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Hi Guys!

New question, I made the same question to my friend

Should I confess to my best friend guy that I like him? Like put our friendship in risk.

Guy: No, you will be the only hurted

Girl: Yes, to end with this doubt.

My question is.. even if the girl likes or doesn´t like him, guys always wants to know if the girl is interested, or they want to find out theirself ?

guys only want to know if the girl they like is interested. they don't care much about girls they aren't interested in.

anyways... ask yourself what would happen if he said no.

is getting the truth out worth the price?

so this guy likes me for sure.

We've gone out ( as in 1-1 but we are not together), and I'm basically me whenever I'm with him.

I've never pretended to be someone otherwise.

the thing is, I've got many personalities. It depends on the occasion and mood that I'm in at that time.

I'm cute ( that's what people say) and look really innocent. ( and I'm am in a way, cos I've never kissed nor had a bf)


I can be really seductive when I feel like it...esp when clubbing. I love pole-dancing and I've been doing pole dancing lessons for a while.

He's never seen this side of me, not because I'm hiding it, but because that atmosphere doesn't bring that out in me.

He's really conservative. ( ie: he never touches me, never goes clubbing etc)

What will his impression of me be when he finds out that I'm learning pole dancing?

and oh....I learn pole dancing, but I don't dance it in public or when clubbing. It's strictly only during pole dance lessons.

you never know. he might be hiding his own dark side. you can't really tell until you get to know him more.

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Guest watcher

Thanks for answering

OMG.. I´m so confused :tears:

why don't you test the waters.

is there a banquet or a wedding or some kind of formal event coming up soon?

if so, decide on going, and ask your best friend if he can accompany you as a date.

this will allow you do date-like things with him without getting all surprised about it.

get a feel of the situation and whether he's enjoying the role, or just going through the motions.

make suggestions or hints about relationships in a joking manner and poll his reactions.

if you feel comfortable with it... go for the kill.

if not, then you're back to square one.

you're probably going to go back and forth about this anyways.

at least try something new and figure it out from there.

at the end of the day, if your attempts arent working out, just go for the kill.

it hurts if you get rejected, but you'll eventually move on.

be sure you have other close friends in case you do fail.

but dont forget to think positively.

you're worth every damn second of his time and he should be the one begging you for a date.

cuz you're beautiful and sweet and only an idiot would ever give up that chance.

good luck

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Guest watcher

:blush: :blush: :blush: u really know how to make a girl smile

What I did was..

When my sister wedding (october/07)was about to over, I went to him and asked to take a picture together..

And a little boy even asked to my friend(he was taking the pic) if we two were married (ahuaha 5years old boy)

On his birthday in April, I made a card with our picture that we took that day

And he text me.. "LOL!that´s why I never liked taking pictures with you, that was a big surprise"

I´m always testing him, but I never understand his reaction

Even people around us can tell that I like him. And he doesn´t suspect at all

Can u make some conclusion on that?

you're right. that's pretty hard to tell, but considering that he hasn't made a move, he's either really shy or uninterested. i haven't read most of your other posts on this thread so i don't really know much right now.

have you ever been on a date before? [with anyone at all]

ask your friend on a practice date. you never been on one, and you wanna know what it's like.

it sounds kinda lame, but it's still an excuse to go on one

i'm pretty good at making excuses... not proud of it, but it does come in handy sometimes.

i'd rather you go in for the kill, but i know progression always increases probability

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Guest jubilee.

sorry for the poor explanation.

i recently returned from a school field trip to the east coast (i live in california). it wasn't the whole school- about 50 students, and we travelled by a charter bus/coach. i'd been holding interest in this one guy for a while, but i didn't know him well enough to actually have a crush on him.

well, as the trip progressed, i got to know him a bit more. he ended up being really sweet and easy to talk to. even my friends told me that in a crowd he'd look around and walk up to stand near me. he also told me i smelled good. i wasn't sure if he was "flirting" or just being himself- nice and funny. however, one day, my friends were sitting with each other and the friend i usually sat next to was sitting next to her new boyfriend on the coach. so i sat next to an empty seat, and what do you know- my crush sat next to me. we talked, and played around on my iphone.

as we were watching flight of the conchords (a mutual interest), my friend who ALSO likes him, texted me "how's it going with ____?" i swear to god, my heart sank, not wanting him to know. attempting to think fast, i sacrificed my friend's secret. i told him that the reason why she texted that was because she liked him. his reaction was just like "oh okay, yeah." then he started talking to me much less, and my other friend more.

however, few days later, he asked me if my friend really liked him. i told him yes, and asked, "why, do you like her?". he told me, "just a little bit." i also found out that he had never actually READ the text message, and from my best friend/his best girl friend, i was told that he only liked her because she liked him. in conclusion, if i hadn't told him that she liked him, he wouldn't have liked her. basically i screwed it up for myself.

1. WHAT SHOULD I DO? (tell him i like him, etc.)


also, he says that i'm just like his best girl friend/my best friend, personality-wise (funny, perverted sense of humor, smart). what does that mean?

i feel like he considers me as just a friend sometimes, but according to my best friend/his best girl friend, he's been asked "do you like [insert my name here]?" a lot, which means that other people have noticed him flirting with me.

sorry about the blabbing. jealousy is an ugly thing. : P

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Guest marvinoppa

not even a Wii?... orrr ps3?! :tears:

i read books. big ones...big like...like my...umm...yea i have big books.

sorry for the poor explanation.

i recently returned from a school field trip to the east coast (i live in california). it wasn't the whole school- about 50 students, and we travelled by a charter bus/coach. i'd been holding interest in this one guy for a while, but i didn't know him well enough to actually have a crush on him.

well, as the trip progressed, i got to know him a bit more. he ended up being really sweet and easy to talk to. even my friends told me that in a crowd he'd look around and walk up to stand near me. i wasn't sure if he was "flirting" or just being himself- nice and funny. however, one day, my friends were sitting with each other and the friend i usually sat next to was sitting next to her new boyfriend on the coach. so i sat next to an empty seat, and what do you know- my crush sat next to me. we talked, and played around on my iphone.

as we were watching flight of the conchords (a mutual interest), my friend who ALSO likes him, texted me "how's it going with ____?" i swear to god, my heart sank, not wanting him to know. attempting to think fast, i sacrificed my friend's secret. i told him that the reason why she texted that was because she liked him. his reaction was just like "oh okay, yeah." then he started talking to me much less, and my other friend more.

however, few days later, he asked me if my friend really liked him. i told him yes, and asked, "why, do you like her?". he told me, "just a little bit." i also found out that he had never actually READ the text message, and from my best friend/his best girl friend, i was told that he only liked her because she liked him. in conclusion, if i hadn't told him that she liked him, he wouldn't have liked her. basically i screwed it up for myself.

1. WHAT SHOULD I DO? (tell him i like him, etc.)


also, he says that i'm just like his best girl friend/my best friend, personality-wise (funny, perverted sense of humor, smart). what does that mean?

i feel like he considers me as just a friend sometimes, but according to my best friend/his best girl friend, he's been asked "do you like [insert my name here]?" a lot, which means that other people have noticed him flirting with me.

sorry about the blabbing. jealousy is an ugly thing. : P

best to take it slow. like snails. mmm snails.

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Guest watcher

Aham, he´s shy

And.. We never dated before, nor kissed b4.

We are christian

And there are few things that I don´t like doing.

I don´t think he would go for a practice date.

You don´t hav to read my old post, will give you a lot of work :blush:

He´s younger by 2 years, and I´m 21.

Ahhh I hav a friend just like you, also good making excuses, I told him my story and he couldn´t help me.. Coz Erich(guy I like) he´s more friend of mine than his. =(

uh oh... is he on one of those 'you cant date during college' rules?

i know the christian group at my school had those rules.

they won't let you take part in fellowship if you broke it. haha

he a shy guy?

you should take advantage of him...muahahahahha

jokes aside, im was shocked by your ages.

you two are old enough for a mature conversation.

tell him you like him, and ask if he's willing to 'give it a try'

this isn't a proposal... it's just meeting with something greater in mind.

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Guest marvinoppa

Hmm we don´t have this rules :phew:

Yes, he is shy.. 4 years ago he was 99% shy with me, now he´s 25%. :w00t:

I can´t ask him do give a try, if I´m not 100% sure he´s likes me, right?

I´m seriously thinking in having this conversation

watcher, thanks a lot for spending your time replying :lol::lol::lol:


+1 watcher.

i didnt even read the back and forth. im just really tired today.

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Guest watcher

Hmm we don´t have this rules :phew:

Yes, he is shy.. 4 years ago he was 99% shy with me, now he´s 25%. :w00t:

I can´t ask him do give a try, if I´m not 100% sure he´s likes me, right?

I´m seriously thinking in having this conversation

watcher, thanks a lot for spending your time replying :lol::lol::lol:


i think this is what happens when you get older...

but you don't have to like someone to give it a try

you free up your mind to see if you two are compatible

you go out on a few dates, and if it doesnt work out, at least he gave you a try

you can walk away knowing that it might not have been meant to be

sure, it might hurt a little, but you'll find your peace

something you'll never find if you just watch from the sidelines hoping to get your turn.

whether or not you ask him... he will still feel the same way.

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Guest .oOLimOo.

i read books. big ones...big like...like my...umm...yea i have big books.

best to take it slow. like snails. mmm snails.

lmao, well i was reading this big book the other night ...

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Guest watcher

guys, if a girl was to approach you, how would you like her to make her move?

would you judge her by her looks?

YES... unless we knew each other already...

on how she should approach a guy... depends on the guy

just casually ask him out...

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Guest Gofishus

guys, if a girl was to approach you, how would you like her to make her move?

would you judge her by her looks?

Yes, looks are important to me and most other guys cause its the first thing we notice

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Guest catsinheat

Yes, looks are important to me and most other guys cause its the first thing we notice

doesn't this work both ways?

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Guest marvinoppa

lmao, well i was reading this big book the other night ...

really? what was the title?

guys, if a girl was to approach you, how would you like her to make her move?

would you judge her by her looks?

id judge her by the first words that came out of her mouth.

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Guest SassyGirl23_35

why are guys so confusing?

My ex said he'd be friends with me after we broke up. He said he'd always be in my life. He promised me. (we were together for nearly two years) I made a mistake and told him something someone had said ..thinking I was being a good friend and now he wants me to give him time or w/e. (I think I've been making that mistake with friends without meaning to.....but a person should be able to share anything with a friend)

I understand he now has a new girlfriend (hurts because we've only been broken up 2 months) but even with that I thought he still wanted to be my friend.....

guys..do you think that was just said to spare my feelings? cause if it was its hurting me even worse. and its got me so confused , to. I mean- its not like I'd try and hurt his relashionship...I just want to see him happy..even though it hurts

should I just go ahead and leave him alone and possibly lose contact with a friend ? I don't want to come off as the jealous ex again.

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Guest marvinoppa

why are guys so confusing?

My ex said he'd be friends with me after we broke up. He said he'd always be in my life. He promised me. (we were together for nearly two years) I made a mistake and told him something someone had said ..thinking I was being a good friend and now he wants me to give him time or w/e. (I think I've been making that mistake with friends without meaning to.....but a person should be able to share anything with a friend)

I understand he now has a new girlfriend (hurts because we've only been broken up 2 months) but even with that I thought he still wanted to be my friend.....

guys..do you think that was just said to spare my feelings? cause if it was its hurting me even worse. and its got me so confused , to. I mean- its not like I'd try and hurt his relashionship...I just want to see him happy..even though it hurts

should I just go ahead and leave him alone and possibly lose contact with a friend ? I don't want to come off as the jealous ex again.

so ummm.....let me get this right...you told him something that you heard about him?

if i understand his reasoning behind not wanting to talk to you right now, and i always understand *cough cough*, he may be thinking that you have ulterior motives in telling him this information. as to what you should do....i have no idea.

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Guest watcher

why are guys so confusing?

My ex said he'd be friends with me after we broke up. He said he'd always be in my life. He promised me. (we were together for nearly two years) I made a mistake and told him something someone had said ..thinking I was being a good friend and now he wants me to give him time or w/e. (I think I've been making that mistake with friends without meaning to.....but a person should be able to share anything with a friend)

I understand he now has a new girlfriend (hurts because we've only been broken up 2 months) but even with that I thought he still wanted to be my friend.....

guys..do you think that was just said to spare my feelings? cause if it was its hurting me even worse. and its got me so confused , to. I mean- its not like I'd try and hurt his relashionship...I just want to see him happy..even though it hurts

should I just go ahead and leave him alone and possibly lose contact with a friend ? I don't want to come off as the jealous ex again.

i think when you break up, you still have feelings, so you want to be in each other's life still. but after you get over it, especially guys, they realize they don't want to stick around in your life. they wanna find the next girl and find their new happiness.

you should move on too. you might still like the guy, but it's better for you that you move on quickly. sorry...

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