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Guest xphant0mwing

Yea, guys are shallow, girls are shallow as well. People in general are just shallow.
Physical looks do matter in a relationship. Its human nature to have attraction to someone in their own opinion has a description of what they like. That's how we were made. Not being physically attracted to a girl if she doesnt match the "profile" that you are looking for isnt shallow. Its normal. Like honestly, lets say that you do end up getting into a relationship that you arent attracted to the person.. Itd be pretty hard to you know.. get it on. It doesnt really matter how perfect their personality is.. you have to be physically attracted up to a point to have a real relationship with anyone.

Easiest way to look at this,
Looks attract you to the person , Personality of the person makes you want to stay with the person.

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Guest showoff

Lol at the whole "height and looks are totally different" thing.  Height is a component of your physical appearance.  Are people actually thinking that physical appearance is just your face?  Hahahahaha.  Your appearance is many things; it's your height, weight, hairstyle, clothing choice, teeth, jewelry, etc.  Anything that is discernable by your eyesight is considered one's appearance; it has the word "appear" in it for Christ's sake.

And even if "height" and "looks" were magically different from each other, how is judging someone based on their height any different than judging someone based on their facial appearance?  I get the feeling that people don't think things through logically before they decide to make a stand by it.

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Alright this discussion is getting a little heavy, so I'm going to ask a lighter question lol

Guys, can you gauge whether a girl is single based on her mannerisms, physical cues, etc. or do you just approach girls and eventually delve into the topic of whether she's single or taken once the conversation has gone on for a bit?

This is something my friend and I always discuss and are really curious about. She jokes about guys being able to sense an "aura" because while she was in a relationship, she rarely got hit on, but when they broke up, guys were hitting on her left and right. (If you think part of it has to do with the places she frequented and the fact that she was with her boyfriend, she still went out with friends to bars and whatnot, but didn't really get hit on those times.)

Did she just not notice or care that guys were hitting on her before? Was she giving off a vibe? Did she have a flourescent light handing from her neck saying "SINGLE"? What is it that makes a single girl attract that much attention suddenly??

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&rea said: Alright this discussion is getting a little heavy, so I'm going to ask a lighter question lol

Guys, can you gauge whether a girl is single based on her mannerisms, physical cues, etc. or do you just approach girls and eventually delve into the topic of whether she's single or taken once the conversation has gone on for a bit?

This is something my friend and I always discuss and are really curious about. She jokes about guys being able to sense an "aura" because while she was in a relationship, she rarely got hit on, but when they broke up, guys were hitting on her left and right. (If you think part of it has to do with the places she frequented and the fact that she was with her boyfriend, she still went out with friends to bars and whatnot, but didn't really get hit on those times.)

Did she just not notice or care that guys were hitting on her before? Was she giving off a vibe? Did she have a flourescent light handing from her neck saying "SINGLE"? What is it that makes a single girl attract that much attention suddenly??

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Guest SlicedBread


said: Alright this discussion is getting a little heavy, so I'm going to ask a lighter question lol

Guys, can you gauge whether a girl is single based on her mannerisms, physical cues, etc. or do you just approach girls and eventually delve into the topic of whether she's single or taken once the conversation has gone on for a bit? 

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I'm with SlicedBread.  I, for the life of me, am unable to discern between a girl that is single versus a girl that is taken.
Hell, even when I'm curious enough to try and ask somebody if she's got a boyfriend, the person I ask usually ends up being the boyfriend.
So yeah.

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Guest iwantwonbin

is it weird for me to facebook friend request this guy. he was the instructor for my group lesson (6 ppl) for a whole day...he was really talkative to everyone (which i guess is part of his job anyway). We only knew his first name, and i searched him up on fb by just his first name and location. I thought he would have a fb profile with 800+ friends, but he only had 300 (ie. maybe selective with adding ppl?). But i did get a picture with him. btw, i think he is around same age as me 20s. 

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iwantwonbin said: is it weird for me to facebook friend request this guy. he was the instructor for my group lesson (6 ppl) for a whole day...he was really talkative to everyone (which i guess is part of his job anyway). We only knew his first name, and i searched him up on fb by just his first name and location. I thought he would have a fb profile with 800+ friends, but he only had 300 (ie. maybe selective with adding ppl?). But i did get a picture with him. btw, i think he is around same age as me 20s. 

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Guest ikweli

^went yolo and played lots of games, hang out with people that can put up a good time, look forward to eating something that i really f-ing love at the end of the night (this one works wonders, keeps my mind off things and helps me keep my head up until that dinner comes for the day), and some others but i gotta leave atm for the night ^^

things that make it WORSE: doing hw/studying, being at work especially if its slow, or being alone in the room etc etc etc fsdfofdkx;xcd

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Guest nana544

ikweli said: ^went yolo and played lots of games, hang out with people that can put up a good time, look forward to eating something that i really f-ing love at the end of the night (this one works wonders, keeps my mind off things and helps me keep my head up until that dinner comes for the day), and some others but i gotta leave atm for the night ^^

things that make it WORSE: doing hw/studying, being at work especially if its slow, or being alone in the room etc etc etc fsdfofdkx;xcd

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Guest ikweli

I have. being alone for too long is when I think too much but w/e the past was the past :)

Sent from Samsung Galaxy SII mobile.

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Guest candydive

Are there feelings involved if a guy texts you all night? (I'm talkin' 12am to 4am) he says sweet things to me and will often use <3 and ;) and xx

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fabrications. said: I was wondering, do guys show nudies they've received from a girl to each other? If so, what kind of expressions are exchanged? ;)) Does it matter how serious it is with the lady?  

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Guest *frutti

I have a friend who has told me and other people that he thinks I'm physically attractive but that I'm also his "homegirl" so he would never go for me. Is it possible for a guy to find a girl attractive but only see her as a homegirl? 

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*frutti said: I have a friend who has told me and other people that he thinks I'm physically attractive but that I'm also his "homegirl" so he would never go for me. Is it possible for a guy to find a girl attractive but only see her as a homegirl? 

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I was wondering' date=' do guys show nudies they've received from a girl to each other? If so, what kind of expressions are exchanged? ;)) Does it matter how serious it is with the lady?  [/quote']

Yes we do and if you really want a reaction tester post your nudes in here and wait for the guys response

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