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Guest aalhl

Sweet sweet Monster with a cute little boy.  :x

*** Source: Samsung Fire ThinkNext FB ***

Hi @cynder!!
="">  :-h

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Guest aalhl

Discovery Expedition 2013 Summer - Making Film
*** via Yoshimi***

Here are some of the screen captures from the making film.
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Guest aalhl

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27-May-2013 @ 8:43PM KST
via Maxim Kanu FB
안녕하세요? 카누 바리스타 공유입니다~ 페이스북에 두번째 글을 남기네요^^
저는 지금 새로운 카누 광고를 위해 녹음중에 있습니다~ 카누 팬 여러분!!
곧 새로운 카누 광고로 찾아뵐께요.
기대 많이 해주시구요~
여름에도 카누 아이스 아메리카노 많이 사랑해주세요^^

Kanu's barista Gong Yoo just dropped a post on Kanu's FB just now.
He says that he's in a recording session (probably voice over) for the CF.
We will see a new CF soon. ^^

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Guest aalhl

Dropping off a translation of recent interview for SamsungFire's Good Daddy.

Source: http://gooddaddy.samsungfire.com/674
via Akiko @ YOO&I
Translation by Nam Hee @ GYL.  Checked and re-edit by Angelie.

[멘토 인터뷰] 좋은 배우 이전에 좋은 사람이 되고 싶다 - 배우 공유
[Mentor Interview] I want to be a good person first before being a good actor - Actor Gong Yoo


Q. 만나서 반갑습니다. 굿대디 가족 여러분께 인사 부탁 드려요.
Q. Nice to meet you. Please extend greetings to our Good Daddy family.

A. 굿대디 가족 여러분, 안녕하세요. 배우 공유 입니다. 이렇게 만나게 되어서 반갑습니다. 요즘 밤낮으로 일교차가 심한데 감기 조심하세요.
A. Hello Good Daddy family.  I am actor Gong Yoo.  Nice to be here together with everyone. Please be careful these days due to the big difference/changes in temperature between day and night.

Q. 영화, 드라마를 넘나들며 연기자로 맹활약 중이신데요. 처음 데뷔하게 된 계기가 있었는지 궁금해요.
Q. As an actor, you are actively involved in films and dramas.  What was your first debut opportunity?

A. 사실 처음부터 배우가 되고 싶었던 건 아니었어요. 학창시절에는 광고계통의 일을 하고 싶었었죠. 고등학교 때부터 연출이나 기획에 관련된 분야에도 관심이 생겼고 대학을 연극영화과에 진학하게 되었어요.  학교 다니면서 과동기들과 재미로 케이블 방송 'VJ 선발 공채 오디션에 지원했는데 운이 좋게도 VJ에 뽑힌거에요.  그렇게 방송일을 시작했고, 자연스럽게 연기자 쪽으로 제 역량을 펼쳐나가게 되었어요.
A. In fact, from the very beginning, I did not want to be an actor.  During my school days, I wanted to work in the advertisement industry.  Since high school, I was interested in Directing and planned to involve in the film industry, so I took up Theater and Film in university.  While in university, I participated without reason (just for fun) with my classmates in an audition with a cable TV, and fortunately I was chosen as VJ.  That's how I started working for television, naturally expanding my acting capabilities.

Q. 배우의 길에 들어선 것은 우연이었지만, 배우로 성장하기 위해서 크고 작은 노력이 있었을 것 같아요.
It may be an opportunity set for actors in a way, but there is still a need to put in all effort in order to grow as an actor.

A. 노력이라고 말하기엔 조금 부끄럽지만, 어렸을 때부터 영화 보는 걸 무척 좋아했는데 그것이 많은 도움이 되었던 것 같아요. 또 생활 속에서 만나는 사람들을 통해서 느끼는 사소한 감정들을 그냥 흘러 보내지 않고 기억해 두는 편이에요.  차곡차곡 쌓인 감정, 경험들을 카메라 앞에서 극대화 시키는 것이 노력이라면 노력이죠.
A. Speaking of effort, I feel a little embarrassed, I like to watch movies very much since I was a kid, so I guess it was helpful to me.  In addition, through many people I met in my life, I could feel the slightest emotion that flows through us, I tend to remember the feeling.  I try to maximize efforts by putting together emotions and experiences while working in front of the camera.

좋 은 배우가 된다는 것에 대해서 확고하게 말씀드릴 수 있는 것이 있어요.  배우 이전에 좋은 사람이 되어야 한다는 것이에요. 사실 좋은 인간이 된다는 것이 막연할 수 있는 일이지만 좋은 생각을 가지고 진실된 이야기를 할 수 있는 인간이 될 수 있도록 노력하고 있어요.
I can firmly tell you about being a good actor. A good actor has to be a good person first.  In fact, being a good human being may be something indefineable/vague, but I'm trying to be a human being to tell true story with the right way.


Q. '공유'하면 빼놓을 수 없는 작품이 [커피프린스 1호점] 이에요.  [커피프린스 1호점] 의 부드럽고 로맨틱한 남자 '한결' 캐릭터로 인해 대한민국 여성들의 로망이 되었다고 해도 과언이 아닌데요.   처음엔 작품을 고사했었다는 기사를 봤어요. 어떤 이유에서 였나요?
Q. One cannot miss out [Coffee Prince] when it comes to 'Gong Yoo'.  Due to the soft romantic man character "Han Kyul" in [Coffee Prince], it is not an exaggeration that you are considered an ideal man among Korean women.  I read an article that you rejected the drama at first, what was the reason?

A. 20대 후반에는 단순히 말랑말랑하고 알콩달콩한 트렌디 드라마가 싫었어요.  억지로 출연하는 것은 거짓이라는 생각이 들어서 처음에는 거절을 했죠.  그러다가 주변 사람들의 설득으로 연출자를 만나보기로 한거에요. 그렇게 마음을 먹고 이윤정 감독의 작품을 찾아보았는데 작품이 너무 좋더라구요. 감독님 특유의 감성이 마음이 들어 출연을 결정하게 되었죠. 어떻게 보면 [커피프린스 1호점]은 열정을 다시 일깨워준 작품이라고 할 수 있을 만큼 제게 아주 소중한 드라마에요.
A. I was in my late 20's and I simply didn't want a sweet and soft trendy drama.  And I thought it will feel fake if I force myself to play the role, so I rejected it.  Later, I met the director after being convinced by people around me.  After that, I watched director Lee Yoon Jung's works, her works are very good.  I like her unique sensitivity, so I was determined to appear in the drama.

어떻게 보면 은 열정을 다시 일깨워준 작품이라고 할 수 있을 만큼 제게 아주 소중한 드라마에요.  놓쳤다면 분명 후회했겠죠? (웃음)
[Coffee Prince] brought back my passion in work (acting), therefore it is a very important drama to me.  Would I have regretted if I missed out on that drama? (laugh)

Q. 드라마에서 [커피프린스 1호점]이 있다면 영화에서는 공유의 대표작은 [도가니]인 것 같아요.  군대에서 공지영 작가의 책 '도가니'를 읽고 깊은 감동을 받아 영화화 하는데 직접 나섰다고 들었어요.  어떤 점이 배우 공유의 마음을 사로 잡았나요?
Q. If [Coffee Prince] is your masterpiece for drama, then for film, I think it is [silenced].  I heard you read the book [Crucible] by Gong Ji Young while in the army and you were so moved by it that you proposed to turn it into film.  What is it that made you feel captivated?

A. 우연히 책을 접하고 나서 알 수 없는 분노가 느껴 졌어요.  이 모든 것이 실화라는 것을 믿을 수가 없었죠.  이런 일을 왜 이제서야 알았을까 하는 자책감과 함께 나 자신을 돌아보게 되었죠. 사회 구성원으로서 내가 처해 있는 상황과 환경에서 작은 도움이라도 될 수 있는 부분이 어떤 것일까를 고민하게 됐고, 배우로서 영화를 통해 더 많은 분들에게 이 이야기를 알리고 도움을 청하고 싶다는 생각으로 영화화를 위해 애쓰게 되었어요.
A. After I read the book by accident, I felt unknown anger.  I could not believe that all of them were true story.  Looking back at why I only came to know such thing now, it caused me to suffer from guilty conscience.  I was considering how I could contribute help to the situation as a member of the society, even if it is just a little bit, and as an actor, I want to let more people know about the story and call for help through film, so I try to turn it into a movie.


Q. 그동안 작품을 하면서 가장 기억에 남는 작품이나 순간은 언제 인가요?
Q. Meanwhile, which one of your working piece was most memorable and when was that moment?

A. 자신이 출연한 작품은 자기 자식과도 같다고 하잖아요.  장르도, 배역도 다 다르지만 모두 기억에 남아요. 특별히 한 작품 을 꼽기가 어려울 만큼요.
A. Many actors and actresses treat their works like their own children.  Genre, cast... They may be different, but I remember them all.  It is difficult for me to choose one in particular.

Q. 어느덧 30대 중반의 나이가 되셨어요. 연기 스펙트럼도 넓어지고 스크린이나 브라운관 안에서의 모습에서 한결 여유로움이 묻어나는데요. 20대의 공유와 30대의 공유, 스스로 생각하기에 어떤 변화들이 있었나요? 
Q. Without realising, you reached the age of mid-thirties. Your acting ability has grown wider (able to play various roles) and I can see you feel more comfortable (act naturally) appearing on screen.  Gong Yoo in his 20's and 30's, what are the changes do you think you had went through?

A. 늦은 나이에 군대를 다녀온 것이 가장 큰 변화의 이유일 거에요.  이제는 어떤 기준이나 잣대에 얽매이지 않고 자유롭게 연기하고 싶어요.  대중성과 예술성의 균형을 잡아가면서 자연스럽게 늙어가고 싶어요.
A.The biggest change is due to enlisting for military at a late age.  Now, I just want to act freely without being tied to any criteria or standard.  With  well-balanced popularity and artistry, I want to grow old naturally.

어떤 분들은 나이 드는 것이 싫고 무섭다고 하잖아요. 전 정말 좋아요.  주름 하나가 늘고 한 살, 두 살 나이가 들면서 그 세월이 얼굴에 드러나면 감성이나 표현도 나이만큼 깊어지는거라 생각해요.
Some people says aging is scary and they hate it.  But I really like it. As a wrinkle grows on the face in one year, two years... I think it deepens the emotion and expression as I aged.

세월을 표현할 수 있는 것... 배우에게는 장점이에요.  20대의 일련의 과정들로 인해서 30대의 저는 조금 더 견고해진 것 같구요.  20대에는 30대에 대한 기대가 있었고, 이제는 한층 더 무르익은 저의 40대를 상상합니다.
The ability to express the passing of time... It is a good thing (advantage) for actors.  As I grow from my 20's into 30's, I feel myself becoming stronger (more stable/robust).  When I was in my 20's, I have expectations towards 30's, and now, I imagine myself being more ripe/mature in my 40's.

Q. 작품 선택의 기준이 있다면 어떤 것인가요?
Q. What is your criteria for selecting a work?

A.아무래도 가장 중요한 것은 시나리오에요.  스토리텔링이 얼마나 탄탄하고 짜임새가 있는지가 먼저죠. 그 밖에도 주제가 불분명한작품은 선택하지 않게 되더군요.  또 장르가 어떤 것이든지 자기 개성이 분명한 연출가라면 함께 일하고 싶어요.
A. Scenario (script) is the most important.  First thing is to know how solid the story is and its texture. I do not select if the work has unclear topics. Regardless of genre, I want to work with a director if he/she is an individual with distinct quality.


Q. 인간 공유의 모습이 궁금해요. 실제 성격은 어떠신가요? 혹시 그간 맡아온 역할 중 본인과 비슷한 캐릭터가 있다면 소개해주세요.
Q. I'm curious about Gong Yoo as a person.  How is your real personality?  Please introduce to us if there is any role from your work that has similar character as yourself.

A. 부산 남자라 그런지 조금 무뚝뚝한 편이에요.  실제로는 부드럽거나 달콤한 편은 아니죠. (웃음)  주변 지인들에게 농담도 잘 받아치지 못한다고 진지해서 재미없다는 소릴 듣기도 해요.  캐릭터 중에 찾자면 의 최한결과 비슷한 구석이 좀 있는 것 같아요.
A. I am a little blunt because I am a Busan man (Korean people says men from this province are blunt).  I am actually not soft/gentle or sweet (laughs).  My friends said that I am quite serious and cannot take jokes, so, I'm not funny.  To pick a character, I think Choi Han Kyul of [Coffee Prince] is quite similar in that aspect.

Q. 활동을 하지 않을 땐 어떻게 지내시나요?
Q. What do you do when you don't have any work/activity?

A. 작년부터 드라마 이 끝나고 바로 영화 촬영에 들어가서 휴식시간이 많이 없었어요. 보통 쉴 때는 언어공부와 운동을 해요.  영화를 많이 보고 음악도 들으면서 최대한 릴렉스하려 노력하기도 하죠.
A. Right after drama "Big" ended last year, the movie "Suspect" has taken a lot of time, I did not have time for a break. When I have free time, I do language studies and exercise.  I watched a lot of movies and listen to music, trying to keep myself as relaxed as possible.

Q. 자기관리가 철저하신 것 같아요. 스스로를 다잡기 위한 노하우가 있으신가요?
Q. I think you have a strict self-management.  Do you have any know-how in controlling yourself?

A. 식단조절과 운동은 작품이 들어갈때 캐릭터에 따라 철저하게 준비하고 실천해요. 평상시에도 운동을 게을리 하지 않습니다.
A. I'm thoroughly prepared with controlled diet and exercise depending on the character before starting my work.  I usually do not neglect to exercise.


Q. 살아오면서 슬럼프가 있었나요?
Q. Have you been slumped (feeling down) in your life?

A. 크게 넘어지거나 한 슬럼프라기 보다는 '제2의 사춘기'를 맞이했던 적이 있었어요. 을 찍을 때였죠.
알 수 없는 부담감과 비관적인 생각들 때문에 여기서 연기를 그만두어야 하나 심각하게 고민하기도 했었어요.
A. I guess I went through "second puberty”.  When I took on [Coffee Prince]. Because of unknown pressure and pessimistic thoughts, I was worried and seriously considering whether I should stop acting.

지금 생각해보면 연예계라는 곳이 나와 잘 맞지 않는 곳이라는 생각을 했던 것 같아요. 자연스럽게 그 시간을 참고 견디면서 조금 더 강해질 수 있었죠. 여러가지로 감사한 시간들이었어요.
When I come to think of it now, I think I do not fit well in the entertainment industry.  Naturally, as I endure the time, I became a little bit stronger.  I'm thankful for all the time I have.

Q. 존경하는 인물, 롤모델이나 멘토가 있나요?
Q. Do you have someone you respect, a role model or mentor?

A. 부모님이요.  제가 가장 사랑하고 존경하는 분들이랍니다.  한결같이 저를 응원해 주세요. 저도 늘 의지하고 있구요.  누구에게나 그렇겠지만 부모님은 저의 열렬한 팬이 되어주세요. 항상 감사한 마음이에요.
A. My parents. I love and respect my parents.  They support me consistently.  I can always rely on them.  (His parents are very dependable and trustworthy to him.)  My parents are a huge fan of mine. I'm always grateful to them.

Q. 연기자를 꿈꾸는 청소년들이 많은데요. 어떤 이야기들을 해주고 싶으신지요.
Q. Many young people are dreaming of going into acting.   What message do you have for them?

A. 자신에게 기회가 오지 않는다고 쉽게 포기하지 않았으면 좋겠어요. 타인을 의식하지 않고 자신의 자리에서 노력한다면 반드시 기회는 오게 되어 있어요. 인생의 선배로서 말씀드리고 싶어요.
A. I hope they don't give up easily when opportunities are not given to them.  They will have the opportunity if they put in effort to be in their place without being conscious of others.  I want to tell them this as a senior.

기회가 많아도 준비되지 않은 사람은 그 기회를 잡을 수가 없어요. 그러니 늘 깨어있고 열심히 스스로를 단련하세요. 영화도 책도 많이 보고 연기연습도 게을리 하지 않았으면 좋겠어요. 좋은 배우들의 작품을 보면서 따라해 보고 자기 스타일대로 다시 해보기도 하면서 스스로를 연마했으면 좋겠어요
Eventhough they may have many opportunities, they should not take it if they are not ready.  So, please stay alert (always on a look out) and train yourself hard.  I want them to watch movies, read a lot of books, work hard to practice acting. I want them to also cultivate themselves by following and looking into works of good actors.

Q. 앞으로 어떤 꿈을 가지고 계신지 궁금해요.
Q. I wonder what dream you have in the future.

A. 세월이 흐를수록 배우 공유만의 색깔을 찾아가고 싶어요. 대중들이 원하는 배우가 되기 위해 노력하기 보단 대중들을 좋은 작품으로 인도할 수 있는 배우가 되는 것에 제 최종목표이자 꿈입니다.
A. As time goes by, I want to find the color (personality) of actor Gong Yoo. My final goal and dream is to become an actor who can lead viewers to good works rather than to become an actor they want/like.

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Guest aalhl

*** Source: http://www.newspim.com/view.jsp?newsId=20130531000263 *** via Yoshimi ***

Kanu new TVCF will be released tomorrow.  ^^

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Guest aalhl

@cynder: You are welcome, dear.  ^^

And on today's news.  Filming for movie "Suspect" has officially come to an end. :)
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Here's related English news article.

Source: http://www.tenasia.com/archives/58682
[05-June-2013] Actor Gong Yoo’s New Action Flick Cranks Up

Actor Gong Yoo’s first action film cranked up over the weekend, the film’s promoter said on Wednesday.

Gong Yoo’s new film “The Suspect” [translated title] cranked up last Sunday after 9 months of shooting, Showbox/Mediaplex, Inc. said through a press release.

The film centers on a neglected North Korean special force agent who makes a living off of a chauffeur service in South Korea. The film heads to the climax when he is on the run after being falsely accused of murdering a CEO.

This is Gong Yoo’s first time to return to the big screen after two years since his controversial social film “Silenced” (2011).

“The Suspect” is directed by Won Shin-yun who previously directed hit thriller film “7 Days,” featuring Korean actress Kim Yunjin of ABC’s award-wining series “Lost.”

Other cast members include Korean actors Park Hee-soon of SBS political drama “All about My Romance” (2013) and actor Cho Seong-ha of MBC’s smash hit drama “Kang Chi, the Beginning.”

Meanwhile, Gong Yoo most recently was in KBS2 romantic comedy drama “Big” (2012) with actress Rhee Min-jung which also aired on Japan’s TBS last November.

Reporter. Lee Eun Ah domino@tenasia.co.kr
Editor. Jessica Kim

Courtesy of Showbox/Mediaplex, Inc.

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Guest aalhl

From Soompi's news

[06-June-2013] Gong Yoo Safely Completes Filming His New Film "Suspect"
Source: http://www.soompi.com/2013/06/

Actor Gong Yoo finally finished filming his upcoming action film "Suspect" on June 2, 2013.

In this much anticipated movie, Gong Yoo plays the role of Ji Dong Chul, a North Korean defector who was once a top agent betrayed by his country. He becomes the main suspect in a murder case in this movie, and to clear his name, he attempts to catch the real killer.

Other cast members include Park Hee Soon, Jo Sung Ha, and Yoo Da In.

To play the role of an agent, Gong Yoo has trained tirelessly both before and during the filming. Fans are looking forward to see the Gong Yoo’s high quality action scenes.

"Suspect", which was directed by Won Shin Yeon, will be released later this year.

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Guest aalhl

Another translated article related to "Suspect"

Source: http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/Show.asp?IDX=2515797
via http://www.vingle.net/posts/146940-Gong-Yoo-shared-Look-I-m-Alive-as-he-ends-his-filming-for-Suspect

[06-June-2013] Gong Yoo shared "Look I'm Alive!" as he ends his filming for 'Suspect'

Gong Yoo wrapped us his filming for crime thriller movie "The Suspect" on June 2nd, and jokingly shared with his fans, "Look I'm Alive!"

"The Suspect" is Gong Yoo's first action movie ever, in which he acts as Ji Dong Chul, a North Korean spy who was betrayed by his country. He then fled to South Korea for a new life, only to became a main suspect in a murder case. He sets out to catch the real murderer to clear his name.

"The Suspect" started filming during August 2012 and will be in the box office later this year.

NOTE: A little clarification from a Korean friend that the statement '눈빛이 살아있네' (translated as "Look I'm Alive!" in English article) in the original article was actually to describe Gong Yoo's charismatic, powerful, fierce expression of his eyes. The original article did not express it as a "joke".

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Another translated article related to "Suspect"

Source: http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/Show.asp?IDX=2515797
via http://www.vingle.net/posts/146940-Gong-Yoo-shared-Look-I-m-Alive-as-he-ends-his-filming-for-Suspect

[06-June-2013] Gong Yoo shared "Look I'm Alive!" as he ends his filming for 'Suspect'

Gong Yoo wrapped us his filming for crime thriller movie "The Suspect" on June 2nd, and jokingly shared with his fans, "Look I'm Alive!"

"The Suspect" is Gong Yoo's first action movie ever, in which he acts as Ji Dong Chul, a North Korean spy who was betrayed by his country. He then fled to South Korea for a new life, only to became a main suspect in a murder case. He sets out to catch the real murderer to clear his name.

"The Suspect" started filming during August 2012 and will be in the box
office later this year.

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Guest aalhl

via Nam Hee @ GYL
Source: http://www.joseilbo.com/news/htmls/2013/06/20130611185231.html

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A poll was conducted by Interpark recently in conjunction with "Kiss Day", relating to which celebrity would one like to share a kiss with. Among women who took part in the poll, Gong Yoo tops the result as the actor whom they want to share a kiss with most. ^^

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Guest crazywindblower

yeeyyyyyy, another endorsement and new cf for gong yoo! =D> :x :) i am a huge fan of him!!! :x i hope to see him in another drama this year and i wish it will be with ha ji won.. :x :D looking forward to his movie the suspect too.. ;) fighting gong yoo oppa! :x :)>- :-bd ;)

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OMG!!! ... It's me or ...  Gong Yoo is going to make an special appearance in the drama??? [ Please Google translate ... be kind with me for once!!! x_x ]

According to the translate ... Monster will appear on episode 9 =] rejoice Yoogalz! xD awww is such a nice friend 
Source : Newsen

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Guest aalhl

You are right, Nina.  Our Monster will make a very short cameo appearance in the Episode 9 of "Dating Agency: Cyrano" which will be broadcast on 24-June.  ^^

Here are some BTS.  ^^

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Source: Daum BBS via Yoshimi
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