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Guest chloe_addict

Thanks again for your responses!

Update: We actually had a somewhat serious conversation on our date about where we stand in terms of liking each other. I can tell he likes me because he is affectionate with hugs, holding hands, etc. But I still have my guards up because I know he has the reputation of being a player. So I don't know if his attention towards me is something "special" just for me or is typical towards all his female friends. But he asked why I can't come out of my personal space but when he comes into mine, I don't mind. He asks why I don't make the first move once in awhile, and he can't tell my feelings towards him. What would a guy want a girl to do when initiating contact without coming across as cheap? And I find it amusing that he's so used to girls falling for him so easily yet he's very concern what I think about him.

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Guest chloe_addict

Thanks Lie! Always appreciate your quick & helpful responses.

I was caught off guard by the fact that he's very observant. He encourages me to be myself, not care what people think, and to accept my faults (not be embarrased by them). So it's not just a physical attraction, but I feel like he brings out the best in me :blush: Yes, even with him having a reputation as a player. I think he has trouble reading the signals I'm sending him so he doesn't know if I like him too. So he attributes that to being either mysterious, impersonal, shy, or inexperience in dating. Any other suggestions as to how to open up more?

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Guest HikaruStlye

Hey guys i have a question please? ty

Ok so a couple days ago my best friend asked one of our guy friends if he likes me and he told her that he likes me. My best friend then told me wat he said and i talked to him and...i wasn't really sure if i like him so i said "maybe i might too".

He said it was alright...sooo was "maybe" the wrong answer?

thanks for the input!

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it means that B had a leeettle too much to drink. i think A should meet up with B again, but this time minus C. If A and B minus C has a different conversation when sober, that conversation should be posted in this thread. after which, one of the smart guys here will put together all the pieces of the equation and spit out a proper answer.

and yes....we are pretty awesome.

Hahahha xD

Well, that's what I thought at first. When B told A she was cute when drunk, I thought "B has had too much to drink."

But in my second part, I did say B met up with C and just had DINNER, then B said "Everything A does is so cute".

So B wasn't drunk then o_o

It means that B likes A. It's a pretty clear cut case to me. =P


Woww thanks for the advice guys!! =DD

Because Jaejoong ♥ Sel-Ki.

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Guest watcher

Thanks guys!!

I think she should forgive him too.. but she hasn´t yet..

After talking to him.. I still was interested ..

When he drive me home I gave him my MSN, because we haven´t finished the conversation.. so I was online and waiting him to add me..

Few minutes later he added me, and was online.. and I was "why he´s not calling me on the chat?"

If he added me, shoudn´t he be the one starting the chat?

I start loosing the interested after that.. when I´m online he never call me.. I´m always the first..

And one day I asked him.. why are you like this, last week you was telling me everything, today you look like other person.. other day I was pretty sad, coz my grandpa was in the hospital.. and he didn´t gave me support.. he was just.. "OIC"...

When we are talking I´m always conforting him, why can´t he do the same with me?

I was.. I got it.. we have the same age, and he´s not mature enough

If I´m wrong, if he had some interested in me.. he should at least call me at MSN.

I´m mad with him :fury:

Am I overreacting ?

i think you have too many expectations. i'm lost on what kind of relationship you have with this guy. you should settle that first before you set any more expectations, or you'll have a hard time.

Hey guys i have a question please? ty

Ok so a couple days ago my best friend asked one of our guy friends if he likes me and he told her that he likes me. My best friend then told me wat he said and i talked to him and...i wasn't really sure if i like him so i said "maybe i might too".

He said it was alright...sooo was "maybe" the wrong answer?

thanks for the input!

from a guy's perspective, 'maybe' means all systems go. unless you're absolutely sure, the best answer you can give is no. this is because if you say 'maybe' the guy will think, 'maybe she will say yes' and he will start thinking it because he wants it.

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Guest Enchanted

This thread is like my guilty pleasure, lol. I've been browsing around for awhile and afraid to ask questions since my English isn't very good. Please bear with me!

Anyway, I know this guy through tutoring since I used to tutor him last summer at school. We usually talk about school related stuff, added each other on facebook and exchange telephone number. Nothing out of the ordinary, I think. I see him as a friend and I'm not sure how he feels about me. Last summer when he went for training he called me every other day to tell me about his day. I usually just listen to him talked. Sometimes he would asked me if I wanted to hang out and I keep making excuses in order not to. It get to a point that it get annoying with his constant calling so I started to ignore his calls. There was one time when we started talking about age and I told him I don't like younger guys. I'm 22 and he's 20. When school started he doesn't call anymore so I thought he finally figure out that I'm not interested. Unfortunately, I see him at school and he told me he lost my number and he has a girlfriend. From that day till now he private message me on facebook 3 times to ask for my number, but I pretended I didn't see it. A few days ago was his birthday so I left a "Happy bday" message on his facebook. Five minutes later I got a called from him! I thought he told me he lost my number? I didn't pick up so he left a message on my voicemail box saying he found it again. Is he lying? He been calling several times now and I ignore all of the calls.

I know it's kind of mean of me to ignore his calls, but I have a feeling he like me more than a friend. Maybe I think too much? He is making me really uncomfortable with his constant calling and I don't know how to tell him straight up not to call me that often. I'm not really good with confrontation! What should I do?

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Guest watcher

This thread is like my guilty pleasure, lol. I've been browsing around for awhile and afraid to ask questions since my English isn't very good. Please bear with me!

Anyway, I know this guy through tutoring since I used to tutor him last summer at school. We usually talk about school related stuff, added each other on facebook and exchange telephone number. Nothing out of the ordinary, I think. I see him as a friend and I'm not sure how he feels about me. Last summer when he went for training he called me every other day to tell me about his day. I usually just listen to him talked. Sometimes he would asked me if I wanted to hang out and I keep making excuses in order not to. It get to a point that it get annoying with his constant calling so I started to ignore his calls. There was one time when we started talking about age and I told him I don't like younger guys. I'm 22 and he's 20. When school started he doesn't call anymore so I thought he finally figure out that I'm not interested. Unfortunately, I see him at school and he told me he lost my number and he has a girlfriend. From that day till now he private message me on facebook 3 times to ask for my number, but I pretended I didn't see it. A few days ago was his birthday so I left a "Happy bday" message on his facebook. Five minutes later I got a called from him! I thought he told me he lost my number? I didn't pick up so he left a message on my voicemail box saying he found it again. Is he lying? He been calling several times now and I ignore all of the calls.

I know it's kind of mean of me to ignore his calls, but I have a feeling he like me more than a friend. Maybe I think too much? He is making me really uncomfortable with his constant calling and I don't know how to tell him straight up not to call me that often. I'm not really good with confrontation! What should I do?

pick up his calls. see why he's calling. if he's calling just to talk, tell him you're busy. he'll eventually get the idea.

also, he probably did lose your number and somehow asked someone for it, or had it written down somewhere and found it.

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Guest srenity

esther...is that you?

Yup it's me, (belated) welcome back to Soompi xD

And thank you to watcher and Lie for answering my question. I was honestly hoping there would be more feedback but I could see what the majority would be~ I always believe in equality between genders (because of my tomboyish interests) and I really hate it when guys favor the girls and give them pity "wins" -__-;;

I have another question for you all btw. And sorry if it's already been asked:

What do you feel is the best way to be rejected?

Again, I hope I don't sound being conceited of my looks (because I'm really not since I think of myself as average) but I've gotten a few guys who's been forward with me and I never knew how to handle those situations. Especially since I haven't been single for 3+ years. What's the best way to let them down without making them feel embarassed or think lowly of me (does that make sense?) I usually act in panic in situations like this so I end up embarassing myself :lol:

Thanks guys =]

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Guest marvinoppa

Yup it's me, (belated) welcome back to Soompi xD

And thank you to watcher and Lie for answering my question. I was honestly hoping there would be more feedback but I could see what the majority would be~ I always believe in equality between genders (because of my tomboyish interests) and I really hate it when guys favor the girls and give them pity "wins" -__-;;

I have another question for you all btw. And sorry if it's already been asked:

What do you feel is the best way to be rejected?

Again, I hope I don't sound being conceited of my looks (because I'm really not since I think of myself as average) but I've gotten a few guys who's been forward with me and I never knew how to handle those situations. Especially since I haven't been single for 3+ years. What's the best way to let them down without making them feel embarassed or think lowly of me (does that make sense?) I usually act in panic in situations like this so I end up embarassing myself :lol:

Thanks guys =]

theres no good way to be rejected.

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Guest watcher

I have another question for you all btw. And sorry if it's already been asked:

What do you feel is the best way to be rejected?

Again, I hope I don't sound being conceited of my looks (because I'm really not since I think of myself as average) but I've gotten a few guys who's been forward with me and I never knew how to handle those situations. Especially since I haven't been single for 3+ years. What's the best way to let them down without making them feel embarassed or think lowly of me (does that make sense?) I usually act in panic in situations like this so I end up embarassing myself :lol:

Thanks guys =]

no one likes rejection. so just make it short and simple.

say that you're flattered, but you're taken.

most guys should understand.

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Guest marvinoppa

if im 25, and ill be 26 in two weeks, how young is too young?

keep in mind my boyishly good looks, charm, wit and humor.

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Guest snooky7o2

This thread is like my guilty pleasure, lol. I've been browsing around for awhile and afraid to ask questions since my English isn't very good. Please bear with me!

Anyway, I know this guy through tutoring since I used to tutor him last summer at school. We usually talk about school related stuff, added each other on facebook and exchange telephone number. Nothing out of the ordinary, I think. I see him as a friend and I'm not sure how he feels about me. Last summer when he went for training he called me every other day to tell me about his day. I usually just listen to him talked. Sometimes he would asked me if I wanted to hang out and I keep making excuses in order not to. It get to a point that it get annoying with his constant calling so I started to ignore his calls. There was one time when we started talking about age and I told him I don't like younger guys. I'm 22 and he's 20. When school started he doesn't call anymore so I thought he finally figure out that I'm not interested. Unfortunately, I see him at school and he told me he lost my number and he has a girlfriend. From that day till now he private message me on facebook 3 times to ask for my number, but I pretended I didn't see it. A few days ago was his birthday so I left a "Happy bday" message on his facebook. Five minutes later I got a called from him! I thought he told me he lost my number? I didn't pick up so he left a message on my voicemail box saying he found it again. Is he lying? He been calling several times now and I ignore all of the calls.

I know it's kind of mean of me to ignore his calls, but I have a feeling he like me more than a friend. Maybe I think too much? He is making me really uncomfortable with his constant calling and I don't know how to tell him straight up not to call me that often. I'm not really good with confrontation! What should I do?

I don't blame you. He sounds needy. I say just ignore him. He should get the hint eventualy.

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Guest watcher

I think that too..

Usually show up guys that doesn´t want nothing serious 21~25years

Under this age, they are imature

Above this age, they are married, or lost in life

*my opinion :phew:

hmm... i guess i'm lost :(

and the next time i meet a girl, i should ask for directions.

me: excuse me, could you help me? i'm lost

girl: oh? sure, where did you want to go?

me: to your heart!

*BA-DAM BAM!* //end drum

ok... i'll go now... to wherever it is that i'm going... :tears:

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Guest Laxntiga

hmm... i guess i'm lost :(

and the next time i meet a girl, i should ask for directions.

me: excuse me, could you help me? i'm lost

girl: oh? sure, where did you want to go?

me: to your heart!

*BA-DAM BAM!* //end drum

ok... i'll go now... to wherever it is that i'm going... :tears:

Players Tavern *passes watcher a beer

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Guest heartonmysleeve

okay so this guy i know happens to only like calling or texting ESPECIALLY when his friends are there...does that mean anything?

haha thanks in advance

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Guest watcher

okay so this guy i know happens to only like calling or texting ESPECIALLY when his friends are there...does that mean anything?

haha thanks in advance

maybe he wants to show off?

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it means that guy will lie to you whenever it's convenient. the girl may or may not be at fault, but the guy chose to be deceitful. approach with caution.

as for the other part... i used my old passwords that include my ex's name and some kind of 'love' word mixed in between. personally, i'm just too lazy to change it. i have passwords that run 2 ex's deep... means nothing to me, except that i just don't like changing passwords. might be different in your case, but honestly, i hate thinking up new passwords and remembering them.

They broke up over five years ago. Laziness isn't an excuse because he just created the account this April and used ilove[insert ex's name] as the password. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if it was an old account with that password, but this is a recently created account and that password was used. Maybe he was tired of thinking up of new passwords, but knowing him, he's the type to have numerous passwords to begin with.

It says that the guy is untrustworthy and has no problem lying to the girl. It doesn't say good things about the relationship, once the lying starts it's nearly impossible to stop it. Same thing with cheating really. He seems like a habitual liar to me. Liars make up excuses for why they lie, and usually they try to appropriate the blame for their lying on others.

No one with any intelligence or tact. I mean, he might argue that he hasn't changed it since he was dating her because it's easy for him to remember it. But it's in incredibly bad taste, and makes it look like he's still not over her--even if that's not the case.

I can understand why you're having trouble behaving rationally. It seems to me that you're carrying most of the weight of the relationship by yourself. It may not be worth it.

You're right. He is a habitual liar. What happened was once he started lying, he had to continue lying, but it finally caught up to him. I know I can't change him, but is there anything I can do to reduce his reasons for lying? I just don't want him to feel the need to lie to me, but from the way I take it, he has difficulty telling me the truth because he's afraid.

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