoogals uberly fainted and drooled over YOO and didnt wake up, the cannon will be helpful. :lol:
ohh.. so that's the use of your cannon... B)

LOL! Unniest Lily will be helping too? OMO, im so dead! Btw, if was hit by the cannon, i will be getting a YOOCPR? Not bad... Unnies, when are you planning to get the cannon? Me is just waiting. :lol:

waves back at yoo! ;)

oh wow! you brain is certainly filled with great ideas isn't it tangtang? a YOOCPR? hmmm.. I think we need to have a strategy to grab the cannon from you without ending with a YOOCPR.. :lol:Lily unnie, Anne, pach and Tika.. any ideas how we can do that?

must remind myself not to get carried away when fainting or else cannon balls will finish me alive bwahahaha.
ha.ha.. cannon balls are scarying you already, queenie?
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Guest tangtang

Thanks Angelie for the many goodies and that Arena photoshoot video from last year is...HOT.

Yes, smoking is bad for YOO but he looks so sexy with that cig in his mouth that I can't help but stare and droll.

BTW, am i the only perv who finds GY's Adam's apple and throat to be extremely yummy? :blush:

Nighty night to all the Yoogals who are going tp sleep.

Hi, caly. So you posted about being perv and then go to bed? LOL! Hope you had a good night sleep. And oh.. everything in YOO's body is extremely Yummy! :lol:*yawns*

-- your favourite color will tell your character actually, but I believe in astronomy&universe too.

Each people’s bd have relate to their planet. my bd is relate to Jupiter, orange color means moral- brightness- sincerely.

Btw this is personel belief . I just wanna share . ;)

Twinnie, i sorta believe in astronomy too.. But only when its good. :lol:

Thank…Twinnie and next time YEH’s dance@bd party version . I will :phew:

Hahahaha. As ive told you, Goodluck!

...GY really makes me waste time by staring at his pics...



Thanks again for the Yooshops anythingasian! More! :D

good morning YooGals! just sneaking in here to tell you i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo

*waves at Faye!* Got my PM about the Pacific Expo?

You're absolutely right. I'll regret it big time if i don't check the girls at least once a day..

and to be honest.. i'm here pretty much all the time.. just not posting anything cuz

i can be so lazy sometimes :rolleyes:

Yes. We're what 20-25 YOOgals if not more right?

OMO, how fun it would be if we could visit him!

BTW, have fun at the Beyonce concert!!

LOL! Ellie, Youre being lazy because of the backpages! Yoogals will be like this when they saw yoo 0__0 o____0 0___0 0____o hehehehe. Eyes are glowing!

Im havin thoughts about the Beyonce concert... I just got a scolding from my boss and im not on the mood for some fun. Besidesim not really a Beyonce fan. Hehehehe. I just want to see her perform, and i got free tickets so why not come. I remember the Cristina Aguillera concert, im not a fan but we watched. I didnt even know her songs. The audience was singing and everything, me and my friend was like ok lets stand up also and pretend we know her songs! Hahaha. We are such losers!

Hi Angelie unnie :D Hahaha, it's so fun to call you and all the other girls unnie cuz

i've always wanted big sisters XD I think that i'm the youngest YOOgal here.. i'm only 19..

so you girls don't mind if i call you all unnie right? :P

Your only 19? oki.. Call me unnie then! You have lots of unnies now!

*waves at aalhl, queeninmycastle, pantibha, FAYE19, rgbg, helmet, Aishoo, coowie, savagery*

Not yet done with the backpages... but hope to catch you! *pants pants*

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Guest queeninmycastle

yes queenie.. we will still support our baby YOO no matter what, married ot not, young or old, with teeth or without.. lol!!! okie.. I'm going coconuts again.

ha.ha.. did you watch the BTS/NGs for the bed scene? there were 2 takes, one got deleted and the other one appears in the movie.. for both both scenes KSA shouted cut.. haha!

ahh.. neng, see? queenie is joining the naughty club already.. hehe.. :P

hmm.. if that scene is included in CP, I think many of us will be extremely hot even buckets of water can't lower the heat! haha.. and I bet YEH warriors are not able to block the hotness too! :lol:

yup i saw it...bwahaha KSA was really tickled during that time...

there was even a scene where she scold BABY YOO for not properly kissing her...hahaha poor BABY YOO...i guess thats why thier friendship last.

coz KSA can be his BIG sister...scolding him if he is not acting good.

so im a certified member in the naughty club already?hahaha...i dont mind at all...me and my pervy mind.

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Guest tangtang

next time... i promise to " clone " more BABY YOO so that everyone can have him ;) .

LOVE YOO ALL :wub::wub::wub: .


Queenie, make sure my Yooclone is just as perfect as the original. Hmmm... clone wasnt bad! :sweatingbullets:

hello yoogals

I uploaded songs for fanclub of GY.

hope u 'll be happy :D

thanks, noyna.

good morning tangtang.. sorry to hear that your boss scolded you.. I hope everything is ok now...

thanks, Angel! Its ok now, not really my fault.. but since im the immediate supervisor of the one who got busted... my boss scolded me. Pssshhh... then at lunch time, the boss was acting like nothing happened.. so i guess its better now. ;) Its just a mild scolding, btw.. i was kinda shocked cause i havent had a scolding for the longest time. Must be she missed scolding me. :P

*waves back at Kai*Your boss scolded you? Why?

Want me to come over and kick his richard simmons for doing so? I can come if you want to..

I have superpowers!! :P:D

Ellie, still awake at 4.30? <_< Must watch your health so sleep early next time, k?

Hahaha. Superpowers! Dont turn into a frog, or il be having a hard time talking with her. Dont have the ability to talk to frogs.

Thanks. Its oki now. I consider it being a work hazard, and im being paid for that. LOL!

*wave* to all my fellow YOOgals!!! i miss the YOOhouse and everyone else and of course BABY YOO "BIGTIME"!!!

OMG! 110 pages to backthread!!! and i can't even do it yet...

Hi, tuesdhei! Nice to meet you. Been hearing you all over.. and nice to see you! ;)

Twinnie -> cool down !! and Have a nice day ^^

Thanks, Twinnie!

huh?!? we did my long post go?!?

Soompi.....grrrr :fury: vegetaflashingball.gif[img].I

maybe ill try again later w/Queeny style of posting :tears:

Hello for everyone eps TUESDHEI,welcome back!

LOL! Anne, what about that DragonballZ laser? try looking for your post under your xmas tree... you might had misplaced it while putting xmas decorations in your house. :lol:

Thanks to Soompi for that poofing!

hi ellie- so sorry i didn't catch you so we could at least exchange posts- soompi is giving me a hard time. i have to go back and forth. i'm most YooGals are experiencing the same thing..... sigh.....

Faye, posting nowadays is an effort!

hello tangtang.... sorry, this is kinda late.... our soompi is acting up again tonight- like we don't know we're always at its mercy....sigh....

i hope it's not too bad....that scolding from your boss.

Thanks, faye! its ok now. Boss makes us sick sometimes. :sweatingbullets:

for the YOOYEH cult! Dont know if this was posted before... but still.. they wore the same shirt! <3___3>

%7Boption%7Dhttp://img385.imageshack.us/img385/585/sameclothck4.jpg' alt='sameclothck4.jpg'>

credits AF

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Guest queeninmycastle

Hi, caly. So you posted about being perv and then go to bed? LOL! Hope you had a good night sleep. And oh.. everything in YOO's body is extremely Yummy! :lol:*yawns*

Twinnie, i sorta believe in astronomy too.. But only when its good. :lol:Hahahaha. As ive told you, Goodluck! Thanks again for the Yooshops

anythingasian! More! :D*waves at Faye!* Got my PM about the Pacific Expo?LOL!

Ellie, Youre being lazy because of the backpages! Yoogals will be like this when they saw yoo 0__0 o____0 0___0 0____o hehehehe. Eyes are glowing!Im havin thoughts about the Beyonce concert... I just got a scolding from my boss and im not on the mood for some fun.

Besidesim not really a Beyonce fan. Hehehehe. I just want to see her perform, and i got free tickets so why not come. I remember the Cristina Aguillera concert, im not a fan but we watched. I didnt even know her songs. The audience was singing and everything, me and my friend was like ok lets stand up also and pretend we know her songs! Hahaha. We are such losers!

Your only 19? oki.. Call me unnie then! You have lots of unnies now!*waves at aalhl, queeninmycastle, pantibha, FAYE19, rgbg, helmet, Aishoo, coowie, savagery*Not yet done with the backpages... but hope to catch you! *pants pants*

hi kai...did you make peace with your boss??? do you want us to hunt her down and fire her with LB's?ohhhh poor you. :(



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there was even a scene where she scold BABY YOO for not properly kissing her...hahaha poor BABY YOO...i guess thats why thier friendship last.
yeah.. that scolding was for the deleted kissing scene in She's on Duty.. :D poor baby YOO.. he seems happy to get scolded though.. I guess he must have used to it as well.. perhaps he gets scolding from his elder sister too! haha.

so im a certified member in the naughty club already?hahaha...i dont mind at all...me and my pervy mind.
who else wanna join the club? I think this club will be prone to LB strikes though.. so YooGals better beware.. :P

thanks, Angel! Its ok now, not really my fault.. but since im the immediate supervisor of the one who got busted... my boss scolded me. Pssshhh... then at lunch time, the boss was acting like nothing happened.. so i guess its better now. ;) Its just a mild scolding, btw.. i was kinda shocked cause i havent had a scolding for the longest time. Must be she missed scolding me. :P
ok.. I'm glad to hear that everything is fine now... Did the one get busted gets the scolding too?

for the YOOYEH cult! Dont know if this was posted before... but still.. they wore the same shirt! <3___3>


yeah.. one of the YooGals pointed that out last time.. I don't remember who.. I think it was sammi. I didn't realise it was the same shirt, but I do feel that it look kinda familiar when YEH wore it in CP coz baby YOO was the one appearing with that shirt first. :rolleyes:

and talking about sammi where are you? it's been a long time since your last post. Miss you!

pcpdownloadphpfhandlemzle0.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemzkc5.th.jpg

*** Credit as printed @ daum CP ***

P/S: YooGals may have to wait a bit longer for the BTSC BTS clip. Daum is so slow, that I've just finished downloading the whole thing.. I will try to convert it tonight and upload for YooGals, okie?

omo!! I think baby Yoo hurt his lips while kissing bori's father - the monk. :o

awww... watching the BTS makes me miss those sweet moments of BTSC.... :rolleyes::wub: and the finale party.. no wonder I thought GY and GHJ were a couple last time.. coz they are so close to each other.. ahh.. I miss them too... <_<

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Guest tangtang

Present page first... Its hard to catch up! :lol:

hi kai...did you make peace with your boss??? do you want us to hunt her down and fire her with LB's?ohhhh poor you. :( %7Boption%7Dartworok52.jpg%7Boption%7D%7Boption%7Dartwork51.jpg%7Boption%7D
Queenie, yup she just did! :lol: buts its oki now.. She gave us free lunch after. Sorta peace offering, cause im not the one who really got things messed up. So can i grab the cloned yoo now? Is that LB free?
who else wanna join the club? I think this club will be prone to LB strikes though.. so YooGals better beware.. :P
i thought she was the president, so i joined the club. :lol:
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Guest calypso78

I HATE Soompi! That error drive is driving me insane :angry: was trying to get in for an hour but got that annoying message. Aissshhhh~

Hi, caly. So you posted about being perv and then go to bed? LOL! Hope you had a good night sleep. And oh.. everything in YOO's body is extremely Yummy! *yawns*

LOL,Tang. yes I had a very good night sleep until my nose started bleeding like crazy in the middle of the night for like half an hour, I hate weather changes, I want it to be winter already. *sigh*

And be careful now, don't think too hard about Yoo before going to sleep 'cause I don't want you to get a bloody nose as well. ;)

QUOTE(noyna @ Nov 7 2007, 06:27 AM)

hello yoogals

I uploaded songs for fanclub of GY.

hope u 'll be happy

Thanks for the lovely songs Noyna, very appreciated.

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Guest tangtang

waves at you too kai..... we always meet here... we're sort of YOOmate hahaha

Hahahaha. Neng, YOOmate. Ive got a twinnie and a yoomate. kewlness! :P

haha... baby YOO with xmas pudding huh? double drools.. lol!

Can i have the sugar-free pudding too?

hmmm.. yes.. looks pretty good.. but *hint hint* I don't do long quotes... ;)

i do long posts. im kinda stooopid. So will forget everthing when i didnt quote. :lol:

:lol: that's for sure Kai, ill get those pervert thoughts soon and by that time ill join you in running& hiding from Angels LB.

there you go again. :lol:

Lets spread the naugthy-ness! :lol: Are LBs unlimited? Cause there are many yoogals being naughty now. Just kidding, Ok.. lets behave now!

Hahaha for sure i will but still together w/Kai

Same with what i thinking

Hahahaha! Not bad, huh!

I already saw rain CF & Billboard i found him kinda hot .Maybe the reason why you see Baby Yoo with rain is bcoz of black polo since black is trademark of HK or w/haircut?!?

rain, rain go away come again another day... Hmmm. im just singing!

ha.ha.. have fun with my style.. :) my style involves to windows and lots of copy and paste.. :P Also lots of submit and edit.. haha...

thats it, windows... Il try your style sometime.

So we are gonna grab the cannon from tangtang? yes, yes.. we will call pach and Tika for help too.. lol!! Poor tangtang.. she got bombed by boss and now we are planning to steal her cannon... :o

Hahaha! Get the cannon now and hit me.. I sooo want the YOOCPR! LOL! :lol:

kai- why is it that you have cannon?...so your gonna hit whoever it is that will faint in front of BABY YOO and will not wake up huh?bwahahaha

must remind myself not to get carried away when fainting or else cannon balls will finish me alive bwahahaha.

Queenie, the cannon will make us alert! Imagine yoo seeing us after a cannon attack. broken teeth and bone, bleeding nose, scattered hair. Fabulous!

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Guest tangtang

I never watched winter sonata, so I do not know how cute BYJ is.. my friends all ask me to watch, but I refuse.. ha.ha.. see how NOT a kdrama fan I am? :P I agree with you tangtang, we never know what we will get from baby YOO in his next work.. and eventhough his character may be the same, for example a student, but there is always a difference to it as well. So there is always something new to look forward to... and smexy is definitely one of the reason too! :rolleyes:

sorry tangtang, my hubby don't have brother, and his cousins are no way like him or BYJ.. hehe... :D

ohh.. so that's the use of your cannon... B)

oh wow! you brain is certainly filled with great ideas isn't it tangtang? a YOOCPR? hmmm.. I think we need to have a strategy to grab the cannon from you without ending with a YOOCPR.. :lol:Lily unnie, Anne, pach and Tika.. any ideas how we can do that?

ha.ha.. cannon balls are scarying you already, queenie?

Winter Sonata is the first sad kdrama i watched, after that i got trauma. Thats why if you remember, i asked if BTSC had a happy ending. I got affected with the kdramas i watched, especially sad ones. I will end up crying like hell! I wanted to watch hyun bin in Snow Queen but somene told me it was a sad ending, so its a NO!

Hahahaha. thats my work, have to have ideas cause i handle adveritisng and publicity of our products or else bye bye office! Buckets of water will not be effective to yoogals' craziness about yoo nowadays, so lets try using a cannon. And its not as powerful as your LBs!

who else wanna join the club? I think this club will be prone to LB strikes though.. so YooGals better beware.. :P

ok.. I'm glad to hear that everything is fine now... Did the one get busted gets the scolding too?

So be sure that your Lbs are loaded. But dont worry, yoogals at the back of our minds still listen. unfortunately, she did not.. My boss said that i should be the one scolding my staff. Wenk. I didnt know how to scold seriously, im just ok you messed up.. dont do it next time.

yeah.. one of the YooGals pointed that out last time.. I don't remember who.. I think it was sammi. I didn't realise it was the same shirt, but I do feel that it look kinda familiar when YEH wore it in CP coz baby YOO was the one appearing with that shirt first. :rolleyes:

Hope Yoo gave the shirt to YEH!

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Guest tangtang

I HATE Soompi! That error drive is driving me insane :angry: was trying to get in for an hour but got that annoying message. Aissshhhh~

LOL,Tang. yes I had a very good night sleep until my nose started bleeding like crazy in the middle of the night for like half an hour, I hate weather changes, I want it to be winter already. *sigh*

And be careful now, don't think too hard about Yoo before going to sleep 'cause I don't want you to get a bloody nose as well. ;)

Thanks for the lovely songs Noyna, very appreciated.

hahaha caly. that was really a 'wet' dream.. nosebleeding! :lol: thanks for the advice though.

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