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Guest iilysium

If you see a young girl, say 18 ish, wear a ring on her ring finger, all the time, what would you first think about that (or not at all?)

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Guest ikweli

iilysium said: If you see a young girl, say 18 ish, wear a ring on her ring finger, all the time, what would you first think about that (or not at all?)

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Guest pong12

So...This guy used to like me when I never even talked to him... Now he doesn't like me and we still don't talk, just the awkward kind of conversation now and then. I'm just confused on why he ever even liked me?! He's pretty popular with the girls...and it's me hahaha and why did he never show that he actually liked me? I only found out because his best friend (who's my friend) told me....

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Guest ikweli

^youre cute with a nice voice maybe? probably one of those "love at first sight" thingies. something physical about you should be the only way
along with your hotness when you play volleyball or whatever the heck you do

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Guest ikweli

^youre cute with a nice voice maybe? probably one of those "love at first sight" thingies. something physical about you should be the only way
along with your hotness when you play volleyball or whatever the heck you do

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iilysium said: If you see a young girl, say 18 ish, wear a ring on her ring finger, all the time, what would you first think about that (or not at all?)

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Guest ikweli

^all u need to iron hair at the least is about 1.5 inches along with a 1 inch ironer

no homo btw if anyones wondering

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Guest motherducker

Aight, I have a question because I am a relationship noob. 
I've been seeing a guy for a while now (4 times this month) and I really feel that he likes me and I really like him. 
We've been texting each other back and forth almost everyday, with him initiating most the conversations. He has been offering to pick and drop me off my house when he lives quite a distance away, been paying for everything and a mutual friend of ours told me he really likes me. So everything's been going well and I'm really having a great time hanging out with him.
My only concern would be that we haven't done any of those couple-ly things like holding hands and kissing. We've hugged twice. But that's because I initiated it orz. I guess another factor to that is we haven't exactly talked about the status of our relationship. 
But I feel ready and comfortable to be doing those stuff, I'm not sure if he does though.

Like 'we're going with each other, are we boyfriend and girlfriend?'
I guess my question would be how long do you have to be going out with someone to make it official? Should I, as a girl bring it up? If so, how would I bring it up without scaring him off -even though I am confident that he likes me back, I'm just a little worried I might have possibly misread his actions-?
Eh, okay those are a whole lot of questions, but this is really my first relationship. :x 

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suju_lovee said: Aight, I have a question because I am a relationship noob. 
I've been seeing a guy for a while now (4 times this month) and I really feel that he likes me and I really like him. 
We've been texting each other back and forth almost everyday, with him initiating most the conversations. He has been offering to pick and drop me off my house when he lives quite a distance away, been paying for everything and a mutual friend of ours told me he really likes me. So everything's been going well and I'm really having a great time hanging out with him.
My only concern would be that we haven't done any of those couple-ly things like holding hands and kissing. We've hugged twice. But that's because I initiated it orz. I guess another factor to that is we haven't exactly talked about the status of our relationship. 
But I feel ready and comfortable to be doing those stuff, I'm not sure if he does though.

Like 'we're going with each other, are we boyfriend and girlfriend?'
I guess my question would be how long do you have to be going out with someone to make it official? Should I, as a girl bring it up? If so, how would I bring it up without scaring him off -even though I am confident that he likes me back, I'm just a little worried I might have possibly misread his actions-?
Eh, okay those are a whole lot of questions, but this is really my first relationship. :x 

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Guest iilysium

Couple q's. My friends and I were having a discussion on this.
What is the difference between beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, and cute? Or do guys just use that interchangeably. (I already know about sexy and hot = wanna bed)

Another question   : O
Do you have any "bro codes" in regards to other friends' girls or strangers' girlfriends?

Okay, and one moar. <_< What kind of girl would you want to bring home to your parents? When dating, do you ever consider the fact that this girl would be the type you would want to introduce to your parents?

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Guest ikweli

iilysium said: Couple q's. My friends and I were having a discussion on this.
What is the difference between beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, and cute? Or do guys just use that interchangeably. (I already know about sexy and hot = wanna bed)

Another question   : O
Do you have any "bro codes" in regards to other friends' girls or strangers' girlfriends?

Okay, and one moar. <_< What kind of girl would you want to bring home to your parents? When dating, do you ever consider the fact that this girl would be the type you would want to introduce to your parents?

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iilysium said: Couple q's. My friends and I were having a discussion on this.
What is the difference between beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, and cute? Or do guys just use that interchangeably. (I already know about sexy and hot = wanna bed)

Another question   : O
Do you have any "bro codes" in regards to other friends' girls or strangers' girlfriends?

Okay, and one moar. <_< What kind of girl would you want to bring home to your parents? When dating, do you ever consider the fact that this girl would be the type you would want to introduce to your parents?

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Guest morelovee

Hey guys I really need some male perspective on my situation. So l met this guy online, he gave me his #, I called him and we instantly hit it off, we talked for over 2 hours the first time. Right off the bat, he told me his past, went through a lot growing up, got into trouble & did time. I appreciated his honesty and was really happy he opened up to me so fast. He added he turned his life around which was really great. He instantly told me he liked me. I never shared that kind of chemistry with a guy before even my ex who I was with for over 1.5 year. So he asked me out, yada yada. So he picked me up, we went out. We stopped by a park to talk a stroll. He instantly liked me as he tried to grab my hand etc. We out to eat after, and we connected. After, he held my hand and tried to kiss me but I was so shy. We ended going to his place afterwards and made out and it lead to more (sex).  While we were kissing, he told me:I knew if I waited, I would find someone like you, my friends told  me I should go to clubs but I knew if I waited it would happen.  Anyways, we cuddled, watched a movie and shared stories together. I ended up staying at his place late because we talked a lot and hung out. I've dated other guys before and i knew they weren't serious about me because they would immediately send me home right after sex but we cuddled and shared great moments together. Anyways, he dropped me home and kissed me and held my hand not wanting to let me go. Since then, he has called me everyday after work etc, talking to me about his day.The following Friday he wanted to see me so he picked me up. That night, I told him about my past as well and he was really understanding as I was with his past. After that he showed me a piece of paper. I was stunnned to see it as it said he was divorced. He told me he was married a few years ago with his ex and for some reason, it didn't matter to me. I still liked him regardless. Anyways what did bug me was showing me his wedding video and it made me sick to my stomach. He dropped me home afterwards and told me he was upset because it made him think of her. That early morning (5am) he called me saying how the video made him really upset and he thought about doing stupid stuff and that I was the only one who he could call to talk about this with I was talking to him for 30 mins until he said I wanna see you. I said ok, come meet me and he picked me up. Long story short, we went to his house ended up talking a lot and did the deed again. What ruined everything was that his cousins and extended family were over and heard us getting it on and we ended up doing the walk of shame as i left. He was fine with it and mentioned how he wanted to meet my parents and family. He gave me a kiss goodbye and seemed happy until later that day, he called me saying his family had a long talk with him and said he wasn't ready to date and move on from his divorce. He said he agreed but does still like me  a lotand mentioned he wants to get professional help in dealing with his issues. We talked on the phone for 2.5 hours that day and he mentioend how he still wants to talk to me because he never met anyone he could share this as I mentioend to him I have sought professional help myself before and its changed my life. He said he's never met anyone like me he could talk to about his problems so fast. He said he really likes me and wants to keep in touch as he said I am a very nice girl and he's never met anyone like me. I told him, we could be friends but I'm willling to wait for him to get help and maybe in the future, we could be together as now his family doesn't think its right and he thinks he needs to tackle his issues and it wouldn't be right to hide me from his family. I told him I would wait for him even though he thinks it is not right and it makes him feel guilty. He said I could call him anytime if I needed him and I told him the same. Since then, he hasn't called me and its been 3 days since we talked and I actually cried for 2 days thinking about him. I can't stop thinking about him. I never felt like this with any guy I've met and I told him he's special. What should i do? Any suggestions or thoughts to add about my messy situation? Thanks for reading and sorry it was long

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