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Guest NitsujN_RN

jammer25 said:In my opinion, only the guy on the far left of the photo is really spread out. The guy with the bag in his lap is sitting fine, no? That's how I sit most of the time normally.

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Guest NitsujN_RN

Apparently, we men also take up space this way too. Hey, at least his legs are crossed. :))

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Guest girlinsomniac

guys -- have you ever distanced yourself from a girl you've been dating when you feel yourself getting (too) attached? 

(context: guy i've been seeing has consistently been more vocal about his feelings than i have, telling me he really likes me, wants me to come to his graduation and meet his family, etc. but he's been kind of distant the past few days, i'm wondering if it's maybe because he freaked himself out with all the relationship-y talk)

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Guest ikweli

@ooroosay ive actually seen a research in a video on youtube before where some guy interviewed a bunch of people and statistics showed that people who sit with their legs closed and the more hunched they make themselves with their arms show some sign of protection and dependency or something, while the people who take the situation more dominant and show less "fear" or worryness leave their legs open and sit with their arms in a way that they are "independent" and superior

how did they find out the statistics for this? well they took in a bunch of different interviewee's individually one by one in a room with a table, chair, etc and had them wait for the interviewer for around 10 minutes every session. the ones who came out more confident and showed that they had no fear or worryness or in other words felt excited of what was coming up were the ones who sat with their legs wide open with both hands on both laps, or layed their foot on the desk in front of them, had their head up high the entire time, etc.

the ones who stuttered and showed some worryness during the interview had their legs hunched together when they were waiting and their arms were kind of "hugging" themselves, and some others did things like hug their knee when they folded it or something.

i dont remember much of the video because i saw it a long time ago. i found it interesting though. that picture just explained it clearly for me

and your right its not mostly a gender thing; there were some women who showed the same "dominance" act like they didnt have anything to worry about as some men while they were waiting and ended up having an easy interview.

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Guest showoff

girlinsomniac said: guys -- have you ever distanced yourself from a girl you've been dating when you feel yourself getting (too) attached? 

(context: guy i've been seeing has consistently been more vocal about his feelings than i have, telling me he really likes me, wants me to come to his graduation and meet his family, etc. but he's been kind of distant the past few days, i'm wondering if it's maybe because he freaked himself out with all the relationship-y talk)

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Guest joongielove

Thank you for all your responses fellas!
Another question- same person in mind- how serious is the guy when he talks about marriage, kids? Do some guys just throw that around or do they mean it for real when they say it? I've never heard any of my guy friends talk like that but we've never talked about serious things so idk haha.

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My story is pretty complicated.. but I'll try to be short. But I seriously need

advice D: So anything from you guys would be great :)

I really like this guy that I've known for like.. 8 years. We used to go

tutoring together, and got really close but I kept denying that fact that I

liked him.. cos I didn't think he was "my type". I never admitted to myself that I liked him, until one of my friends

started flirting with him and yeahh.. I some-how got super jealous D: Last

year, we were in the same lecture and him and his friends would always sit

behind me and my friends and just stare at me :/ 


One day, he was curious on asking who I liked - stayed up all night

guessing who it was though he never guessed himself? My best friend got

involved and started being this "intermediary" thing between us and

he even asked her who I liked. She said: "If you wanna find out, why don't

you just ask her out?" and he said "I don't like her enough



This is where it starts getting compIicated. Since my best friend is

acting as this intermediary thing, I found out that he doesn’t want to date me

yet cos “since he never got a gf” he wants someone perfect and that I’m just a

backup if he can’t find one. She sent me the convo, and it outright said “I’m

looking for someone perfect, if I can’t find out then I’ll lower my standards

to 90%, If I can’t find one then I might consider her”. Obviously, I felt

really cut and hurt D: My studies were going dropping really badly too as a

result, I was so pissed off that he thought of me that way even though we’ve

known each other for so long.. I just didn’t think he was like that. I was

mentally and emotionally very unstable at that point.. when I just thought I

couldn’t handle it anymore and I confessed. Why? Because I wanted to cut him

off from my life and didn’t want to be a “back up”, and basically for closure

and to focus more on my studies cos he was such a massive distraction. BTW! He

told me he never liked me and sees me as a “bro”.


I don’t regret doing it.. but I couldn’t handle losing him. I spent over

6 months crying and screaming every night cos it hurt so much :S I deleted him

off fb, his number, changed classes, deleted his email etcetc just to erase

him. What made it worse, is that he still tried to mend our friendship. “Apparently”

cos he didn’t want to lose me as a friend, though he told my best friend that..

“If it hurts her too much, then I’m willing to sacrifice our friendship for her

to heal overtime”.


Eventually after ~7months or so, I felt too guilty and just couldn’t

handle losing him anymore and ignore his efforts of trying to mend it up. So

then I just let us be friends again, eg talking etcetc.


Though ~10months later, I found out my best friend liked him too at the

time :/ When I was at her place, I asked if I could read their convos.. and

there was a lot of stuff there she didn’t tell me about :S I won’t go in

specifics, but just that she made me sound like an obsessive psycho. As a

result, I was totally cut. Btw, me and her aren’t friends anymore kind of

because of it.


FAST FORWARD, me and him still talk :/ He starts all the convos, I just

go with the flow. His friends always stare at me and text him when they see him

(this he told me), which I found weird and applied before AND after I

confessed. Which is weird, cos who cares right? His closest friend told me that

his sure that he’ll bend in time.. but I shouldn’t waste my time waiting for a

guy L


My question is:

I feel like his just talking to me for his ego and just so he doesn’t

lose me as a “back up”. Do you guys think this is true? Do guys do that? And

what is with his friends staring at me? Its annoying, but I don’t say anything

to him :/ What do you think I should do about our friendship, since I’m never

going to get over him like this.. but can’t handle losing him?

Holy richard simmons you spent so much time in him already btw is he like your first crush you went beserk on because you never dated? For one theres to much drama and you should run away fast and for two theres is no perfect person in this world so tell him to live through it

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Would you want your first love/gf congratulating you for getting a new gf because she's happy for you? I dated someone awhile back and we both shared a lot first time experiences with each other in terms of dating (we were young' date=' just good memories, I don't think we had any real "love" feelings for each other. I broke up with him because I felt that we weren't right for each other and things ended cooly (i think). I always cared about him as a friend, but I was always careful to not talk to him because I didn't want to give him any hopes. Now that he has a gf I'm confident that our memories are no longer a pain to him. What do you guys think about an your first gf congratulating your newfound happiness and perhaps offer her friendship and maybe future advices? [/quote']

No and no. Your going ti create so much drama for them. Let it slide and move on

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not saying all men do this

but many men spread their legs really wide when they sit (like on the subway, movie theatres,)

the problem i have with this is that they take up SO much room, and at least one or two more spots would be open if the men closed his legs or crossed them like a woman would. 

are these men just not considerate or is there some kind of biological reason for their inability to close their legs? 

also --- when a man sits next to a woman, why is it so hard for them to close their legs just a bit?

we all know that we don't like to touch strangers. so what gives? 

example: the men in these picture are just SPREAD out.... while the women are in their personal space. 

I actually close em if I have to...

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Thank you for all your responses fellas!

Another question- same person in mind- how serious is the guy when he talks about marriage, kids? Do some guys just throw that around or do they mean it for real when they say it? I've never heard any of my guy friends talk like that but we've never talked about serious things so idk haha.

Its a serious thing when we talk about it

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Guest iilysium
iilysium said:

Boobs or butt? Pick 1 :0

Pretty hard to decide without your pic.

Or wait - is this just a general question?

General question

Seems overwhelming response is da booty.

Sad. I have bewbs but no butt. Squats, here I come!

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Guest joongielove

raymondc27 said:




Thank you for all your responses fellas!<br />

Another question- same person in mind- how serious is the guy when he talks about marriage, kids? Do some guys just throw that around or do they mean it for real when they say it? I've never heard any of my guy friends talk like that but we've never talked about serious things so idk haha.

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