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Guest xquisite_

Girl01 You've known her longer and hung out with her quite a bit for the past two/three months. Lets say you were interested in her and she was interested in you but she never fully stepped up and seized her chance like a normal person would have already done. It seems like she's making you wait but it also seems like she's just wanting to get to know you more. Throughout it all you know that she likes you but you're waiting because it seems like there's something holding her back.

Girl02 You've recently met her. She's quite the opposite of Girl01. She has fewer things in common with you as opposed to Girl01 where you have many common interests. However, she's more flirtatious but the downside is that she doesn't quite understand you. She thinks that she knows who you are but unlike Girl01 she isn't able to see past your facade.

Lets say you've grown weary of waiting for Girl01. She asked you who it was that you liked and although you didn't want to tell her at first you eventually did. You told her that you were interested in Girl02. However, you also told her that the answer might have and should have been different.

Now, Girl01 realizes what she should have done instead of wait. But she also realizes that it's technically not over yet. She still has a chance to try and a chance to make a difference. She's willing to step up and open up to you and she's wanting to be with you not the bystander to watch you leave with Girl02.

My question is: would you be willing to give Girl01 another chance or has she already lost?

Oh and if it makes any difference your best friend approves of Girl01 more than Girl02.

(Sorry for the long post by the way.)

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Guest watcher

Girl01 You've known her longer and hung out with her quite a bit for the past two/three months. Lets say you were interested in her and she was interested in you but she never fully stepped up and seized her chance like a normal person would have already done. It seems like she's making you wait but it also seems like she's just wanting to get to know you more. Throughout it all you know that she likes you but you're waiting because it seems like there's something holding her back.

Girl02 You've recently met her. She's quite the opposite of Girl01. She has fewer things in common with you as opposed to Girl01 where you have many common interests. However, she's more flirtatious but the downside is that she doesn't quite understand you. She thinks that she knows who you are but unlike Girl01 she isn't able to see past your facade.

Lets say you've grown weary of waiting for Girl01. She asked you who it was that you liked and although you didn't want to tell her at first you eventually did. You told her that you were interested in Girl02. However, you also told her that the answer might have and should have been different.

Now, Girl01 realizes what she should have done instead of wait. But she also realizes that it's technically not over yet. She still has a chance to try and a chance to make a difference. She's willing to step up and open up to you and she's wanting to be with you not the bystander to watch you leave with Girl02.

My question is: would you be willing to give Girl01 another chance or has she already lost?

Oh and if it makes any difference your best friend approves of Girl01 more than Girl02.

(Sorry for the long post by the way.)

it depends on the guy. i think girl 1 should richard simmons off, but you like who you like. the answer to your question, therefore, is that he will pick whoever he likes more at the given moment. girl1 and girl2 both have equal chances. if you're girl1, i hope you make it convincing. if you throw the same old stuff at him, he's gonna spit you out and you'll lose.

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Hi, a question for you guys ^^

so, you see, since the end of May, there is a guy who kept calling at my mobile phone using private number. And he always calls at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, and once a week. At first, I thought that he is a stalker, so everytime I pick up the phone and know that he is the person, I would hang up, or I would just not pick up the phone if he called for like 2-3 times a day. (FYI I have to pick up my phone even though it is private number, because when my parents call from abroad, in my mobile, it would also display "private number"). sometimes I picked up the phone, but I didn't talk at all.

But, then, he is still very persistent and kept calling. Finally I decided to talk to him. When I asked a question to him, he would answer something which is out of the context on purpose and that pissed me off, so I always mad at him.

Then, there was time that he called me only to said that he like to listen to my voice o__O ... that freaked me out. Even though I kept force him to tell me who he is, is this a prank call, or you are calling the wrong number, where do you get this number, he would only laugh and start to answer something irrelevant T___T

Ahh I remembered, when I asked him where he got this number, he said, "it's a message from the God" and I was so pissed.

Yesterday, he called me at 5 o'clock in the morning. And he said like this, "you are very attractive." "you are sexy" .... and to be honest, that freaked me out really ... I also asked him if he knew who I am. He knew my name and where I live -- that's the reason why I am pretty sure he must be my friend.

But, later on after we "talked" for awhile, I figured out that he is only helping "this guy" --> (which is I am sure is my friend) to call and talk to me. So, finally I know, the one who do the talking is not "my friend" but his friend. So his friend acts something like "the middle person".

Yesterday I planned to talk to him nicely, so may be I can figure out who this guy is, because honestly, I don't like to be angry and hang up on someone's call. But, I don't know why, I got very angry yesterday, that finally I am saying like it is a harrasment and you are violating my human rights to call me like this. I deserve to know who are you. And I finally said that I'm not going to pick up the call

But, then.... if it's in the middle of the night, I can ignore the call, but if it's midday, I can't ignore the call, because my parents are likely to call me also.

What I want to ask, is that a prank call or this guy has another intention? because if this is a prank call, then he must be out of his mind, because he kept calling for 2 months, and we barely have decent conversation, because I would either hang up, not pick up, or I even furious at them.

FYI, he just called me in the afternoon, and then hang up. I think he "might want to test" whether I would pick up the phone or not, since I've said to them that I'm not going to pick up the phone.

What should I do ?

thank you for all your help :D

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actually I want to know what this guy wants and asked him to stop. Because I have asked him several times, but he still kept calling.And now he called on the day light no more on mid night.

Do you know the best way to talk to this guy and asked him kindly to stop all of this ? Because it is disturbing.

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Guest aznxkaiser

Hi, a question for you guys ^^

so, you see, since the end of May, there is a guy who kept calling at my mobile phone using private number. And he always calls at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, and once a week. At first, I thought that he is a stalker, so everytime I pick up the phone and know that he is the person, I would hang up, or I would just not pick up the phone if he called for like 2-3 times a day. (FYI I have to pick up my phone even though it is private number, because when my parents call from abroad, in my mobile, it would also display "private number"). sometimes I picked up the phone, but I didn't talk at all.

But, then, he is still very persistent and kept calling. Finally I decided to talk to him. When I asked a question to him, he would answer something which is out of the context on purpose and that pissed me off, so I always mad at him.

Then, there was time that he called me only to said that he like to listen to my voice o__O ... that freaked me out. Even though I kept force him to tell me who he is, is this a prank call, or you are calling the wrong number, where do you get this number, he would only laugh and start to answer something irrelevant T___T

Ahh I remembered, when I asked him where he got this number, he said, "it's a message from the God" and I was so pissed.

Yesterday, he called me at 5 o'clock in the morning. And he said like this, "you are very attractive." "you are sexy" .... and to be honest, that freaked me out really ... I also asked him if he knew who I am. He knew my name and where I live -- that's the reason why I am pretty sure he must be my friend.

But, later on after we "talked" for awhile, I figured out that he is only helping "this guy" --> (which is I am sure is my friend) to call and talk to me. So, finally I know, the one who do the talking is not "my friend" but his friend. So his friend acts something like "the middle person".

Yesterday I planned to talk to him nicely, so may be I can figure out who this guy is, because honestly, I don't like to be angry and hang up on someone's call. But, I don't know why, I got very angry yesterday, that finally I am saying like it is a harrasment and you are violating my human rights to call me like this. I deserve to know who are you. And I finally said that I'm not going to pick up the call

But, then.... if it's in the middle of the night, I can ignore the call, but if it's midday, I can't ignore the call, because my parents are likely to call me also.

What I want to ask, is that a prank call or this guy has another intention? because if this is a prank call, then he must be out of his mind, because he kept calling for 2 months, and we barely have decent conversation, because I would either hang up, not pick up, or I even furious at them.

FYI, he just called me in the afternoon, and then hang up. I think he "might want to test" whether I would pick up the phone or not, since I've said to them that I'm not going to pick up the phone.

What should I do ?

thank you for all your help :D

First of all.....That guy is a FREAK and a STALKER. Do not come within 10 meters of him! WTF kind of guy calls a girl at 2-3 am constantly? Your in a very odd situation, just ignore his calls from this day forth and NEVER talk to him in real life. Trust me, these types of guys will end up murdering you if you decide to break up with him.

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Guest watcher

actually I want to know what this guy wants and asked him to stop. Because I have asked him several times, but he still kept calling.And now he called on the day light no more on mid night.

Do you know the best way to talk to this guy and asked him kindly to stop all of this ? Because it is disturbing.

change your phone number

ur talkin to a brick wall

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Guest Discord

My friends say the guys they go for are the type that only exist in dreams, they call them the universally hot. They also say the guys I go for mostly seem to come from the reject pile, lol.

I don't care if they're flabby or chubby or fat or whatever, as long as they can make me laugh and as long as we mesh personality-wise I don't care what they look like. Besides, isn't love meant to be blind?


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Guest Strawberii

Probably not, because i want a guy who knows how to take care of himself

however, i have to admit when i was in 5th grade i had a crush on this guy who was not attractive and chubby but the reason why i liked him was because he's really smart (i was going through my whole smart guys phase). From this expierance i guess it's possible that i could fall for a guy like that again but it would be pretty hard since i value more than just his intelligence now a day.

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sure i'd love to date a hot guy with thight abs with mascular arms but then again, if he has a belly, flabby arms and thighs but he's able to make me laugh and smile any day how can i resist him?

looks tend to ware off when he get older anyway..

still, everyone has their own opinion (:

plus i love hugable guys.. they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside xD

^^i agree..im not into looks..personality count more in my book..

i dated a few chubby guys and they're the best...but damn it they tend to

get insecure at the end!!!

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Guest pockified

i have chubby arms myself so i'm interested in hearing what the guys have to say... hahahaha

personally, i don't like guys with a belly because i always associate them with beer guts... and those aren't attractive at all. i am almost always initially attracted to guys who are fit and slightly muscular/toned because then i'd know they love to be outdoors and engaging in sports, which i think is something i'd love to do with him (hiking, bungee jumping, one-on-one match in tennis/bball/etc) on dates. then again, people do say that i like guys that are out of my range (hahahaha T_T) but to each their own, yeah?

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I'm quite fussy, and always wanted a guy who took pride in his appearance, worked to maintain his physique. Not necessarily hardcore working out xDD But like, you know? Want to look good, make a good impression.

Personality is much more important than body and looks, but there's no denying that the physical appearance is important too. If you're not actually physically attracted, then it's nothing more than friendship really, ne? I've only ever been attracted to males of an average or slender build [similar to my own, I guess]. But I'd never date someone based just on their looks&body. I'm picky and wanted both. Hence being single almost 20 years xD (But now I have a gorgeous guy with an amazing personality, and a body to die for, yay<3)

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Guest sodaniechea

I don't really care about flabs. :mellow: I've dated guys in the heavy category and I didn't care. Sure everybody prefers eye candy but when I'm with a person, all my attention goes to them o.O

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Guest azn_barbie

when a girl says that to me they usually wanna start talking to me but alot of times we are just of that friendship level where u can hang out for fun........ but we never just "hang out" at the end usually ends up with touchy hands and lips if u get wat i mean

This is SO true. I thought this guys wanted to "hang out" with me too, but it ended up being a date (or so my guy friends say)... and I don't even like him that way. Now when a guy says "hang out," I don't think he means it that way anymore.

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Guest xquisite_

it depends on the guy. i think girl 1 should richard simmons off, but you like who you like. the answer to your question, therefore, is that he will pick whoever he likes more at the given moment. girl1 and girl2 both have equal chances. if you're girl1, i hope you make it convincing. if you throw the same old stuff at him, he's gonna spit you out and you'll lose.

Yes I'm idiotic Girl01.

I figured as much. What should I do then because I don't want to give up on this.

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